Beispiel #1
void ParticleSystem::_update(Real timeElapsed)
    Real nonvisibleTimeout = mNonvisibleTimeoutSet ? mNonvisibleTimeout : msDefaultNonvisibleTimeout;

    // Scale incoming speed for the rest of the calculation
    timeElapsed *= mSpeedFactor;

    // Init renderer if not done already

    // Initialise emitted emitters list if not done already

    Real iterationInterval = mIterationIntervalSet ? mIterationInterval : msDefaultIterationInterval;
    if (iterationInterval > 0)
        mUpdateRemainTime += timeElapsed;

        while (mUpdateRemainTime >= iterationInterval)
            // Update existing particles

	    if (mIsEmitting)
		// Emit new particles

            mUpdateRemainTime -= iterationInterval;
        // Update existing particles

	if (mIsEmitting)
	    // Emit new particles

    if (!mBoundsAutoUpdate && mBoundsUpdateTime > 0.0f)
        mBoundsUpdateTime -= timeElapsed; // count down 
    // _updateBounds();
/// @brief  Initialises the application.
/// @return Returns true if the initialisation was successful, false otherwise.
bool ServerGraphics::initApplication (void)
    // Select and load the relevant resources
    mResourcesCfg = "../../media/resources.cfg";
#ifdef _DEBUG
    mPluginsCfg = "plugins_d.cfg";
    mPluginsCfg = "plugins.cfg";
    mRoot = new Ogre::Root(mPluginsCfg, "ogre.cfg", "");
    // Configure the renderer and exit if no configuration was provided.
    if (!configureRenderer())
        return false;

    // Create the window and viewport to go in it.
    NameValuePairList windowParameters;
    windowParameters["border"] = "fixed";
    mWindow = mRoot->createRenderWindow("Collision Domain Server", 640, 480, false, &windowParameters);
    GameCore::mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC);

    // Load the required resources
    // Create the splash screen (preloading its required resources in the process)
    SplashScreen splashScreen(mRoot);
    //Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(5);   // Set default mipmap level
    //loadResources();                    // Load resources

    GameCore::initialise(this); // Initialise other game elements
    GameCore::load(&splashScreen, 0);
    GameCore::mNetworkCore->init(NULL);     // Initialise the server networking

    createScene();                          // Create the scene (in the server's case loading physics meshes)
    createFrameListener();                  // Create the frame listener to be used during rendering

    return true;