Beispiel #1
void* collabclient_newFromPackedAddress( char* packed )

    if( !strncmp( packed, "tcp://", strlen("tcp://")))
	packed += strlen("tcp://");
    int port_default = 5556;
    int port = port_default;
    char address[IPADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH_T];
    strncpy( address, packed, IPADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH_T-1 );
    HostPortUnpack( address, &port, port_default );
    return( collabclient_new( address, port ) );
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
static PyObject *PyFFFont_CollabSessionStart(PyFF_Font *self, PyObject *args)

    int port_default = collabclient_getDefaultBasePort();
    int port = port_default;
    char address[IPADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH_T];
    if( !getNetworkAddress( address ))
	snprintf( address, IPADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH_T-1,
		  "%s", HostPortPack( "", port ));
	snprintf( address, IPADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH_T-1,
		  "%s", HostPortPack( address, port ));

    if ( PySequence_Size(args) == 1 )
	char* uaddr = 0;
	if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"es","UTF-8",&uaddr) )
	    return( NULL );

	strcpy( address, uaddr );
    FontViewBase *fv = self->fv;

    HostPortUnpack( address, &port, port_default );
    printf("address:%s\n", address );
    printf("port:%d\n", port );
    void* cc = collabclient_new( address, port );
    fv->collabClient = cc;
    collabclient_sessionStart( cc, (FontView*)fv );
    printf("connecting to server...sent the sfd for session start.\n");
    inPythonStartedCollabSession = 1;

    Py_RETURN( self );