int initialize_globals() {
    // Get the android data directory.
    if (get_path_from_env(&android_data_dir, "ANDROID_DATA") < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Get the android app directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_dir, &android_data_dir, APP_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Get the android protected app directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_private_dir, &android_data_dir, PRIVATE_APP_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Get the android app native library directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_lib_dir, &android_data_dir, APP_LIB_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Get the sd-card ASEC mount point.
    if (get_path_from_env(&android_asec_dir, "ASEC_MOUNTPOINT") < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Get the android media directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_media_dir, &android_data_dir, MEDIA_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return -1;

    // Take note of the system and vendor directories.
    android_system_dirs.count = 2;

    android_system_dirs.dirs = calloc(android_system_dirs.count, sizeof(dir_rec_t));
    if (android_system_dirs.dirs == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Couldn't allocate array for dirs; aborting\n");
        return -1;

    // system
    if (get_path_from_env(&android_system_dirs.dirs[0], "ANDROID_ROOT") < 0) {
        return -1;

    // append "app/" to dirs[0]
    char *system_app_path = build_string2(android_system_dirs.dirs[0].path, APP_SUBDIR);
    android_system_dirs.dirs[0].path = system_app_path;
    android_system_dirs.dirs[0].len = strlen(system_app_path);

    // vendor
    // TODO replace this with an environment variable (doesn't exist yet)
    android_system_dirs.dirs[1].path = "/vendor/app/";
    android_system_dirs.dirs[1].len = strlen(android_system_dirs.dirs[1].path);

    return 0;
TEST_F(UtilsTest, CopyAndAppend_Normal) {
    //int copy_and_append(dir_rec_t* dst, dir_rec_t* src, char* suffix)
    dir_rec_t dst;
    dir_rec_t src;

    src.path = (char*) "/data/";
    src.len = strlen(src.path);

    EXPECT_EQ(0, copy_and_append(&dst, &src, "app/"))
            << "Should return error because postfix is too long.";

    EXPECT_STREQ("/data/app/", dst.path)
            << "Appended path should be correct";

    EXPECT_EQ(10, (ssize_t) dst.len)
            << "Appended path should be length of '/data/app/' (10)";
bool init_globals_from_data_and_root(const char* data, const char* root) {
    // Get the android data directory.
    if (get_path_from_string(&android_data_dir, data) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android app directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_dir, &android_data_dir, APP_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android protected app directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_private_dir, &android_data_dir, PRIVATE_APP_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android ephemeral app directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_ephemeral_dir, &android_data_dir, EPHEMERAL_APP_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android app native library directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_app_lib_dir, &android_data_dir, APP_LIB_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the sd-card ASEC mount point.
    if (get_path_from_env(&android_asec_dir, ASEC_MOUNTPOINT_ENV_NAME) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android media directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_media_dir, &android_data_dir, MEDIA_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android external app directory.
    if (get_path_from_string(&android_mnt_expand_dir, "/mnt/expand/") < 0) {
        return false;

    // Get the android profiles directory.
    if (copy_and_append(&android_profiles_dir, &android_data_dir, PROFILES_SUBDIR) < 0) {
        return false;

    // Take note of the system and vendor directories.
    android_system_dirs.count = 4;

    android_system_dirs.dirs = (dir_rec_t*) calloc(android_system_dirs.count, sizeof(dir_rec_t));
    if (android_system_dirs.dirs == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Couldn't allocate array for dirs; aborting\n");
        return false;

    dir_rec_t android_root_dir;
    if (get_path_from_string(&android_root_dir, root) < 0) {
        return false;

    android_system_dirs.dirs[0].path = build_string2(android_root_dir.path, APP_SUBDIR);
    android_system_dirs.dirs[0].len = strlen(android_system_dirs.dirs[0].path);

    android_system_dirs.dirs[1].path = build_string2(android_root_dir.path, PRIV_APP_SUBDIR);
    android_system_dirs.dirs[1].len = strlen(android_system_dirs.dirs[1].path);

    android_system_dirs.dirs[2].path = strdup("/vendor/app/");
    android_system_dirs.dirs[2].len = strlen(android_system_dirs.dirs[2].path);

    android_system_dirs.dirs[3].path = strdup("/oem/app/");
    android_system_dirs.dirs[3].len = strlen(android_system_dirs.dirs[3].path);

    return true;