Beispiel #1
bool DataSource::loadTileData(const TileID& _tileID, TileManager& _tileManager) {
    bool success = true; // Begin optimistically
    if (hasTileData(_tileID)) {
        _tileManager.addToWorkerQueue(m_tileStore[_tileID], _tileID, this);
        return success;

    std::string url;
    constructURL(_tileID, url);

    success = startUrlRequest(url, [=,&_tileManager](std::vector<char>&& _rawData) {
        // _tileManager is captured here by reference, since its lifetime is the entire program lifetime,
        // but _tileID has to be captured by copy since it is a temporary stack object
        _tileManager.addToWorkerQueue(std::move(_rawData), _tileID, this);
    return success;
Beispiel #2
void DataSource::cancelLoadingTile(const TileID& _tileID) {
    std::string url;
    constructURL(_tileID, url);
Beispiel #3
// Responsible to read the tileData from the service
// takes a vector of tileCoordinates to be read from the service.
bool MapzenVectorTileJson::LoadTile(std::vector<glm::ivec3> _tileCoords) {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> urls;

    if(_tileCoords.size() == 0) {
        logMsg("No tiles to fetch.");

    //construct tileID and url for every tileCoord
    for(auto& tileCoord : _tileCoords) {

    CURLM *multiHandle;
    CURLMsg *handleMsg;
    // file descriptors to be used with curl_multi_fdset and select()
    fd_set fdRead;
    fd_set fdWrite;
    fd_set fdExcep;
    int fdMax;
    struct timeval timeout;
    int rc; //return value for select() call
    CURLMcode cres;

    int queuedHandles, numHandles = urls.size();
    int prevHandle;
    int fetchTry = 0; //Counter to check for curl/select timeOuts.. maxed by static count MAX_FETCH_TRY
    int fdsetTimeoutCount = 0;

    // out will store the stringStream contents from libCurl
    std::stringstream *out[urls.size()];


    multiHandle = curl_multi_init();
    int count = 0;

    // initialize curl simple interface for every url
    for(auto& url : urls) {
        out[count] = new std::stringstream;
        curlInit(multiHandle, *url.get(), out[count]);

    //do curl stuff
    if(multiHandle) {
        //start fetching
        cres = curl_multi_perform(multiHandle, &numHandles);
        if(cres != CURLM_OK) {
            logMsg("curl_multi_perform failed %d\n", cres);
            for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
                delete out[i];
            return false;

        //if numHandles is 0, then multi_perform has no easy handles to perform fetching
        if(!numHandles) {
            logMsg("Number of easy handles returned by curl_multi_perform is 0, should not be.");
            for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
                delete out[i];
            return true;
        //Start fetching info until no easy handle left to fetch data
        do {
            //set all file descriptors to 0

            //timeout specification for select() call
            //select() will unblock either when a fd is ready or tileout is reached
            timeout.tv_sec = 1; //enough time for fd to be ready reading data... could be optimized.
            timeout.tv_usec = 0;

            //get file descriptors from the transfer
            cres = curl_multi_fdset(multiHandle, &fdRead, &fdWrite, &fdExcep, &fdMax);

            if(cres != CURLM_OK) {
                logMsg("curl_multi_fdset failed: %d\n", cres);
                for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
                    delete out[i];
                return false;
            //wait and repeat until curl has something to report to the kernel wrt file descriptors
            // TODO: if no internet, then this gets stuck... put a timeout here.
            while(fdMax < 0 && fdsetTimeoutCount < 20) {
                //TODO: Get a better heuristic on the sleep milliseconds

                //sleeps for 100 msec and calls perform and fdset to see if multi perform has started its job
                cres = curl_multi_perform(multiHandle, &numHandles);
                prevHandle = numHandles;
                curl_multi_fdset(multiHandle, &fdRead, &fdWrite, &fdExcep, &fdMax);
                std::cout<<"Here\n"; //TODO: Remove this. Its here to test how many times this loop runs till
                                     //multi_perform starts doing stuff

            if(fdMax < 0) {
                logMsg("fdMax set timeout: fdmax still not set by curl_multi_fdset. Internet connection??");
                for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
                    delete out[i];
                return false;

            //select blocks the thread until the fd set by curl is ready with data.
            rc = select(fdMax+1, &fdRead, &fdWrite, &fdExcep, &timeout);

            // helper variables to convert extracted data to Json on the spot instead of waiting for all urls to be
            // fetched and then converting the extracted data to json
            char *url;
            char *tmpOutData; //to read the CURLINFO_PRIVATE data which is type casted to char* from stringstream*
            std::string tmpJsonData;
            int length;
            std::shared_ptr<Json::Value> jsonVal(new Json::Value);
            Json::Reader jsonReader;

            // see what select returned
            switch(rc) {
                case -1:
                    //select call ERRORed
                case 0:
                    std::cout<<"Here timeout\n"; //TODO: Remove this. Its here to test how many times select times out.
                                                 // So far never with 1 sec of timeout.
                    //select call Timed out. No fd ready to read anything.
                    if(fetchTry == MAX_FETCH_TRY) {
                        for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
                            delete out[i];
                        return false;
                    // sleep for 5 msec to give enough time for curl to read data for any of the file descriptors.
                    std::cout<<"Possible Change\n"; //TODO: Remove this. Its here to test how many times fd is ready and
                                                    // will result in a complete data read
                    //Perform again to see what happened with individual easy handles
                    // if easy  handle status changed some urls are done.
                    if(prevHandle != numHandles) {
                        std::cout<<"Change happened\n";//TODO: Remove this. Only here for testing
                        prevHandle = numHandles;
                        handleMsg = curl_multi_info_read(multiHandle, &queuedHandles);
                        // for every url done fill the jsonValue
                        for(auto qHandItr = 0; qHandItr <= queuedHandles; qHandItr++) {
                            if(handleMsg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) {
                                //get the url from the easyHandle
                                curl_easy_getinfo(handleMsg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL , &url);
                                //get the tmpOutData which is holding the extracted info from the url
                                curl_easy_getinfo(handleMsg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE , &tmpOutData);
                                // typecast back from char* to std::stringstream
                                tmpJsonData = ((std::stringstream *)tmpOutData)->str();
                                length = tmpJsonData.size();
                                jsonReader.parse(tmpJsonData.c_str(), tmpJsonData.c_str() + length, *(jsonVal.get()));
                                // no way to get what ID this url was for so have to extract ID from url
                                m_JsonRoots[extractIDFromUrl(std::string(url))] = jsonVal;
                                logMsg("R: %d - %s <%s>\n", handleMsg->data.result, curl_easy_strerror(handleMsg->data.result), url);
                                curl_multi_remove_handle(multiHandle, handleMsg->easy_handle);

    for(auto i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) {
        delete out[i];
    return true;
Beispiel #4
#include "catch/catch.hpp"

#include <iostream>

#include "dataSource/dataSource.h"
#include "glm/glm.hpp"

TEST_CASE( "URL Name Check for MapzenVectorTileJson", "[CURL][DataSource][MapzenVectorTileJson]" ) {
    glm::ivec3 tileCoord = glm::ivec3(0,0,0);
    REQUIRE( *constructURL(tileCoord) == "");
    tileCoord = glm::ivec3(19293,24641,16);
    REQUIRE( *constructURL(tileCoord) == "");
    tileCoord = glm::ivec3(19293,24641,14);
    REQUIRE( *constructURL(tileCoord) == "");

TEST_CASE( "Extract tile coordinates from URL check for MapzenVectorTileJson", "[CURL][DataSource][MapzenVectorTileJson]" ) {
    REQUIRE( extractIDFromUrl("") == "16_19293_24641" );
    REQUIRE( extractIDFromUrl("") == "0_0_0" );
    REQUIRE( extractIDFromUrl("") == "14_19293_24641" );

TEST_CASE( "MapzenVectorTileJson::LoadTile check", "[CURL][DataSource][MapzenVectorTileJson]" ) {
    MapzenVectorTileJson dataSource;
    std::vector<glm::ivec3> tileCoords;
    //check if all the test tileCoordinates are loaded