int SET_OF_constraint(const asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, asn_app_constraint_failed_f *ctfailcb, void *app_key) { const asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = td->elements; asn_constr_check_f *constr; const asn_anonymous_set_ *list = _A_CSET_FROM_VOID(sptr); int i; if(!sptr) { ASN__CTFAIL(app_key, td, sptr, "%s: value not given (%s:%d)", td->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } constr = elm->encoding_constraints.general_constraints; if(!constr) constr = elm->type->encoding_constraints.general_constraints; /* * Iterate over the members of an array. * Validate each in turn, until one fails. */ for(i = 0; i < list->count; i++) { const void *memb_ptr = list->array[i]; int ret; if(!memb_ptr) continue; ret = constr(elm->type, memb_ptr, ctfailcb, app_key); if(ret) return ret; } return 0; }
void mexFunction1(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { MAPTYPE *vol, *get_maps(); int m0,m1,m2, n0,n1,n2; double *B0, *B1, *B2; for(n0=1; n0<nrhs; n0++) { if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[n0]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[n0]) || mxIsSparse(prhs[n0]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[n0])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Arguments must be numeric, real, full and double."); } } vol = get_maps(prhs[0], &n0); if (n0!=1) { free_maps(vol, n0); mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect usage."); } n0 = vol->dim[0]; n1 = vol->dim[1]; n2 = vol->dim[2]; m0 = mxGetN(prhs[1]); m1 = mxGetN(prhs[2]); m2 = mxGetN(prhs[3]); if (m0>MAXB || m1>MAXB || m2>MAXB) { free_maps(vol, 1); mexErrMsgTxt("Too many basis functions."); } B0 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); B1 = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); B2 = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); if (mxGetM(prhs[1])!=n0 || mxGetM(prhs[2])!=n1 || mxGetM(prhs[3])!=n2) { free_maps(vol, 1); mexErrMsgTxt("Inappropriate matrix dimensions."); } plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m0*m1*m2,1, mxREAL); plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL); mxGetPr(plhs[1])[0] = constr(m0,m1,m2,n0,n1,n2,mxGetPr(plhs[0]),vol,B0,B1,B2); free_maps(vol, 1); }
int SET_OF_constraint(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, asn_app_constraint_failed_f *ctfailcb, void *app_key) { asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = td->elements; asn_constr_check_f *constr; const asn_anonymous_set_ *list = _A_CSET_FROM_VOID(sptr); int i; if(!sptr) { _ASN_CTFAIL(app_key, td, sptr, "%s: value not given (%s:%d)", td->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } constr = elm->memb_constraints; if(!constr) constr = elm->type->check_constraints; /* * Iterate over the members of an array. * Validate each in turn, until one fails. */ for(i = 0; i < list->count; i++) { const void *memb_ptr = list->array[i]; int ret; if(!memb_ptr) continue; ret = constr(elm->type, memb_ptr, ctfailcb, app_key); if(ret) return ret; } /* * Cannot inherit it eralier: * need to make sure we get the updated version. */ if(!elm->memb_constraints) elm->memb_constraints = elm->type->check_constraints; return 0; }
TEST(MiniTensor_ROL, NLLS01) { bool const print_output = ::testing::GTEST_FLAG(print_time); // outputs nothing Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; std::ostream & os = (print_output == true) ? std::cout : bhs; constexpr Intrepid2::Index NUM_CONSTR{3}; constexpr Intrepid2::Index NUM_VAR{5}; using MSEC = Intrepid2::Nonlinear01<Real, NUM_CONSTR>; MSEC msec; ROL::MiniTensor_EqualityConstraint<MSEC, Real, NUM_CONSTR, NUM_VAR> constr(msec); Intrepid2::Vector<Real, NUM_VAR> xval(Intrepid2::ZEROS); Intrepid2::Vector<Real, NUM_CONSTR> cval(Intrepid2::ZEROS); Intrepid2::Vector<Real, NUM_VAR> solval(Intrepid2::ZEROS); // Set initial guess. xval(0) = -1.8; xval(1) = 1.7; xval(2) = 1.9; xval(3) = -0.8; xval(4) = -0.8; // Set solution. solval(0) = -1.717143570394391e+00; solval(1) = 1.595709690183565e+00; solval(2) = 1.827245752927178e+00; solval(3) = -7.636430781841294e-01; solval(4) = -7.636430781841294e-01; Real const error_full_hess{2.3621708067012991e-02}; Real const error_gn_hess{2.3669791103726853e-02}; Real const tol{1.0e-08}; ROL::MiniTensorVector<Real, NUM_VAR> x(xval); ROL::MiniTensorVector<Real, NUM_CONSTR> c(cval); ROL::MiniTensorVector<Real, NUM_VAR> sol(solval); Teuchos::RCP<ROL::EqualityConstraint<Real>> pconstr = Teuchos::rcp(&constr, false); // Define algorithm. Teuchos::ParameterList params; std::string step{"Trust Region"}; params.sublist("Step").sublist(step).set("Subproblem Solver", "Truncated CG"); params.sublist("Status Test").set("Gradient Tolerance", 1.0e-10); params.sublist("Status Test").set("Constraint Tolerance", 1.0e-10); params.sublist("Status Test").set("Step Tolerance", 1.0e-18); params.sublist("Status Test").set("Iteration Limit", 128); ROL::Algorithm<Real> algo(step, params); ROL::NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective<Real> nlls(pconstr, x, c, false); os << "\nSOLVE USING FULL HESSIAN\n";, nlls, true, os); Intrepid2::Vector<Real, NUM_VAR> xfinal = ROL::MTfromROL<Real, NUM_VAR>(x); os << "\nfinal x : " << xfinal << "\n"; Real error = std::abs(Intrepid2::norm(xfinal - solval) - error_full_hess); os << "\nerror : " << error << "\n"; ASSERT_LE(error, tol); algo.reset(); x.set(xval); ROL::NonlinearLeastSquaresObjective<Real> gnnlls(pconstr, x, c, true); os << "\nSOLVE USING GAUSS-NEWTON HESSIAN\n";, gnnlls, true, os); xfinal = ROL::MTfromROL<Real, NUM_VAR>(x); os << "\nfinal x : " << xfinal << "\n"; error = std::abs(Intrepid2::norm(xfinal - solval) - error_gn_hess); os << "\nerror : " << error << "\n"; ASSERT_LE(error, tol); }
static inline CIMGArchiveTranslatorHandle* GenOpenArchiveTemplate( imgExtension *env, CFileTranslator *srcRoot, const charType *srcPath, constructionHandler constr ) { CIMGArchiveTranslatorHandle *transOut = NULL; bool hasValidArchive = false; eIMGArchiveVersion theVersion; CFile *contentFile = srcRoot->Open( srcPath, GetReadWriteMode <charType> ( false ), FILE_FLAG_WRITESHARE ); if ( !contentFile ) { return NULL; } bool hasUniqueRegistryFile = false; CFile *registryFile = NULL; // Check for version 2. struct mainHeader { union { unsigned char version[4]; fsUInt_t checksum; }; }; mainHeader imgHeader; bool hasReadMainHeader = contentFile->ReadStruct( imgHeader ); if ( hasReadMainHeader && imgHeader.checksum == '2REV' ) { hasValidArchive = true; theVersion = IMG_VERSION_2; registryFile = contentFile; } if ( !hasValidArchive ) { // Check for version 1. hasUniqueRegistryFile = true; registryFile = OpenSeperateIMGRegistryFile( srcRoot, srcPath, false ); if ( registryFile ) { hasValidArchive = true; theVersion = IMG_VERSION_1; } } if ( hasValidArchive ) { CIMGArchiveTranslator *translator = constr( env, registryFile, contentFile, theVersion ); if ( translator ) { bool loadingSuccess = translator->ReadArchive(); if ( loadingSuccess ) { transOut = translator; } else { delete translator; contentFile = NULL; registryFile = NULL; } } } if ( !transOut ) { if ( contentFile ) { delete contentFile; contentFile = NULL; } if ( hasUniqueRegistryFile && registryFile ) { delete registryFile; registryFile = NULL; } } return transOut; }
void MiniTensor_Minimizer<T, N>:: solve( std::string const & algoname, Teuchos::ParameterList & params, FN & fn, EIC & eic, Intrepid2::Vector<T, N> & soln, Intrepid2::Vector<T, NC> & cv) { step_method_name = algoname.c_str(); function_name = FN::NAME; initial_guess = soln; Intrepid2::Vector<T, N> resi = fn.gradient(soln); initial_value = fn.value(soln); previous_value = initial_value; failed = failed || fn.failed; initial_norm = Intrepid2::norm(resi); // Define algorithm. ROL::MiniTensor_Objective<FN, T, N> obj(fn); // Define constraint using MTCONSTR = typename std::conditional<eic.IS_EQUALITY, ROL::MiniTensor_EqualityConstraint<EIC, T, NC, N>, ROL::MiniTensor_InequalityConstraint<EIC, T, NC, N>>::type; MTCONSTR constr(eic); ROL::Algorithm<T> algo(algoname, params); // Set Initial Guess ROL::MiniTensorVector<T, N> x(soln); // Set constraint vector ROL::MiniTensorVector<T, NC> c(cv); // Run Algorithm, c, obj, constr, verbose); soln = ROL::MTfromROL<T, N>(x); resi = fn.gradient(soln); T const norm_resi = Intrepid2::norm(resi); updateConvergenceCriterion(norm_resi); ROL::AlgorithmState<T> & state = const_cast<ROL::AlgorithmState<T> &>(*(algo.getState())); ROL::StatusTest<T> status(params); converged = status.check(state) == false; recordFinals(fn, soln); return; }
Etre::Etre(float x_, float y_) { position.x =x_; position.y=y_; constr (); }
Etre::Etre() { position.x = position.y = 0; constr (); }
void ShapesDialog::onSubscribeButtonClicked() { dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp_.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Persistent() << dds::core::policy::DurabilityService( dds::core::Duration(3600,0), dds::core::policy::HistoryKind::KEEP_LAST, 100, 8192, 4196, 8192); dds::sub::qos::SubscriberQos SQos = dp_.default_subscriber_qos() << gQos_; dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp_, SQos); int d = mainWidget.sizeSlider->value(); QRect rect(0, 0, d, d); QRect constr(0, 0, IS_WIDTH, IS_HEIGHT); int x = static_cast<int>(constr.width() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX)*0.9F); int y = static_cast<int>(constr.height() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX)*0.9F); int sIdx = mainWidget.rShapeList->currentIndex(); QColor gray = QColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99); QBrush brush(gray, Qt::SolidPattern); QPen pen(QColor(0xff,0xff,0xff), 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin); std::vector<std::string> empty; filterParams_ = empty; std::string filterS; if (filterDialog_->isEnabled()) { QRect rect = filterDialog_->getFilterBounds(); std::string x0 = lexicalCast(rect.x()); std::string x1 = lexicalCast(rect.x() + rect.width() -d); std::string y0 = lexicalCast(rect.y()); std::string y1 = lexicalCast(rect.y() + rect.height() -d); filterParams_.push_back(x0); filterParams_.push_back(x1); filterParams_.push_back(y0); filterParams_.push_back(y1); filterS = "(x BETWEEN " + filterParams_[0] + " AND " + filterParams_[1] + ") AND (y BETWEEN " + filterParams_[2] + " AND " + filterParams_[3] + ")"; if (filterDialog_->filterOutside() == false) { filterS = "(x < " + filterParams_[0] + " ) OR ( x > " + filterParams_[1] + " ) OR (y < " + filterParams_[2] + ") OR ( y > " + filterParams_[3] + ")"; } } switch (sIdx) { case CIRCLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> circle_(dp_, circleTopicName, topicQos); dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cfcircle_(dds::core::null); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr(sub, circle_, readerQos_.get_qos()); if (filterDialog_->isEnabled()) { std::string tname = "CFCircle"; const dds::topic::Filter filter(filterS); std::cout << filterS << std::endl; dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cfcircle_(circle_, "CFCircle", filter); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr2(sub, cfcircle_, readerQos_.get_qos()); dr = dr2; } for (int i = 0; i < CN; ++i) { std::string colorStr(colorString_[i]); DDSShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new DDSShapeDynamics(x, y, dr, colorStr, i)); Shape::ref_type circle(new Circle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush, true)); dynamics->setShape(circle); shapesWidget->addShape(circle); } break; } case SQUARE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> square_(dp_, squareTopicName, topicQos); dds::sub::LoanedSamples<ShapeType>::iterator si; dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cfsquare_(dds::core::null); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr(sub, square_, readerQos_.get_qos()); if (filterDialog_->isEnabled()) { std::string tname = "CFSquare"; const dds::topic::Filter filter(filterS); std::cout << filterS << std::endl; dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cfsquare_(square_, "CFSquare", filter); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr2(sub, cfsquare_, readerQos_.get_qos()); dr = dr2; } for (int i = 0; i < CN; ++i) { std::string colorStr(colorString_[i]); DDSShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new DDSShapeDynamics(x, y, dr, colorStr, i)); Shape::ref_type square(new Square(rect, dynamics, pen, brush, true)); dynamics->setShape(square); shapesWidget->addShape(square); } break; } case TRIANGLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> triangle_(dp_, triangleTopicName, topicQos); dds::sub::LoanedSamples<ShapeType>::iterator si; dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cftriangle_(dds::core::null); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr(sub, triangle_, readerQos_.get_qos()); if (filterDialog_->isEnabled()) { std::string tname = "CFTriangle"; const dds::topic::Filter filter(filterS); std::cout << filterS << std::endl; dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<ShapeType> cftriangle_(triangle_, "CFTriangle", filter); dds::sub::DataReader<ShapeType> dr2(sub, cftriangle_, readerQos_.get_qos()); dr = dr2; } for (int i = 0; i < CN; ++i) { std::string colorStr(colorString_[i]); DDSShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new DDSShapeDynamics(x, y, dr, colorStr, i)); Shape::ref_type triangle(new Triangle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush, true)); dynamics->setShape(triangle); shapesWidget->addShape(triangle); } break; } default: break; } }
void ShapesDialog::onPublishButtonClicked() { dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp_.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Persistent() << dds::core::policy::DurabilityService(dds::core::Duration(3600,0), dds::core::policy::HistoryKind::KEEP_LAST, 100, 8192, 4196, 8192); dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos PQos = dp_.default_publisher_qos() << gQos_; dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp_, PQos); int d = mainWidget.sizeSlider->value(); float speed = ((float)mainWidget.speedSlider->value()) / 9; QRect rect(0, 0, d, d); // TODO: This should be retrieved from the canvas... QRect constr(0, 0, IS_WIDTH, IS_HEIGHT); // QRect constr = this->geometry(); int x = constr.width() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX); int y = constr.height() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX); int cIdx = mainWidget.colorList->currentIndex(); int sIdx = mainWidget.wShapeList->currentIndex(); QBrush brush(color_[cIdx], Qt::SolidPattern); QPen pen(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin); ShapeType shape; shape.color = DDS::string_dup(colorString_[cIdx]); shape.shapesize = rect.width(); shape.x = x; shape.y = y; switch (sIdx) { case CIRCLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> circle_(dp_, circleTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = circle_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, circle_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type circle(new Circle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(circle); break; } case SQUARE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> square_(dp_, squareTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = square_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, square_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type square(new Square(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(square); break; } case TRIANGLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> triangle_(dp_, triangleTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = triangle_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, triangle_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type triangle(new Triangle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(triangle); break; } default: break; }; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Set up MPI Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv); // This little trick lets us print to std::cout only if a (dummy) command-line argument is provided. int iprint = argc - 1; Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outStream; Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing if (iprint > 0) outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false); else outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs, false); int errorFlag = 0; Teuchos::ParameterList parlist; std::string paramfile = "parameters.xml"; Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile(paramfile,Teuchos::Ptr<Teuchos::ParameterList>(&parlist)); int nx = parlist.get("Interior Grid Points",100); double gnl = parlist.get("Nonlinearity Coefficient g",50.0); // Grid spacing RealT dx = 1.0/(nx+1); // Pointer to linspace type vector \f$x_i = \frac{i+1}{n_x+1}\f$ where \f$i=0,\hdots,n_x\f$ Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > xi_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (nx, 0.0) ); for(int i=0; i<nx; ++i) { (*xi_rcp)[i] = RealT(i+1)/(nx+1); } // Pointer to potential vector (quadratic centered at x=0.5) Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > V_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (nx, 0.0) ); for(int i=0; i<nx; ++i) { (*V_rcp)[i] = 100.0*pow((*xi_rcp)[i]-0.5,2); } StdVector<RealT> V(V_rcp); // Iteration Vector (pointer to optimzation vector) Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > psi_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (nx, 0.0) ); // Set Initial Guess (normalized) double sqrt30 = sqrt(30); for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) { (*psi_rcp)[i] = sqrt30*(*xi_rcp)[i]*(1.0-(*xi_rcp)[i]); } StdVector<RealT> psi(psi_rcp); // Equality constraint value (scalar) Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > c_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (1, 0.0) ); StdVector<RealT> c(c_rcp); // Lagrange multiplier value (scalar) Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > lam_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (1, 0.0) ); StdVector<RealT> lam(lam_rcp); // Gradient Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > g_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT> (nx, 0.0) ); StdVector<RealT> g(g_rcp); // Instantiate objective function Objective_GrossPitaevskii<RealT> obj(gnl,V); // Instantiate normalization constraint Normalization_Constraint<RealT> constr(nx,dx); // Define algorithm. std::string stepname = "Composite Step"; parlist.sublist("Step").sublist(stepname).sublist("Optimality System Solver").set("Nominal Relative Tolerance",1e-4); parlist.sublist("Step").sublist(stepname).sublist("Optimality System Solver").set("Fix Tolerance",true); parlist.sublist("Step").sublist(stepname).sublist("Tangential Subproblem Solver").set("Iteration Limit",20); parlist.sublist("Step").sublist(stepname).sublist("Tangential Subproblem Solver").set("Relative Tolerance",1e-2); parlist.sublist("Step").sublist(stepname).set("Output Level",0); parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Gradient Tolerance",1.e-12); parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Constraint Tolerance",1.e-12); parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Step Tolerance",1.e-14); parlist.sublist("Status Test").set("Iteration Limit",100); ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo(stepname, parlist); // Run algorithm., g, lam, c, obj, constr, true, *outStream); if(algo.getState()->gnorm>1e-6) { errorFlag += 1; } if (errorFlag != 0) std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n"; else std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n"; return 0; }
int main(){ cond::TokenBuilder tk; tk.set("CondFormatsCalibration", "Pedestals", "Pedestals", 0); std::string const tok1 = tk.tokenAsString(); tk.set("CondFormatsCalibration", "Pedestals", "Pedestals", 1); std::string const tok2 = tk.tokenAsString(); std::string constr("sqlite_file:unittest_DBLogger.db"); //std::string constr("oracle://devdb10/cms_xiezhen_dev"); edmplugin::PluginManager::Config config; edmplugin::PluginManager::configure(edmplugin::standard::config()); cond::DbConnection connection; connection.configuration().setMessageLevel( coral::Error ); connection.configure(); cond::DbSession session = connection.createSession(); constr ); cond::Logger mylogger( session ); cond::UserLogInfo a; a.provenance="me"; mylogger.createLogDBIfNonExist(); mylogger.logOperationNow(a,constr,std::string("Pedestals"),tok1,"mytag1","runnumber",0,1); std::cout<<"1. waiting"<<std::endl; sleep(1); std::cout<<"1. stop waiting"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"1. waiting"<<std::endl; sleep(1); std::cout<<"1. stop waiting"<<std::endl; mylogger.logFailedOperationNow(a,constr,std::string("Pedestals"),tok1,"mytag1","runnumber",1,1,"EOOROR"); std::cout<<"1. waiting"<<std::endl; sleep(1); std::cout<<"1. stop waiting"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"1. waiting"<<std::endl; sleep(1); std::cout<<"1. stop waiting"<<std::endl; mylogger.logOperationNow(a,constr,std::string("Pedestals"),tok2,"mytag","runnumber",1,2); std::cout<<"1. waiting"<<std::endl; sleep(1); std::cout<<"1. stop waiting"<<std::endl; /*std::cout<<"about to lookup last entry"<<std::endl; cond::LogDBEntry result; mylogger.LookupLastEntryByProvenance("me",result); std::cout<<"result \n"; std::cout<<"logId "<<result.logId<<"\n"; std::cout<<"destinationDB "<<result.destinationDB<<"\n"; std::cout<<"provenance "<<result.provenance<<"\n"; std::cout<<"usertext "<<result.usertext<<"\n"; std::cout<<"iovtag "<<result.iovtag<<"\n"; std::cout<<"iovtimetype "<<result.iovtimetype<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadIdx "<<result.payloadIdx<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadName "<<result.payloadName<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadToken "<<result.payloadToken<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadContainer "<<result.payloadContainer<<"\n"; std::cout<<"exectime "<<result.exectime<<"\n"; std::cout<<"execmessage "<<result.execmessage<<std::endl; cond::LogDBEntry result2; mylogger.LookupLastEntryByTag("mytag1",result2); std::cout<<"result2 \n"; std::cout<<"logId "<<result2.logId<<"\n"; std::cout<<"destinationDB "<<result2.destinationDB<<"\n"; std::cout<<"provenance "<<result2.provenance<<"\n"; std::cout<<"usertext "<<result2.usertext<<"\n"; std::cout<<"iovtag "<<result2.iovtag<<"\n"; std::cout<<"iovtimetype "<<result2.iovtimetype<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadIdx "<<result2.payloadIdx<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadName "<<result2.payloadName<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadToken "<<result2.payloadToken<<"\n"; std::cout<<"payloadContainer "<<result2.payloadContainer<<"\n"; std::cout<<"exectime "<<result2.exectime<<"\n"; std::cout<<"execmessage "<<result2.execmessage<<std::endl; */ //coralTransaction.commit(); }