Beispiel #1
PROCESS_THREAD(rd_client_process, ev, data)
  static struct etimer et;
  static coap_packet_t request[1];      /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  static char query_buffer[200];
  static char rd_client_name[64];

  PRINTF("RD client started\n");
  sprintf(rd_client_name, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
      uip_lladdr.addr[0], uip_lladdr.addr[1], uip_lladdr.addr[2], uip_lladdr.addr[3],
      uip_lladdr.addr[4], uip_lladdr.addr[5], uip_lladdr.addr[6], uip_lladdr.addr[7]);
  while(1) {
    new_address = 0;
    while(!registered) {
      while(uip_is_addr_unspecified(&rd_server_ipaddr)) {
        status = RD_CLIENT_UNCONFIGURED;
      etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND);
      PRINTF("Registering to ");
      PRINTF(" %d with %s\n", rd_server_port, resources_list);
      coap_init_message(request, COAP_TYPE_CON, COAP_POST, 0);
      coap_set_header_uri_path(request, "rd");
      sprintf(query_buffer, "ep=%s&b=U&lt=%d", rd_client_name, RD_CLIENT_LIFETIME);
      coap_set_header_uri_query(request, query_buffer);
      coap_set_payload(request, (uint8_t *) resources_list, resources_list_size);

      COAP_BLOCKING_REQUEST_BLOCK_RESPONSE(coap_default_context, &rd_server_ipaddr, UIP_HTONS(rd_server_port), request, client_registration_request_handler, client_registration_response_handler);
    etimer_set(&et, RD_CLIENT_LIFETIME * CLOCK_SECOND / 10 * 9);
    PROCESS_YIELD_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&et) || new_address);
    registered = 0;

    if(!new_address) {
      PRINTF("Update endpoint %s\n", registration_name);
      coap_init_message(request, COAP_TYPE_CON, COAP_PUT, 0);
      coap_set_header_uri_path(request, registration_name);
      sprintf(query_buffer, "b=U&lt=%d", RD_CLIENT_LIFETIME);
      coap_set_header_uri_query(request, query_buffer);

      COAP_BLOCKING_REQUEST(coap_default_context, &rd_server_ipaddr, UIP_HTONS(rd_server_port), request, client_update_response_handler);

void coap_SendNotify(AddressType * addr, const char * path, const char * token, int tokenSize, ContentType contentType,
        const char * payload, int payloadLen, int sequence)
    // TODO - FIXME: if path is not full uri then map addr to Network address + append path(?)
    coap_packet_t notify;
    coap_transaction_t *transaction;
    NetworkAddress * remoteAddress = NetworkAddress_New(path, strlen(path));

    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap notify: %s\n", path);
    //Lwm2m_Debug("Coap IPv6 request address: " PRINT6ADDR(&addr->Addr));
    //Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request port: %d\n", addr->Port);

    coap_init_message(&notify, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid());

    if (contentType != ContentType_None)
        coap_set_header_content_format(&notify, contentType);
        coap_set_payload(&notify, payload, payloadLen);

    coap_set_token(&notify, token, tokenSize);
    coap_set_header_observe(&notify, sequence);

    if ((transaction = coap_new_transaction(networkSocket, notify.mid, remoteAddress)))
        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(&notify, transaction->packet);

        coap_send_transaction(transaction); // for NON confirmable messages this will call coap_clear_transaction();
void coap_SendNotify(AddressType * addr, const char * path, const char * token, int tokenSize, ContentType contentType, const char * payload, int payloadLen, int sequence)
    coap_packet_t notify;
    coap_transaction_t *transaction;

    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap notify: %s\n", path);
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap IPv6 request address: " PRINT6ADDR(&addr->Addr));
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request port: %d\n", addr->Port);

    coap_init_message(&notify, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid());

    if (contentType != ContentType_None)
        coap_set_header_content_format(&notify, contentType);
        coap_set_payload(&notify, payload, payloadLen);

    coap_set_token(&notify, token, tokenSize);
    coap_set_header_observe(&notify, sequence);

    if ((transaction = coap_new_transaction(notify.mid, &addr->Addr, uip_htons(addr->Port))))
        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(&notify, transaction->packet);

        coap_send_transaction(transaction); // for NON confirmable messages this will call coap_clear_transaction();
void coap_createCoapRequest(void * context, coap_method_t method, const char * uri, ContentType contentType, const char * payload, int payloadLen, TransactionCallback callback)
    coap_packet_t request;
    uip_ipaddr_t * remote_ipaddr = coap_getIpFromURI(uri);
    int remote_port = coap_getPortFromURI(uri);
    coap_transaction_t *transaction;
    char path[128] = {0};
    char query[128] = {0};

    coap_getPathQueryFromURI(uri, path, query);

    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request: %s\n", uri);
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap IPv6 request address: " PRINT6ADDR(remote_ipaddr));
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request port: %d\n", remote_port);
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request path: %s\n", path);
    Lwm2m_Debug("Coap request query: %s\n", query);

    coap_init_message(&request, COAP_TYPE_CON, method, coap_get_mid());

    coap_set_header_uri_path(&request, path);
    coap_set_header_uri_query(&request, query);

    if (contentType != ContentType_None)
        coap_set_header_content_format(&request, contentType);
        coap_set_payload(&request, payload, payloadLen);

    if (CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionUsed && CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionPtr)
        Lwm2m_Warning("Canceled previous transaction [%d]: %p\n", CurrentTransactionIndex, CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionPtr);

    if ((transaction = coap_new_transaction(request.mid, remote_ipaddr, uip_htons(remote_port))))
        transaction->callback = coap_CoapRequestCallback;
        CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].Callback = callback;
        CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].Context = context;
        CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionUsed = true;
        CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionPtr = transaction;
        memcpy(&CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].Address.Addr, remote_ipaddr, sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t));
        CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].Address.Port = uip_htons(remote_port);

        transaction->callback_data = &CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex];

        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(&request, transaction->packet);

        Lwm2m_Debug("Sending transaction [%d]: %p\n", CurrentTransactionIndex, CurrentTransaction[CurrentTransactionIndex].TransactionPtr);


        if(CurrentTransactionIndex >= MAX_COAP_TRANSACTIONS)
            CurrentTransactionIndex = 0;
Beispiel #5
handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                           void * fromSessionH,
                           coap_packet_t * message,
        				   coap_packet_t * response)
    uint8_t * tokenP;
    int token_len;
    uint16_t clientID;
    uint16_t obsID;
    lwm2m_client_t * clientP;
    lwm2m_observation_t * observationP;
    uint32_t count;

    token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP);
    if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return false;

    if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return false;

    clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1];
    obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3];

    clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID);
    if (clientP == NULL) return false;

    observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID);
    if (observationP == NULL)
        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid);
        message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
        if (message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON ) {
            coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid);
            message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
                               message->content_type, message->payload, message->payload_len,
    return true;
coap_separate_resume(void *response, coap_separate_t *separate_store, uint8_t code)
  coap_init_message(response, separate_store->type, code, separate_store->mid);
  if (separate_store->token_len)
    coap_set_header_token(response, separate_store->token, separate_store->token_len);
Beispiel #7
void co2_resource_periodic_handler(resource_t *r) {
	static int event_counter;
	char buffer[16];
	coap_packet_t notification[1];
	coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, REST.status.OK, 0);
	coap_set_payload(notification, buffer, strlen(buffer)+1);
	REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_counter++, notification);
Beispiel #8
lwm2m_transaction_t * transaction_new(coap_method_t method,
                                      lwm2m_uri_t * uriP,
                                      uint16_t mID,
                                      lwm2m_endpoint_type_t peerType,
                                      void * peerP)
    lwm2m_transaction_t * transacP;
    int result;

    transacP = (lwm2m_transaction_t *)lwm2m_malloc(sizeof(lwm2m_transaction_t));

    if (transacP == NULL) return NULL;
    memset(transacP, 0, sizeof(lwm2m_transaction_t));

    transacP->message = lwm2m_malloc(sizeof(coap_packet_t));
    if (transacP->message == NULL) goto error;

    coap_init_message(transacP->message, COAP_TYPE_CON, method, mID);

    transacP->mID = mID;
    transacP->peerType = peerType;
    transacP->peerP = peerP;

    if (uriP != NULL)
        result = snprintf(transacP->objStringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN, "%hu", uriP->objectId);
        if (result < 0 || result > LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN) goto error;

        coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, transacP->objStringID);

        if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_INSTANCE(uriP))
            result = snprintf(transacP->instanceStringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN, "%hu", uriP->instanceId);
            if (result < 0 || result > LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN) goto error;
            coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, transacP->instanceStringID);
            if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP))
                coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, NULL);
        if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP))
            result = snprintf(transacP->resourceStringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN, "%hu", uriP->resourceId);
            if (result < 0 || result > LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN) goto error;
            coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, transacP->resourceStringID);

    return transacP;

    return NULL;
Beispiel #9
PROCESS_THREAD(tres_process, ev, data)

  static coap_packet_t request[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */

  /* receives all CoAP messages */
  int wait_time = getRandUint(MAX_WAITING);
  int base_wait = BASE_WAITING;
  static int g_time=0;
  static char content[12];
  etimer_set(&et, (wait_time + base_wait) * CLOCK_SECOND);

  while(1) {
    if (etimer_expired(&et)) break;
  etimer_set(&et, TOGGLE_INTERVAL * CLOCK_SECOND);

  while(1) {
    if (etimer_expired(&et)) {

      coap_init_message(request, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_POST, 0 );
      coap_set_header_uri_path(request, service_urls[1]);

      coap_set_payload(request, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "%d", g_time++));

      coap_transaction_t *transaction;

      request->mid = coap_get_mid();
      if ((transaction = coap_new_transaction(request->mid, &server_ipaddr, REMOTE_PORT)))
        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(request, transaction->packet);

  } /* while (1) */  
Beispiel #10
PROCESS_THREAD(tres_process, ev, data)

    rest_activate_resource(&actuator, "actuator");
    sprintf(setpoint, "0");
    static coap_packet_t request[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */

    int wait_time = (unsigned int)(rand() % MAX_WAITING);
    int base_wait = BASE_WAITING;

    static int g_time=0;
    static char content[12];
    etimer_set(&et, (wait_time + base_wait) * CLOCK_SECOND);

    while(1) {
        if (etimer_expired(&et)) break;
    etimer_set(&et, TOGGLE_INTERVAL * CLOCK_SECOND);

    while(1) {
        if (etimer_expired(&et)) {

            coap_init_message(request, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_POST, 0 );
            coap_set_header_uri_path(request, "/rd");
            coap_set_payload(request, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "%d", g_time++));
            //PRINTF(" : %u\n", UIP_HTONS(REMOTE_PORT));

            coap_transaction_t *transaction;

            request->mid = coap_get_mid();
            if ((transaction = coap_new_transaction(request->mid, &server_ipaddr, REMOTE_PORT)))
                transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(request, transaction->packet);

    } /* while (1) */
Beispiel #11
void motion_resource_periodic_handler(resource_t *r) {
	static int event_counter;
	char buffer[16];
	PRINTF("*** motion_resource_periodic_handler(): called!\n");
	int value = 4095-sensor_value(0);
	PRINTF("%d", value);
	sprintf(buffer, "%d", value);
	coap_packet_t notification[1];
	coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, REST.status.OK, 0);
	coap_set_payload(notification, buffer, strlen(buffer)+1);
	REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_counter++, notification);
	PRINTF("*** motion_resource_periodic_handler(): done\n");
Beispiel #12
coap_notify_observers(resource_t *resource)
  /* build notification */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* this way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0);
  coap_observer_t *obs = NULL;

  PRINTF("Observe: Notification from %s\n", resource->url);

  /* iterate over observers */
  for(obs = (coap_observer_t *)list_head(observers_list); obs;
      obs = obs->next) {
    if(obs->url == resource->url) {     /* using RESOURCE url pointer as handle */
      coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

      /*TODO implement special transaction for CON, sharing the same buffer to allow for more observers */

      if((transaction = coap_new_transaction(coap_get_mid(), &obs->addr, obs->port))) {
        if(obs->obs_counter % COAP_OBSERVE_REFRESH_INTERVAL == 0) {
          PRINTF("           Force Confirmable for\n");
          notification->type = COAP_TYPE_CON;

        PRINTF("           Observer ");
        PRINTF(":%u\n", obs->port);

        /* update last MID for RST matching */
        obs->last_mid = transaction->mid;

        /* prepare response */
        notification->mid = transaction->mid;

        resource->get_handler(NULL, notification,
                              transaction->packet + COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE,
                              REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, NULL);

        if(notification->code < BAD_REQUEST_4_00) {
          coap_set_header_observe(notification, (obs->obs_counter)++);
        coap_set_token(notification, obs->token, obs->token_len);

        transaction->packet_len =
          coap_serialize_message(notification, transaction->packet);

Beispiel #13
light_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)
  uint16_t light_photosynthetic = light_sensor.value(LIGHT_SENSOR_PHOTOSYNTHETIC);
  static uint16_t obs_counter = 0;
  static char content[11];
  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, REST.status.OK, 0 );
  coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "%u", light_photosynthetic));

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
Beispiel #14
int lwm2m_ping(lwm2m_context_t * contextP)
    lwm2m_server_t *srv = contextP->serverList;
    while (NULL != srv)
        if (srv->status == STATE_REGISTERED) {
            coap_packet_t message[1];
            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_CON, COAP_204_CHANGED, 0);
            coap_set_payload(message, NULL, 0);
            (void)message_send(contextP, message, srv->addr, srv->addrLen);
        srv = srv->next;
    return NO_ERROR;
Beispiel #15
static void
AI1_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)
  static uint16_t obs_counter = 0;
  char msg[4];
  snprintf((char *)msg, sizeof(msg), "%u", ai1_in());
  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, TEXT_PLAIN );
  coap_set_payload(notification, msg, strlen(msg));
  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
Beispiel #16
 * \brief Initiate a separate response with an empty ACK
 * \param request The request to accept
 * \param separate_store A pointer to the data structure that will store the
 *   relevant information for the response
 * When the server does not have enough resources left to store the information
 * for a separate response or otherwise cannot execute the resource handler,
 * this function will respond with 5.03 Service Unavailable. The client can
 * then retry later.
coap_separate_accept(void *request, coap_separate_t *separate_store)
    coap_packet_t *const coap_req = (coap_packet_t *)request;
    coap_transaction_t *const t = coap_get_transaction_by_mid(coap_req->mid);

    PRINTF("Separate ACCEPT: /%.*s MID %u\n", coap_req->uri_path_len,
           coap_req->uri_path, coap_req->mid);
    if(t) {
        /* send separate ACK for CON */
        if(coap_req->type == COAP_TYPE_CON) {
            coap_packet_t ack[1];

            /* ACK with empty code (0) */
            coap_init_message(ack, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, coap_req->mid);
            /* serializing into IPBUF: Only overwrites header parts that are already parsed into the request struct */
            coap_send_message(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport,
                              (uip_appdata), coap_serialize_message(ack,

        /* store remote address */
        uip_ipaddr_copy(&separate_store->addr, &t->addr);
        separate_store->port = t->port;

        /* store correct response type */
        separate_store->type =
            coap_req->type == COAP_TYPE_CON ? COAP_TYPE_CON : COAP_TYPE_NON;
        separate_store->mid = coap_get_mid(); /* if it was a NON, we burned one MID in the engine... */

        memcpy(separate_store->token, coap_req->token, coap_req->token_len);
        separate_store->token_len = coap_req->token_len;

        separate_store->block1_num = coap_req->block1_num;
        separate_store->block1_size = coap_req->block1_size;

        separate_store->block2_num = coap_req->block2_num;
        separate_store->block2_size = coap_req->block2_size > 0 ? MIN(COAP_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, coap_req->block2_size) : COAP_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;

        /* signal the engine to skip automatic response and clear transaction by engine */
        erbium_status_code = MANUAL_RESPONSE;
    } else {
        PRINTF("ERROR: Response transaction for separate request not found!\n");
        erbium_status_code = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00;
lo_event_handler(tres_res_t *task)
  coap_packet_t notification[1];
  resource_t r;
  int len;

  // Build notification
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_CON, REST.status.OK, 0);
  len = strlen((char *)task->last_output);
  coap_set_payload(notification, task->last_output, len);

  // Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe
  // option, and payload
  r.url = task->lo_url;
  REST.notify_subscribers(&r, task->obs_count, notification);
 * Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_handler must be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE.
 * It will be called by the REST manager process with the defined period.
obs_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)

  PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", obs_counter, r->url);

  /* Build notification. */
  /*TODO: REST.new_response() */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0 );

  /* Better use a generator function for both handlers that only takes *resonse. */
  obs_handler(NULL, notification, NULL, 0, NULL);

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
Beispiel #19
co2_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)
  static uint32_t obs_counter = 0;
  char content[32];


  uint16_t co2 = co2_get();

  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0 );
  coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "%u", co2));

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
/* Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_event_handler must be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE defined.
 * It will be called by the REST manager process with the defined period. */
event_event_handler(resource_t *r)
  static uint16_t event_counter = 0;
  static char content[12];


  PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", event_counter, r->url);

  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_CON, REST.status.OK, 0 );
  coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "EVENT %u", event_counter));

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_counter, notification);
Beispiel #21
/* Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_event_handler must be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE defined.
 * It will be called by the REST manager process with the defined period. */
DI1_event_handler(resource_t *r) 
  static uint16_t event_counter = 0;

  PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", event_counter, r->url);
  char msg[4];
  snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%u", di1_in());
  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0);
  REST.set_header_content_type(notification, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON);
  coap_set_payload(notification, msg, strlen(msg));

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_counter, notification);
Beispiel #22
void handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                           uint8_t * fromAddr,
                           size_t fromAddrLen,
                           coap_packet_t * message)
    uint8_t * tokenP;
    int token_len;
    uint16_t clientID;
    uint16_t obsID;
    lwm2m_client_t * clientP;
    lwm2m_observation_t * observationP;
    uint32_t count;

    token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP);
    if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return;

    if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return;

    clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1];
    obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3];

    clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID);
    if (clientP == NULL) return;

    observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID);
    if (observationP == NULL)
        coap_packet_t resetMsg;

        coap_init_message(&resetMsg, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid);

        message_send(contextP, &resetMsg, fromAddr, fromAddrLen);
                               message->payload, message->payload_len,
Beispiel #23
lwm2m_resource_value_changed(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                                  lwm2m_uri_t * uriP)
    int result;
    obs_list_t * listP;
    lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP;

    listP = prv_getObservedList(contextP, uriP);
    while (listP != NULL)
        obs_list_t * targetP;
        uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
        size_t length = 0;
        lwm2m_media_type_t format;

        format = LWM2M_CONTENT_TEXT;
        result = object_read(contextP, &listP->item->uri, &format, &buffer, &length);
        if (result == COAP_205_CONTENT)
            coap_packet_t message[1];

            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_205_CONTENT, 0);
            coap_set_header_content_type(message, format);
            coap_set_payload(message, buffer, length);

            for (watcherP = listP->item->watcherList ; watcherP != NULL ; watcherP = watcherP->next)
                watcherP->lastMid = contextP->nextMID++;
                message->mid = watcherP->lastMid;
                coap_set_header_token(message, watcherP->token, watcherP->tokenLen);
                coap_set_header_observe(message, watcherP->counter++);
                (void)message_send(contextP, message, watcherP->server->sessionH);

        targetP = listP;
        listP = listP->next;

void registration_deregister(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                             lwm2m_server_t * serverP)
    coap_packet_t message[1];
    uint8_t pktBuffer[COAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE+1];
    size_t pktBufferLen = 0;

    if (serverP->status != STATE_REGISTERED) return;

    coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_DELETE, contextP->nextMID++);
    coap_set_header_uri_path(message, serverP->location);

    pktBufferLen = coap_serialize_message(message, pktBuffer);
    if (0 != pktBufferLen)
        coap_send_message(contextP->socket, serverP->addr, serverP->addrLen, pktBuffer, pktBufferLen);

    serverP->status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
Beispiel #25
void temperature_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)
  static uint32_t event_i = 0;
  char content[6];

  temperature = -3960+sht11_sensor.value(SHT11_SENSOR_TEMP);
  // temperature = temperature_sensor.value(0)*10-15848;
  if (temperature < temperature_last - TEMP_THRESHOLD || temperature > temperature_last + TEMP_THRESHOLD)
    temperature_last = temperature;


    coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
    coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_CON, CONTENT_2_05, 0 );
    coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, 6, "%d.%02d\n",temperature/100, temperature>0 ? temperature%100 : (-1*temperature)%100));

    REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_i, notification);

Beispiel #26
coap_notify_observers(const char *url, int type, uint32_t observe, uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
  coap_observer_t* obs = NULL;
  for (obs = (coap_observer_t*)list_head(observers_list); obs; obs = obs->next)
    if (obs->url==url) /* using RESOURCE url string as handle */
      coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

      /*TODO implement special transaction for CON, sharing the same buffer to allow for more observers */

      if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(coap_get_tid(), &obs->addr, obs->port)) )
        /* Use CON to check whether client is still there/interested after COAP_OBSERVING_REFRESH_INTERVAL. */
        if (stimer_expired(&obs->refresh_timer))
          PRINTF("Observing: Refresh client with CON\n");
          type = COAP_TYPE_CON;

        /* prepare response */
        coap_packet_t push[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
        coap_init_message(push, (coap_message_type_t)type, OK_200, transaction->tid );
        coap_set_header_observe(push, observe);
        coap_set_header_token(push, obs->token, obs->token_len);
        coap_set_payload(push, payload, payload_len);
        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(push, transaction->packet);

        PRINTF("Observing: Notify from /%s for ", url);
        PRINTF(":%u\n", obs->port);
        PRINTF("  %.*s\n", payload_len, payload);

Beispiel #27
void lwm2m_resource_value_changed(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                                  lwm2m_uri_t * uriP)
    int result;
    obs_list_t * listP;
    lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP;

    listP = prv_getObservedList(contextP, uriP);
    while (listP != NULL)
        obs_list_t * targetP;
        char * buffer = NULL;
        int length = 0;

        result = object_read(contextP, &listP->item->uri, &buffer, &length);
        if (result == COAP_205_CONTENT)
            coap_packet_t message[1];

            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_ACK, COAP_204_CHANGED, 0);
            coap_set_payload(message, buffer, length);

            for (watcherP = listP->item->watcherList ; watcherP != NULL ; watcherP = watcherP->next)
                watcherP->lastMid = contextP->nextMID++;
                message->mid = watcherP->lastMid;
                coap_set_header_token(message, watcherP->token, watcherP->tokenLen);
                coap_set_header_observe(message, watcherP->counter++);
                (void)message_send(contextP, message, watcherP->server->addr, watcherP->server->addrLen);

        targetP = listP;
        listP = listP->next;

Beispiel #28
 * Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_handler must
 * be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE.  It will be called by
 * the REST manager process with the defined period.
pushing_periodic_handler(resource_t * r)
  static uint16_t obs_counter = 0;
  static char content[11];


  PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", obs_counter, r->url);

  /* Build notification. */
  /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1];

  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0);
  coap_set_payload(notification, content,
                   snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "TICK %u",

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type,
     observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
Beispiel #29
light_periodic_handler(resource_t *r)
  static uint16_t obs_counter = 0;
  static char content[REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE];


  PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", obs_counter, r->url);
  uint16_t light_photosynthetic = light_sensor.value(LIGHT_SENSOR_PHOTOSYNTHETIC);
  uint16_t light_solar = light_sensor.value(LIGHT_SENSOR_TOTAL_SOLAR);

  /* Build notification. */
  coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
  coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, REST.status.OK, 0 );
  //coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "TICK %u", obs_counter));
  coap_set_header_content_type(notification, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON);
  snprintf((char *)content, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{'light':{'photosynthetic':%u,'solar':%u}}", light_photosynthetic, light_solar);

  coap_set_payload(notification, content, strlen((char *)content));

  /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */
  REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification);
Beispiel #30
PROCESS_THREAD(poti, ev, data)

  static struct etimer loop_timer;

  /* Initialize the REST engine. */
  rest_init_engine ();
  SERVER_NODE (&server_ipaddr);
  adc_init ();

  /* Activate the application-specific resources. */
  rest_activate_resource (&res_battery,         "s/battery");
  rest_activate_resource (&res_server_ip,       "poti/ip");
  rest_activate_resource (&res_server_resource, "poti/resource");
  rest_activate_resource (&res_interval,        "poti/interval");

  etimer_set (&loop_timer, LOOP_INTERVAL);
  /* Define application-specific events here. */
  while(1) {
    static int count = 0;
    static int lastval = -1;
    static coap_packet_t request [1]; /* Array: treat as pointer */
    uint8_t val = 127;

    if (etimer_expired (&loop_timer)) {
        uint16_t sum = 0;
        int i;
        adc_setup (ADC_DEFAULT, A5);
        for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
            sum += adc_read ();
            clock_delay_usec (50);
        adc_fin ();
        val = (sum / 5) >> 2;
        if ((interval > 0 && count > interval) || (val != lastval)) {
            char buf [4];
            coap_transaction_t *transaction;

            sprintf (buf, "%d", val);
            lastval = val;
            printf ("Sending Value: %s\n", buf);
            coap_init_message (request, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_PUT, 0);
            coap_set_header_uri_path (request, server_resource);
            coap_set_header_content_format (request, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN);
            coap_set_payload (request, buf, strlen (buf));
            request->mid = coap_get_mid ();
            transaction = coap_new_transaction
                (request->mid, &server_ipaddr, REMOTE_PORT);
            transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message
                (request, transaction->packet);
            coap_send_transaction (transaction);
            count = 0;
        etimer_reset (&loop_timer);
  } /* while (1) */