Beispiel #1
static long compare_val(value v1, value v2)
  tag_t t1, t2;

  if (v1 == v2) return 0;
  if (Is_long(v1) || Is_long(v2)) return Long_val(v1) - Long_val(v2);
  /* If one of the objects is outside the heap (but is not an atom),
     use address comparison. */
  if ((!Is_atom(v1) && !Is_young(v1) && !Is_in_heap((addr)v1)) ||
      (!Is_atom(v2) && !Is_young(v2) && !Is_in_heap((addr)v2)))
    return v1 - v2;
  t1 = Tag_val(v1);
  t2 = Tag_val(v2);
  if (t1 != t2) return (long)t1 - (long)t2;
  switch(t1) {
  case String_tag: {
    mlsize_t len1, len2, len;
    unsigned char * p1, * p2;
    len1 = string_length(v1);
    len2 = string_length(v2);
    for (len = (len1 <= len2 ? len1 : len2),
         p1 = (unsigned char *) String_val(v1),
         p2 = (unsigned char *) String_val(v2);
         len > 0;
         len--, p1++, p2++)
      if (*p1 != *p2) return (long)*p1 - (long)*p2;
    return len1 - len2;
  case Double_tag: {
    double d1 = Double_val(v1);
    double d2 = Double_val(v2);
    if (d1 == d2) return 0; else if (d1 < d2) return -1; else return 1;
  case Abstract_tag:
  case Final_tag:
    invalid_argument("equal: abstract value");
  case Closure_tag:
    invalid_argument("equal: functional value");
  default: {
    mlsize_t sz1 = Wosize_val(v1);
    mlsize_t sz2 = Wosize_val(v2);
    value * p1, * p2;
    long res;
    if (sz1 != sz2) return sz1 - sz2;
    for(p1 = Op_val(v1), p2 = Op_val(v2);
        sz1 > 1;
        sz1--, p1++, p2++) {
      res = compare_val(*p1, *p2);
      if (res != 0) return res;
    v1 = *p1;
    v2 = *p2;
    goto tailcall;
Beispiel #2
CAMLprim value caml_compare(value v1, value v2)
  intnat res = compare_val(v1, v2, 1);
  /* Free stack if needed */
  if (compare_stack != compare_stack_init) compare_free_stack();
  if (res < 0)
    return Val_int(LESS);
  else if (res > 0)
    return Val_int(GREATER);
    return Val_int(EQUAL);
Beispiel #3
CAMLprim value caml_greaterequal(value v1, value v2)
  intnat res = compare_val(v1, v2, 0);
  if (compare_stack != compare_stack_init) compare_free_stack();
  return Val_int(res >= 0);
Beispiel #4
CAMLprim value caml_lessequal(value v1, value v2)
  intnat res = compare_val(v1, v2, 0);
  if (compare_stack != compare_stack_init) compare_free_stack();
  return Val_int(res <= 0 && res != UNORDERED);
Beispiel #5
value greaterequal(value v1, value v2)       /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) >= 0);
Beispiel #6
value greaterthan(value v1, value v2)        /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) > 0);
Beispiel #7
value lessequal(value v1, value v2)          /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) <= 0);
Beispiel #8
value lessthan(value v1, value v2)            /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) < 0);
Beispiel #9
value notequal(value v1, value v2)            /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) != 0);
Beispiel #10
value equal(value v1, value v2)            /* ML */
  return Atom(compare_val(v1, v2) == 0);
Beispiel #11
value compare(value v1, value v2)           /* ML */
  return Val_long(compare_val(v1, v2));