Beispiel #1
int test_image_process_bgr2bgr565()
	// Blog:
#ifdef __linux__
	const std::string image_name{ "test_data/images/lena.png" };
	const std::string image_name{ "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/lena.png" };
	cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(image_name, 1);

	const int width{ 1513 }, height{ 1473 };
	cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(width, height));

	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> data1(new unsigned char[width * height * 2]), data2(new unsigned char[width * height * 2]);
	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds

	cv::Mat bgr565;
	cv::cvtColor(mat, bgr565, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGR565);

	CHECK(bgr2bgr565_cpu(, width, height, data1.get(), &elapsed_time1) == 0);
	CHECK(bgr2bgr565_gpu(, width, height, data2.get(), &elapsed_time2) == 0);

	fprintf(stdout, "image bgr to bgr565: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(),, width*height * 2) == 0);
	CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(), data2.get(), width*height*2) == 0);

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int test_layer_prior_vbox()
	// Blog:
	std::vector<float> vec1{423.f, 245.f, 1333.f, 1444.f, 123.f, 23.f, 32.f, 66.f};
	std::vector<float> vec2(vec1[6]);
	std::vector<float> vec3(4);
	int length = int(vec1[0] * vec1[1] * vec1[6] * 4 * 2);

	std::unique_ptr<float[]> data1(new float[length]), data2(new float[length]);
	std::for_each(data1.get(), data1.get() + length, [](float& n) {n = 0.f; });
	std::for_each(data2.get(), data2.get() + length, [](float& n) {n = 0.f; });
	generator_random_number(, vec2.size(), 10.f, 100.f);
	generator_random_number(, vec3.size(), 1.f, 10.f);

	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds
	int ret = layer_prior_vbox_cpu(data1.get(), length, vec1, vec2, vec3, &elapsed_time1);
	if (ret != 0) PRINT_ERROR_INFO(layer_prior_vbox_cpu);

	ret = layer_prior_vbox_gpu(data2.get(), length, vec1, vec2, vec3, &elapsed_time2);
	if (ret != 0) PRINT_ERROR_INFO(layer_prior_vbox_gpu);

	compare_result(data1.get(), data2.get(), length);

	fprintf(stderr, "test layer prior vbox: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int test_layer_reverse()
	// Blog:
#ifdef __linux__
	std::string image_name{ "test_data/images/lena.png" };
	std::string image_name{ "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/lena.png" };
	cv::Mat matSrc = cv::imread(image_name);

	cv::cvtColor(matSrc, matSrc, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	const int width{ 1511 }, height{ 1473 };
	const auto length = width * height;
	cv::resize(matSrc, matSrc, cv::Size(width, height));
	cv::Mat matTmp1;
	matSrc.convertTo(matTmp1, CV_32FC1);

	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds
	const std::vector<int> vec{ 5, 7};
	std::unique_ptr<float[]> dst1(new float[length]), dst2(new float[length]);
	std::for_each(dst1.get(), dst1.get() + length, [](float& n) {n = 0.f; });
	std::for_each(dst2.get(), dst2.get() + length, [](float& n) {n = 0.f; });

	int ret = layer_reverse_cpu((float*), dst1.get(), length, vec, &elapsed_time1);
	if (ret != 0) PRINT_ERROR_INFO(image_reverse_cpu);

	ret = layer_reverse_gpu((float*), dst2.get(), length, vec, &elapsed_time2);
	if (ret != 0) PRINT_ERROR_INFO(image_reverse_gpu);

	compare_result(dst1.get(), dst2.get(), length);

	cv::Mat matTmp2(height, width, CV_32FC1, dst2.get()), matDst;
	matTmp2.convertTo(matDst, CV_8UC1);

#ifdef __linux__
	save_image(matSrc, matDst, 400, 200, "test_data/images/image_reverse.png");
	save_image(matSrc, matDst, 400, 200, "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/image_reverse.png");

	fprintf(stderr, "test layer reverse: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int test_image_process_laplacian()
	// Blog:
#ifdef __linux__
	cv::Mat src = cv::imread("test_data/images/lena.png", 0);
	cv::Mat src = cv::imread("E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/lena.png", 0);
	if (! || src.channels() != 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "read image fail\n");
		return -1;
	int width{ 400 }, height{ 400 };
	cv::resize(src, src, cv::Size(width, height));

	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> data1(new unsigned char[width * height]), data2(new unsigned char[width * height]);
	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds
	int ksize{ 1 };

	CHECK(laplacian_cpu(, width, height, ksize, data1.get(), &elapsed_time1) == 0);
	//CHECK(laplacian_gpu(, width, height, data2.get(), &elapsed_time2) == 0);

	//fprintf(stdout, "gray image edge detection: laplacian: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	cv::Mat dst;
	cv::Laplacian(src, dst, src.depth(), ksize);
#ifdef __linux__
	cv::imwrite("test_data/images/laplacian.png", dst);
	cv::imwrite("E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/laplacian.png", dst);

	CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(),, width*height) == 0);
	//CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(), data2.get(), width*height) == 0);

#ifdef __linux__
	save_image(src, dst, width, height / 2, "test_data/images/laplacian_result.png");
	save_image(src, dst, width, height / 2, "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/laplacian_result.png");

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
int test_image_process_histogram_equalization()
	// Blog:
#ifdef __linux__
	const std::string image_name{ "test_data/images/lena.png" };
	const std::string image_name{ "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/lena.png" };
	cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(image_name, 0);

	const int width{ mat.cols/*1513*/ }, height{ mat.rows/*1473*/ };
	cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(width, height));

	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> data1(new unsigned char[width * height]), data2(new unsigned char[width * height]);
	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds

	CHECK(histogram_equalization_cpu(, width, height, data1.get(), &elapsed_time1) == 0);
	//CHECK(histogram_equalization_gpu(, width, height, data2.get(), &elapsed_time2) == 0);

	//fprintf(stdout, "image histogram equalization: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	cv::Mat dst;
	cv::equalizeHist(mat, dst);
#ifdef __linux__
	cv::imwrite("test_data/images/histogram_equalization.png", dst);
	cv::imwrite("E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/histogram_equalization.png", dst);

	CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(),, width*height) == 0);
	//CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(), data2.get(), width*height) == 0);

#ifdef __linux__
	save_image(mat, dst, width, height/2, "test_data/images/histogram_equalization_result.png");
	save_image(mat, dst, width, height/2, "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/histogram_equalization_result.png");

	return 0;
Beispiel #6
int test_image_process_bgr2gray()
	// Blog:
#ifdef __linux__
	const std::string image_name{ "test_data/images/lena.png" };
	const std::string image_name{ "E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/lena.png" };
	cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(image_name);

	const int width{ 1513 }, height{ 1473 };
	cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(width, height));

	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> data1(new unsigned char[width * height]), data2(new unsigned char[width * height]);
	float elapsed_time1{ 0.f }, elapsed_time2{ 0.f }; // milliseconds

	CHECK(bgr2gray_cpu(, width, height, data1.get(), &elapsed_time1) == 0);
	CHECK(bgr2gray_gpu(, width, height, data2.get(), &elapsed_time2) == 0);

	cv::Mat dst(height, width, CV_8UC1, data1.get());
#ifdef __linux__
	cv::imwrite("test_data/images/bgr2gray_cpu.png", dst);
	cv::imwrite("E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/bgr2gray_cpu.png", dst);
	cv::Mat dst2(height, width, CV_8UC1, data2.get());
#ifdef __linux__
	cv::imwrite("test_data/images/bgr2gray_gpu.png", dst2);
	cv::imwrite("E:/GitCode/CUDA_Test/test_data/images/bgr2gray_gpu.png", dst2);
	fprintf(stdout, "image bgr to gray: cpu run time: %f ms, gpu run time: %f ms\n", elapsed_time1, elapsed_time2);

	CHECK(compare_result(data1.get(), data2.get(), width*height) == 0);

	return 0;
int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    //[> Parameters <]

    //FIXME: use random sizes?
    const size_t n   = 100;
    const size_t m   = 50;
    const size_t n_s = 60;
    const size_t m_s = 30;

    //[> Setup test <]
    namespace mpi = boost::mpi;

    El::Initialize(argc, argv);

    mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    mpi::communicator world;

    MPI_Comm mpi_world(world);
    El::Grid grid(mpi_world);

    const size_t rank = world.rank();

    skylark::base::context_t context (0);

    double count = 1.0;

    const size_t matrix_full = n * m;
    mpi_vector_t colsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t rowsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t valsf(matrix_full);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < matrix_full; ++i) {
        colsf.SetElement(i, i % m);
        rowsf.SetElement(i, i / m);
        valsf.SetElement(i, count);

    DistMatrixType A(n, m, rowsf, colsf, valsf);
    mpi_vector_t zero;

    count = 1.0;
    El::Matrix<double> local_A(n, m);
    for( size_t j = 0; j < local_A.Height(); j++ )
        for( size_t i = 0; i < local_A.Width(); i++ )
            local_A.Set(j, i, count++);

    El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::STAR> result(grid);

    // columnwise application
    DistMatrixType expected_A;
    DistMatrixType pi_sketch(n_s, n, zero, zero, zero);

    // rowwise application
    DistMatrixType expected_AR;
    DistMatrixType pi_sketch_r(m_s, m, zero, zero, zero);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[MC/MR] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double> mcmr_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, mcmr_target_t> Sparse(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    mcmr_target_t sketch_A(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse.apply(A, sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[VC/*] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::VC, El::STAR> vcs_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, vcs_target_t> SparseVC(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    vcs_target_t sketch_A_vcs(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseVC.apply(A, sketch_A_vcs, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_vcs;

    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseVC, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[*/VR] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::VR> svr_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, svr_target_t> SparseVR(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    svr_target_t sketch_A_svr(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseVR.apply(A, sketch_A_svr, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_svr;

    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseVR, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[*/*] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::STAR> st_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, st_target_t> SparseST(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    st_target_t sketch_A_st(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseST.apply(A, sketch_A_st, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Compare <]
    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseST, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, sketch_A_st);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> LocalDenseMatrix <]

    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, El::Matrix<double>> LocalSparse(n, n_s, context);
    El::Matrix<double> local_sketch_A(n_s, m);
    LocalSparse.apply(A, local_sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    El::Matrix<double> pi_sketch_l(n_s, n);
    El::Matrix<double> expected_A_l(n_s, m);

    if(rank == 0) {
        // PI generated by random number gen
        std::vector<size_t> row_idx = LocalSparse.getRowIdx();
        std::vector<double> row_val = LocalSparse.getRowValues();

        int sketch_size = row_val.size();
        typename LocalMatrixType::coords_t coords;

        for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i)
            pi_sketch_l.Set(row_idx[i], i, row_val[i]);

        El::Gemm(El::NORMAL, El::NORMAL, 1.0, pi_sketch_l, local_A,
                   0.0, expected_A_l);

        for(int col = 0; col < expected_A_l.Width(); col++) {
            for(int row = 0; row < expected_A_l.Height(); row++) {
                if(local_sketch_A.Get(row, col) !=
                        expected_A_l.Get(row, col))
                    BOOST_FAIL("Result of local colwise application not as expected");

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[MC/MR] <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, mcmr_target_t> Sparse_r(m, m_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    mcmr_target_t sketch_A_r(n, m_s, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse_r.apply(A, sketch_A_r, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_r;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse_r, A, pi_sketch_r);
    expected_AR = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            A, pi_sketch_r, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_AR, result);

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[VC/*] <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, vcs_target_t> Sparse_r_vcs(m, m_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    vcs_target_t sketch_A_r_vcs(n, m_s, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse_r_vcs.apply(A, sketch_A_r_vcs, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_r_vcs;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse_r_vcs, A, pi_sketch_r);
    expected_AR = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            A, pi_sketch_r, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_AR, result);

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> LocalDenseMatrix <]

    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, El::Matrix<double>> LocalSparse_r(m, m_s, context);
    El::Matrix<double> local_sketch_A_r(n, m_s);
    LocalSparse_r.apply(A, local_sketch_A_r, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    El::Matrix<double> local_pi_sketch_r(m_s, m);
    El::Matrix<double> expected_A_r(n, m_s);

    if(rank == 0) {
        // PI generated by random number gen
        std::vector<size_t> row_idx = LocalSparse_r.getRowIdx();
        std::vector<double> row_val = LocalSparse_r.getRowValues();

        int sketch_size = row_val.size();
        typename LocalMatrixType::coords_t coords;

        for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i)
            local_pi_sketch_r.Set(row_idx[i], i, row_val[i]);

        El::Gemm(El::NORMAL, El::TRANSPOSE, 1.0, local_A, local_pi_sketch_r,
                   0.0, expected_A_r);

        for(int col = 0; col < expected_A_r.Width(); col++) {
            for(int row = 0; row < expected_A_r.Height(); row++) {
                if(local_sketch_A_r.Get(row, col) !=
                        expected_A_r.Get(row, col))
                    BOOST_FAIL("Result of local rowwise application not as expected");

    return 0;
Beispiel #8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	YUV_FRAME frame;
	void* handle;

	char input_file_name[256];
	char output_file_name[256];
	char output_main_name[256];

	int width;
	int height ;
	int quality;
	int frames = 0;
	int frame_num = 0;
	int size;
	int length;
	int i;
	FILE * input_file;
	FILE * output_file;
	FILE * ref_file;

	int tmp_time, tot_time = 0;
	unsigned __int64 start_count, end_count;

	int ret;
	if(argc <= 5) 
		printf("usage: inputfile outputfile width height quality frames\n", argv[0]);
		return 0;

	// get parameters
	sprintf(input_file_name, "%s", argv[1]);
	sprintf(output_main_name, "%s", argv[2]);
	width   = atoi(argv[3]);
	height  = atoi(argv[4]);
	quality = atoi(argv[5]);
	if(argc > 6)
		frames = atoi(argv[6]);

	/* Open the input file. */
	if ((input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "rb")) == NULL) 
		printf("can't open %s\n", argv[1]);
		return 0;

	if ((ref_file = fopen("MARLBOR_std.jpg", "rb")) == NULL)
		printf("cloud not open reffile.\n");
		return 0;

	if((width % 16) || (height % 16))
		printf("Unsupported image format x=%d,y=%d, must be a multiple of 16", width, height);
		return 0;

	if(frames <= 0) 
		frames = 120;
	printf("* input file : %s\n", input_file_name);
	printf("* output file: %s\n", output_main_name);
	printf("* width      : %d\n", width);
	printf("* height     : %d\n", height);
	printf("* quality    : %d\n", quality);
	printf("* frames     : %d\n", frames);

	printf("\n encode start...\n");

	// init buffer
	size = width * height * 3 /2;
	if((frame.y = malloc(size)) == NULL)
		printf("\nERROR! image buffer malloc failed!");
		return 0;
	frame.u = frame.y + width * height;
	frame.v = frame.y + width * height * 5 / 4;
	enc_param.width     = width;
    enc_param.height    = height;
    enc_param.quality   = quality;
	enc_param.insert_watermarker = 1;
    if(HKGDW_JPGENC_GetMemSize(&enc_param) != HIK_JPGENC_LIB_S_OK)
        printf("\nJPGENC_GetMemSize ERROR!");
		return 0;    

	if((enc_param.sdram_buf = malloc(enc_param.sdram_buf_size)) == NULL)
		printf("\nERROR! sdram_buf malloc failed!");
		return 0;

    HKGDW_JPGENC_Create(&enc_param, &handle);
	image.frame  = &frame;
	image.width  = width;
	image.height = height;
	image.size   = size;

	//HIK定义的水印格式为: 第0~4 byte为水印起始码,一般为0x494d5748(海康定义)或0x494d5755(用户定义)
	//                      第5~6 byte为水印长度
	image.watermarker_data = g_hik_watermark;
	image.watermarker_len  = *(unsigned short*)(&g_hik_watermark[4]);

	image.comment_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(1024); //调试信息
	image.comment_len  = 1024;  //调试信息长度,如果没有调试信息,长度一定要置0

	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		image.comment_data[i] = i;

	if((image.bitstream = malloc(size)) == NULL)
		printf("\nERROR! stream_buffer malloc failed!");
		return 0;

	HKGDW_JPGENC_SetQuality(handle, quality);

	for(i = 0; i < 1; i ++)
		if(!fread(frame.y, size, 1, input_file))
			printf("reach the end of the file.\n");

		if(!quality) HKGDW_JPGENC_SetQuality(handle, i%101);

		// compress one picture
		ret = HKGDW_JPGENC_Compress(handle, &image);
		if(ret != HIK_JPGENC_LIB_S_OK)
			printf("\nERROR(0x%x)! jpeg_compress_data failed!", ret);
		tmp_time = (int)((end_count - start_count) / 2800);
		tot_time += tmp_time;

		/***************  change here for m-jpeg  *************************/
		length = image.length;
		// ouput one encoded picture
		sprintf(output_file_name, "out.jpg",output_main_name, i);
		if ((output_file = fopen(output_file_name, "wb")) == NULL) 
			printf("\nERROR! can't open %s\n", output_main_name);

		compare_result(image.bitstream, length, ref_file);

		if(!fwrite(image.bitstream, length, 1, output_file))
			printf("\nERROR! output stream file failed!");
		/* After finish_compress, we can close the output file. */
		frame_num ++;
		printf("\n [%d]_%s size = %d, time = %d us", i%101, output_file_name, length, tmp_time);


	/* And we're done! */
	if(frame_num > 0)
		printf("\n总共压缩 %d 帧\n平均每帧 = %d us\n", frame_num, tot_time/frame_num);

	printf("\n\n encode end...\n\n");