QVariantList CoreBacklogManager::requestBacklogAll(MsgId first, MsgId last, int limit, int additional) {
  QVariantList backlog;
  QList<Message> msgList;
  msgList = Core::requestAllMsgs(coreSession()->user(), first, last, limit);

  QList<Message>::const_iterator msgIter = msgList.constBegin();
  QList<Message>::const_iterator msgListEnd = msgList.constEnd();
  while(msgIter != msgListEnd) {
    backlog << qVariantFromValue(*msgIter);

  if(additional) {
    if(first != -1) {
      last = first;
    } else {
      last = -1;
      if(!msgList.isEmpty()) {
	if(msgList.first().msgId() < msgList.last().msgId())
	  last = msgList.first().msgId();
	  last = msgList.last().msgId();
    msgList = Core::requestAllMsgs(coreSession()->user(), -1, last, additional);
    msgIter = msgList.constBegin();
    msgListEnd = msgList.constEnd();
    while(msgIter != msgListEnd) {
      backlog << qVariantFromValue(*msgIter);

  return backlog;
Beispiel #2
// only accept CTCPs in their simplest form, i.e. one ctcp, from start to
// end, no text around it; not as per the 'specs', but makes people happier
void CtcpParser::parseSimple(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype, QByteArray dequotedMessage, CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype, Message::Flags flags)
    if (dequotedMessage.count(XDELIM) != 2 || dequotedMessage[0] != '\001' || dequotedMessage[dequotedMessage.count() -1] != '\001') {
        displayMsg(e, messagetype, targetDecode(e, dequotedMessage), e->prefix(), e->target(), flags);
    } else {
        int spacePos = -1;
        QString ctcpcmd, ctcpparam;

        QByteArray ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(1, dequotedMessage.count() - 2));
        spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' ');
        if (spacePos != -1) {
            ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos));
            ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1));
        } else {
            ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp);
            ctcpparam = QString();
        ctcpcmd = ctcpcmd.toUpper();

        // we don't want to block /me messages by the CTCP ignore list
        if (ctcpcmd == QLatin1String("ACTION") || !coreSession()->ignoreListManager()->ctcpMatch(e->prefix(), e->network()->networkName(), ctcpcmd)) {
            QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
            _replies.insert(uuid, CtcpReply(coreNetwork(e), nickFromMask(e->prefix())));
            CtcpEvent *event = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEvent, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(),
                ctcptype, ctcpcmd, ctcpparam, e->timestamp(), uuid);
            emit newEvent(event);
            CtcpEvent *flushEvent = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEventFlush, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(),
                ctcptype, "INVALID", QString(), e->timestamp(), uuid);
            emit newEvent(flushEvent);
Beispiel #3
void CtcpParser::parseStandard(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype, QByteArray dequotedMessage, CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype, Message::Flags flags)
    QByteArray ctcp;

    QList<CtcpEvent *> ctcpEvents;
    QUuid uuid; // needed to group all replies together

    // extract tagged / extended data
    int xdelimPos = -1;
    int xdelimEndPos = -1;
    int spacePos = -1;
    while ((xdelimPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM)) != -1) {
        if (xdelimPos > 0)
            displayMsg(e, messagetype, targetDecode(e, dequotedMessage.left(xdelimPos)), e->prefix(), e->target(), flags);

        xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM, xdelimPos + 1);
        if (xdelimEndPos == -1) {
            // no matching end delimiter found... treat rest of the message as ctcp
            xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.count();
        ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimPos + 1, xdelimEndPos - xdelimPos - 1));
        dequotedMessage = dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimEndPos + 1);

        //dispatch the ctcp command
        QString ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos));
        QString ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1));

        spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' ');
        if (spacePos != -1) {
            ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos));
            ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1));
        else {
            ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp);
            ctcpparam = QString();

        ctcpcmd = ctcpcmd.toUpper();

        // we don't want to block /me messages by the CTCP ignore list
        if (ctcpcmd == QLatin1String("ACTION") || !coreSession()->ignoreListManager()->ctcpMatch(e->prefix(), e->network()->networkName(), ctcpcmd)) {
            if (uuid.isNull())
                uuid = QUuid::createUuid();

            CtcpEvent *event = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEvent, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(),
                ctcptype, ctcpcmd, ctcpparam, e->timestamp(), uuid);
            ctcpEvents << event;
    if (!ctcpEvents.isEmpty()) {
        _replies.insert(uuid, CtcpReply(coreNetwork(e), nickFromMask(e->prefix())));
        CtcpEvent *flushEvent = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEventFlush, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(),
            ctcptype, "INVALID", QString(), e->timestamp(), uuid);
        ctcpEvents << flushEvent;
        foreach(CtcpEvent *event, ctcpEvents) {
            emit newEvent(event);
QVariantList CoreBacklogManager::requestBacklog(BufferId bufferId, MsgId first, MsgId last, int limit, int additional) {
  QVariantList backlog;
  QList<Message> msgList;
  msgList = Core::requestMsgs(coreSession()->user(), bufferId, first, last, limit);

  QList<Message>::const_iterator msgIter = msgList.constBegin();
  QList<Message>::const_iterator msgListEnd = msgList.constEnd();
  while(msgIter != msgListEnd) {
    backlog << qVariantFromValue(*msgIter);

  if(additional && limit != 0) {
    MsgId oldestMessage = first;
    if(!msgList.isEmpty()) {
      if(msgList.first().msgId() < msgList.last().msgId())
        oldestMessage = msgList.first().msgId();
        oldestMessage = msgList.last().msgId();

    if(first != -1) {
      last = first;
    } else {
      last = oldestMessage;

    // only fetch additional messages if they continue seemlessly
    // that is, if the list of messages is not truncated by the limit
    if(last == oldestMessage) {
      msgList = Core::requestMsgs(coreSession()->user(), bufferId, -1, last, additional);
      msgIter = msgList.constBegin();
      msgListEnd = msgList.constEnd();
      while(msgIter != msgListEnd) {
        backlog << qVariantFromValue(*msgIter);

  return backlog;
bool CoreIrcListHelper::dispatchQuery(const NetworkId &netId, const QString &query) {
  CoreNetwork *network = coreSession()->network(netId);
  if(network) {
    _channelLists[netId] = QList<ChannelDescription>();
    network->userInputHandler()->handleList(BufferInfo(), query);
    _queryTimeout[startTimer(10000)] = netId;
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
Beispiel #6
void CoreUserInputHandler::handleUserInput(const BufferInfo &bufferInfo, const QString &msg)
    if (msg.isEmpty())

    AliasManager::CommandList list = coreSession()->aliasManager().processInput(bufferInfo, msg);

    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
        QString cmd = list.at(i).second.section(' ', 0, 0).remove(0, 1).toUpper();
        QString payload = list.at(i).second.section(' ', 1);
        handle(cmd, Q_ARG(BufferInfo, list.at(i).first), Q_ARG(QString, payload));
Beispiel #7
bool CoreIrcListHelper::dispatchQuery(const NetworkId &netId, const QString &query)
    CoreNetwork *network = coreSession()->network(netId);
    if (network) {
        _channelLists[netId] = QList<ChannelDescription>();
        network->userInputHandler()->handleList(BufferInfo(), query);

        auto timer = std::make_shared<QBasicTimer>();
        timer->start(kTimeoutMs, this);
        _queryTimeoutByNetId[netId] = timer;
        _queryTimeoutByTimerId[timer->timerId()] = netId;

        return true;
    else {
        return false;
Beispiel #8
void CtcpParser::parse(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype)
    //lowlevel message dequote
    QByteArray dequotedMessage = lowLevelDequote(e->rawMessage());

    CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype = e->type() == EventManager::IrcEventRawNotice
                                   ? CtcpEvent::Reply
                                   : CtcpEvent::Query;

    Message::Flags flags = (ctcptype == CtcpEvent::Reply && !e->network()->isChannelName(e->target()))
                           ? Message::Redirected
                           : Message::None;

    if (coreSession()->networkConfig()->standardCtcp())
        parseStandard(e, messagetype, dequotedMessage, ctcptype, flags);
        parseSimple(e, messagetype, dequotedMessage, ctcptype, flags);
Beispiel #9
void CtcpParser::parse(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype)
    //lowlevel message dequote
    QByteArray dequotedMessage = lowLevelDequote(e->rawMessage());

    CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype = e->type() == EventManager::IrcEventRawNotice
                                   ? CtcpEvent::Reply
                                   : CtcpEvent::Query;

    Message::Flags flags = (ctcptype == CtcpEvent::Reply && !e->network()->isChannelName(e->target()))
                           ? Message::Redirected
                           : Message::None;

    bool isStatusMsg = false;

    // First remove all statusmsg prefix characters that are not also channel prefix characters.
    while (e->network()->isStatusMsg(e->target()) && !e->network()->isChannelName(e->target())) {
        isStatusMsg = true;
        e->setTarget(e->target().remove(0, 1));

    // Then continue removing statusmsg characters as long as removing the character will still result in a
    // valid channel name.  This prevents removing the channel prefix character if said character is in the
    // overlap between the statusmsg characters and the channel prefix characters.
    while (e->network()->isStatusMsg(e->target()) && e->network()->isChannelName(e->target().remove(0, 1))) {
        isStatusMsg = true;
        e->setTarget(e->target().remove(0, 1));

    // If any statusmsg characters were removed, Flag the message as a StatusMsg.
    if (isStatusMsg) {
        flags |= Message::StatusMsg;

    if (coreSession()->networkConfig()->standardCtcp())
        parseStandard(e, messagetype, dequotedMessage, ctcptype, flags);
        parseSimple(e, messagetype, dequotedMessage, ctcptype, flags);