Beispiel #1
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src and dst have same number of components.
void LLImageRaw::copyScaled( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert_always( (1 == src->getComponents()) || (3 == src->getComponents()) || (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert_always( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() );

	if( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) )
		memcpy( dst->getData(), src->getData(), getWidth() * getHeight() * getComponents() );	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

	// Vertical
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		copyLineScaled( &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth(), 1, 1 );
Beispiel #2
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src and dst have same number of components.
void LLImageRaw::copyScaled( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLMemType mt1((LLMemType::EMemType)mMemType);
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert_always( (1 == src->getComponents()) || (3 == src->getComponents()) || (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert_always( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() );

	if( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) )
		memcpy( dst->getData(), src->getData(), getWidth() * getHeight() * getComponents() );	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	// Vertical
	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	U8* temp_buffer = new U8[ temp_data_size ];
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (getComponents() * col), temp_buffer + (getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		copyLineScaled( temp_buffer + (getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth(), 1, 1 );

	// Clean up
	delete[] temp_buffer;
Beispiel #3
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	LLMemType mt1((LLMemType::EMemType)mMemType);
	llinfos << "compositeScaled4onto3" << llendl;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == dst->getComponents()) );

	// Vertical: scale but no composite
	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * src->getComponents();
	U8* temp_buffer = new U8[ temp_data_size ];
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (src->getComponents() * col), temp_buffer + (src->getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal: scale and composite
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		compositeRowScaled4onto3( temp_buffer + (src->getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (dst->getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth() );

	// Clean up
	delete[] temp_buffer;
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	llinfos << "compositeScaled4onto3" << llendl;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == dst->getComponents()) );

	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * src->getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

	// Vertical: scale but no composite
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (src->getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal: scale and composite
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		compositeRowScaled4onto3( &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (dst->getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth() );
Beispiel #5
BOOL LLImageRaw::scale( S32 new_width, S32 new_height, BOOL scale_image_data )
	llassert((1 == getComponents()) || (3 == getComponents()) || (4 == getComponents()) );

	S32 old_width = getWidth();
	S32 old_height = getHeight();
	if( (old_width == new_width) && (old_height == new_height) )
		return TRUE;  // Nothing to do.

	// Reallocate the data buffer.

	if (scale_image_data)
		S32 temp_data_size = old_width * new_height * getComponents();
		llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
		std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

		// Vertical
		for( S32 col = 0; col < old_width; col++ )
			copyLineScaled( getData() + (getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * col), old_height, new_height, old_width, old_width );


		U8* new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		// <FS:ND> Handle out of memory situations a bit more graceful than a crash
		if( !new_buffer )
			return FALSE;
		// </FS:ND>

		// Horizontal
		for( S32 row = 0; row < new_height; row++ )
			copyLineScaled( &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * old_width * row), new_buffer + (getComponents() * new_width * row), old_width, new_width, 1, 1 );
		// copy	out	existing image data
		S32	temp_data_size = old_width * old_height	* getComponents();
		std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);
		memcpy(&temp_buffer[0],	getData(), temp_data_size);

		// allocate	new	image data,	will delete	old	data
		U8*	new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		// <FS:ND> Handle out of memory situations a bit more graceful than a crash
		if( !new_buffer )
			return FALSE;
		// </FS:ND>

		for( S32 row = 0; row <	new_height;	row++ )
			if (row	< old_height)
				memcpy(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), &temp_buffer[0] + (old_width *	row	* getComponents()),	getComponents()	* llmin(old_width, new_width));
				if (old_width <	new_width)
					// pad out rest	of row with	black
					memset(new_buffer +	(getComponents() * ((new_width * row) +	old_width)), 0,	getComponents()	* (new_width - old_width));
				// pad remaining rows with black
				memset(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), 0,	new_width *	getComponents());

	return TRUE ;
Beispiel #6
BOOL LLImageRaw::scale( S32 new_width, S32 new_height, BOOL scale_image_data )
	LLMemType mt1((LLMemType::EMemType)mMemType);
	llassert((1 == getComponents()) || (3 == getComponents()) || (4 == getComponents()) );

	S32 old_width = getWidth();
	S32 old_height = getHeight();
	if( (old_width == new_width) && (old_height == new_height) )
		return TRUE;  // Nothing to do.

	// Reallocate the data buffer.

	if (scale_image_data)
		// Vertical
		S32 temp_data_size = old_width * new_height * getComponents();
		llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
		U8* temp_buffer = new U8[ temp_data_size ];
		for( S32 col = 0; col < old_width; col++ )
			copyLineScaled( getData() + (getComponents() * col), temp_buffer + (getComponents() * col), old_height, new_height, old_width, old_width );


		U8* new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		// Horizontal
		for( S32 row = 0; row < new_height; row++ )
			copyLineScaled( temp_buffer + (getComponents() * old_width * row), new_buffer + (getComponents() * new_width * row), old_width, new_width, 1, 1 );

		// Clean up
		delete[] temp_buffer;
		// copy	out	existing image data
		S32	temp_data_size = old_width * old_height	* getComponents();
		U8*	temp_buffer	= new U8[ temp_data_size ];
		if (!temp_buffer)
			llwarns << "Out of memory in LLImageRaw::scale: old (w, h, c) = (" << old_width << ", " << old_height << ", " << (S32)getComponents() << 
				") ; new (w, h, c) = (" << new_width << ", " << new_height << ", " << (S32)getComponents() << ")" << llendl;			

			return FALSE ;
		memcpy(temp_buffer,	getData(), temp_data_size);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

		// allocate	new	image data,	will delete	old	data
		U8*	new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		for( S32 row = 0; row <	new_height;	row++ )
			if (row	< old_height)
				memcpy(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), temp_buffer + (old_width *	row	* getComponents()),	getComponents()	* llmin(old_width, new_width));	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
				if (old_width <	new_width)
					// pad out rest	of row with	black
					memset(new_buffer +	(getComponents() * ((new_width * row) +	old_width)), 0,	getComponents()	* (new_width - old_width));
				// pad remaining rows with black
				memset(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), 0,	new_width *	getComponents());

		// Clean up
		delete[] temp_buffer;

	return TRUE ;