Beispiel #1
ToolBarManager::ToolBarManager(QMainWindow *configureableMainWindow,
                                         QWidget *parent,
                                         QMenu *toolBarMenu,
                                         const QDesignerActions *actions,
                                         const QList<QToolBar *> &toolbars,
                                         const QList<QDesignerToolWindow*> &toolWindows) :
    m_manager(new QtToolBarManager(this)),
    m_configureAction(new QAction(tr("Configure Toolbars..."), this)),
    connect(m_configureAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(configureToolBars()));


    foreach(QToolBar *tb, m_toolbars) {
        const QString title = tb->windowTitle();
        m_manager->addToolBar(tb, title);
        addActionsToToolBarManager(tb->actions(), title, m_manager);

    addActionsToToolBarManager(actions->windowActions()->actions(), tr("Window"), m_manager);
    addActionsToToolBarManager(actions->helpActions()->actions(), tr("Help"), m_manager);

    // Filter out the device profile preview actions which have int data().
    ActionList previewActions = actions->styleActions()->actions();
    ActionList::iterator it = previewActions.begin();
    for ( ; (*it)->isSeparator() || (*it)->data().type() == QVariant::Int; ++it) ;
    previewActions.erase(previewActions.begin(), it);
    addActionsToToolBarManager(previewActions, tr("Style"), m_manager);

    const QString dockTitle = tr("Dock views");
    foreach (QDesignerToolWindow *tw, toolWindows) {
        if (QAction *action = tw->action())
            m_manager->addAction(action, dockTitle);

    m_manager->addAction(m_configureAction, tr("Toolbars"));
Beispiel #2
void Kiten::setupActions()
  /* Add the basic quit/print/prefs actions, use the gui factory for keybindings */
  (void) KStandardAction::quit( this, SLOT(close()), actionCollection() );
  //Why the heck is KSA:print adding it's own toolbar!?
  //	(void) KStandardAction::print(this, SLOT(print()), actionCollection());
  (void) KStandardAction::preferences( this, SLOT(slotConfigure()), actionCollection() );
  //old style cast seems needed here, (const QObject*)
  KStandardAction::keyBindings(   (const QObject*)guiFactory()
                                , SLOT(configureShortcuts())
                                , actionCollection() );

  /* Setup the Go-to-learn-mode actions */
  /* TODO: put back when Dictionary Editor is reorganised */
// 	(void) new KAction(   i18n( "&Dictionary Editor..." )
//                             , "document-properties"
//                             , 0
//                             , this
//                             , SLOT(createEEdit())
//                             , actionCollection()
//                             , "dict_editor");
  QAction *radselect = actionCollection()->addAction( "radselect" );
  radselect->setText( i18n( "Radical Selector" ) );
//	radselect->setIcon( "edit-find" );
  actionCollection()->setDefaultShortcut(radselect, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_R );
  connect(radselect, &QAction::triggered, this, &Kiten::radicalSearch);

  QAction *kanjibrowser = actionCollection()->addAction( "kanjibrowser" );
  kanjibrowser->setText( i18n( "Kanji Browser" ) );
  actionCollection()->setDefaultShortcut(kanjibrowser, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K );
  connect(kanjibrowser, &QAction::triggered, this, &Kiten::kanjiBrowserSearch);

  /* Setup the Search Actions and our custom Edit Box */
  _inputManager = new SearchStringInput( this );

  QAction *searchButton = actionCollection()->addAction( "search" );
  searchButton->setText( i18n( "S&earch" ) );
  // Set the search button to search
  connect(searchButton, &QAction::triggered, this, &Kiten::searchFromEdit);
  searchButton->setIcon( KStandardGuiItem::find().icon() );

  // That's not it, that's "find as you type"...
//   connect( Edit, SIGNAL(completion(QString)),
//            this,   SLOT(searchFromEdit()) );

  /* Setup our widgets that handle preferences */
//   deinfCB = new KToggleAction(   i18n( "&Deinflect Verbs in Regular Search" )
//                                 , 0
//                                 , this
//                                 , SLOT(kanjiDictChange())
//                                 , actionCollection()
//                                 , "deinf_toggle" );

  _autoSearchToggle = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>( "autosearch_toggle" );
  _autoSearchToggle->setText( i18n( "&Automatically Search Clipboard Selections" ) );

  _irAction = actionCollection()->add<QAction>( "search_in_results" );
  _irAction->setText( i18n( "Search &in Results" ) );
  connect(_irAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Kiten::searchInResults);

  QAction *actionFocusResultsView;
  actionFocusResultsView = actionCollection()->addAction(  "focusresultview"
                                                         , this
                                                         , SLOT(focusResultsView()) );
  actionCollection()->setDefaultShortcut(actionFocusResultsView, Qt::Key_Escape );
  actionFocusResultsView->setText( i18n( "Focus result view" ) );

  (void) KStandardAction::configureToolbars(   this
                                             , SLOT(configureToolBars())
                                             , actionCollection() );

  //TODO: this should probably be a standard action
  globalShortcutsAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "options_configure_global_keybinding" );
  globalShortcutsAction->setText( i18n( "Configure &Global Shortcuts..." ) );
  connect( globalShortcutsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(configureGlobalKeys()) );

  //TODO: implement this
  //_globalSearchAction = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>( "search_on_the_spot" );
  //_globalSearchAction->setText( i18n( "On The Spo&t Search" ) );
  //KAction *temp = qobject_cast<KAction*>( _globalSearchAction );
  //KShortcut shrt( "Ctrl+Alt+S" );
  //globalSearchAction->setGlobalShortcut(shrt);  //FIXME: Why does this take ~50 seconds to return!?
  //connect(globalSearchAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(searchOnTheSpot()));

  _backAction = KStandardAction::back( this, SLOT(back()), actionCollection() );
  _forwardAction = KStandardAction::forward( this, SLOT(forward()), actionCollection() );
  _backAction->setEnabled( false );
  _forwardAction->setEnabled( false );