Beispiel #1
	void make_layer_recurrent(Layer* layer)
		vector<int> delay = list_of<int>().repeat(layer->num_seq_dims(), 0);
		loop (int i, indices(delay))
			delay[i] = -layer->directions[i];
			connect_layers(layer, layer, delay);
			delay[i] = 0;

  Name: topology::ConnectLayers - connect two layers

  Synopsis: sourcelayergid targetlayergid connection_dict
  ConnectLayers -> -

  Description: Connects nodes in two topological layers.

  The parameters set in the input dictionary decides the nature
  of the connection pattern being created. Please see parameter
  list below for a detailed description of these variables.

  The connections are created by iterating through either the
  source or the target layer, consecutively connecting each node
  to a region in the opposing layer.

  sourcelayergid  - GID of source layer
  targetlayergid  - GID of target layer

  connection_dict - dictionary containing any of the following

  Connection dictionary parameters:
  Parameter name: connection-type

  Type: string

  Parameter description:

  Decides the type of connection pattern being created (i.e.
  convergent or divergent topological connection). A convergent
  topological connection is a connection between a source region
  and a target node. A divergent topological connection is a
  connection between a source node and a target region. A convergent
  topological connection can also be called a receptive field connection.
  A divergent topological connection can also be called a projective
  field connection. A one-to-one connection can be created by setting
  the size of the source or target region equal to one. The connection
  type has particular effect on the connection pattern when used together
  with the number_of_connections variable.

  Parameter name: mask

  Type: dictionary

  Parameter description:

  The mask defines the region used in the connection type described
  above. There exists a selection of many different region sizes and
  shapes. Examples are the grid region, the rectangular, circular or
  doughnut region.

  The grid region takes an optional anchor parameter. The anchor
  parameter indicates which node of the grid region is aligned with
  the source node.

  Parameter name: weights, delays and kernel

  Type: dictionary

  Parameter description:

  These parameters can be initialised in many ways. Either as a constant
  value, with the help of a dictionary, or in an array (only for fixed
  grid layers). The dictionary can be of type gaussian, 2D gaussian,
  linear, exponential and other.

  Parameter name: source

  Type: dictionary

  Parameter description:

  The source dictionary enables us to give further detail on
  how the nodes in the source layer used in the connection function
  should be processed.

  model*             literal
  lid^               integer

  *modeltype (i.e. /iaf_neuron) of nodes that should be connected to
  in the layer. All nodes are used if this variable isn't set.
  ^Nesting depth of nodes that should be connected to. All layers are used
  if this variable isn't set.

  Parameter name: target

  Type: dictionary

  Parameter description:

  See description for source dictionary.

  Parameter name: number_of_connections

  Type: integer

  Parameter description:

  Maximum number of connections that each iterating node is allowed.
  The actual connections being created are picked at random from all
  the candidate connections.

      Parameter name: synapse_model

      Type: literal

      Parameter description:

      The synapse model to be used for creating the connection.
  Parameter name: allow_autapses

  Type: bool

  Parameter description: Used together with the number_of_connections option to
  indicate if autapses are allowed.

  Parameter name: allow_multapses

  Type: bool

  Parameter description: Used together with the number_of_connections option to
  indicate if multapses are allowed.



  topology using

  %Create source layer with CreateLayer
  << /rows 15
     /columns 43
     /extent [1.0 2.0]
     /elements /iaf_neuron
  >> /src_dictionary Set

  src_dictionary CreateLayer /src Set

  %Create target layer with CreateLayer
  %%Create layer
  << /rows 34
     /columns 71
     /extent [3.0 1.0]
     /elements {/iaf_neuron Create ; /iaf_psc_alpha Create ;}
  >> /tgt_dictionary Set

  tgt_dictionary CreateLayer /tgt Set

  <<	/connection_type (convergent)
      /mask << /grid << /rows 2 /columns 3 >>
               /anchor << /row 4 /column 2 >> >>
      /weights 2.3
      /delays [2.3 1.2 3.2 1.3 2.3 1.2]
      /kernel << /gaussian << /sigma 1.2 /p_center 1.41 >> >>
      /sources << /model /iaf_neuron
                  /lid 1 >>
      /targets << /model /iaf_neuron
                  /lid 2 >>
      /synapse_model /stdp_synapse

  >> /parameters Set

  src tgt parameters ConnectLayers

  Author: Håkon Enger, Kittel Austvoll

  SeeAlso: topology::CreateLayer
TopologyModule::ConnectLayers_i_i_DFunction::execute( SLIInterpreter* i ) const
  i->assert_stack_load( 3 );

  index source_gid = getValue< long_t >( i->OStack.pick( 2 ) );
  index target_gid = getValue< long_t >( i->OStack.pick( 1 ) );
  const DictionaryDatum connection_dict = getValue< DictionaryDatum >( i->OStack.pick( 0 ) );

  connect_layers( source_gid, target_gid, connection_dict );

  i->OStack.pop( 3 );