void JenSx1000AudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    Program currentProgram("Current Program");
    currentProgram.vcoTune = vcoTuneParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoOctave = vcoOctaveParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoVibrato = vcoVibratoParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoWaveform = vcoWaveformParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoPulseWidth = vcoPulseWidthParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoPWM = vcoPWMParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoLevel = vcoLevelParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcoGlide = vcoGlideParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.lfoSpeed = lfoSpeedParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfFrequency = vcfFrequencyParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfResonance = vcfResonanceParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfLFO = vcfLFOParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfEnvLevel = vcfEnvLevelParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfAttack = vcfAttackParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfDecay = vcfDecayParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfSustain = vcfSustainParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcfRelease = vcfReleaseParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.noiseNoise = noiseNoiseParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.noiseLevel = noiseLevelParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcaOutputVolume = vcaOutputVolumeParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcaAttack = vcaAttackParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcaDecay = vcaDecayParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcaSustain = vcaSustainParam->getValue();
    currentProgram.vcaRelease = vcaReleaseParam->getValue();
    copyXmlToBinary (currentProgram.getProgrameAsXmlElement(), destData);
void DemoJuceFilter::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
	XmlElement xmlState (T("faust"));
	xmlState.setAttribute (T("pluginVersion"), 1);
	xmlState.setAttribute (T("pluginName"), getName());
	copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);
Beispiel #3
void StocSynthAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    XmlElement xml ("STOCSETTINGS");

    xml.setAttribute("toneAmp", toneAmp);
    xml.setAttribute("a135", a135);
    xml.setAttribute("a246", a246);
    xml.setAttribute("a789", a789);
    xml.setAttribute("sub", sub);
    xml.setAttribute("var135", var135);
    xml.setAttribute("var246", var246);
    xml.setAttribute("var789", var789);
    xml.setAttribute("pitch135", pitch135);
    xml.setAttribute("pitch246", pitch246);
    xml.setAttribute("pitch789", pitch789);
    xml.setAttribute("cutoff", cutoff);
    xml.setAttribute("res", res);
    xml.setAttribute("ampA", ampA);
    xml.setAttribute("ampD", ampD);
    xml.setAttribute("ampS", ampS);
    xml.setAttribute("ampR", ampR);
    xml.setAttribute("gain", gain);

    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
void TheFunctionAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.

	// Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
   // xml.setAttribute ("uiWidth", lastUIWidth);
   // xml.setAttribute ("uiHeight", lastUIHeight);
    //xml.setAttribute ("gain", gain);
   // xml.setAttribute ("delay", delay);
	xml.setAttribute ("gain", gain);
	xml.setAttribute ("gainL", gainL);
	xml.setAttribute ("gainR", gainR);

	xml.setAttribute ("panL", panL);
	xml.setAttribute ("panR", panR);

	xml.setAttribute ("phaseL", phaseL);
	xml.setAttribute ("phaseR", phaseR);

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #5
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // Here's an example of how you can use XML to make it easy and more robust:

    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute("uiWidth", lastUIWidth);
    xml.setAttribute("uiHeight", lastUIHeight);
    xml.setAttribute("wetGain", wetGain);
    xml.setAttribute("delayAmount", delayAmount);
    xml.setAttribute("delayTime", delayTime);
    xml.setAttribute("delayFeedback", delayFeedbackAmount);
    xml.setAttribute("pan", pan);
    xml.setAttribute("dryOn", dryOn);
    xml.setAttribute("midSide", midSide);
    xml.setAttribute("roomSize", roomSize);
	xml.setAttribute("roomDamp", roomDamp);
    xml.setAttribute("hpfFreq", hpfFreq);
    xml.setAttribute("hpfQ", hpfQ);
	xml.setAttribute("saturation", saturationAmount);
	xml.setAttribute("midOn", midOn);
    xml.setAttribute("lpfFreq", lpfFreqValue);
    xml.setAttribute("lpfQ", lpfQValue);

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
void SignalProcessorAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");
    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("averagingBufferSize", averagingBufferSize);
    xml.setAttribute ("fftAveragingWindow", fftAveragingWindow);
    xml.setAttribute ("inputSensitivity", inputSensitivity);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendTimeInfo", sendTimeInfo);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendSignalLevel", sendSignalLevel);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendImpulse", sendImpulse);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendFFT", sendFFT);
    xml.setAttribute ("channel", channel);
    xml.setAttribute ("monoStereo", monoStereo);
    xml.setAttribute ("logarithmicFFT", logarithmicFFT);
    xml.setAttribute ("averageEnergyBufferSize", averageEnergyBufferSize);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendOSC", sendOSC);
    xml.setAttribute ("sendBinaryUDP", sendBinaryUDP);
    xml.setAttribute ("instantSigValGain", instantSigValGain);
    xml.setAttribute ("instantSigValNbOfSamplesSkipped", instantSigValNbOfSamplesSkipped);
    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #7
void Ambix_converterAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");
    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("box_presets", box_presets_text);
    xml.setAttribute("in_seq_param", in_seq_param);
    xml.setAttribute("out_seq_param", out_seq_param);
    xml.setAttribute("in_norm_param", in_norm_param);
    xml.setAttribute("out_norm_param", out_norm_param);
    xml.setAttribute("flip_cs_phase", flip_cs_phase);
    xml.setAttribute("flip_param", flip_param);
    xml.setAttribute("flop_param", flop_param);
    xml.setAttribute("flap_param", flap_param);
    xml.setAttribute("in_2d_param", in_2d);
    xml.setAttribute("out_2d_param", out_2d);
    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
void DemoJuceFilter::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // you can store your parameters as binary data if you want to or if you've got
    // a load of binary to put in there, but if you're not doing anything too heavy,
    // XML is a much cleaner way of doing it - here's an example of how to store your
    // params as XML..

    // create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xmlState (T("XSynthPatch"));

    // add some attributes to it..
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("pluginVersion"), 1);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("gainLevel"), gain);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("uiWidth"), lastUIWidth);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("uiHeight"), lastUIHeight);

    // you could also add as many child elements as you need to here..
   for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); i++)
      xmlState.setAttribute (getParameterXMLName(i), getParameter(i));
      DBG(String("Saved parameter ") + getParameterXMLName(i) + String(" as ") + String(getParameter(i)));

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);
Beispiel #9
void MLPluginProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // create an outer XML element.
    ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xmlProgram (new XmlElement(JucePlugin_Name));
    copyXmlToBinary (*xmlProgram, destData);
Beispiel #10
void UGenPlugin::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // you can store your parameters as binary data if you want to or if you've got
    // a load of binary to put in there, but if you're not doing anything too heavy,
    // XML is a much cleaner way of doing it - here's an example of how to store your
    // params as XML..

    // create an outer XML element..
	const String pluginName = UGenUtility::stringToSafeName(JucePlugin_Name);
    XmlElement xmlState (pluginName);

    // add some attributes to it..
    xmlState.setAttribute ("pluginVersion", 1);
	for(int index = 0; index < UGenInterface::Parameters::Count; index++)
		String parameterName = UGenUtility::stringToSafeName(String(UGenInterface::Parameters::Names[index]));
		parameterName += "_";
		parameterName += String(index);		// try to ensure the name is unique, not foolproof
		xmlState.setAttribute (parameterName, parameters[index]);

	xmlState.setAttribute ("menuItem", menuItem);
	xmlState.setAttribute ("menu2Item", menu2Item);
    const String relative = irFile.getRelativePathFrom(File::getSpecialLocation(File::userHomeDirectory));
    xmlState.setAttribute("irFile", relative);
//    xmlState.setAttribute("lastPath", lastPath);
    xmlState.setAttribute("selectedTab", selectedTab);
    const Buffer& ampEnvLevels = ampEnv.getLevels();
    const Buffer& ampEnvTimes = ampEnv.getTimes();
    xmlState.setAttribute("ampEnvNumLevels", ampEnvLevels.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < ampEnvLevels.size(); i++)
        xmlState.setAttribute(String("ampEnvLevel")+String(i), (double)ampEnvLevels.getSampleUnchecked(i));

    xmlState.setAttribute("ampEnvNumTimes", ampEnvTimes.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < ampEnvTimes.size(); i++)
        xmlState.setAttribute(String("ampEnvTime")+String(i), (double)ampEnvTimes.getSampleUnchecked(i));
    const Buffer& filterEnvLevels = filterEnv.getLevels();
    const Buffer& filterEnvTimes = filterEnv.getTimes();
    xmlState.setAttribute("filterEnvNumLevels", filterEnvLevels.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < filterEnvLevels.size(); i++)
        xmlState.setAttribute(String("filterEnvLevel")+String(i), (double)filterEnvLevels.getSampleUnchecked(i));
    xmlState.setAttribute("filterEnvNumTimes", filterEnvTimes.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < filterEnvTimes.size(); i++)
        xmlState.setAttribute(String("filterEnvTime")+String(i), (double)filterEnvTimes.getSampleUnchecked(i));

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);
void BeatboxVoxAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
	// You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
	// You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
	// as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
	std::unique_ptr<XmlElement> xml(processorState.state.createXml());
	copyXmlToBinary(*xml, destData);
void SuperSpreadAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    XmlElement xml("STATE");

    for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
        xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameter(i));

    copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
Beispiel #13
void Processor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
  const juce::File irDirectory = _settings.getImpulseResponseDirectory();
  juce::ScopedPointer<juce::XmlElement> element(SaveState(irDirectory, *this));
  if (element)
    copyXmlToBinary(*element, destData);
void Plugin::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // save current program

    // output program_bank to host
    XmlElement* bankXml = program_bank->createBankXml();
    copyXmlToBinary(*bankXml, destData);
    editor_program_update_pending = true;
void LuftikusAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
	XmlElement xml("LUFTIKUSDATA");

	for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
		xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i).replace(" ", "_", false).replace(".", "-", false), getParameter(i));

	xml.setAttribute("tooltips", showTooltips ? 1 : 0);
	copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
void AudioProcessorValueTreeStateDemoAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    DBG("Store XML");    
    ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml(parameters.state.createXml());
    copyXmlToBinary (*xml, destData);
void KawaMidSideAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    XmlElement xml( "kawaMidSide_Parameter" );
    xml.setAttribute( "isMidMode", isMidMode() );
    xml.setAttribute( "isDoubleLevelMode", isDoubleLevelMode() );
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
void Plugin::getCurrentProgramStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
    //save current settings

    //output program to host
    XmlElement* program = program_bank->createProgramXml(current_program);
    copyXmlToBinary (*program, destData);
    delete program;
Beispiel #19
void Tunefish4AudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    XmlElement xml ("TF4SETTINGS");

    for (eU32 i=0; i<TF_PARAM_COUNT; i++)
        xml.setAttribute (TF_NAMES[i], tf->params[i]);

    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #20
void PitchedDelayAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
	XmlElement xml("PitchedDelay");

	for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
		xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameter(i));

	xml.setAttribute("currenttab", jmax(0, currentTab));
	xml.setAttribute("showtooltips", showTooltips ? 1 : 0);

	xml.setAttribute("extended", "1");

	copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
void PluginAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
	XmlElement xml ("SyzygrydSettings");
	xml.setAttribute ("panelIndex", panelIndex);
	xml.setAttribute ("noteLength", sequencer->getNoteLength());
	xml.setAttribute ("swingTicks", sequencer->getSwingTicks());
	String state = SharedState::getInstance()->getStringPanelState (panelIndex);
	xml.setAttribute ("panelState", state);
	copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #22
void SamplerProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // Here's an example of how you can use XML to make it easy and more robust:

    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("uiWidth", lastUIWidth);
    xml.setAttribute ("uiHeight", lastUIHeight);

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
void FilterGuiDemoAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");
    // Store the values of all our parameters, using their param ID as the XML attribute
    for (int i = 0; i < getNumParameters(); ++i)
        if (AudioProcessorParameterWithID* p = dynamic_cast<AudioProcessorParameterWithID*> (getParameters().getUnchecked(i)))
            xml.setAttribute (p->paramID, p->getValue());
    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #24
void Mcfx_convolverAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");
    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("activePreset", activePreset);
    xml.setAttribute ("presetDir", presetDir.getFullPathName());
    xml.setAttribute("ConvBufferSize", (int)_ConvBufferSize);
    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #25
void Ambix_directional_loudnessAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");
    // add some attributes to it..
    for (int i=0; i < getNumParameters(); i++)
        xml.setAttribute (String(i), getParameter(i));
    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // Here's an example of how you can use XML to make it easy and more robust:

    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("uiWidth", lastUIWidth);
    xml.setAttribute ("uiHeight", lastUIHeight);
    xml.setAttribute ("gain", offset->getValue());
    xml.setAttribute ("delay", springConstant->getValue());
    xml.setAttribute ("velocity", velocityFactor->getValue());

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #27
void DRowAudioFilter::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // you can store your parameters as binary data if you want to or if you've got
    // a load of binary to put in there, but if you're not doing anything too heavy,
    // XML is a much cleaner way of doing it - here's an example of how to store your
    // params as XML..

    // create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xmlState ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
    xmlState.setAttribute ("pluginVersion", 1);
	for(int i = 0; i < noParams; i++) {

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);
void HoaToolsAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
    char name[256];
    XmlElement xml("HoaToolsSettings");

    xml.setAttribute("NumberOfSources", (int)getNumberOfSources());

    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfSources(); i++)
        sprintf(name, "Abscissa%i", i);
        xml.setAttribute(name, (double)m_sources->sourceGetAbscissa(i));
        sprintf(name, "Ordinate%i", i);
        xml.setAttribute(name, (double)m_sources->sourceGetOrdinate(i));

    copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);

Beispiel #29
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // Here's an example of how you can use XML to make it easy and more robust:

    // Create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xml ("MYPLUGINSETTINGS");

    // add some attributes to it..
    xml.setAttribute ("uiWidth", lastUIWidth);
    xml.setAttribute ("uiHeight", lastUIHeight);

    // Store the values of all our parameters, using their param ID as the XML attribute
    for (int i = 0; i < getNumParameters(); ++i)
        if (AudioProcessorParameterWithID* p = dynamic_cast<AudioProcessorParameterWithID*> (getParameters().getUnchecked(i)))
            xml.setAttribute (p->paramID, p->getValue());

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xml, destData);
Beispiel #30
void DRowAudioFilter::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // you can store your parameters as binary data if you want to or if you've got
    // a load of binary to put in there, but if you're not doing anything too heavy,
    // XML is a much cleaner way of doing it - here's an example of how to store your
    // params as XML..

    // create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xmlState (T("MYPLUGINSETTINGS"));

    // add some attributes to it..
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("pluginVersion"), 1);
//    xmlState.setAttribute (T("gainLevel"), gain);

    // you could also add as many child elements as you need to here..

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);