Beispiel #1
LLVMValueRef gencall_allocstruct(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // Disable debug anchor
  dwarf_location(&c->dwarf, NULL);

  // We explicitly want a boxed version.
  // Get the size of the structure.
  size_t size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, g->structure);

  // Get the finaliser, if there is one.
  const char* final = genname_finalise(g->type_name);
  LLVMValueRef final_fun = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, final);

  // Allocate the object.
  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = codegen_ctx(c);

  LLVMValueRef result;

  if(final_fun == NULL)
    if(size <= HEAP_MAX)
      uint32_t index = heap_index(size);
      args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, index, false);
      result = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_small", args, 2, "");
    } else {
      args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, size, false);
      result = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_large", args, 2, "");
  } else {
    args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, size, false);
    args[2] = LLVMConstBitCast(final_fun, c->final_fn);
    result = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_final", args, 3, "");

  result = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, result, g->structure_ptr, "");

  // Set the descriptor.
  if(g->underlying != TK_STRUCT)
    LLVMValueRef desc_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, result, 0, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, g->desc, desc_ptr);

  return result;
Beispiel #2
void gen_send_message(compile_t* c, reach_method_t* m, LLVMValueRef orig_args[],
  LLVMValueRef cast_args[], ast_t* args_ast)
  // Allocate the message, setting its size and ID.
  size_t msg_size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, m->msg_type);
  LLVMTypeRef msg_type_ptr = LLVMPointerType(m->msg_type, 0);

  LLVMValueRef msg_args[3];

  msg_args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, ponyint_pool_index(msg_size), false);
  msg_args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, m->vtable_index, false);
  LLVMValueRef msg = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_msg", msg_args, 2, "");
  LLVMValueRef msg_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, msg, msg_type_ptr, "");

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
    LLVMValueRef arg_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg_ptr, i + 3, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, cast_args[i+1], arg_ptr);

  // Trace while populating the message contents.
  ast_t* params = ast_childidx(m->r_fun, 3);
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);
  ast_t* arg_ast = ast_child(args_ast);
  bool need_trace = false;

  while(param != NULL)
    if(gentrace_needed(c, ast_type(arg_ast), ast_type(param)))
      need_trace = true;

    param = ast_sibling(param);
    arg_ast = ast_sibling(arg_ast);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = codegen_ctx(c);

    gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_send", &ctx, 1, "");
    param = ast_child(params);
    arg_ast = ast_child(args_ast);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
      gentrace(c, ctx, orig_args[i+1], cast_args[i+1], ast_type(arg_ast),
      param = ast_sibling(param);
      arg_ast = ast_sibling(arg_ast);

    gencall_runtime(c, "pony_send_done", &ctx, 1, "");

  // Send the message.
  msg_args[0] = ctx;
  msg_args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, cast_args[0], c->object_ptr, "");
  msg_args[2] = msg;
  gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv", msg_args, 3, "");
Beispiel #3
static LLVMTypeRef send_message(compile_t* c, ast_t* fun, LLVMValueRef to,
  LLVMValueRef func, uint32_t index)
  // Get the parameter types.
  LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func));
  int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type) + 2;

  size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* f_params = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, &f_params[2]);

  // The first one becomes the message size, the second the message ID.
  f_params[0] = c->i32;
  f_params[1] = c->i32;
  f_params[2] = c->void_ptr;
  LLVMTypeRef msg_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(c->context, f_params, count,
  LLVMTypeRef msg_type_ptr = LLVMPointerType(msg_type, 0);
  pool_free_size(buf_size, f_params);

  // Allocate the message, setting its size and ID.
  size_t msg_size = LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, msg_type);
  LLVMValueRef args[3];

  args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, pool_index(msg_size), false);
  args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, index, false);
  LLVMValueRef msg = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_msg", args, 2, "");
  LLVMValueRef msg_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, msg, msg_type_ptr, "");

  // Trace while populating the message contents.
  LLVMValueRef ctx = codegen_ctx(c);
  LLVMValueRef start_trace = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_send", &ctx, 1, "");
  ast_t* params = ast_childidx(fun, 3);
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);
  bool need_trace = false;

  for(int i = 3; i < count; i++)
    LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(func, i - 2);
    LLVMValueRef arg_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg_ptr, i, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, arg, arg_ptr);

    need_trace |= gentrace(c, ctx, arg, ast_type(param));
    param = ast_sibling(param);

    gencall_runtime(c, "pony_send_done", &ctx, 1, "");
  } else {

  // Send the message.
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, to, c->object_ptr, "");
  args[2] = msg;
  gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv", args, 3, "");

  // Return the type of the message.
  return msg_type_ptr;
Beispiel #4
void gen_send_message(compile_t* c, reach_method_t* m, LLVMValueRef args[],
  ast_t* args_ast)
  // Allocate the message, setting its size and ID.
  compile_method_t* c_m = (compile_method_t*)m->c_method;
  size_t msg_size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, c_m->msg_type);
  LLVMTypeRef msg_type_ptr = LLVMPointerType(c_m->msg_type, 0);

  size_t params_buf_size = (m->param_count + 3) * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* param_types =
  LLVMGetStructElementTypes(c_m->msg_type, param_types);
  size_t args_buf_size = (m->param_count + 1) * sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* cast_args =
  size_t arg_types_buf_size = m->param_count * sizeof(ast_t*);
  ast_t** arg_types = (ast_t**)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(arg_types_buf_size);

  ast_t* arg_ast = ast_child(args_ast);

  deferred_reification_t* reify = c->frame->reify;

  for(size_t i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
    arg_types[i] = deferred_reify(reify, ast_type(arg_ast), c->opt);
    cast_args[i+1] = gen_assign_cast(c, param_types[i+3], args[i+1],
    arg_ast = ast_sibling(arg_ast);

  LLVMValueRef msg_args[5];

  msg_args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, ponyint_pool_index(msg_size), false);
  msg_args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, m->vtable_index, false);
  LLVMValueRef msg = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_msg", msg_args, 2, "");
  LLVMValueRef md = LLVMMDNodeInContext(c->context, NULL, 0);
  LLVMSetMetadataStr(msg, "pony.msgsend", md);
  LLVMValueRef msg_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, msg, msg_type_ptr, "");

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
    LLVMValueRef arg_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg_ptr, i + 3, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, cast_args[i+1], arg_ptr);

  // Trace while populating the message contents.
  bool need_trace = false;

  for(size_t i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
    if(gentrace_needed(c, arg_types[i], m->params[i].ast))
      need_trace = true;

  LLVMValueRef ctx = codegen_ctx(c);

    LLVMValueRef gc = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_send", &ctx, 1, "");
    LLVMSetMetadataStr(gc, "pony.msgsend", md);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)
      gentrace(c, ctx, args[i+1], cast_args[i+1], arg_types[i],

    gc = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_send_done", &ctx, 1, "");
    LLVMSetMetadataStr(gc, "pony.msgsend", md);

  // Send the message.
  msg_args[0] = ctx;
  msg_args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, args[0], c->object_ptr, "");
  msg_args[2] = msg;
  msg_args[3] = msg;
  msg_args[4] = LLVMConstInt(c->i1, 1, false);
  LLVMValueRef send;

  if(ast_id(m->fun->ast) == TK_NEW)
    send = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv_single", msg_args, 5, "");
    send = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv", msg_args, 5, "");

  LLVMSetMetadataStr(send, "pony.msgsend", md);

  ponyint_pool_free_size(params_buf_size, param_types);
  ponyint_pool_free_size(args_buf_size, cast_args);

  for(size_t i = 0; i < m->param_count; i++)

  ponyint_pool_free_size(arg_types_buf_size, arg_types);