Beispiel #1
Color getApproxColor(Furniture& item, Image<Color>& texture){

  //Calcuate Bounding Box and Rotate According to Angle (Radians)
  float x_c = item.getPos().x;
  float y_c = item.getPos().y;

  int max_x, max_y, min_x, min_y, totalPixels;

  max_x = (int) (x_c + DESK_LENGTH/2.0);
  min_x = (int) (x_c - DESK_WIDTH/2.0);
  max_y = (int) (y_c + DESK_LENGTH/2.0);
  min_y = (int) (y_c - DESK_WIDTH/2.0);

  // Make a black pixel that I will add to
  Color colorSum(0,0,0);

  // Check if we are inrange of our texture image
  if(!(inRange(max_x,max_y) && inRange(min_x, min_y))){
     return colorSum;

  // colors
  unsigned int red = 0;
  unsigned int gre = 0;
  unsigned int blu = 0;

  // Pixels 
  totalPixels = 0;
  // for all pixles in that square range add to colorSum
  for(int x = min_x; x < max_x; x++){
    for(int y = min_y; y < max_y; y++){
      Color curPixel = texture.GetPixel(x,y);
      red += (int)curPixel.r;
      gre += (int)curPixel.b;
      blu += (int)curPixel.g;

  // Find the average color
  red = ((double)red) / totalPixels;
  gre = ((double)gre) / totalPixels;
  blu = ((double)blu) / totalPixels;

  colorSum.r = (unsigned char)red;
  colorSum.g = (unsigned char)gre;
  colorSum.b = (unsigned char)blu;

  return colorSum;
Beispiel #2
rgbColor whittedRayTracer::_L(ray& r, const int& depth) const{
    if(depth > MAX_DEPTH){
        return rgbColor(0.f);

    const intersection isect = parent.intersect(r);
    //return rgbColor(0, isect.debugInfo / 1e8, 0);

        return rgbColor(0.f);
    }else if( != NULL){

    material& mat = ? *>getMaterial().get() : *isect.s->getMaterial().get();
    const vec3& normal = isect.shadingNormal;
    const bsdf& bsdf = mat.getBsdf(isect.uv);
    const vec3 wo = worldToBsdf(-r.direction, isect);

    bxdfType sampledType;
    rgbColor colorSum(0.f);

        return mat.Le();

    // Diffuse calculations.
    float lightPdf = 0.f;
    for(int i=0; i<parent.numLights(); ++i){
        const light& li = parent.getLight(i);
            vec3 lightDir;
            const rgbColor Li = li.sampleL(r.origin, lightDir, sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), lightPdf);
            const float lightDist = norm(lightDir);
            lightDir = normalize(lightDir);

            // Test for shadowing early.
            ray shadowRay(r.origin, lightDir);
            shadowRay.tMax = lightDist;
                const vec3 wi = worldToBsdf(lightDir, isect);
                const rgbColor f = bsdf.f(wo, wi, bxdfType(DIFFUSE | GLOSSY | REFLECTION)) + mat.Le();
                colorSum += f * dot(normal, lightDir) * (Li / lightPdf);
            rgbColor areaContrib(0.f);

            for(int j=0; j<areaSamples; ++j){
                vec3 lightDir;

                const rgbColor Li = li.sampleL(r.origin, lightDir, sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), lightPdf);

                ray shadowRay(r.origin, normalize(lightDir));
                shadowRay.tMax = norm(lightDir) + EPSILON;

                if(!parent.intersectB(shadowRay) && li.intersect(shadowRay).hit){
                    lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
                    const vec3 wi = worldToBsdf(lightDir, isect);

                    const rgbColor f = bsdf.f(wo, wi, bxdfType(DIFFUSE | GLOSSY | REFLECTION)) + mat.Le();
                    areaContrib += f * dot(normal, lightDir) * (Li / lightPdf);
            colorSum += areaContrib / (float)areaSamples;

    // Trace specular rays.
    vec3 specDir;
    float pdf;
    const rgbColor fr =
        bsdf.sampleF(sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(),
                wo, specDir, bxdfType(GLOSSY | SPECULAR | REFLECTION), sampledType, pdf);

        specDir = bsdfToWorld(specDir, isect);
        ray r2(r.origin, specDir);
        colorSum += (fr / pdf) * _L(r2, depth+1) * abs(dot(specDir, normal));

    const rgbColor ft =
        bsdf.sampleF(sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(),
                wo, specDir, bxdfType(GLOSSY | SPECULAR | TRANSMISSION), sampledType, pdf);

        specDir = bsdfToWorld(specDir, isect);
        ray r2(r.origin, specDir);
        colorSum += (ft / pdf) * _L(r2, depth+1) * abs(dot(specDir, normal));

    if(!isFinite(colorSum.avg())) {
        return ERROR_COLOR;
    } else {
        return colorSum;