Beispiel #1
int main() {

	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

	int size = 20;
	char arr[size], arr2[size];
	//get input for the first string and store in char array(arr)
	scanf("%s", &arr);

	//get input string and store in char array(arr2) to find if that string exists as substring.
	scanf("%s", &arr2);

	int arrSize = sizeOfCharArray(arr);
	int arr2Size = sizeOfCharArray(arr2);

	bool flag = containsSubString(arr, arr2, arrSize, arr2Size);
	printContainsSubstring(flag, arr2Size);

//	nodeLL *root;
//	root = (nodeLL *)malloc(sizeof(nodeLL));
//	root->data = 1;
//	root


Beispiel #2
// a small test verifying that the given substr is contained within the given string
bool notContainsSubString(const string& str, const string& substr) {
	return !containsSubString(str, substr);