Interpreter::Interpreter(ConsoleWidget *console, VideoWidget *video, MonParameterDB *data, const QString &initScript) :
    m_initScript = initScript;
    m_initScript.remove(QRegExp("^\\s+"));  // remove initial whitespace
    m_console = console;
    m_video = video;
    m_pixymonParameters = data;
    m_pc = 0;
    m_programming = false;
    m_localProgramRunning = false;
    m_waiting = false;
    m_fastPoll = true;
    m_notified = false;
    m_running = -1; // set to bogus value to force update
    m_chirp = NULL;

    m_renderer = new Renderer(m_video, this);

    connect(m_console, SIGNAL(textLine(QString)), this, SLOT(command(QString)));
    connect(m_console, SIGNAL(controlKey(Qt::Key)), this, SLOT(controlKey(Qt::Key)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(textOut(QString, QColor)), m_console, SLOT(print(QString, QColor)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(error(QString)), m_console, SLOT(error(QString)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(enableConsole(bool)), m_console, SLOT(acceptInput(bool)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(prompt(QString)), m_console, SLOT(prompt(QString)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(consoleCommand(QString)), m_console, SLOT(command(QString)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(videoInput(VideoWidget::InputMode)), m_video, SLOT(acceptInput(VideoWidget::InputMode)));
    connect(m_video, SIGNAL(selection(int,int,int,int)), this, SLOT(handleSelection(int,int,int,int)));


    m_run = true;
Beispiel #2
int loadConfig(char *filename) {
	char str[1024];
	FILE *fp;
	bool mallocd = FALSE;

	printlog("Loading config '%s'...\n",filename);
	if( strstr(filename,".cfg") == NULL ) {
		char *filename2 = filename;
		filename = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*256);
		mallocd = TRUE;
	// open the config file
	if( (fp = fopen(filename,"rb")) == NULL ) {
		printlog("warning: config file '%s' does not exist!\n", filename);
		defaultConfig(); //Set up the game with the default config.
		return 0;
	// read commands from it
	while( fgets(str,1024,fp) != NULL ) {
		if( str[0] != '#' && str[0]!='\n' && str[0]!='\r' ) { // if this line is not white space or a comment
			// execute command
	if( mallocd )
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
void runPage::okButtonPushed()
   QString cmd;
   QTextStream(&cmd) << "run" <<
      " job=\"" << jobCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " fileset=\"" << filesetCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " level=\"" << levelCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " client=\"" << clientCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " pool=\"" << poolCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " storage=\"" << storageCombo->currentText() << "\"" <<
      " priority=\"" << prioritySpin->value() << "\""
      " when=\"" << dateTimeEdit->dateTime().toString(mainWin->m_dtformat) << "\"";
#ifdef xxx
      " messages=\"" << messagesCombo->currentText() << "\"";
     /* FIXME when there is an option to modify the messages resource associated
      * with a  job */
   if (bootstrap->text() != "") {
      cmd += " bootstrap=\"" + bootstrap->text() + "\"";
   cmd += " yes";

   if (mainWin->m_commandDebug) {
      Pmsg1(000, "command : %s\n", cmd.toUtf8().data());

   m_console->notify(m_conn, true);
void Interpreter::execute(QString command)
    if (m_running==true)
    if (m_localProgramRunning)

    command.remove(QRegExp("^\\s+")); // remove leading whitespace
    if (command!="")
        emit consoleCommand(command);
Beispiel #5
void MediaInfo::deleteVol()
   if (QMessageBox::warning(this, "Bat",
      tr("Are you sure you want to delete??  !!!.\n"
"This delete command is used to delete a Volume record and all associated catalog"
" records that were created. This command operates only on the Catalog"
" database and has no effect on the actual data written to a Volume. This"
" command can be dangerous and we strongly recommend that you do not use"
" it unless you know what you are doing.  All Jobs and all associated"
" records (File and JobMedia) will be deleted from the catalog."
      "Press OK to proceed with delete operation.?"),
      QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)
      == QMessageBox::Cancel) { return; }

   QString cmd("delete volume=");
   cmd += m_mediaName;
Beispiel #6
// TODO: use same functions as in medialist.cpp
void MediaInfo::purgeVol()
   if (QMessageBox::warning(this, "Bat",
      tr("Are you sure you want to purge ??  !!!.\n"
"The Purge command will delete associated Catalog database records from Jobs and"
" Volumes without considering the retention period. Purge  works only on the"
" Catalog database and does not affect data written to Volumes. This command can"
" be dangerous because you can delete catalog records associated with current"
" backups of files, and we recommend that you do not use it unless you know what"
" you are doing.\n"
      "Press OK to proceed with the purge operation?"),
      QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)
      == QMessageBox::Cancel) { return; }

   QString cmd("purge volume=");
   cmd += m_mediaName;
Beispiel #7
void defaultConfig() {
	consoleCommand("/res 1280x720");
	consoleCommand("/gamma 1.000");
	consoleCommand("/sfxvolume 64");
	consoleCommand("/musvolume 32");
	consoleCommand("/mousespeed 16");
	consoleCommand("/svflags 30");
	consoleCommand("/bind 26 IN_FORWARD");
	consoleCommand("/bind 4 IN_LEFT");
	consoleCommand("/bind 22 IN_BACK");
	consoleCommand("/bind 7 IN_RIGHT");
	consoleCommand("/bind 20 IN_TURNL");
	consoleCommand("/bind 8 IN_TURNR");
	consoleCommand("/bind 6 IN_UP");
	consoleCommand("/bind 29 IN_DOWN");
	consoleCommand("/bind 40 IN_CHAT");
	consoleCommand("/bind 56 IN_COMMAND");
	consoleCommand("/bind 43 IN_STATUS");
	consoleCommand("/bind 16 IN_SPELL_LIST");
	consoleCommand("/bind 9 IN_CAST_SPELL");
	consoleCommand("/bind 44 IN_DEFEND");
	consoleCommand("/bind 283 IN_ATTACK");
	consoleCommand("/bind 285 IN_USE");
Beispiel #8
// Call repeatedly by the main message loop in WinMain
void Game::run(HWND hwnd)
    if(graphics == NULL)            // if graphics not initialized

    // calculate elapsed time of last frame, save in frameTime
    frameTime = (float)(timeEnd.QuadPart - timeStart.QuadPart ) / (float)timerFreq.QuadPart;

    // Power saving code, requires winmm.lib
    // if not enough time has elapsed for desired frame rate
    if (frameTime < MIN_FRAME_TIME) 
        sleepTime = (DWORD)((MIN_FRAME_TIME - frameTime)*1000);
        timeBeginPeriod(1);         // Request 1mS resolution for windows timer
        Sleep(sleepTime);           // release cpu for sleepTime
        timeEndPeriod(1);           // End 1mS timer resolution

    if (frameTime > 0.0)
        fps = (fps*0.99f) + (0.01f/frameTime);  // average fps

    if (frameTime > MAX_FRAME_TIME) // if frame rate is very slow
        frameTime = MAX_FRAME_TIME; // limit maximum frameTime

    timeStart = timeEnd;

    // update(), ai(), and collisions() are pure virtual functions.
    // These functions must be provided in the class that inherits from Game.
    if (!paused)                    // if not paused
        update();                   // update all game items
        ai();                       // artificial intelligence
        collisions();               // handle collisions
        input->vibrateControllers(frameTime); // handle controller vibration
    renderGame();                   // draw all game items

    //check for console key
    if (input->wasKeyPressed(CONSOLE_KEY))
        paused = console->getVisible(); // pause game when console is visible
    consoleCommand();               // process user entered console command

    input->readControllers();       // read state of controllers


    audio->run();                   // perform periodic sound engine tasks

    // if Alt+Enter toggle fullscreen/window
    if (input->isKeyDown(ALT_KEY) && input->wasKeyPressed(ENTER_KEY))
        setDisplayMode(graphicsNS::TOGGLE); // toggle fullscreen/window

    // if Esc key, set window mode
    if (input->isKeyDown(ESC_KEY))
        setDisplayMode(graphicsNS::WINDOW); // set window mode

    // Clear input
    // Call this after all key checks are done
Beispiel #9
/* turn automount off */
void labelPage::automountOffButtonPushed()
   QString cmd("automount off");