void PurchaseContestRequestWrapper::updateContestants()
    auto target = request.getRequest().initContestants().initEntries(m_contestants.count());
    for (uint i = 0; i < target.size(); ++i) {
        auto contestant = m_contestants.get(i).value<QObject*>();
Beispiel #2
void MyComboBox::pushBack(Glib::ustring text, double value, bool select) {
	Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *refTreeModel->children().begin();
	bool find = false;
	while (row) {
		if (row[columnsModel.textValue] == text) {
			find = true;
	if (find == false) {

		row = *(refTreeModel->append());
		row[columnsModel.colText] = convertText(text);
		row[columnsModel.textValue] = text;
		//row[columnsModel.colText] = text;
		//row[columnsModel.textValue] = convertText(text);
		row[columnsModel.colId] = number;
		row[columnsModel.doubleVlaue] = value;
	if (select) {
Beispiel #3
void SurfaceImpl::MeasureWidths(Font &font_, const char *s, int len,
        int *positions)
    QFontMetrics fm = metrics(font_);
    QString qs = convertText(s, len);

    // The position for each byte of a character is the offset from the start
    // where the following character should be drawn.
    int i_byte = 0, width = 0;

    for (int i_char = 0; i_char < qs.length(); ++i_char)
        width += fm.width(qs.at(i_char));

        if (unicodeMode)
            // Set the same position for each byte of the character.
            int nbytes = qs.mid(i_char, 1).utf8().length();

            while (nbytes--)
                positions[i_byte++] = width;
            positions[i_byte++] = width;
Beispiel #4
void SurfaceImpl::MeasureWidths(Font &font_, const char *s, int len,
        XYPOSITION *positions)
    QString qs = convertText(s, len);
    QTextLayout text_layout(qs, convertQFont(font_), pd);

    QTextLine text_line = text_layout.createLine();

    if (unicodeMode)
        int i_char = 0, i_byte = 0;;

        while (i_char < qs.size())
            unsigned char byte = s[i_byte];
            int nbytes, code_units;

            // Work out character sizes by looking at the byte stream.
            if (byte >= 0xf0)
                nbytes = 4;
                code_units = 2;
                if (byte >= 0xe0)
                    nbytes = 3;
                else if (byte >= 0x80)
                    nbytes = 2;
                    nbytes = 1;

                code_units = 1;

            XYPOSITION position = text_line.cursorToX(i_char + code_units);

            // Set the same position for each byte of the character.
            for (int i = 0; i < nbytes && i_byte < len; ++i)
                positions[i_byte++] = position;

            i_char += code_units;

        // This shouldn't be necessary...
        XYPOSITION last_position = ((i_byte > 0) ? positions[i_byte - 1] : 0);

        while (i_byte < len)
            positions[i_byte++] = last_position;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            positions[i] = text_line.cursorToX(i + 1);
Beispiel #5
void StatisticsDialog::slotButtonClicked(int button)
	if (button == User1 || button == User2) {
		KILE_DEBUG() << "Open tab is" << currentPage()->name() << ' ' + (m_pagetoname.contains(currentPage()) ?  m_pagetoname[currentPage()] : "No such entry");

		QClipboard *clip = KApplication::clipboard();
		QString text;
		convertText(&text, button == User2);
		clip->setText(text, QClipboard::Selection); // the text will be available with the middle mouse button
Beispiel #6
void SurfaceImpl::drawText(const PRectangle &rc, Font &font_, XYPOSITION ybase,
        const char *s, int len, ColourDesired fore)
    QString qs = convertText(s, len);

    QFont *f = PFont(font_.GetID());

    if (f)

    painter->drawText(QPointF(rc.left, ybase), qs);
Beispiel #7
void SurfaceImpl::drawText(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, int ybase,
        const char *s, int len, ColourAllocated fore)
    QString qs = convertText(s, len);

    QFont *f = PFont(font_.GetID());

    if (f)

    painter->drawText(rc.left, ybase, qs);
void ContestResultsApi::updateResults(capnp::List<ContestResults::TalliedOpinion>::Reader talliedOpinions) {
    // Allocate space in m_contestantResults
    for (auto tally : talliedOpinions)
        while (tally.getContestant().isContestant() &&
               m_contestantResults.size() <= tally.getContestant().getContestant())

    for (auto contestantTally : talliedOpinions) {
        auto tally = QVariant(static_cast<qreal>(contestantTally.getTally()));
        if (contestantTally.getContestant().isContestant())
            m_contestantResults[contestantTally.getContestant().getContestant()] = tally;
            m_writeInResults.insert(convertText(contestantTally.getContestant().getWriteIn()), tally);
    emit resultsChanged();
void TopicEdit::setTopicText(QString s)
	QToolTip::add(this, "<b></b>"+text());
Beispiel #10
XYPOSITION SurfaceImpl::WidthText(Font &font_, const char *s, int len)
    return metrics(font_).width(convertText(s, len));

Beispiel #11
bool CSoundManager::LoadSong(char *Filename, int Nr)
	if (false == InitSuccessfull)
		return false;

	bool			fromrar;	
	char			*pData; 
	char			Temp[256];
	unsigned long	Size; 
	char Buffer[100];	

	fromrar = false;

	// Zuerst checken, ob sich der Song in einem MOD-Ordner befindet
	if (CommandLineParams.RunOwnLevelList == true)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "levels/%s/%s", CommandLineParams.OwnLevelList, Filename);
		if (FileExists(Temp))
			goto loadfile;

	// Dann checken, ob sich das File im Standard Ordner befindet
	sprintf_s(Temp, "data/%s", Filename);
	if (FileExists(Temp))
		goto loadfile;

	// Auch nicht? Dann ist es hoffentlich im RAR file
	if (urarlib_get(&pData, &Size, Filename, RARFILENAME, convertText(RARFILEPASSWORD)) == false)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "\n-> Error loading %s from Archive !\n", Filename);
		Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, true);
		return false;
		fromrar = true;


	int Nummer = Nr;
	if (its_Songs[Nummer] != NULL)
		its_Songs[Nummer] = NULL;
	its_Songs[Nummer] = new CSong();

	if (fromrar == false)
		its_Songs[Nummer]->SongData = FMUSIC_LoadSong(Temp);
		its_Songs[Nummer]->SongData = FMUSIC_LoadSongEx(pData, 0, Size, FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, NULL, 0);

	// Fehler beim Laden ?
	if (its_Songs[Nummer]->SongData == NULL)
		strcpy_s(Buffer, strlen("\n-> Error loading ") + 1, "\n-> Error loading ");
		strcat_s(Buffer, strlen(Filename) + 1, Filename);
		strcat_s(Buffer, 3, "\n");
		Protokoll.WriteText(Buffer, true);

		//return (-1);
		return false;


	//its_Songs[Nummer].Name = Filename;
	its_Songs[Nummer]->Volume = 100;
	its_Songs[Nummer]->FadingVolume = 0.0f;

	strcpy_s(Buffer, "Load Song : ");
	strcat_s(Buffer, Filename);
	strcat_s(Buffer, " successfull\n");
	Protokoll.WriteText(Buffer, false);

	//return Nummer;
	return true;
} // LoadSong
Beispiel #12
bool DirectGraphicsSprite::LoadImage(char *Filename, int xs, int ys, int xfs, int yfs, 
														 int xfc,  int yfc)
	if(GameRunning == false) 
		return false;

	bool			fromrar;
	HRESULT			hresult;
	char			*pData; 
	char			Temp[256];
	unsigned long	Size; 

	// zuerst eine evtl benutzte Textur freigeben

	fromrar = false;

	// Zuerst checken, ob sich die Grafik in einem MOD-Ordner befindet
	if (CommandLineParams.RunOwnLevelList == true)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "levels/%s/%s", CommandLineParams.OwnLevelList, Filename);
		if (FileExists(Temp))
			goto loadfile;

	// Dann checken, ob sich das File im Standard Ordner befindet
	sprintf_s(Temp, "data/%s", Filename);
	if (FileExists(Temp))
		goto loadfile;

	// Auch nicht? Dann ist es hoffentlich im RAR file
	if (urarlib_get(&pData, &Size, Filename, RARFILENAME, convertText(RARFILEPASSWORD)) == false)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "\n-> Error loading %s from Archive !\n", Filename);
		Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, true);
		return false;
		fromrar = true;


	// normal von Platte laden?
	if (fromrar == false)
		// Textur laden
		hresult = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx(
				  NULL, NULL,				  // x und y Grösse des Sprites (aus Datei übernehmen)
				  1,                          // Nur eine Version der Textur
				  0,                          // Immer 0 setzen
				  D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,			  // Format aus der Datei lesen
				  D3DPOOL_MANAGED,            // DX bestimmt wo die Textur gespeichert wird 
				  D3DX_FILTER_NONE,			  // Keine Filter verwenden
				  0xFFFF00FF,                 // Colorkeyfarbe (Lila)
				  NULL,						  // Keine Image Info
				  NULL,						  // Keine Palette angeben
		// Textur aus Speicher erzeugen
		hresult = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx(
				  NULL, NULL,				  // x und y Grösse des Sprites (aus Datei übernehmen)
				  1,                          // Nur eine Version der Textur
				  0,                          // Immer 0 setzen
				  D3DFMT_UNKNOWN,			  // Format aus der Datei lesen
				  D3DPOOL_MANAGED,            // DX bestimmt wo die Textur gespeichert wird 
				  D3DX_FILTER_NONE,			  // Keine Filter verwenden
				  0xFFFF00FF,                 // Colorkeyfarbe (Lila)
				  NULL,						  // Keine Image Info
				  NULL,						  // Keine Palette angeben


	// Fehler beim Laden ?
	if(hresult != D3D_OK)
		strcpy_s(Temp, strlen("Fehler beim Laden von ") + 1, "Fehler beim Laden von ");
		strcat_s(Temp, strlen(Filename) + 1, Filename);
		strcat_s(Temp, 4, " !\n");
		Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, true);
		return false;
	// Grösse der Textur anpassen

	// Grösse setzen
	itsXSize		= (float)desc.Width;
	itsYSize		= (float)desc.Height;
	itsXFrameCount	= xfc;
	itsYFrameCount	= yfc;
	itsXFrameSize	= xfs;
	itsYFrameSize	= yfs;
	itsRect.left	= 0;
	itsRect.top		= 0;
	itsRect.right	= (int)itsXSize;
	itsRect.bottom	= (int)itsYSize;

	// Ausschnitte vorberechnen
	for (int i = 0; i < xfc * yfc; i++)
		itsPreCalcedRects[i].top	= (i/itsXFrameCount) * itsYFrameSize;
		itsPreCalcedRects[i].left	= (i%itsXFrameCount) * itsXFrameSize;
		itsPreCalcedRects[i].right  = itsPreCalcedRects[i].left + itsXFrameSize;
		itsPreCalcedRects[i].bottom = itsPreCalcedRects[i].top  + itsYFrameSize;

	itsRect = itsPreCalcedRects[0];

	// Bild korrekt geladen
	sprintf_s(Temp, "%s %s %s %s", TextArray [TEXT_LADE_BITMAP], Filename, TextArray [TEXT_LADEN_ERFOLGREICH], "\n");
	Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, false);			


	LoadedTextures++;							// Anzahl der geladenen Texturen erhöhen
	//_itoa_s(LoadedTextures, Temp, 10);
//	Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, false);
//	Protokoll.WriteText(" Sprite Textur(en) geladen !\n", false);
	return true;
Beispiel #13
bool DirectGraphicsFont::LoadFont(const char *Filename, int xts, int yts,
								  int xCharsize, int yCharsize, int xChars,int yChars)
	mTexture = new (DirectGraphicsSprite);
	if (!mTexture->LoadImage(Filename, xts, yts, xCharsize, yCharsize, xChars, 0))
		return false;

	// Grösse setzen
	mXCharSize		= xCharsize;
	mYCharSize		= yCharsize;
	mXChars			= xChars;
	mXTextureSize	= xts;
	mYTextureSize	= yts;

	// Länge der einzelnen Zeichen aus der Grafik bestimmen

	// Geladene Font Textur locken

	HRESULT hresult;

	mTexture->itsTexture->GetLevelDesc(0, &d3dsd);
	hresult = mTexture->itsTexture->LockRect    (0, &d3dlr, 0, 0 );

	// Fehler beim Locken ?
	if (hresult != D3D_OK)
		Protokoll.WriteText("error locking font texture!", true);

	// Colorkey feststellen
	DWORD key = ((DWORD*)d3dlr.pBits)[0];
#elif defined(PLATFORM_SDL)
	image_t image;
	char Temp[256];
	char *pData;
	unsigned long Size;

	if (CommandLineParams.RunOwnLevelList == true)
	    sprintf_s(Temp, "levels/%s/%s", CommandLineParams.OwnLevelList, Filename);
		if (FileExists(Temp))
			loadImage(image, Temp);

	if (image.data == NULL)
	    sprintf_s(Temp, "data/%s", Filename);
		if (FileExists(Temp))
			loadImage(image, Temp);

	if (image.data == NULL)
		if (urarlib_get(&pData, &Size, Filename, RARFILENAME, convertText(RARFILEPASSWORD)) != false)
			loadImage(image, pData, Size);

	if (image.data  == NULL)
		return true;

#if 1
    /* menufont.png: pixel at (0,0) (upper left corner) is part of a char/glyph,
       so pick key from lower left corner. Maybe in DirectX image is flipped
       vertically? */

    DWORD key = (((DWORD*)image.data )[image.w * (image.h - 1)]);
    DWORD key = ((DWORD*)image.data )[0];

/* // PICKLE Not OpenGLES compat, left for info
    int textureWidth, textureHeight;
    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTexture->itsTexture );
    glGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &textureWidth );
    glGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &textureHeight );

    GLubyte *buffer = (GLubyte *)malloc(textureWidth*textureHeight*4);
    glGetTexImage( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer );
    DWORD key = ((DWORD*)buffer)[0];

    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
	//key = 0;

	// Einzelne Zeichen durchgehen
	for (int i=0; i < xChars; i++)
	 for (int j=0; j < yChars; j++)
		int		last  = 0;
		bool	found = false;

		for (int k = 0; k<xCharsize; k++)
			found = false;

			for (int l = 0; l<yCharsize; l++)
				if (((DWORD*)d3dlr.pBits)[(j * yCharsize + l) * d3dsd.Width + (i*xCharsize + k)] != key)
					found = true;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_SDL)
				if (((DWORD*)image.data)[(j * yCharsize + l) * image.w + (i*xCharsize + k)] != key)
					found = true;
				if (((DWORD*)buffer)[(j * yCharsize + l) * textureWidth + (i*xCharsize + k)] != key)
					found = true;

			if (found == true)
				last = k;

		mCharLength[j * xChars + i] = last+1;

	// Unlocken
#elif defined(PLATFORM_SDL)
    delete [] image.data;

	return false;
Beispiel #14
bool CSoundManager::LoadWave(char *Filename, int Nr, bool looped)
	if (false == InitSuccessfull)
		return false;

	if(GameRunning == false) 
		return false;

	bool			fromrar;	
	char			*pData; 
	char			Temp[256];
	unsigned long	Size; 
	char Buffer[100];	

	fromrar = false;

	int Nummer = Nr;
	if (its_Sounds[Nummer] != NULL)
		its_Sounds[Nummer] = NULL;

	// Zuerst checken, ob sich der Sound in einem MOD-Ordner befindet
	if (CommandLineParams.RunOwnLevelList == true)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "levels/%s/%s", CommandLineParams.OwnLevelList, Filename);
		if (FileExists(Temp))
			goto loadfile;

	// Dann checken, ob sich das File im Standard Ordner befindet
	sprintf_s(Temp, "data/%s", Filename);
	if (FileExists(Temp))
		goto loadfile;

	// Auch nicht? Dann ist es hoffentlich im RAR file
	if (urarlib_get(&pData, &Size, Filename, RARFILENAME, convertText(RARFILEPASSWORD)) == false)
		sprintf_s(Temp, "\n-> Error loading %s from Archive !\n", Filename);
		Protokoll.WriteText(Temp, true);
		return false;
		fromrar = true;


	its_Sounds[Nummer] = new CWave();

	// von Platte laden
	if (fromrar == false)
		if (looped == false)
			its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData = FSOUND_Sample_Load(Nr, Temp, FSOUND_LOOP_OFF, 0, Size);
		else // mit Loop laden
			its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData = FSOUND_Sample_Load(Nr, Temp, FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL, 0, Size);
	// aus Rarfile laden
		if (looped == false)
			its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData = FSOUND_Sample_Load(Nr, pData, FSOUND_LOADMEMORY | FSOUND_LOOP_OFF, 0, Size);
		else // mit Loop laden
			its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData = FSOUND_Sample_Load(Nr, pData, FSOUND_LOADMEMORY | FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL, 0, Size);


	// Temp Datei wieder löschen und Speicher freigeben

	// Und bei bedarf den loop ausschalten
	//if (looped == false)
	//	FSOUND_Sample_SetLoopMode(its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData, FSOUND_LOOP_OFF);

	// Fehler beim Laden ?
	if (its_Sounds[Nummer]->SoundData == NULL)
		strcpy_s(Buffer, "\n-> Error loading ");
		strcat_s(Buffer, Filename);
		strcat_s(Buffer, "\n");
		Protokoll.WriteText(Buffer, true);

	//	return (-1);
		return false;

	its_Sounds[Nummer]->isLooped = looped;


	//its_Sounds[Nummer].Name = Filename;

	// kurz anspielen und wieder stoppen
	int Channel = FSOUND_PlaySound   (FSOUND_FREE, its_Sounds[Nr]->SoundData);
	FSOUND_SetVolume(Channel, 0);

		strcpy_s(Buffer, TextArray [TEXT_LADE_WAVE]);
		strcat_s(Buffer, Filename);
		strcat_s(Buffer, TextArray [TEXT_LADEN_ERFOLGREICH]);
		strcat_s(Buffer, " \n");
		Protokoll.WriteText(Buffer, false);*/


	//return Nummer;
	return true;
} // LoadWave
void TopicEdit::focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * )
Beispiel #16
void Converter::convertSingleExcel(const std::string& fileName)
	tWorkbooksSp wbs = excel()->getWorkbooks();
	tWorkbookSp wb = wbs->open(toUtf16(getInputAbsPath(fileName)));
	if (!wb) {
		logError(logger(), "Error while opening excel file: " + fileName);

	tWorksheetsSp wss = wb->worksheets();
	int numSheets = wss->getCount();
	for (int i = 1; i <= numSheets; ++i) {
		tWorksheetSp ws = wss->getItem(i);
		if (!ws) {
			std::cout << "no worksheet at index: " << i << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Processing worksheet " << i << " / " << numSheets << std::endl;
		if (excelVisible_)
		tExcelRangeSp r = ws->usedRange();	
		//r = r->cells();
		int rows = r->numRows();
		int cols = r->numCols();
		int count = r->count();

		std::wstring wstr;
		std::wstring wstrUni;

		int total = rows * cols;
		int current = 0, lastDisplayed = 0;

		for (int j = 1; j <= count; ++j) {
			tExcelRangeSp cc = r->item(j);
			convertText(cc, wstr, wstrUni);

			current = (int)(100.0 * (double)(j) / (double)total);
			if (lastDisplayed < current) {
				lastDisplayed = current;
				std::cout << lastDisplayed << " % completed\r";

// 		while (count > 0) {
// 			std::cout << er->getIDispatch() << std::endl;
// 			wstr = er->getText();
// 			tFontSp font = er->getFont();
// 			std::cout << font->getName() << std::endl;
// 			convertText(font, wstr, wstrUni);
// 			//std::wcout << wstr << std::endl;
// 			er = er->next();
// 			--count;
// 		}


	string_t outputDir = getOutputAbsPath(fileName);
	Poco::Path p(fileName);
	logInfo(logger(), "Saving worksheet...");
	std::string newName = outputDir + p.getBaseName() + " UNICODE." + p.getExtension();
	Poco::File pf(newName);
	if (pf.exists())
	logInfo(logger(), "Save was successful.");
QString KicadSchematic2Svg::convert(const QString & filename, const QString & defName) 

	QFile file(filename);
	if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
		throw QObject::tr("unable to open %1").arg(filename);

	QTextStream textStream(&file);

	QString metadata = makeMetadata(filename, "schematic part", defName);
	metadata += endMetadata();

	QString reference;
        int textOffset = 0;
        bool drawPinNumber = true;
        bool drawPinName = true;
	bool gotDef = false;
	while (true) {
		QString line = textStream.readLine();
		if (line.isNull()) {

		if (line.startsWith("DEF") && line.contains(defName, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
			QStringList defs = splitLine(line);
			if (defs.count() < 8) {
				throw QObject::tr("bad schematic definition %1").arg(filename);
			reference = defs[2];
			textOffset = defs[4].toInt();
			drawPinName = defs[6] == "Y";
			drawPinNumber = defs[5] == "Y";
			gotDef = true;

	if (!gotDef) {
		throw QObject::tr("schematic part %1 not found in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

	QString contents = "<g id='schematic'>\n";
	bool inFPLIST = false;
	while (true) {
		QString fline = textStream.readLine();
		if (fline.isNull()) {
			throw QObject::tr("schematic %1 unexpectedly ends (1) in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

		if (fline.contains("ENDDEF")) {
			throw QObject::tr("schematic %1 unexpectedly ends (2) in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

		if (fline.startsWith("DRAW")) {

		if (fline.startsWith("ALIAS")) continue;

		if (fline.startsWith("F")) {
			contents += convertField(fline);

		if (fline.startsWith("$FPLIST")) {
			inFPLIST = true;

	while (inFPLIST) {
		QString fline = textStream.readLine();
		if (fline.isNull()) {
			throw QObject::tr("schematic %1 unexpectedly ends (1) in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

		if (fline.startsWith("$ENDFPLIST")) {
			inFPLIST = false;

		if (fline.contains("ENDDEF")) {
			throw QObject::tr("schematic %1 unexpectedly ends (2) in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

	int pinIndex = 0;
	while (true) {
		QString line = textStream.readLine();
		if (line.isNull()) {
			throw QObject::tr("schematic %1 unexpectedly ends (3) in %2").arg(defName).arg(filename);

		if (line.startsWith("DRAW")) {

		if (line.contains("ENDDEF")) {
		if (line.contains("ENDDRAW")) {

		if (line.startsWith("S")) {
			contents += convertRect(line);
		else if (line.startsWith("X")) {
			// need to look at them all before formatting (I think)
			contents += convertPin(line, textOffset, drawPinName, drawPinNumber, pinIndex++);
		else if (line.startsWith("C")) {
			contents += convertCircle(line);
		else if (line.startsWith("P")) {
			contents += convertPoly(line);
		else if (line.startsWith("A")) {
			contents += convertArc(line);
		else if (line.startsWith("T")) {
			contents += convertText(line);
		else {
			DebugDialog::debug("Unknown line " + line);

	contents += "</g>\n";

	QString svg = TextUtils::makeSVGHeader(GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI, GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI, m_maxX - m_minX, m_maxY - m_minY) 
					+ m_title + m_description + metadata + offsetMin(contents) + "</svg>";

	return svg;
Beispiel #18
// Got a lot of good ideas from pykaraoke by Kelvin Lawson ([email protected]). Thanks!
void CKaraokeLyricsTextKAR::parseMIDI()
  m_midiOffset = 0;

  // Bytes 0-4: header
  unsigned int header = readDword();

  // If we get MS RIFF header, skip it
  if ( header == 0x52494646 )
    setPos( currentPos() + 16 );
    header = readDword();

  // MIDI header
  if ( header != 0x4D546864 )
    throw( "Not a MIDI file" );

  // Bytes 5-8: header length
  unsigned int header_length = readDword();

  // Bytes 9-10: format
  unsigned short format = readWord();

  if ( format > 2 )
    throw( "Unsupported format" );

  // Bytes 11-12: tracks
  unsigned short tracks = readWord();

  // Bytes 13-14: divisious
  unsigned short divisions = readWord();

  if ( divisions > 32768 )
    throw( "Unsupported division" );

  // Number of tracks is always 1 if format is 0
  if ( format == 0 )
    tracks = 1;

  // Parsed per-channel info
  std::vector<MidiLyrics> lyrics;
  std::vector<MidiTempo> tempos;
  std::vector<MidiChannelInfo> channels;

  channels.resize( tracks );

  // Set up default tempo
  MidiTempo te;
  te.clocks = 0;
  te.tempo = 500000;
  tempos.push_back( te );

  int preferred_lyrics_track = -1;
  int lastchannel = 0;
  int laststatus = 0;
  unsigned int firstNoteClocks = 1000000000; // arbitrary large value
  unsigned int next_line_flag = 0;

  // Point to first byte after MIDI header
  setPos( 8 + header_length );

  // Parse all tracks
  for ( int track = 0; track < tracks; track++ )
    char tempbuf[1024];
    unsigned int clocks = 0;

    channels[track].total_lyrics = 0;
    channels[track].total_lyrics_space = 0;

    // Skip malformed files
    if ( readDword() != 0x4D54726B )
      throw( "Malformed track header" );

    // Next track position
    int tracklen = readDword();
    unsigned int nexttrackstart = tracklen + currentPos();

    // Parse track until end of track event
    while ( currentPos() < nexttrackstart )
      // field length
      clocks += readVarLen();
      unsigned char msgtype = readByte();

      // Meta event
      if ( msgtype == 0xFF )
        unsigned char metatype = readByte();
        unsigned int metalength = readVarLen();

        if ( metatype == 3 )
          // Track title metatype
          if ( metalength >= sizeof( tempbuf ) )
            throw( "Meta event too long" );

          readData( tempbuf, metalength );
          tempbuf[metalength] = '\0';

          if ( !strcmp( tempbuf, "Words" ) )
            preferred_lyrics_track = track;
        else if ( metatype == 5 || metatype == 1 )
          // Lyrics metatype
          if ( metalength >= sizeof( tempbuf ) )
            throw( "Meta event too long" );

          readData( tempbuf, metalength );
          tempbuf[metalength] = '\0';

          if ( (tempbuf[0] == '@' && tempbuf[1] >= 'A' && tempbuf[1] <= 'Z')
          || strstr( tempbuf, " SYX" ) || strstr( tempbuf, "Track-" )
          || strstr( tempbuf, "%-" ) || strstr( tempbuf, "%+" ) )
            // Keywords
            if ( tempbuf[0] == '@' && tempbuf[1] == 'T' && strlen( tempbuf + 2 ) > 0 )
              if ( m_songName.empty() )
                m_songName = convertText( tempbuf + 2 );
                if ( !m_artist.empty() )
                  m_artist += "[CR]";

                m_artist += convertText( tempbuf + 2 );
            MidiLyrics lyric;
            lyric.clocks = clocks;
            lyric.track = track;
            lyric.flags = next_line_flag;

            if ( tempbuf[0] == '\\' )
              lyric.flags = CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_PARAGRAPH;
              lyric.text = convertText( tempbuf + 1 );
            else if ( tempbuf[0] == '/' )
              lyric.flags = CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_LINE;
              lyric.text = convertText( tempbuf + 1 );
            else if ( tempbuf[1] == '\0' && (tempbuf[0] == '\n' || tempbuf[0] == '\r' ) )
              // An empty line; do not add it but set the flag
              if ( next_line_flag == CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_LINE )
                next_line_flag = CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_PARAGRAPH;
                next_line_flag = CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_LINE;
              next_line_flag = (strchr(tempbuf, '\n') || strchr(tempbuf, '\r')) ? CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_LINE : CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NONE;
              lyric.text = convertText( tempbuf );

            lyrics.push_back( lyric );

            // Calculate the number of spaces in current syllable
            for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < metalength; j++ )
              channels[ track ].total_lyrics++;

              if ( tempbuf[j] == 0x20 )
                channels[ track ].total_lyrics_space++;
        else if ( metatype == 0x51 )
          // Set tempo event
          if ( metalength != 3 )
            throw( "Invalid tempo" );

          unsigned char a1 = readByte();
          unsigned char a2 = readByte();
          unsigned char a3 = readByte();
          unsigned int tempo = (a1 << 16) | (a2 << 8) | a3;

          // MIDI spec says tempo could only be on the first track...
          // but some MIDI editors still put it on second. Shouldn't break anything anyway, but let's see
          //if ( track != 0 )
          //  throw( "Invalid tempo track" );

          // Check tempo array. If previous tempo has higher clocks, abort.
          if ( tempos.size() > 0 && tempos[ tempos.size() - 1 ].clocks > clocks )
            throw( "Invalid tempo" );

          // If previous tempo has the same clocks value, override it. Otherwise add new.
          if ( tempos.size() > 0 && tempos[ tempos.size() - 1 ].clocks == clocks )
            tempos[ tempos.size() - 1 ].tempo = tempo;
            MidiTempo mt;
            mt.clocks = clocks;
            mt.tempo = tempo;

            tempos.push_back( mt );
          // Skip the event completely
          setPos( currentPos() + metalength );
      else if ( msgtype== 0xF0 || msgtype == 0xF7 )
        // SysEx event
        unsigned int length = readVarLen();
        setPos( currentPos() + length );
        // Regular MIDI event
        if ( msgtype & 0x80 )
          // Status byte
          laststatus = ( msgtype >> 4) & 0x07;
          lastchannel = msgtype & 0x0F;

          if ( laststatus != 0x07 )
            msgtype = readByte() & 0x7F;

        switch ( laststatus )
          case 0:  // Note off

          case 1: // Note on
            if ( (readByte() & 0x7F) != 0 ) // this would be in fact Note off
              // Remember the time the first note played
              if ( firstNoteClocks > clocks )
                firstNoteClocks = clocks;

          case 2: // Key Pressure
          case 3: // Control change
          case 6: // Pitch wheel

          case 4: // Program change
          case 5: // Channel pressure

          default: // case 7: Ignore this event
            if ( (lastchannel & 0x0F) == 2 ) // Sys Com Song Position Pntr
            else if ( (lastchannel & 0x0F) == 3 ) // Sys Com Song Select(Song #)