Beispiel #1
static const gchar *
action_for_type (const gchar *type,
                 const gchar *application,
                 gboolean force_ssh)
  const gchar *action;
  const gchar *host;

  g_return_val_if_fail (type != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (application != NULL, NULL);

  host = application_parse_host (application);
  if (g_strcmp0 (type, ACTION_CONVERSATION) == 0)

  else if (host)
    action = ACTION_SSH;

  /* Only force_ssh for basic */
  else if (force_ssh && g_strcmp0 (type, "basic") == 0)
    action = ACTION_SSH;

  else if (type && cockpit_conf_string (type, "action"))
      action = cockpit_conf_string (type, "action");

  else if (g_strcmp0 (type, "basic") == 0 ||
           g_strcmp0 (type, "negotiate") == 0)
      action = ACTION_SPAWN_DECODE;

      action = ACTION_NONE;

  return action;
Beispiel #2
static const gchar *
type_option (const gchar *type,
             const gchar *option,
             const gchar *default_str)
  if (type && cockpit_conf_string (type, option))
    return cockpit_conf_string (type, option);

  return default_str;
Beispiel #3
static void
handle_shell (CockpitHandlerData *data,
              CockpitWebService *service,
              const gchar *path,
              GHashTable *headers,
              CockpitWebResponse *response)
  gboolean valid;
  const gchar *shell_path;

  /* Check if a valid path for a shell to be served at */
  valid = g_str_equal (path, "/") ||
          g_str_has_prefix (path, "/@") ||
          strspn (path + 1, COCKPIT_RESOURCE_PACKAGE_VALID) == strcspn (path + 1, "/");

  if (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/@/") || g_str_has_prefix (path, "//"))
    valid = FALSE;

  if (!valid)
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, NULL);
  else if (service)
      shell_path = cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "Shell");
      cockpit_channel_response_serve (service, headers, response, NULL,
                                      shell_path ? shell_path : cockpit_ws_shell_component);
      send_login_html (response, data);
Beispiel #4
WebSocketConnection *
cockpit_web_service_create_socket (const gchar **protocols,
                                   const gchar *path,
                                   GIOStream *io_stream,
                                   GHashTable *headers,
                                   GByteArray *input_buffer)
  WebSocketConnection *connection;
  const gchar *host = NULL;
  const gchar *protocol = NULL;
  const gchar **origins;
  gchar *allocated = NULL;
  gchar *origin = NULL;
  gchar *defaults[2];
  gboolean secure;
  gchar *url;

  g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);

  if (headers)
    host = g_hash_table_lookup (headers, "Host");
  if (!host)
    host = cockpit_ws_default_host_header;

  /* No headers case for tests */
  if (cockpit_ws_default_protocol_header && !headers &&
      cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "ProtocolHeader"))
      protocol = cockpit_ws_default_protocol_header;
      protocol = cockpit_web_response_get_protocol (io_stream, headers);

  secure = g_strcmp0 (protocol, "https") == 0;

  url = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s%s",
                         secure ? "wss" : "ws",
                         host ? host : "localhost",

  origins = cockpit_conf_strv ("WebService", "Origins", ' ');
  if (origins == NULL)
      origin = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s", secure ? "https" : "http", host);
      defaults[0] = origin;
      defaults[1] = NULL;
      origins = (const gchar **)defaults;

  connection = web_socket_server_new_for_stream (url, origins, protocols,
                                                 io_stream, headers, input_buffer);
  g_free (allocated);
  g_free (url);
  g_free (origin);

  return connection;
Beispiel #5
static void
add_oauth_to_environment (JsonObject *environment)
  static const gchar *url;
  JsonObject *object;

  url = cockpit_conf_string ("OAuth", "URL");

  if (url)
      object = json_object_new ();
      json_object_set_string_member (object, "URL", url);
      json_object_set_string_member (object, "ErrorParam",
                                     cockpit_conf_string ("oauth", "ErrorParam"));
      json_object_set_string_member (object, "TokenParam",
                                     cockpit_conf_string ("oauth", "TokenParam"));
      json_object_set_object_member (environment, "OAuth", object);
Beispiel #6
CockpitAuth *
cockpit_auth_new (gboolean login_loopback)
  CockpitAuth *self = g_object_new (COCKPIT_TYPE_AUTH, NULL);
  const gchar *max_startups_conf;
  gint count = 0;

  self->login_loopback = login_loopback;

  if (cockpit_ws_max_startups == NULL)
    max_startups_conf = cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "MaxStartups");
    max_startups_conf = cockpit_ws_max_startups;

  self->max_startups = max_startups;
  self->max_startups_begin = max_startups;
  self->max_startups_rate = 100;

  if (max_startups_conf)
      count = sscanf (max_startups_conf, "%u:%u:%u",

      /* If all three numbers are not given use the
       * first as a hard limit */
      if (count == 1 || count == 2)
          self->max_startups = self->max_startups_begin;
          self->max_startups_rate = 100;

      if (count < 1 || count > 3 ||
          self->max_startups_begin > self->max_startups ||
          self->max_startups_rate > 100 || self->max_startups_rate < 1)
          g_warning ("Illegal MaxStartups spec: %s. Reverting to defaults", max_startups_conf);
          self->max_startups = max_startups;
          self->max_startups_begin = max_startups;
          self->max_startups_rate = 100;

  return self;
Beispiel #7
static GBytes *
build_environment (GHashTable *os_release)
  static const gchar *prefix = "\n    <script>\nvar environment = ";
  static const gchar *suffix = ";\n    </script>";
  GByteArray *buffer;
  GHashTableIter iter;
  GBytes *bytes;
  JsonObject *object;
  const gchar *title;
  gchar *hostname;
  gpointer key, value;
  JsonObject *osr;

  object = json_object_new ();

  title = cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "LoginTitle");
  if (title)
    json_object_set_string_member (object, "title", title);

  hostname = g_malloc0 (HOST_NAME_MAX + 1);
  gethostname (hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX);
  hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0';
  json_object_set_string_member (object, "hostname", hostname);
  g_free (hostname);

  if (os_release)
      osr = json_object_new ();
      g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, os_release);
      while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
        json_object_set_string_member (osr, key, value);
      json_object_set_object_member (object, "os-release", osr);

  add_oauth_to_environment (object);

  bytes = cockpit_json_write_bytes (object);
  json_object_unref (object);

  buffer = g_bytes_unref_to_array (bytes);
  g_byte_array_prepend (buffer, (const guint8 *)prefix, strlen (prefix));
  g_byte_array_append (buffer, (const guint8 *)suffix, strlen (suffix));
  return g_byte_array_free_to_bytes (buffer);
Beispiel #8
static void
add_page_to_environment (JsonObject *object)
  static gint page_login_to = -1;
  JsonObject *page;
  const gchar *value;

  page = json_object_new ();

  value = cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "LoginTitle");
  if (value)
    json_object_set_string_member (page, "title", value);

  if (page_login_to < 0)
      page_login_to = cockpit_conf_bool ("WebService", "LoginTo",
                                         g_file_test (cockpit_ws_ssh_program,

  json_object_set_boolean_member (page, "connect", page_login_to);
  json_object_set_object_member (object, "page", page);
Beispiel #9
main (int argc,
      char *argv[])
  gint ret = 1;
  CockpitWebServer *server = NULL;
  GOptionContext *context;
  CockpitHandlerData data;
  GTlsCertificate *certificate = NULL;
  GError *local_error = NULL;
  GError **error = &local_error;
  gchar **roots = NULL;
  gchar *cert_path = NULL;
  GMainLoop *loop = NULL;
  gchar *login_html = NULL;
  gchar *login_po_html = NULL;
  CockpitPipe *pipe = NULL;
  int outfd = -1;

  signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_BACKEND", "memory", TRUE);
  g_setenv ("GIO_USE_PROXY_RESOLVER", "dummy", TRUE);
  g_setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", TRUE);

  /* Any interaction with a krb5 ccache should be explicit */
  g_setenv ("KRB5CCNAME", "FILE:/dev/null", TRUE);


  memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));

  context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, cmd_entries, NULL);

  if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error))
      goto out;

  if (opt_version)
      print_version ();
      ret = 0;
      goto out;

   * This process talks on stdin/stdout. However lots of stuff wants to write
   * to stdout, such as g_debug, and uses fd 1 to do that. Reroute fd 1 so that
   * it goes to stderr, and use another fd for stdout.
  outfd = dup (1);
  if (outfd < 0 || dup2 (2, 1) < 1)
      g_printerr ("ws couldn't redirect stdout to stderr");
      if (outfd > -1)
        close (outfd);
      goto out;

  cockpit_set_journal_logging (NULL, !isatty (2));

  if (opt_local_session || opt_no_tls)
      /* no certificate */
      cert_path = cockpit_certificate_locate (FALSE, error);
      if (cert_path != NULL)
        certificate = cockpit_certificate_load (cert_path, error);
      if (certificate == NULL)
        goto out;
      g_info ("Using certificate: %s", cert_path);

  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

  data.os_release = cockpit_system_load_os_release ();
  data.auth = cockpit_auth_new (opt_local_ssh);
  roots = setup_static_roots (data.os_release);

  data.branding_roots = (const gchar **)roots;
  login_html = g_strdup (DATADIR "/cockpit/static/login.html");
  data.login_html = (const gchar *)login_html;
  login_po_html = g_strdup (DATADIR "/cockpit/static/login.po.html");
  data.login_po_html = (const gchar *)login_po_html;

  server = cockpit_web_server_new (opt_address,
  if (server == NULL)
      g_prefix_error (error, "Error starting web server: ");
      goto out;

  cockpit_web_server_set_redirect_tls (server, !cockpit_conf_bool ("WebService", "AllowUnencrypted", FALSE));

  if (cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "UrlRoot"))
      g_object_set (server, "url-root",
                    cockpit_conf_string ("WebService", "UrlRoot"),
  if (cockpit_web_server_get_socket_activated (server))
    g_signal_connect_swapped (data.auth, "idling", G_CALLBACK (g_main_loop_quit), loop);

  /* Ignores stuff it shouldn't handle */
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-stream",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_socket), &data);

  /* External channels, ignore stuff they shouldn't handle */
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-stream",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_external), &data);

  /* Don't redirect to TLS for /ping */
  g_object_set (server, "ssl-exception-prefix", "/ping", NULL);
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-resource::/ping",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_ping), &data);

  /* Files that cannot be cache-forever, because of well known names */
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-resource::/favicon.ico",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_root), &data);
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-resource::/apple-touch-icon.png",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_root), &data);

  /* The fallback handler for everything else */
  g_signal_connect (server, "handle-resource",
                    G_CALLBACK (cockpit_handler_default), &data);

  if (opt_local_session)
      struct passwd *pwd;

      if (g_str_equal (opt_local_session, "-"))
          pipe = cockpit_pipe_new (opt_local_session, 0, outfd);
          outfd = -1;
          const gchar *args[] = { opt_local_session, NULL };
          pipe = cockpit_pipe_spawn (args, NULL, NULL, COCKPIT_PIPE_FLAGS_NONE);

      /* Spawn a local session as a bridge */
      pwd = getpwuid (geteuid ());
      if (!pwd)
          g_printerr ("Failed to resolve current user id %u\n", geteuid ());
          goto out;
      cockpit_auth_local_async (data.auth, pwd->pw_name, pipe, on_local_ready, g_object_ref (server));
      g_object_unref (pipe);
      /* When no local bridge, start serving immediately */
      cockpit_web_server_start (server);

  /* Debugging issues during testing */
  signal (SIGABRT, cockpit_test_signal_backtrace);
  signal (SIGSEGV, cockpit_test_signal_backtrace);

  g_main_loop_run (loop);

  ret = 0;

  if (outfd >= 0)
    close (outfd);
  if (loop)
    g_main_loop_unref (loop);
  if (local_error)
      g_printerr ("cockpit-ws: %s\n", local_error->message);
      g_error_free (local_error);
  g_clear_object (&server);
  g_clear_object (&data.auth);
  if (data.os_release)
    g_hash_table_unref (data.os_release);
  g_clear_object (&certificate);
  g_free (cert_path);
  g_strfreev (roots);
  g_free (login_po_html);
  g_free (login_html);
  g_free (opt_address);
  g_free (opt_local_session);
  cockpit_conf_cleanup ();
  return ret;
Beispiel #10
static void
cockpit_auth_remote_login_async (CockpitAuth *self,
                                 const gchar *application,
                                 const gchar *type,
                                 GHashTable *headers,
                                 const gchar *remote_peer,
                                 GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                 gpointer user_data)
  GSimpleAsyncResult *task;
  AuthData *ad = NULL;
  GBytes *input = NULL;
  GBytes *auth_bytes = NULL;
  gchar *user = NULL;
  gchar *password = NULL; /* owned by input */

  const gchar *data = NULL;
  const gchar *command;
  const gchar *host;
  const gchar *host_arg;
  gint next_arg = 1;

  const gchar *argv[] = {

  task = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data,
  if (g_strcmp0 (type, "basic") == 0)
      input = cockpit_auth_parse_authorization (headers, TRUE);
      data = g_bytes_get_data (input, NULL);

      password = strchr (data, ':');
      if (password != NULL)
          user = g_strndup (data, password - data);
          auth_bytes = g_bytes_new_static (password, strlen(password));
      input = cockpit_auth_parse_authorization (headers, FALSE);
      if (input)
        auth_bytes = g_bytes_ref (input);

  if (application && auth_bytes && input)
      command = type_option (SSH_SECTION, "command", cockpit_ws_ssh_program);
      argv[0] = command;

      host = application_parse_host (application);
      if (host)
          host_arg = host;
          if (g_strcmp0 (remote_peer, "") == 0 ||
              g_strcmp0 (remote_peer, "::1") == 0 ||
              cockpit_conf_bool (SSH_SECTION, "allowUnknown", FALSE))
              argv[next_arg++] = "--prompt-unknown-hostkey";
          argv[next_arg++] = "--ignore-hostkey";
          if (cockpit_conf_string (SSH_SECTION, "host"))
            host_arg = cockpit_conf_string (SSH_SECTION, "host");
            host_arg = "localhost";

      argv[next_arg++] = host_arg;
      argv[next_arg++] = user;
      ad = create_auth_data (self, host_arg, application,
                             SSH_SECTION, remote_peer, command, input);
      start_auth_process (self, ad, auth_bytes, task,
                          cockpit_auth_remote_login_async, argv);
      g_simple_async_result_set_error (task, COCKPIT_ERROR, COCKPIT_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED,
                                       "Basic authentication required");
      g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (task);

  if (auth_bytes)
    g_bytes_unref (auth_bytes);

  if (input)
    g_bytes_unref (input);

  if (ad)
    auth_data_unref (ad);

  if (user)
    g_free (user);

  g_object_unref (task);