Beispiel #1
 inline void correct_multi_polygon(O& o)
     for (typename O::iterator it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); it++)
// this method will also construct the triangles/polygons in the new mesh
// if we accept planar polygons, we just save them
// also, we could just create new vertices every time, and merge only in the end;
// could be too expensive, and the tolerance for merging could be an
// interesting topic
int Intx2MeshOnSphere::findNodes(EntityHandle red, int nsRed, EntityHandle blue, int nsBlue,
    double * iP, int nP)
  // first of all, check against red and blue vertices
  if (dbg_1)
    std::cout << "red, blue, nP, P " << mb->id_from_handle(red) << " "
        << mb->id_from_handle(blue) << " " << nP << "\n";
    for (int n = 0; n < nP; n++)
      std::cout << " \t" << iP[2 * n] << "\t" << iP[2 * n + 1] << "\n";


  // get the edges for the red triangle; the extra points will be on those edges, saved as
  // lists (unordered)
  std::vector<EntityHandle> redEdges(nsRed);//
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nsRed; i++)
    EntityHandle v[2] = { redConn[i], redConn[(i + 1) % nsRed] };
    std::vector<EntityHandle> adj_entities;
    ErrorCode rval = mb->get_adjacencies(v, 2, 1, false, adj_entities,
    if (rval != MB_SUCCESS || adj_entities.size() < 1)
      return 0; // get out , big error
    redEdges[i] = adj_entities[0]; // should be only one edge between 2 nodes
  // these will be in the new mesh, mbOut
  // some of them will be handles to the initial vertices from blue or red meshes (lagr or euler)

  EntityHandle * foundIds = new EntityHandle[nP];
  for (i = 0; i < nP; i++)
    double * pp = &iP[2 * i]; // iP+2*i
    // project the point back on the sphere
    CartVect pos;
    reverse_gnomonic_projection(pp[0], pp[1], R, plane, pos);
    int found = 0;
    // first, are they on vertices from red or blue?
    // priority is the red mesh (mb2?)
    int j = 0;
    EntityHandle outNode = (EntityHandle) 0;
    for (j = 0; j < nsRed && !found; j++)
      //int node = redTri.v[j];
      double d2 = dist2(pp, &redCoords2D[2 * j]);
      if (d2 < epsilon_1)

        foundIds[i] = redConn[j]; // no new node
        found = 1;
        if (dbg_1)
          std::cout << "  red node j:" << j << " id:"
              << mb->id_from_handle(redConn[j]) << " 2d coords:" << redCoords2D[2 * j] << "  "
              << redCoords2D[2 * j + 1] << " d2: " << d2 << " \n";

    for (j = 0; j < nsBlue && !found; j++)
      //int node = blueTri.v[j];
      double d2 = dist2(pp, &blueCoords2D[2 * j]);
      if (d2 < epsilon_1)
        // suspect is blueConn[j] corresponding in mbOut

        foundIds[i] = blueConn[j]; // no new node
        found = 1;
        if (dbg_1)
          std::cout << "  blue node " << j << " "
              << mb->id_from_handle(blueConn[j]) << " d2:" << d2 << " \n";

    if (!found)
      // find the edge it belongs, first, on the red element
      for (j = 0; j < nsRed; j++)
        int j1 = (j + 1) % nsRed;
        double area = area2D(&redCoords2D[2 * j], &redCoords2D[2 * j1], pp);
        if (dbg_1)
          std::cout << "   edge " << j << ": "
              << mb->id_from_handle(redEdges[j]) << " " << redConn[j] << " "
              << redConn[j1] << "  area : " << area << "\n";
        if (fabs(area) < epsilon_1/2)
          // found the edge; now find if there is a point in the list here
          //std::vector<EntityHandle> * expts = extraNodesMap[redEdges[j]];
          int indx = -1;
          indx = RedEdges.index(redEdges[j]);
          std::vector<EntityHandle> * expts = extraNodesVec[indx];
          // if the points pp is between extra points, then just give that id
          // if not, create a new point, (check the id)
          // get the coordinates of the extra points so far
          int nbExtraNodesSoFar = expts->size();
          CartVect * coords1 = new CartVect[nbExtraNodesSoFar];
          mb->get_coords(&(*expts)[0], nbExtraNodesSoFar, &(coords1[0][0]));
          //std::list<int>::iterator it;
          for (int k = 0; k < nbExtraNodesSoFar && !found; k++)
            //int pnt = *it;
            double d2 = (pos - coords1[k]).length_squared();
            if (d2 < epsilon_1)
              found = 1;
              foundIds[i] = (*expts)[k];
              if (dbg_1)
                std::cout << " found node:" << foundIds[i] << std::endl;
          if (!found)
            // create a new point in 2d (at the intersection)
            //foundIds[i] = m_num2dPoints;
            // need to create a new node in mbOut
            // this will be on the edge, and it will be added to the local list
            mb->create_vertex(pos.array(), outNode);
            foundIds[i] = outNode;
            found = 1;
            if (dbg_1)
              std::cout << " new node: " << outNode << std::endl;
          delete[] coords1;
    if (!found)
      std::cout << " red quad: ";
      for (int j1 = 0; j1 < nsRed; j1++)
        std::cout << redCoords2D[2 * j1] << " " << redCoords2D[2 * j1 + 1] << "\n";
      std::cout << " a point pp is not on a red quad " << *pp << " " << pp[1]
          << " red quad " << mb->id_from_handle(red) << " \n";
      delete[] foundIds;
      return 1;
  if (dbg_1)
    std::cout << " candidate polygon: nP" << nP <<  " plane: " << plane << "\n";
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nP; i1++)
            std::cout << iP[2 * i1] << " " << iP[2 * i1 + 1] << " " << foundIds[i1] << "\n";
  // first, find out if we have nodes collapsed; shrink them
  // we may have to reduce nP
  // it is possible that some nodes are collapsed after intersection only
  // nodes will always be in order (convex intersection)
  correct_polygon(foundIds, nP);
  // now we can build the triangles, from P array, with foundIds
  // we will put them in the out set
  if (nP >= 3)
    EntityHandle polyNew;
    mb->create_element(MBPOLYGON, foundIds, nP, polyNew);
    mb->add_entities(outSet, &polyNew, 1);

    // tag it with the index ids from red and blue sets
    int id = rs1.index(blue); // index starts from 0
    mb->tag_set_data(blueParentTag, &polyNew, 1, &id);
    id = rs2.index(red);
    mb->tag_set_data(redParentTag, &polyNew, 1, &id);

    static int count=0;
    mb->tag_set_data(countTag, &polyNew, 1, &count);

    if (dbg_1)

      std::cout << "Count: " << count << "\n";
      std::cout << " polygon " << mb->id_from_handle(polyNew) << "  nodes: " << nP << " :";
      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nP; i1++)
        std::cout << " " << mb->id_from_handle(foundIds[i1]);
      std::cout << " plane: " << plane << "\n";
      std::vector<CartVect> posi(nP);
      mb->get_coords(foundIds, nP, &(posi[0][0]));
      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nP; i1++)
        std::cout << foundIds[i1]<< " " << posi[i1] << "\n";

      std::stringstream fff;
      fff << "file0" <<  count<< ".vtk";
          mb->write_mesh(fff.str().c_str(), &outSet, 1);

  delete[] foundIds;
  foundIds = NULL;
  return 0;