Beispiel #1
    void BVH::build()
        Pane::info("BVH # Started building from mesh");

        std::vector<BVHPrimitive> data;
        // TODO: reserve for primitives

        // Create data structures for BVH
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < mesh->faces.size(); i++)
            data.emplace_back(i, computeAABB(mesh, i));

        Pane::info("BVH # Finished creating bounding volumes");

        unsigned totalNodes = 0;

        // Build recursively
        BVHNode *root = buildRecursive(data, 0, mesh->faces.size(), primitives, totalNodes);

        Pane::info("BVH # Finished volume hierarchy build");

        // Allocate linear nodes

        unsigned offset = 0;
        flatten(root, offset);

        Pane::info("BVH # Finished flattening volume hierarchy");
void testHelperFunctions( const std::string & meshFile, const uint_t numTotalBlocks )
   auto mesh = make_shared<MeshType>();
   mesh::readAndBroadcast( meshFile, *mesh);
   auto triDist = make_shared< mesh::TriangleDistance<MeshType> >( mesh );
   auto distanceOctree = make_shared< DistanceOctree< MeshType > >( triDist );

   const real_t meshVolume  = real_c( computeVolume( *mesh ) );
   const real_t blockVolume = meshVolume / real_c( numTotalBlocks );
   static const real_t cellsPersBlock = real_t(1000);
   const real_t cellVolume = blockVolume / cellsPersBlock;
   const real_t dx = std::pow( cellVolume, real_t(1) / real_t(3) );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
   auto sbf0 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh( distanceOctree, dx, numTotalBlocks );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
   Vector3<uint_t> blockSize( sbf0->getNumberOfXCells(), sbf0->getNumberOfYCells(), sbf0->getNumberOfZCells() );
   auto sbf1 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh( distanceOctree, dx, blockSize );

   auto exteriorAabb = computeAABB( *mesh ).getScaled( real_t(2) );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
   auto sbf2 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageOutsideMesh( exteriorAabb, distanceOctree, dx, numTotalBlocks );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
   blockSize = Vector3<uint_t>( sbf2->getNumberOfXCells(), sbf2->getNumberOfYCells(), sbf2->getNumberOfZCells() );
   auto sbf3 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageOutsideMesh( exteriorAabb, distanceOctree, dx, blockSize );
void run( const std::string & meshFile, const uint_t numTotalBlocks )
   auto mesh = make_shared<MeshType>();
   mesh::readAndBroadcast( meshFile, *mesh);

   auto aabb = computeAABB( *mesh );

   auto domainAABB = aabb.getScaled( typename MeshType::Scalar(1.26) ); // AABB containing the test points

   auto triDist = make_shared< mesh::TriangleDistance<MeshType> >( mesh );
   auto  distanceOctree = make_shared< DistanceOctree<MeshType> >( triDist );

   Vector3<uint_t> numBlocks = math::getFactors3D( numTotalBlocks, domainAABB.sizes() );

   test< ExcludeMeshExterior< DistanceOctree< MeshType > > >( distanceOctree, *mesh, domainAABB, numBlocks );
   test< ExcludeMeshInterior< DistanceOctree< MeshType > > >( distanceOctree, *mesh, domainAABB, numBlocks );
void testAABBDistance( const Vector3<real_t> & translationVector = Vector3<real_t>() )
   auto mesh = make_shared<MeshType>();
   mesh::readAndBroadcast( "cube.obj", *mesh);

   translate( *mesh, translationVector );

   auto aabb = computeAABB( *mesh ); // works since the mesh is a cube

   auto testVolume = aabb.getScaled( real_t(2) ); // AABB containing the test points

   TriangleDistance<MeshType> triDist( mesh );

   std::mt19937 rng;

   for( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i )
      auto p = testVolume.randomPoint( rng );
      WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL( triDist.sqSignedDistance( toOpenMesh(p) ), aabb.sqSignedDistance( p ) );

Beispiel #5
bool createHull(unsigned int vcount, const float *points,NxuGeometry &g,const NxMat34 *localPose,NxReal shrink,unsigned int maxv)
	bool ret = false;


	HullLibrary	hl;

	HullDesc desc(QF_TRIANGLES,	vcount,	points,	sizeof(float)	*3);

	desc.mMaxVertices	=	maxv;

	HullResult result;

	HullError	err	=	hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,	result);

	if (err	== QE_OK)
		ret	=	true;

		g.mVertices	=	new	float[result.mNumOutputVertices	*3];

		float bmin[3];
		float bmax[3];
		computeAABB( result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, sizeof(float)*3, bmin, bmax );

    NxVec3 center;

    center.x = (bmax[0]-bmin[0])*0.5f + bmin[0];
    center.y = (bmax[1]-bmin[1])*0.5f + bmin[1];
    center.z = (bmax[2]-bmin[2])*0.5f + bmin[2];

		const float *source = result.mOutputVertices;
		float *dest = g.mVertices;

		for (NxU32 i=0; i<result.mNumOutputVertices; i++)
			NxVec3 v(source[0],source[1],source[2]);


			if ( localPose )
				NxVec3 t;
				v = t;

			dest[0] = v.x;
			dest[1] = v.y;
			dest[2] = v.z;


		g.mIndices = new unsigned	int[result.mNumIndices];

		memcpy(g.mIndices, result.mIndices,	sizeof(unsigned	int) *result.mNumIndices);

		g.mVcount	=	result.mNumOutputVertices;
		g.mTcount	=	result.mNumFaces;


	return ret;
void test( const std::string & meshFile )
   auto mesh = make_shared< MeshType >();
   mesh::readAndBroadcast( meshFile, *mesh);

   auto aabb = computeAABB( *mesh );

   using Scalar = typename MeshType::Scalar;

   Vector3<Scalar> translation( numeric_cast<Scalar>( aabb.xSize() ) * Scalar(2) * Scalar( MPIManager::instance()->rank() ), Scalar(0), Scalar(0) );
   translate( *mesh, translation );



   bool b = true;
   for( auto it = mesh->faces_begin(); it != mesh->faces_end(); ++it )
      mesh->status( *it ).set_tagged( b );
      b =  !b;


   b = true;
   for( auto it = mesh->vertices_begin(); it != mesh->vertices_end(); ++it )
      mesh->status( *it ).set_tagged( b );
      b = !b;

   std::vector< typename MeshType::Color > colors;
   colors.push_back( typename MeshType::Color( 255,0,0 ) );
   colors.push_back( typename MeshType::Color( 0,255,0 ) );
   colors.push_back( typename MeshType::Color( 0,0,255 ) );
   auto colorIt = colors.begin();

   for( auto it = mesh->vertices_begin(); it != mesh->vertices_end(); ++it )
      mesh->set_color( *it, *colorIt );

      if( colorIt == colors.end() )
         colorIt = colors.begin();

   for( auto it = mesh->faces_begin(); it != mesh->faces_end(); ++it )
      mesh->set_color( *it, *colorIt );

      if( colorIt == colors.end() )
         colorIt = colors.begin();

   DistributedVTKMeshWriter< MeshType > meshWriter( mesh, "distributed_mesh_vtk_test_unfiltered", 1 );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< AreaFaceDataSource     < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitVertexDataSource< MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );

   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< RankFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriter.addDataSource( make_shared< RankVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );


   DistributedVTKMeshWriter< MeshType > meshWriterAABBfiltered( mesh, "distributed_mesh_vtk_test_aabb_filter", 1 );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< AreaFaceDataSource     < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitVertexDataSource< MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< RankFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterAABBfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< RankVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterAABBfiltered.setFaceFilter( mesh::AABBFaceFilter< MeshType >(aabb) );


   DistributedVTKMeshWriter< MeshType > meshWriterStatusfiltered( mesh, "distributed_mesh_vtk_test_status_filter", 1 );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< NormalsFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< AreaFaceDataSource     < MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< StatusBitVertexDataSource< MeshType > >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED, "tagged" ) );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< ColorVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< IndexVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< RankFaceDataSource  < MeshType > >() );
   meshWriterStatusfiltered.addDataSource( make_shared< RankVertexDataSource< MeshType > >() );

   meshWriterStatusfiltered.setFaceFilter( mesh::StatusFaceFilter< MeshType >( OpenMesh::Attributes::TAGGED ) );

Beispiel #7
load_obj(const char *path)
    const char *s_sep = " \t\n\r";

    FILE *f = fopen(path, "rt");
    if (!f)
        return false;

    bool result = true;
    char buf[256];
    while (result && !feof(f)) {
        strcpy(buf, "");
        fgets(buf, 256, f);

        char *token = strtok( buf, s_sep);
        if (token) {
            switch (token[0]) {
case 'v': {
    if ((token[1] == 0) || (token[1] == 'n') || (token[1] == 't')) {
        char type = token[1];

        token = strtok( NULL, s_sep);
        int i = 0;
        int r = 3;
        if(type == 't') r = 2;
        float v[3];
        while (token && (i < r)) {
            v[i] = static_cast<float>(atof(token));
            token = strtok( NULL, s_sep);

        if ((i != r) || token) {
            result = false;

        case 0: 
        case 'n':
        default: break;


case 'f': {
    face f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        token = strtok( NULL, s_sep);
        if (!token) {
            result = false;

        char *p = strchr(token, '/');
        char *q = strrchr(token, '/');
        if (!p || !q) {
            result = false;

        *p = 0;

        f.v[i] = atoi(token) - 1;
        f.n[i] = atoi(q) - 1;

        if ((f.v[i] < 0) || (f.n[i] < 0)) {
            result = false;
    if (result) {


	// Compute scene AABB
	g_sceneAABB = computeAABB(g_vertices);

    return result;
void test( const std::string & meshFile, const uint_t numProcesses, const uint_t numTotalBlocks )
   auto mesh = make_shared<MeshType>();
   mesh::readAndBroadcast( meshFile, *mesh);

   auto aabb = computeAABB( *mesh );

   auto domainAABB = aabb.getScaled( typename MeshType::Scalar(3) );

   auto triDist = make_shared< mesh::TriangleDistance<MeshType> >( mesh );
   auto distanceOctree = make_shared< DistanceOctree< MeshType > >( triDist );

   const real_t meshVolume  = real_c( computeVolume( *mesh ) );
   const real_t blockVolume = meshVolume / real_c( numTotalBlocks );
   static const real_t cellsPersBlock = real_t(1000);
   const real_t cellVolume = blockVolume / cellsPersBlock;
   const Vector3<real_t> cellSize( std::pow( cellVolume, real_t(1) / real_t(3) ) );

   ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator bfc( domainAABB, cellSize, makeExcludeMeshInterior( distanceOctree, cellSize.min() ) );
   auto wl = mesh::makeMeshWorkloadMemory( distanceOctree, cellSize );
   bfc.setWorkloadMemorySUIDAssignmentFunction( wl );
   bfc.setRefinementSelectionFunction( makeRefinementSelection( distanceOctree, 5, cellSize[0], cellSize[0] * real_t(5) ) );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with StaticLevelwiseCurveBalanceWeighted Partitioner" );
   bfc.setTargetProcessAssignmentFunction( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseCurveBalanceWeighted() );
   auto sbf_default = bfc.createSetupBlockForest( Vector3<uint_t>(64,64,64), numProcesses );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( sbf_default->toString() );


   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with ParMetis (PART_KWAY, no commweights)" );
   bfc.setTargetProcessAssignmentFunction( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis::PARMETIS_PART_KWAY ) );
   auto sbf = bfc.createSetupBlockForest( numTotalBlocks, numProcesses );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( sbf->toString() );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with ParMetis (PART_KWAY, commweights)" );
   bfc.setTargetProcessAssignmentFunction( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis( commInXDirection, blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis::PARMETIS_PART_KWAY ) );
   auto sbf_edge = bfc.createSetupBlockForest( numTotalBlocks, numProcesses );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( sbf_edge->toString() );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with ParMetis (PART_GEOM_KWAY, no commweights)" );
   bfc.setTargetProcessAssignmentFunction( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis::PARMETIS_PART_GEOM_KWAY ) );
   auto sbf_geom = bfc.createSetupBlockForest( numTotalBlocks, numProcesses );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( sbf_geom->toString() );

   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with ParMetis (PART_GEOM_KWAY, commweights)" );
   bfc.setTargetProcessAssignmentFunction( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis( commInXDirection, blockforest::StaticLevelwiseParMetis::PARMETIS_PART_GEOM_KWAY ) );
   auto sbf_geom_edge = bfc.createSetupBlockForest( numTotalBlocks, numProcesses );
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( sbf_geom_edge->toString() );
