Beispiel #1
QString commentifyDocString( const QString & docString, int indentLevel = 0 )
	QString indentString;
	for( int i=0; i<indentLevel; i++ )
		indentString += "\t";

	QString outString(indentString +"/**\n");
	// Unix \n, windows \n\r, mac \r
	QStringList lines = docString.split( QRegExp( "[\n\r]\r?" ) );
	QString commentStart("/*"), commentEnd("*/");
	foreach( QString line, lines ) {
		line = line.replace( commentStart, "" );
		line = line.replace( commentEnd, "" );
		outString += indentString + "  * " + line + "\n";
Beispiel #2
void XMLPreferences::savePreferences(const QString& filename, 
				     PrefSectionDict& dict)
  // open the existing preference file
  QDomDocument doc;
  QFile f(filename);
  bool loaded = false;
  if (
    QString errorMsg;
    int errorLine = 0;
    int errorColumn = 0;
    if (doc.setContent(&f, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn))
      loaded = true;
      qWarning("Error processing file: %s!\n\t %s on line %d in column %d!", 
	       (const char*)filename, 
	       (const char*)errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn);


    // close the file

  // if no file was loaded, use the template document
  if (!loaded)
    QString errorMsg;
    int errorLine = 0;
    int errorColumn = 0;
    if (doc.setContent(m_templateDoc, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn))
      loaded = true;

  // if there was an existing file, rename it
  QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
  if (fileInfo.exists())
    QDir dir(fileInfo.dirPath(true));

    dir.rename(filename, filename + QString(".bak"));

  // do more processing here
  QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
  DomConvenience conv(doc);
  QDomNodeList sectionList, propertyList;
  PreferenceDict* sectionDict;
  QString sectionName;
  QString propertyName;
  QVariant* propertyValue;
  QDomElement e;
  QDomNode n;

  sectionList = docElem.elementsByTagName("section");

  QDictIterator<PreferenceDict> sdit(dict);
  for (; sdit.current(); ++sdit)
    QDomElement section;
    sectionName = sdit.currentKey();
    sectionDict = sdit.current();

    // iterate over all the sections in the document
    for (uint i = 0; i < sectionList.length(); i++)
      e = sectionList.item(i).toElement();
      if (!e.hasAttribute("name"))
	qWarning("section without name!");

      //      printf("found section: %s\n", (const char*)section.attribute("name"));

      // is this the section?
      if (sectionName == e.attribute("name"))
	// yes, done
	section = e;

    // if no section was found, create a new one
    if (section.isNull())
      // create the section element
      section = doc.createElement("section");

      // set the name attribute of the section element
      section.setAttribute("name", sectionName);

      // append the new section to the document

    // iterate over all the properties in the section
    QDictIterator<QVariant> pdit(*sectionDict);
    for (; pdit.current(); ++pdit)
      QDomElement property;
      propertyName = pdit.currentKey();
      propertyValue = pdit.current();

      // get all the property elements in the section
      propertyList = section.elementsByTagName("property");

      // iterate over all the property elements until a match is found
      for (uint j = 0; j < propertyList.length(); j++)
	e = propertyList.item(j).toElement();
	if (!e.hasAttribute("name"))
	  qWarning("property in section '%s' without name! Ignoring!",
		   (const char*)sectionName);

	// is this the property being searched for?
	if (propertyName == e.attribute("name"))
	  // yes, done
	  property = e;

      // if no property was found, create a new one
      if (property.isNull())
	// create the property element
	property = doc.createElement("property");

	// set the name attribute of the property element
	property.setAttribute("name", propertyName);

	// append the new property to the section

      QDomElement value;

      // iterate over the children
      for (n = property.firstChild();
	   n = n.nextSibling())
	if (!n.isElement())

	// don't replace comments
	if (n.toElement().tagName() == "comment")

	// convert it to an element
	value = n.toElement();

      // if no value element was found, create a new one
      if (value.isNull())
	// create the value element, bogus type, will be filled in later
	value = doc.createElement("bogus");
	// append the new value to the property

      if (!conv.variantToElement(*propertyValue, value))
	qWarning("Unable to set value element in section '%s' property '%s'!",
		 (const char*)propertyName, (const char*)propertyName);

  // write the modified DOM to disk
  if (!
    qWarning("Unable to open file for writing: %s!", 
	     (const char*)filename);

  // open a Text Stream on the file
  QTextStream out(&f);

  // make sure stream is UTF8 encoded

  // save the document to the text stream
  QString docText;
  QTextStream docTextStream(&docText, IO_WriteOnly);, 4);

  // put newlines after comments (which unfortunately Qt's DOM doesn't track)
  QRegExp commentEnd("-->");
  docText.replace(commentEnd, "-->\n");

  // write the fixed document out to the file
  out << docText;

  // close the file

  printf("Finished saving preferences to file: %s\n",
	 (const char*)filename);