int LibMain::Run(int argc, char **argv) { Utils::banner(argv[0]); CmdSwitchFile internalConfig(SwitchParser); std::string configName = Utils::QualifiedFile(argv[0], ".cfg"); std::fstream configTest(configName.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (! { configTest.close(); if (!internalConfig.Parse(configName.c_str())) Utils::fatal("Corrupt configuration file"); } if (!SwitchParser.Parse(&argc, argv)) { Utils::usage(argv[0], usageText); } if (argc < 2 && File.GetCount() < 3) { Utils::usage(argv[0], usageText); } // setup ObjString outputFile = argv[1]; size_t n = outputFile.find_last_of('.'); if (n == std::string::npos || (n != outputFile.size()-1 && outputFile[n+1] != 'l')) { outputFile += ".l"; } LibManager librarian(outputFile, caseSensitiveSwitch.GetValue()); if (librarian.IsOpen()) if (!librarian.LoadLibrary()) { std::cout << outputFile.c_str() << " is not a library" << std::endl; return 1; } for (int i= 2; i < argc; i++) AddFile(librarian, argv[i]); for (int i = 1; i < File.GetCount(); i++) AddFile(librarian, File.GetValue()[i]); for (CmdFiles::FileNameIterator it = addFiles.FileNameBegin(); it != addFiles.FileNameEnd(); ++it) { librarian.AddFile(*(*it)); } for (CmdFiles::FileNameIterator it = replaceFiles.FileNameBegin(); it != replaceFiles.FileNameEnd(); ++it) { librarian.ReplaceFile(*(*it)); } if (modified) if (!librarian.SaveLibrary()) { std::cout << "Error writing library file" << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
int BRCMain::Run(int argc, char **argv) { Utils::banner(argv[0]); CmdSwitchFile internalConfig(SwitchParser); std::string configName = Utils::QualifiedFile(argv[0], ".cfg"); std::fstream configTest(configName.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (! { configTest.close(); if (!internalConfig.Parse(configName.c_str())) Utils::fatal("Corrupt configuration file"); } if (!SwitchParser.Parse(&argc, argv)) { Utils::usage(argv[0], usageText); } if (argc < 2 || (argc == 2 && File.GetCount() < 2)) { Utils::usage(argv[0], usageText); } // setup ObjString outputFile = Utils::QualifiedFile(argv[1], ".obr"); CmdFiles files(argv + 2); if (File.GetCount()) files.Add(File.GetValue() + 1); BRCLoader loader(files); bool ok = loader.load(); if (ok) { BRCWriter writer(outputFile, loader); ok = writer.write(); } return !ok; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { ConfigChecker cc; cc.addIntegerParam("verboseLevel", false, true, "level of the verbose information 0=no verbose, 1=normal, 2=more"); cc.addStringParam("config", OPTIONAL, ARG_REQUIRED, "Train config file name "); cc.addStringParam("configTest", OPTIONAL, ARG_REQUIRED, "Unsupervised adaptation config file name "); cc.addStringParam("targetIdList", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "targets list"); cc.addStringParam("inputWorldFilename", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "world model"); cc.addStringParam("testsIdList", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "tests list"); cc.addBooleanParam("NISTprotocol", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "true to follow unsupervised NIST protocol, false to follow BATCH protocol"); cc.addBooleanParam("WMAP", false, false, "NO MORE USED, Choice of WMAP (one Gaussian) to compute trial feature server weights, need other param : MUtarget,MUimp,SIGMAtarget and SIGMAIMP;TAR weight and IMPweight, thrMin and thrMax"); cc.addBooleanParam("WMAPGMM", false, false, "Choice of WMAP GMM to compute trial feature server weights, param needed : two gmm of scores, TARScoresModel and NONScoresModel. Need also a value for Priors update, initPriorImp (10) and initPriorTar(1) "); cc.addBooleanParam("TNORM", false, false, " TNORM scores before computing WMAP, need gmm of Tnormed scores and a param : impScoreFile, score file for TNORM and testsNames, the list of trial segments "); cc.addBooleanParam("FAST", false, false, "FAST MODE : For computing LLR use top ten info files AND FOR FUSING EM MODELS WHEN UPDATING"); cc.addBooleanParam("FromResFile", false, false, " Avoid to compute LLR for WMAP computing, search LLR in a score file, param needed: InputResFilename"); cc.addBooleanParam("CrossValid", false, false, " compute LLR of a percentage of train data on a model learnt on a percentage of train data AverageIt times and return the best ML (one iter) model, need AverageIt, SelectedTrain."); cc.addBooleanParam("Oracle", false, false, " For Oracle (supervised) experiments, need targetTests to perform adaptation on target tests only"); cc.addBooleanParam("REGRESS", false, false, "Use logistic regression for adaptation weights computing, need BETA and THETA"); cc.addIntegerParam("MaxMixturesCount", false, true, "max mixtures stored in the mixture server (in memory)"); cc.addIntegerParam("LLKthreshold", false, true, "thresholds the results of LLR in order to avoid problem in WMAP computing"); cc.addStringParam("computeLLKWithTopDistribs", true, true, "PARTIAL/COMPLETE: will compute LLK with topdistribs. COMPLETE: add world LLK to client LLK, PARTIAL: just keeps the topDistrib LLK"); cc.addIntegerParam("topDistribsCount ", false, true, "Number of distrib to approximate complete LLK"); cc.addStringParam("InfoExtension", false, true, "Extension for top ten info files"); cc.addStringParam("InfoPath", false, true, "Path for top ten info files"); cc.addFloatParam("OptimalScore", false, true, "Used for updating priors (fixedPriors == false), if LLR is superior add one for target count, else add one for impostors count "); cc.addBooleanParam("SegMode", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "For adaptation by segments (for the moment support only 3 frame segments)"); cc.addIntegerParam("mixtureDistribCountForGMMScores", false, true, "NUMBER OF GAUSSIAN IN SCORES GMM"); cc.addBooleanParam("ScoresByTarget", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED," IF SET TO TRUE TWO GMM (TAR AND NON) ARE NEEDED BY CLIENT (idcinet.tar and idclient.non)"); cc.addStringParam("TARListFilename", false, true, "List of the TAR model id (used when ScoresByTarget is set to true)"); cc.addIntegerParam("ResetNbAdapt ", false, true, "Max number of tests used for adaptation"); Config tmp; CmdLine cmdLine(argc, argv); if (cmdLine.displayHelpRequired()) { // --help cout << "************************************" << endl; cout << "********** SpkAdapt.exe *********" << endl; cout << "************************************" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Unsupervised adaptation process, update model using test trial information following NIST protocol" << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Command Line example: " << endl; cout << "SpkAdapt.exe --config cfg/TrainTarget.cfg --configTest cfg/TrainTest.cfg --inputWorldFilename world --targetIdList ./lst/id.lst --testsIdList ./lst/tests.list --outputLLRFilename file --NISTprotocol true" << endl; cout << cc.getParamList() << endl; } else { cmdLine.copyIntoConfig(tmp); Config config(tmp.getParam("config")); cmdLine.copyIntoConfig(config); Config configTest(tmp.getParam("configTest")); if (config.existsParam("verbose")) verbose = config.getParam("verbose").toBool(); else verbose = false; bool segmode=false; if (config.existsParam("SegMode")) segmode = config.getParam("SegMode").toBool(); if (verbose) verboseLevel = 1; else verboseLevel = 0; if (config.existsParam("verboseLevel")) verboseLevel = config.getParam("verboseLevel").toLong(); if (verboseLevel > 0) verbose = true; TrainTargetAdapt(config, configTest); // Launch process } } catch(alize::Exception & e) { cout << e.toString() << endl; } return 0; }
int AsmMain::Run(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rv = 0; Utils::banner(argv[0]); CmdSwitchFile internalConfig(SwitchParser); std::string configName = Utils::QualifiedFile(argv[0], ".cfg"); std::fstream configTest(configName.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (configTest != NULL) { configTest.close(); if (!internalConfig.Parse(configName.c_str())) Utils::fatal("Corrupt configuration file"); } if (!SwitchParser.Parse(&argc, argv) || (argc == 1 && File.GetCount() <= 1)) { Utils::usage(argv[0], usageText); } CmdFiles files(argv+1); if (File.GetValue()) files.Add(File.GetValue() + 1); if (files.GetSize() > 1 && OutputFile.GetValue().size()) Utils::fatal("Cannot specify output file for multiple input files"); std::string sysSrchPth; std::string srchPth; if (includePath.GetValue().size()) { size_t n = includePath.GetValue().find_first_of(';'); if (n == std::string::npos) { sysSrchPth = includePath.GetValue(); } else { sysSrchPth = includePath.GetValue().substr(0, n); srchPth = includePath.GetValue().substr(n+1); } } for (CmdFiles::FileNameIterator it = files.FileNameBegin(); it != files.FileNameEnd(); ++it) { std::string inName = (*it)->c_str(); int npos = inName.find_last_of("."); if (npos == std::string::npos || npos && inName[npos-1] == '.' || (npos != inName.size()-1 && inName[npos+1] == CmdFiles::DIR_SEP[0])) { inName = Utils::QualifiedFile( (*it)->c_str(), ".asm"); } PreProcessor pp(inName, srchPth, sysSrchPth, false, false, '%', false, false, true); int n = Defines.GetCount(); for (int i=0; i < n; i++) { CmdSwitchDefine::define *v = Defines.GetValue(i); pp.Define(v->name, v->value, false); } std::string outName; if (OutputFile.GetValue().size() != 0) outName = OutputFile.GetValue(); else outName = Utils::QualifiedFile( (*it)->c_str(), ".o"); if (PreprocessOnly.GetValue()) { std::string working = Utils::QualifiedFile((*it)->c_str(), ".i"); std::fstream out(working.c_str(), std::ios::out); if (out == NULL) { Utils::fatal(std::string(std::string("Could not open ") + working.c_str() + " for write.").c_str()); } else { while (pp.GetLine(working)) { CheckAssign(working, pp); out << working << std::endl; } } out.close(); } else { Listing listing; AsmFile asmFile(pp, CaseInsensitive.GetValue(), listing); if (asmFile.Read()) { if (!asmFile.Write(outName, inName) || Errors::ErrorCount()) { rv = 1; } else if (CreateListFile.GetValue()) { std::string listingName = Utils::QualifiedFile( (*it)->c_str(), ".lst"); if (!listing.Write(listingName, inName, CreateListFile.GetValue('m'))) { rv = 1; } } } else { rv = 1; } if (rv) unlink(outName.c_str()); } } return rv; }