void matrix::setRotateZ(float rx)
	init();						// reset to identity
	data[0][0] = cos_d(rx);		// store the rotation values
	data[0][1] = -sin_d(rx);
	data[1][0] = sin_d(rx);
	data[1][1] = cos_d(rx);
Beispiel #2
 * Rotate Vector by angle y(degrees) around the y-axis.
void vector_rotate_y(double y, Vector* v) {
	double x;

	x    = cos_d(y)  * v->x + 0 * v->y + sin_d(y) * v->z;
//	v->y = 0         * v->x + 1 * v->y + 0        * v->z;   /*omitted*/
	v->z = -sin_d(y) * v->x + 0 * v->y + cos_d(y) * v->z;

	v->x = x;
Beispiel #3
 * Rotate Vector by angle z(degrees) around the z-axis.
void vector_rotate_z(double z, Vector* v) {
	double x;

	x    = cos_d(z) * v->x - sin_d(z) * v->y + 0 * v->z;
	v->y = sin_d(z) * v->x + cos_d(z) * v->y + 0 * v->z;
//	v->z = 0        * v->x + 0        * v->y + 1 * v->z;   /*omitted*/

	v->x = x;
Beispiel #4
 * Rotate Vector by angle x(degrees) around the x-axis.
void vector_rotate_x(double x, Vector* v) {
      //temp.saving v->y
	double y;

//	v->x = 1   * v->x + 0        * v->y + 0        * v->z;   /*omitted*/
	y    = 0   * v->x + cos_d(x) * v->y - sin_d(x) * v->z;
	v->z = 0   * v->x + sin_d(x) * v->y + cos_d(x) * v->z;

	v->y = y;
* I guess this is where the magic happens. It's just real simple geometry. We calculate a skeleton line in "solve()" and bend the profile accordingly in "calculate_Profile".
void loesen(Naca* iterator){


			for(int i=0;i<=4;i++){

				* For the curious: In the given data we have two angles (B12 and B2) and a distance (Lax). We are looking for an arc, which has those angles at the given distance.
				* At first the radius of a circle is calculated, which would have those two angles at the given distance. Then it's position is determined, thus the beginning
				* of the skeleton line is at the point (0;0);
				iterator->radius[i]=(iterator->Lax + iterator->deltaLax * i*0.25)/(sin_d((iterator->B12[i])+(iterator->B2[i]))-sin_d(iterator->B2[i]));
				iterator->Mx[i]=sin_d((iterator->B12[i])+(iterator->B2[i])) * (iterator->radius[i]);
				iterator->My[i]= -cos_d((iterator->B12[i])+(iterator->B2[i]))*(iterator->radius[i]);

			iterator = iterator->next;


opentorus::opentorus(int density, int slices, float radius, float height)

	setColour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);					// default colour (yellow)
	// if the user passes an odd number as the "slices" of the opentorus,
	// round this up to the next even number. 
	if(slices%2 == 1)

	// calculate the number of vertices and faces from the mesh density
	vertexCount = density * slices;
	faceCount = density * slices;
	polygonCount = faceCount;

	// allocate memory for the vertex and face arrays

	float yStepSize = 360.0 / slices;						// rotating around Y axis by this amount
	float zStepSize = 360.0 / density;						// rotating around Z axis by this amount

	// generate the vertex information
	unsigned int v = 0;										// init the vertex counter
	float zRot = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<density; i++)							// outer loop (Z Rot)
		// calculate angle around Z axis - this is the "height" of the horizontal
		// disc, and the Y coordinate of all vertices on the circumference of that disc
		float y = height * sin_d(zRot);

		// also calculate X - this is subtracted from the opentorus radius to
		// calculate the radius for the horizontal disc
		float x = height * cos_d(zRot);
		float discRad = radius - x;
		float yRot=0;
		// OK - now split the disc into slices
		for (int j=0; j<slices; j++)						// inner loop (Y rotation)
			vertices[v++].set(discRad * cos_d(yRot), y, discRad * sin_d(yRot));	
			yRot+=yStepSize;								// step around for the next division
		zRot+=zStepSize;									// step around for the next disc

	// this first test may never execute if we've overflowed the array (since the program will have crashed by now)
	if (v > vertexCount) fatal("generated more vertices than you said you would");
	if (v < vertexCount) fatal("allocated space for more vertices than you generated");

	// now generate the face list
	unsigned int k=0;													// face counter
	for (int zLoop=0; zLoop<density; zLoop++)							// loop for each disc
		int offset1 = (zLoop * slices);									// this is the "first vertex" for this disc
		int offset2 = ((offset1 + slices)% (slices * density));			// this is the "first vertex" of the NEXT disc
		for (int yLoop=0; yLoop<slices; yLoop+=2)						// loop around each disc
			// external face
			faces[k++].init(offset1 + yLoop, 							// the first vertex of this disc
								offset1 + ((yLoop+1)%slices),			// the next is on this disc, one around
								offset2 + ((yLoop+1)%slices),			// the next is on next disc, one around
								offset2 + yLoop); 						// the last is on the next disc, below first 

			// internal face (reverse the order of vertexes)
			faces[k++].init(offset2 + yLoop, 							// the last is on the next disc, below first
								offset2 + ((yLoop+1)%slices),			// the next is on next disc, one around	
								offset1 + ((yLoop+1)%slices),			// the next is on this disc, one around
								offset1 + yLoop); 						// the first vertex of this disc

	// this first test may never execute if we've overflowed the array (since the program will have crashed by now)
	if (k > faceCount) fatal("generated more faces than you said you would");
	if (k < faceCount) fatal("allocated space for more faces than you generated");

	// calculate the face and vertex normals

	// set the default shading model of the opentorus to diffuse
	diffuseShading = true;
	// put the shape onto the shapeVector so it gets draw messages
opensphere::opensphere(int density)

	setColour(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);					// default colour (red)

	// if the user passes an odd number as the "density" of the opensphere,
	// round this up to the next even number. 
	if(density%2 == 1)
	// calculate the number of vertices and faces from the mesh density
	vertexCount = (density * (density-1)) + 2;
	faceCount = (density * (density - 2)) + (density * 2);
	polygonCount = faceCount;

	// allocate memory for the vertex and face arrays

	// generate the vertex information to build a 2-unit opensphere centred on the origin
	float stepSize = 180.0 / density;				// rotating around Z axis by this amount
	float zRot = 90.0 - stepSize;					// starting Z rot near top;
	unsigned int v = 0;								// init the vertex counter
	for (int i=1; i<density; i++)					// outer loop (Z Rot)
		for (int j=0; j<density; j++)				// inner loop (Y rot)
			// calculate angle around Y axis
			float yRot = j * (360.0 / density);
			// calculate x, y & z coordinates
			float x = cos_d(zRot) * cos_d(yRot);
			float z = cos_d(zRot) * sin_d(yRot);
			float y = sin_d(zRot);
			vertices[v++].set(x, y, z);				// init this vertex

		zRot = zRot - stepSize;						// next row down
	vertices[v++].set(0,  1, 0);					// the top vertex
	vertices[v++].set(0, -1, 0);					// the bottom vertex

	// this first test may never execute if we've overflowed the array (since the program will have crashed by now)
	if (v > vertexCount)
		fatal("generated more vertices than you said you would");
	if (v < vertexCount)
		fatal("allocated space for more vertices than you generated");

	// now set up the faces
	unsigned int k=0;											// face counter

	// first define the sides as quads
	for (int i=0; i < density-2; i++)
		int offset1 = (density * i);
		int offset2 = (offset1 + density);
		for (int j=0; j < density; j+=2)
			// external face
			faces[k++].init(offset1 + j, offset1 + ((j+1) % density), offset2 + ((j+1) % density), offset2 + j);

			// internal face (reverse the order of vertexes)
			faces[k++].init(offset2 + j, offset2 + ((j+1) % density), offset1 + ((j+1) % density), offset1 + j);

	// next define the top triangles
	for (int i=0; i < density; i+=2)
		// external face
		faces[k++].init((density * (density - 1)), (i+1) % density, i); 
		// internal face (reverse the order of vertexes)
		faces[k++].init(i, (i+1) % density, (density * (density - 1))); 

	// finally define the bottom triangles
	for (int i=0; i < density; i+=2)
		// external face
		faces[k++].init(	(density * (density -2)) + i,
							(density * (density -2)) + ((i+1) % density),
							(density * (density -1)) +1);

		// internal face (reverse the order of vertexes)
		faces[k++].init(	(density * (density -1)) +1,
							(density * (density -2)) + ((i+1) % density),
							(density * (density -2)) + i);

	// this first test may never execute if we've overflowed the array (since the program will have crashed by now)
	if (k > faceCount) fatal("generated more faces than you said you would");
	if (k < faceCount) fatal("allocated space for more faces than you generated");

	// calculate the face and vertex normals

	// set the default shading model of the opensphere to diffuse
	diffuseShading = true;
	// put the shape onto the shapeVector so it gets draw messages