Beispiel #1
void xlate_rf( unsigned char type, char **fname, unsigned int rfword,
		     char *hcp, int *unitp, unsigned char *nosw )
   int j;
   *fname = rf_func_name[type];
   if ( type == 9 )
   *hcp = rf2hc[(rfword & HC_MASK) >> 12];
   *nosw = rfword & NOSW_MASK;

   rfword &= UNIT_MASK;
   *unitp = 0;
   for ( j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) {
      if ( rfword == rf_unit_code[j] ) {
         *unitp = code2unit(j);
Beispiel #2
 | Display a Digimax data value stored in the x10state structure.      |
int c_dmxcmds ( int argc, char *argv[] )

   ALIAS          *aliasp;
   unsigned char  hcode, ucode, mode;
   unsigned long  aflags;
   unsigned long  longvdata;
   char           hc;
   unsigned int   bitmap;
   int            unit, index, tempc;

   int read_x10state_file ( void );

   if ( argc < 3 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s Hu\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
      return 1;

   if ( check_for_engine() != 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "State engine is not running.\n");
      return 1;
   if ( read_x10state_file() != 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read state file.\n");
      return 1;

   if ( (aliasp = configp->aliasp) == NULL )
      return 1;

   aflags = parse_addr(argv[2], &hc, &bitmap);
   if ( !(aflags & A_VALID) || aflags & (A_DUMMY | A_PLUS | A_MINUS) || bitmap == 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Hu address '%s'\n", argv[2]);
      return 1;
   if ( aflags & A_MULT ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Only a single unit address is valid.\n");
      return 1;
   hcode = hc2code(hc);
   ucode = single_bmap_unit(bitmap);
   unit  = code2unit(ucode);

   if ( (index = alias_lookup_index(hc, bitmap, RF_DIGIMAX)) < 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Address %c%d is not configured as a Digimax\n", hc, unit);
      return 1;

   longvdata = x10global.data_storage[aliasp[index].storage_index];

   if ( (longvdata & 0x01) == 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Not ready\n");
      return 1;

   if ( strcmp(argv[1], "dmxtemp") == 0 ) {
      tempc = (longvdata & TCURRMASK) >> TCURRSHIFT;
      tempc = (tempc & 0x80) ? (0x80 - tempc) : tempc;
      printf("%d\n", tempc);
Beispiel #3
 | Interpret Digimax data string, update the state, and test whether      |
 | any launch condition is satisfied.                                     |
 | The data packet has been forwarded 3 times in succession so it can be  |
 | split here into 3 separate Heyu functions. Parameter 'seq' numbers the |
 | packets 1, 2, 3.                                                       |
 | buffer references:                                                     |
 |  ST_COMMAND, ST_LONGVDATA, vtype, seq, vidhi, vidlo, nbytes, bytes 1-N |
char *translate_digimax ( unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *sunchanged, int *launchp )

   static char    outbuf[160];
   char           flagslist[80], unknown[32];
   ALIAS          *aliasp;
   LAUNCHER       *launcherp;
   extern unsigned int signal_source;
   unsigned char  func, *vdatap, vtype, seq, vdata = 0;
   unsigned short vident;
   int            unit, loc, tempc;
   unsigned char  status, settempc;
   unsigned long  longvdata, prevdata, currdata, heatmode, onoff;
   char           hc;

   unsigned char  actfunc, xactfunc;
   unsigned int   trigaddr, mask, active, trigactive;
   unsigned int   modchgstate, changestate;
   unsigned int   bmaplaunch, launched;
   unsigned long  afuncmap, xfuncmap;

   int            j, k, found, index = -1;
   unsigned char  hcode, ucode, trig;
   unsigned int   bitmap = 0, vflags = 0;

   static unsigned int  startupstate;

   static char *typename[] = {"Std", "Ent", "Sec", "RFXSensor", "RFXMeter",
     "?", "??", "???", "????", "DigiMax", "Noise", "Noise2"};

   launcherp = configp->launcherp;
   aliasp = configp->aliasp;

   *launchp = -1;
   *sunchanged = 0;
   flagslist[0] = '\0';
   unknown[0] = '\0';
   *outbuf = '\0';
   changestate = modchgstate = 0;

   vtype  = buf[2];
   seq =    buf[3];
   vident = (buf[4] << 8) | buf[5];
   vdatap  = buf + 9;
   func   = VdataFunc;

   x10global.longvdata = 0;
   x10global.lastvtype = vtype;

   hcode = ucode = 0;
   found = 0;
   j = 0;
   /* Look up the alias, if any */
   while ( !found && aliasp && aliasp[j].line_no > 0 ) {
      if ( aliasp[j].vtype == vtype && 
           (bitmap = aliasp[j].unitbmap) > 0 &&
           (ucode = single_bmap_unit(aliasp[j].unitbmap)) != 0xff ) {
         for ( k = 0; k < aliasp[j].nident; k++ ) {
            if ( aliasp[j].ident[k] == vident ) {
               index = j;
               found = 1;

   if ( !found || !aliasp ) {
      if ( seq == 1 ) {
         sprintf(outbuf, "func %12s : Type %s ID 0x%04X Data 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X",
           "RFdata", typename[vtype], vident, vdatap[0], vdatap[1], vdatap[2], vdatap[3]);
      return outbuf;
   hc = aliasp[index].housecode;
   hcode = hc2code(hc);
   unit = code2unit(ucode);

   loc = aliasp[index].storage_index;
   prevdata = x10global.data_storage[loc];
   currdata = (vdatap[0] << 24) | (vdatap[1] << 16) | (vdatap[2] << 8) | vdatap[3];
   /* Blank out parity bits */
   currdata &= ~PARMASK;

   switch ( seq ) {
      case 1 : /* Process current temperature */

         /* Create a special message if any of the undefined status bits are set */
         /* Hopefully a user seeing this message will report it so we can figure */
         /* out their meaning (low battery perhaps).                             */
         if ( currdata & UNDEFMASK ) {
            sprintf(unknown, "unknown = 0x%08lx ", currdata & UNDEFMASK);

         status = (currdata & STATMASK) >> STATSHIFT;

         longvdata = (prevdata & (TSETPMASK | SETPFLAG | ONOFFMASK)) |
                     (currdata & (STATMASK | TCURRMASK | HEATMASK)) | VALMASK;

         if ( status == 0 || status == 3 ) {
            longvdata &= ~ONOFFMASK;
         if ( status == 0 )
            longvdata &= ~(TSETPMASK | SETPFLAG);
         vflags = (longvdata & HEATMASK) ? 0 : DMX_HEAT;
         vflags |= (status == 3) ? DMX_INIT : 0;
         vflags |= (longvdata & SETPFLAG) ? DMX_SET : 0;
         vflags |= DMX_TEMP;

         tempc = (longvdata & TCURRMASK) >> TCURRSHIFT;
         tempc = (tempc & 0x80) ? 0x80 - tempc : tempc;

         modchgstate = ((prevdata ^ currdata) & TCURRMASK) ? bitmap : 0;

         /* Update the storage location */
         x10global.data_storage[loc] = longvdata;
         x10global.longvdata = longvdata;

         func = DmxTempFunc;
         trig = DmxTempTrig;

         create_flagslist (vtype, vflags, flagslist);
         sprintf(outbuf, "func %12s : hu %c%-2d Temp %dC %s %s(%s)",
            funclabel[func], hc, unit, tempc, flagslist, unknown, aliasp[index].label);

      case 2 :

         status = (currdata & STATMASK) >> STATSHIFT;

         longvdata = (prevdata & (TCURRMASK | HEATMASK | ONOFFMASK)) |
                     (currdata & (STATMASK | TSETPMASK)) | VALMASK;

         if ( status == 0 || status == 3 )
            longvdata &= ~ONOFFMASK;

         if ( status == 0 )
            longvdata &= ~(TSETPMASK | SETPFLAG);
            longvdata |= SETPFLAG;

         modchgstate = ((prevdata ^ longvdata) & TSETPMASK) ? bitmap : 0;

         settempc = (longvdata & TSETPMASK) >> TSETPSHIFT;

         vflags =  (longvdata & HEATMASK) ? 0 : DMX_HEAT;
         vflags |= (longvdata & SETPFLAG) ? DMX_SET : 0;
         vflags |= (status == 3) ? DMX_INIT : 0;
         vflags |= DMX_TEMP;

         /* Update stored data */
         x10global.data_storage[loc] = longvdata;
         x10global.longvdata = longvdata;

         if ( status == 0 )
            return "";
         func = DmxSetPtFunc;
         trig = DmxSetPtTrig;

         create_flagslist(vtype, vflags, flagslist);

         sprintf(outbuf, "func %12s : hu %c%-2d Setpoint %dC %s (%s)",
            funclabel[func], hc, unit, settempc, flagslist, aliasp[index].label);


      case 3 : /* Process Heat On/Off */

         status = (currdata & STATMASK) >> STATSHIFT;

         longvdata = ((prevdata & (TCURRMASK | TSETPMASK | HEATMASK | SETPFLAG)) | 
                     ((currdata & STATMASK)) ) | VALMASK;

         if ( status == 1 || status == 2 ) {
            longvdata |= (status << ONOFFSHIFT);

         x10global.data_storage[loc] = longvdata;
         x10global.longvdata = longvdata;
         modchgstate = ((prevdata ^ longvdata) & ONOFFMASK) ? bitmap : 0;
         vflags = (longvdata & HEATMASK) ? 0 : DMX_HEAT;
         vflags |= (status != 0) ? DMX_SET : 0;
         vflags |= (status == 3) ? DMX_INIT : 0;
         vflags |= DMX_TEMP;

         /* Update stored data */
         x10global.data_storage[loc] = longvdata;
         x10global.longvdata = longvdata;

         onoff = (longvdata & ONOFFMASK) >> ONOFFSHIFT;
         if ( onoff == 0 )
            return "";

         heatmode = (longvdata & HEATMASK) >> HEATSHIFT;

         x10state[hcode].state[DimState] &= ~bitmap;

         /* Not sure if On/Off needs to be swapped in "cool" mode */
         /* (which requires cutting a jumper wire in the thermostat) */
         /* or if the DigiMax or it's base station will handle this */
         /* automatically. (DMXCOOLSWAP YES|NO is defined in digimax.h) */
         if ( DMXCOOLSWAP == YES )
            onoff = (heatmode == 0) ? onoff : ((onoff + 2) % 2) + 1;

         if ( onoff == 1 ) {
            func = DmxOnFunc;
            trig = DmxOnTrig;
            x10state[hcode].state[OnState] |= bitmap;
            x10state[hcode].dimlevel[ucode] = vdata = 0xff;
         else {
            func = DmxOffFunc;
            trig = DmxOffTrig;
            x10state[hcode].state[OnState] &= ~bitmap;
            x10state[hcode].dimlevel[ucode] = vdata = 0;

         create_flagslist (vtype, vflags, flagslist);
         sprintf(outbuf, "func %12s : hu %c%-2d %s (%s)",
            funclabel[func], hc, unit, flagslist, aliasp[index].label);

      default :
         return "";

   x10state[hcode].vaddress = bitmap;
   x10state[hcode].lastcmd = func;
   x10state[hcode].lastunit = unit;
   x10state[hcode].vident[ucode] = vident;
   x10state[hcode].vflags[ucode] = vflags;
   x10state[hcode].timestamp[ucode] = time(NULL);
   x10global.lasthc = hcode;
   x10global.lastaddr = 0;

   if ( vflags & SEC_LOBAT ) {
      x10state[hcode].state[LoBatState] |= (1 << ucode);
   else {
      x10state[hcode].state[LoBatState] &= ~(1 << ucode);

   actfunc = 0;
   afuncmap = 0;
   xactfunc = func;
   xfuncmap = (1 << trig);
   trigaddr = bitmap;

   mask = modmask[VdataMask][hcode];
   active = bitmap & mask;

   if ( seq == 1 ) {
      startupstate = ~x10state[hcode].state[ValidState] & active;
      x10state[hcode].state[ValidState] |= active;
      /* Update activity timeout for sensor */
      update_activity_timeout(aliasp, index);
      update_activity_states(hcode, aliasp[index].unitbmap, S_ACTIVE);

   x10state[hcode].state[ModChgState] = modchgstate;

   x10state[hcode].state[ChgState] = x10state[hcode].state[ModChgState] |
      (x10state[hcode].state[ActiveChgState] & active) |
      (startupstate & ~modmask[PhysMask][hcode]);

   changestate = x10state[hcode].state[ChgState];

   *sunchanged = (changestate & active) ? 0 : 1;

   if ( configp->show_change == YES ) {
      snprintf(outbuf + strlen(outbuf), sizeof(outbuf), "%s", ((changestate & active) ? " Chg" : " UnChg"));

   if ( i_am_state )

   /* Heyuhelper, if applicable */
   if ( i_am_state && signal_source & RCVI && configp->script_mode & HEYU_HELPER ) {
      launch_heyuhelper(hcode, trigaddr, func);
      return outbuf;

   bmaplaunch = 0;
   launched = 0;
   j = 0;
   while ( launcherp && launcherp[j].line_no > 0 ) {
      if ( launcherp[j].type != L_NORMAL ||
           launcherp[j].hcode != hcode ||
           is_unmatched_flags(&launcherp[j]) ||
           (launcherp[j].vflags & x10state[hcode].vflags[ucode]) != launcherp[j].vflags ||
	   (launcherp[j].notvflags & ~x10state[hcode].vflags[ucode]) != launcherp[j].notvflags ) {

      if ( launcherp[j].xfuncmap & xfuncmap &&
           launcherp[j].source & signal_source ) {
         trigactive = trigaddr & (mask | launcherp[j].signal);
         if ( (bmaplaunch = (trigactive & launcherp[j].bmaptrig) &
              (changestate | ~launcherp[j].chgtrig)) ||
              (launcherp[j].unitstar && !trigaddr)) {
            launcherp[j].matched = YES;
            *launchp = j;
            launcherp[j].actfunc = xactfunc;
            launcherp[j].genfunc = 0;
	    launcherp[j].xfunc = xactfunc;
	    launcherp[j].level = x10state[hcode].dimlevel[ucode];
            launcherp[j].bmaplaunch = bmaplaunch;
            launcherp[j].actsource = signal_source;
            launched |= bmaplaunch;
            if ( launcherp[j].scanmode & FM_BREAK )

   x10state[hcode].launched = launched;

   return outbuf;
   return "";
#endif /* HAVE_FEATURE_DMX */
Beispiel #4
 | Display stored data for Digimax thermostat                          |
int show_digimax ( void )

   ALIAS         *aliasp;
   char          hc;
   int           unit, index, temp, count = 0, maxlabel = 0;
   unsigned char hcode, ucode, status, onoff;
   unsigned long longvdata;
   static char *onoff_status[] = {"---", "On", "Off", ""};

   if ( !(aliasp = configp->aliasp) ) 
      return 0;

   /* Get maximum lengths of module name and alias label */
   index = 0;
   while ( aliasp[index].line_no > 0 ) {
      if ( aliasp[index].vtype == RF_DIGIMAX ) {
         maxlabel = max(maxlabel, (int)strlen(aliasp[index].label));

   if ( count == 0 )
      return 0;

   index = 0;
   while ( aliasp[index].line_no > 0 ) {
      if ( aliasp[index].vtype != RF_DIGIMAX ) {
      ucode = single_bmap_unit(aliasp[index].unitbmap);
      unit = code2unit(ucode);
      hc = aliasp[index].housecode;
      hcode = hc2code(hc);

      longvdata = x10global.data_storage[aliasp[index].storage_index];

      if ( longvdata == 0 ) {
         printf("%c%-2d %-*s  Temp ---  Setpoint ---  mode: ----  status: ---\n",
            hc, unit, maxlabel, aliasp[index].label);

      status = (longvdata & STATMASK) >> STATSHIFT;

      printf("%c%-2d %-*s", hc, unit, maxlabel, aliasp[index].label);

      temp = (longvdata & TCURRMASK) >> TCURRSHIFT;
      if ( temp & 0x80 )
         temp = 0x80 - temp;
      printf("  Temp %2dC", temp);

      temp = (longvdata & TSETPMASK) >> TSETPSHIFT;
      if ( (longvdata & SETPFLAG) == 0 ) 
         printf("  Setpoint ---");
         printf("  Setpoint %2dC", temp);

      printf("  mode: %s", ((longvdata & HEATMASK) ? "Cool" : "Heat"));

      onoff = (longvdata & ONOFFMASK) >> ONOFFSHIFT;
      printf("  status: %s", onoff_status[onoff]);


#endif /* HAVE_FEATURE_DMX */

   return 0;