Beispiel #1
int QP::line_search()
    double eps = 1e-4;

    result = vector<double>(lb.size(), 1);

    printf("obj:%.5f\n", compute_obj());
    for (int i=0; i<num_var; i++)

        if (lb[i]+eps>ub[i])

        double best = compute_obj();
        double best_val = lb[i];
        double from = lb[i];
        double to = ub[i];
        if (from<-10)
            from = -10;

        if (to>10)
            to = 10;

        double step = (to-from)/10;
        for (double val=from; val<to; val+=step)
            result[i] = val;
            double res = compute_obj();
            if (res<best)
                best_val = val;
                best = res;
        result[i] = best_val;
        //printf("obj:%.5f\n", compute_obj());
Beispiel #2
void Solver_ALM::Solve(double *w, double *obj, Function_SOFTMAX *func)
	int *perm = Malloc(int, l);
    double *obj = Malloc(double, max_iter+1);
	double *grad = Malloc(double, w_size);
	double *probability = Malloc(double, nr_class);
	double *norm_term = Malloc(double, nr_class);
	int *perm = new int[l];
    double *grad_w = new double[w_size];
	//double *obj = new double[max_iter+1];
	//double *grad = new double[nr_class];
	//double *output = new double[nr_class];
	//double *probability = new double[nr_class];
	//double *norm_term = new double[nr_class];
    //double sum = 0;
    //int id;
	//double *v = new double[nr_class];

    // variables for sub-problem
	double *d = new double[nr_class];
    double rho;
    double rho_max = 5;
    double rho_init = 1;
    //double rho = 1e-1;
    double eps_lambda = 1e-2;
    double eps_G = 1e-2 * 2;
    double factor = 0.9;

    //bool line_search = false;
    bool newton;
    double beta = 1.00;
//    double eta = 0.3;
    //double eta = 0.1; // iris
    double eta = 0.2; // glass
    double eta_g_upper = 1e-4;
    double eta_g_lower = 1e-6;
    double G_norm;
    double G_norm_old;
    double G_gap;
    double sigma = 1e-1;
    double sub_obj;
    double sub_obj_new;
    double log_alpha;
    double term1;
    double term2;
    double *d_temp = new double[nr_class];

    double *sk = new double[nr_class];
    double *yk = new double[nr_class];

    double G_temp;
    double yk_sum = 0;
    double sk_sum = 0;
    double *G_log_dif = new double[l];
    //double *eta_list = new double[l];
    //for(int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
        //eta_list[i] = eta;
    // gradient descent
    double rho = 1e-6;

    double *q = new double[nr_class];
    double *G = new double[nr_class];
    double *GG = new double[nr_class];

    double timer = 0;
    double grad_norm;
    double primal;
    double dual;
    double accuracy;

    double *alpha_new = new double [alpha_size];
    double *G_log = new double [alpha_size];

    int i;
    int iter_class;
    int id;
    feature_node *xi;
    int yi;

    int iter = 0;
    int inner_iter;
    int newton_iter;
    int j;
    int temp;

    int index;
    double value;
    double start;

    int order;
    double norm_id;
    double lambda;

    double alpha_temp;
    double alpha_old;
    double eta_temp;

    double sum_d = 0;
    double lambda_gap = 0;
    //initialize alpha
    for(i = 0; i < alpha_size; i++)
		alpha[i] = pi / (1-nr_class);
	for(id = 0; id < l; id++)
		yi = prob->y[id];
		alpha[id*nr_class+yi] = pi;

    //initialize w
	//pre-calculate norm_list
	for(i = 0; i < w_size; i++)
		w[i] = 0;
	for(id = 0; id < l; id++)
		xi = prob->x[id];
		yi = prob->y[id];

		while(xi->index != -1)
			index = xi->index - 1;
			value = xi->value;

            //calculate norm_list
			norm_list[id] += value * value;

			for(iter_class = 0; iter_class < nr_class; iter_class++)
				w[index*nr_class+iter_class] += alpha[id*nr_class+iter_class] * value;
    //compute objective
	obj[0] = compute_obj(w);

	for(; iter < max_iter; iter++)
	//for(; iter < 1; iter++)
        start = clock();

        //rho *= 0.9999;
        beta = std::max(0.00001, beta * 0.75); // glass
        //if((iter+1)%10 == 0)
            //beta = std::max(0.0000001, beta * 0.1);
        //beta = std::max(0.001, beta * 0.85); iris

		for(i = 0; i < l; ++i)
			perm[i] = i;
		for(i = 0; i < l; ++i)
			j = i + rand()%(l-i);
			//swap(perm[i], perm[j]);
			temp = perm[i];
			perm[i] = perm[j];
			perm[j] = temp;

		//two-level dual block-coordinate descent
		//the outer level considers a block of variables corresponding an instance , i.e., alpha_i
		for(order = 0; order < l; ++order)
            rho = rho_init;

			id = perm[order];
			yi = prob->y[id];

            norm_id = norm_list[id];

            //solve the sub-problem
            //initialize d and lambda
            //compute q
            lambda = 0.0;
            for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                d[i] = 0;
                q[i] = 0;
                G[i] = 0;
            newton = true;

			xi = prob->x[id];
			while(xi->index != -1)
				index = xi->index - 1;
				value = xi->value;
				for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
					q[i] += w[index*nr_class+i] * value;

            //inner loop for sub-problem
            for(inner_iter = 0; inner_iter < max_inner_iter; ++inner_iter, rho *= 1.1)
                rho = std::min(rho, rho_max);
                //update d
                for(newton_iter = 0; newton_iter < max_newton_iter; ++newton_iter)

                    if(newton_iter == 1)
                        //newton = false;
                    if(newton_iter == 3)
                        newton = true;

                    //compute derivatives
                    sum_d = 0;
                    for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                        sum_d += d[i];
                    G_norm = 0;
                    //sub_obj = 0;
                    //term1 = 0;
                    //term2 = 0;
                    yk_sum = 0;
                    for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                        //compute first-order derivatives
                        alpha_temp = alpha[id*nr_class+i];
                        G_temp = C*norm_id*d[i] + rho*sum_d;
                        G_temp += C*q[i] + lambda;

                        //if(inner_iter == 0 && newton_iter == 0)
                        if (i == yi)
                            alpha_temp = 1 - alpha_temp - d[i];
                        } else
                            alpha_temp = -alpha_temp - d[i];
                            //term1 += d[i] * d[i];
                            //term2 += (C*q[i]+lambda) * d[i];

                        log_alpha = log(alpha_temp);
                            //sub_obj += alpha_temp * log_alpha;

                        G_temp += 1 - log_alpha;

                        //compute second-order derivatives
                        //diagonal approximation

                        G_norm += G_temp * G_temp;

                        yk[i] = G_temp - G[i];
                        G[i] = G_temp;

                        yk_sum += fabs(yk[i] * sk[i]);

                            GG[i] = C * norm_list[id] + rho * 1 + 1 / alpha_temp;
                    G_gap = fabs(G_norm-G_norm_old) / G_norm_old;
                    if(G_gap <= eps_G)
                        G_norm_old = G_norm;
                    //sub_obj += 0.5 * term1 * (C*norm_id*norm_id+rho) + term2;

                    //update d
                    //sub_obj_new = 0;
                    //term1 = 0;
                    //term2 = 0;
                    for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                        //d[i] -= rho * G[i]/GG[i];
                        //d[i] -= G[i]/GG[i];
                        //d[i] -= rho * G[i];
                        //double d_temp = d[i] - 1.0* G[i]/GG[i];
                        //beta = 0.5;

                        // project
                        //d_temp[i] = d[i] - eta * G[i];
                            d_temp[i] = d[i] - beta * eta * G[i] / GG[i];
                        } else
                            eta_temp = sk_sum / yk_sum;
                            eta_temp = std::max(eta_temp, eta_g_lower);
                            eta_temp = std::min(eta_temp, eta_g_upper);
                            //eta_temp = eta_g;
                            d_temp[i] = d[i] - beta * G[i] * eta_temp;
                        alpha_old = alpha[id*nr_class+i];
                        alpha_temp = alpha_old + d_temp[i];

                        //factor = newton_iter / (10.0+newton_iter);
                        if (i == yi)
                            if (alpha_temp <= 0)
                                alpha_temp = alpha_old * (1-factor);
                            else if (alpha_temp >= 1)
                                alpha_temp = alpha_old*(1-factor) + factor;
                            //log_alpha = (1-alpha_temp) * log(1-alpha_temp);
                            if (alpha_temp >= 0)
                                alpha_temp = alpha_old * (1-factor);
                            else if (alpha_temp <= -1)
                                alpha_temp = alpha_old * (1-factor) - factor;
                            //log_alpha = (-alpha_temp) * log(-alpha_temp);
                        //alpha_new[i] = alpha_temp;
                        d_temp[i] = alpha_temp - alpha_old;
                        //term1 += d_temp[i] * d_temp[i];
                        //term2 += (C*q[i]+lambda) * d_temp[i];
                        //sub_obj_new += log_alpha;
                    //sub_obj_new += 0.5 * term1 * (C*norm_id*norm_id+rho) + term2;

                    // line search

                    sk_sum = 0;
                    for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                        sk[i] = d_temp[i] - d[i];
                        d[i] = d_temp[i];
                        //sk_sum += sk[i]*sk[i]/GG[i];
                        sk_sum += sk[i]*sk[i];
                        //d[i] = alpha_new[i] - alpha[id*nr_class+i];

                std::cout << newton_iter << '\t' << G_gap << '\t' << lambda_gap << '\t' << clock()-start <<  std::endl;

                //update lambda
                sum_d = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < nr_class; ++i)
                    sum_d += d[i];
                lambda_gap = rho * sum_d;
                lambda += lambda_gap;

                if( fabs(lambda_gap) <= eps_lambda)

            //end of inner loop
            std::cout << inner_iter << '\t'  << G_gap << '\t' << lambda_gap << '\t' << clock()-start << std::endl;

            //update w
            xi = prob->x[id];
            while(xi->index != -1)
                index = xi->index - 1;
                value = xi->value;
                for(iter_class = 0; iter_class < nr_class; ++iter_class)
                    w[index*nr_class+iter_class] += d[iter_class] * value;
            //update alpha
            for(iter_class = 0; iter_class < nr_class; ++iter_class)
                alpha[id*nr_class+iter_class] += d[iter_class];

		// one epoch of dual coordinate descent

        timer += clock() - start;

        primal = func->obj_primal(w);

        for(i = 0; i < alpha_size; ++i)
            alpha_new[i] = -alpha[i];
        for(id = 0; id < l; ++id)
            yi = prob->y[id];
            alpha_new[id*nr_class+yi] = alpha[id*nr_class+yi] + 1;
        dual = func->obj_dual(alpha_new, w);

        func->grad(w, grad_w, &grad_norm);

        accuracy = func->testing(w);

        std::cout << iter << '\t' << timer << '\t' << primal << '\t' << dual << '\t' << accuracy << '\t' << grad_norm << std::endl;

        //compute objective
        obj[iter+1] = compute_obj(w);

        if(iter>5 && (fabs(obj[iter+1]-obj[iter])/obj[iter] <= eps) )

	obj[iter+1] = -1;

	//delete [] norm_term;
	//delete [] probability;
	//delete [] grad;
	//delete [] obj;
    delete [] perm;
    delete [] grad_w;
	//delete [] output;
	delete [] G;
    delete [] GG;

	delete [] d;
    delete [] q;

    delete [] alpha_new;
    delete [] G_log;
    delete [] d_temp;
    delete [] G_log_dif;

    delete [] sk;
    delete [] yk;
