Beispiel #1
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int id = 0;
    time_t now = time( NULL );
    int seconds = 100;
    int shift = 0;

    id = event_list_add( 0, now + seconds, seconds, shift, NULL, NULL );
    printf("Event id: %d\n", id);

    id = event_list_add( 0, now + seconds, seconds, shift, NULL, NULL );
    printf("Event id: %d\n", id);

    int numEvents = 0;
    numEvents = count_events();
    printf("Number of events: %d\n", numEvents);


    numEvents = count_events();
    printf("Number of events: %d\n", numEvents);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
struct plot_data *populate_plot_entries(struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, struct plot_info *pi)
	int idx, maxtime, nr, i;
	int lastdepth, lasttime, lasttemp = 0;
	struct plot_data *plot_data;
	struct event *ev = dc->events;

	maxtime = pi->maxtime;

	 * We want to have a plot_info event at least every 10s (so "maxtime/10+1"),
	 * but samples could be more dense than that (so add in dc->samples). We also
	 * need to have one for every event (so count events and add that) and
	 * additionally we want two surface events around the whole thing (thus the
	 * additional 4).  There is also one extra space for a final entry
	 * that has time > maxtime (because there can be surface samples
	 * past "maxtime" in the original sample data)
	nr = dc->samples + 6 + maxtime / 10 + count_events(dc);
	plot_data = calloc(nr, sizeof(struct plot_data));
	pi->entry = plot_data;
	if (!plot_data)
		return NULL;
	pi->nr = nr;
	idx = 2; /* the two extra events at the start */

	lastdepth = 0;
	lasttime = 0;
	/* skip events at time = 0 */
	while (ev && ev->time.seconds == 0)
		ev = ev->next;
	for (i = 0; i < dc->samples; i++) {
		struct plot_data *entry = plot_data + idx;
		struct sample *sample = dc->sample + i;
		int time = sample->time.seconds;
		int offset, delta;
		int depth = sample->;
		int sac = sample->sac.mliter;

		/* Add intermediate plot entries if required */
		delta = time - lasttime;
		if (delta <= 0) {
			time = lasttime;
			delta = 1; // avoid divide by 0
		for (offset = 10; offset < delta; offset += 10) {
			if (lasttime + offset > maxtime)

			/* Add events if they are between plot entries */
			while (ev && ev->time.seconds < lasttime + offset) {
				INSERT_ENTRY(ev->time.seconds, interpolate(lastdepth, depth, ev->time.seconds - lasttime, delta), sac);
				ev = ev->next;

			/* now insert the time interpolated entry */
			INSERT_ENTRY(lasttime + offset, interpolate(lastdepth, depth, offset, delta), sac);

			/* skip events that happened at this time */
			while (ev && ev->time.seconds == lasttime + offset)
				ev = ev->next;

		/* Add events if they are between plot entries */
		while (ev && ev->time.seconds < time) {
			INSERT_ENTRY(ev->time.seconds, interpolate(lastdepth, depth, ev->time.seconds - lasttime, delta), sac);
			ev = ev->next;

		entry->sec = time;
		entry->depth = depth;

		entry->running_sum = (entry - 1)->running_sum + (time - (entry - 1)->sec) * (depth + (entry - 1)->depth) / 2;
		entry->stopdepth = sample->;
		entry->stoptime = sample->stoptime.seconds;
		entry->ndl = sample->ndl.seconds;
		entry->tts = sample->tts.seconds;
		pi->has_ndl |= sample->ndl.seconds;
		entry->in_deco = sample->in_deco;
		entry->cns = sample->cns;
		if (dc->divemode == CCR) {
			entry->o2pressure.mbar = entry->o2setpoint.mbar = sample->setpoint.mbar;     // for rebreathers
			entry->o2sensor[0].mbar = sample->o2sensor[0].mbar; // for up to three rebreather O2 sensors
			entry->o2sensor[1].mbar = sample->o2sensor[1].mbar;
			entry->o2sensor[2].mbar = sample->o2sensor[2].mbar;
		} else {
			entry->pressures.o2 = sample->setpoint.mbar / 1000.0;
		/* FIXME! sensor index -> cylinder index translation! */
		//		entry->cylinderindex = sample->sensor;
		SENSOR_PRESSURE(entry) = sample->cylinderpressure.mbar;
		O2CYLINDER_PRESSURE(entry) = sample->o2cylinderpressure.mbar;
		if (sample->temperature.mkelvin)
			entry->temperature = lasttemp = sample->temperature.mkelvin;
			entry->temperature = lasttemp;
		entry->heartbeat = sample->heartbeat;
		entry->bearing = sample->bearing.degrees;
		entry->sac = sample->sac.mliter;
		if (sample->rbt.seconds)
			entry->rbt = sample->rbt.seconds;
		/* skip events that happened at this time */
		while (ev && ev->time.seconds == time)
			ev = ev->next;
		lasttime = time;
		lastdepth = depth;

		if (time > maxtime)

	/* Add two final surface events */
	plot_data[idx++].sec = lasttime + 1;
	plot_data[idx++].sec = lasttime + 2;
	pi->nr = idx;

	return plot_data;
Beispiel #3
void do_eventlog(FILE *output, int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, 
		char *pageregex, char *expageregex,
		char *hostregex, char *exhostregex,
		char *testregex, char *extestregex,
		char *colrregex, int ignoredialups,
		f_hostcheck hostcheck,
		event_t **eventlist, countlist_t **hostcounts, countlist_t **servicecounts,
		countsummary_t counttype, eventsummary_t sumtype, char *periodstring)
	FILE *eventlog;
	char eventlogfilename[PATH_MAX];
	time_t firstevent = 0;
	time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	event_t	*eventhead = NULL;
	struct stat st;
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	char title[200];

	/* For the PCRE matching */
	const char *errmsg = NULL;
	int errofs = 0;
	pcre *pageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *expageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *hostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exhostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *testregexp = NULL;
	pcre *extestregexp = NULL;
	pcre *colrregexp = NULL;
	countlist_t *hostcounthead = NULL, *svccounthead = NULL;

	if (eventlist) *eventlist = NULL;
	if (hostcounts) *hostcounts = NULL;
	if (servicecounts) *servicecounts = NULL;

	havedoneeventlog = 1;

	if ((maxminutes > 0) && (fromtime || totime)) {
		fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>");

	if (fromtime) {
		firstevent = eventreport_time(fromtime);
		if(firstevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(fromtime));
	else if (maxminutes == -1) {
		/* Unlimited number of minutes */
		firstevent = 0;
	else if (maxminutes > 0) {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60;
	else {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400;

	if (totime) {
		lastevent = eventreport_time(totime);
		if (lastevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(totime));
		if (lastevent < firstevent) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>");

	if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100;

	if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (colrregex && *colrregex) colrregexp = pcre_compile(colrregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);

	sprintf(eventlogfilename, "%s/allevents", xgetenv("XYMONHISTDIR"));
	eventlog = fopen(eventlogfilename, "r");

	if (eventlog && (stat(eventlogfilename, &st) == 0)) {
		time_t curtime;
		int done = 0;
		int unlimited = (maxcount == -1);

		if (unlimited) maxcount = 1000;
		do {
			/* Find a spot in the eventlog file close to where the firstevent time is */
			fseeko(eventlog, 0, SEEK_END);
			do {
				/* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */
				if (ftello(eventlog) > maxcount*80) {
					unsigned int uicurtime;
					fseeko(eventlog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); 
					if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog) &&  /* Skip to start of line */
					    fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog)) {
						sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %u %*u %*u %*s %*s %*d", &uicurtime);
						curtime = uicurtime;
						done = (curtime < firstevent);
						if (unlimited && !done) maxcount += 1000;
					else {
						if (output) fprintf(output,"Error reading eventlog file %s: %s\n", eventlogfilename, strerror(errno));
				else {
					curtime = 0;
					done = 1;
			} while (!done);

			if (unlimited) unlimited = ((curtime > firstevent) && (ftello(eventlog) > 0));
		} while (unlimited);
	eventhead = NULL;

	while (eventlog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog))) {

		time_t eventtime, changetime, duration;
		unsigned int uievt, uicht, uidur;
		char hostname[MAX_LINE_LEN], svcname[MAX_LINE_LEN], newcol[MAX_LINE_LEN], oldcol[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char *newcolname, *oldcolname;
		int state, itemsfound, colrmatch;
		event_t *newevent;
		void *eventhost;
		struct htnames_t *eventcolumn;
		int ovector[30];
		eventcount_t *countrec;

		itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%s %s %u %u %u %s %s %d",
			hostname, svcname,
			&uievt, &uicht, &uidur, 
			newcol, oldcol, &state);
		eventtime = uievt; changetime = uicht; duration = uidur;
		oldcolname = colorname(eventcolor(oldcol));
		newcolname = colorname(eventcolor(newcol));
		/* For DURATION counts, we must parse all events until now */
		if ((counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) && (eventtime > lastevent)) break;
		eventhost = hostinfo(hostname);
		eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1);

		if ( (itemsfound == 8) && 
		     (eventtime >= firstevent) && 
		     (eventhost && !xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_FLAG_NONONGREEN)) && 
		     (wanted_eventcolumn(svcname)) ) {

			if (eventfilter(eventhost, svcname, 
					pageregexp, expageregexp, 
					hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					testregexp, extestregexp,
					ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) continue;

			/* For duration counts, record all events. We'll filter out the colors later. */
			if (colrregexp && (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION)) {
				colrmatch = ( (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, newcolname, strlen(newcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) ||
					      (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, oldcolname, strlen(oldcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) );
				colrmatch = 1;
			if (!colrmatch) continue;

			newevent = (event_t *) malloc(sizeof(event_t));
			newevent->host       = eventhost;
			newevent->service    = eventcolumn;
			newevent->eventtime  = eventtime;
			newevent->changetime = changetime;
			newevent->duration   = duration;
			newevent->newcolor   = eventcolor(newcol);
			newevent->oldcolor   = eventcolor(oldcol);
			newevent->next = eventhead;
			eventhead = newevent;

			if (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) {
				countrec = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
				while (countrec && (countrec->service != eventcolumn)) countrec = countrec->next;
				if (countrec == NULL) {
					countrec = (eventcount_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(eventcount_t));
					countrec->service = eventcolumn;
					countrec->next = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
					xmh_set_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA, (void *)countrec);

	/* Count the state changes per host */
	svccounthead = hostcounthead = NULL;
	switch (counttype) {
	  case XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS: count_events(&hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  case XYMON_COUNT_DURATION: count_duration(firstevent, lastevent,
					       pageregexp, expageregexp,
					       hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					       testregexp, extestregexp,
					       ignoredialups, hostcheck,
					       eventhead, &hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  default: break;

	if (hostcounthead) hostcounthead = msort(hostcounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);
	if (svccounthead)  svccounthead = msort(svccounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);

	if (eventhead && (output != NULL)) {
		char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000033" };
		int  bgcolor = 0;
		struct event_t *ewalk, *lasttoshow = eventhead;
		countlist_t *cwalk;
		unsigned long totalcount = 0;

		if (periodstring) fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", htmlquoted(periodstring));

		switch (sumtype) {
			/* Request for a specific service, show breakdown by host */
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by host\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Host</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

			/* Request for a specific host, show breakdown by service */
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by service\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Service</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

		  case XYMON_S_NONE:

		if (sumtype == XYMON_S_NONE) {
			int  count;
			do {
				lasttoshow = ewalk;
				ewalk = ewalk->next;
			} while (ewalk && (count<maxcount));
			if (ewalk) ewalk->next = NULL;	/* Terminate list if any items left */

			if (maxminutes > 0)  { 
				sprintf(title, "%d events received in the past %u minutes", 
					count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60));
			else {
				sprintf(title, "%d events received.", count);
		else {
			strcpy(title, "Events in summary");

		fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"$EVENTSTITLE\" BORDER=0>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", htmlquoted(title));

		for (ewalk=eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk=ewalk->next) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(ewalk->host, XMH_HOSTNAME);

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->oldcolor < COL_YELLOW) &&
			     (ewalk->newcolor < COL_YELLOW) ) continue;

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->eventtime >= lastevent) ) continue;

			fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]);
			bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&ewalk->eventtime));

			if (ewalk->newcolor == COL_CLEAR) {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=black><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
			else {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=%s><FONT COLOR=black>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
					colorname(ewalk->newcolor), hostname);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ewalk->service->name);
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->changetime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->oldcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->oldcolor), colorname(ewalk->oldcolor));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"From -&gt; To\">\n", 
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->eventtime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A></TD>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->newcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->newcolor), colorname(ewalk->newcolor));
			fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");

		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");

	else if (output != NULL) {
		/* No events during the past maxminutes */
		if (eventlog)
			sprintf(title, "No events received in the last %d minutes", maxminutes);
			strcpy(title, "No events logged");

		fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title);
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n");

	if (eventlog) fclose(eventlog);

	if (pageregexp) pcre_free(pageregexp);
	if (hostregexp) pcre_free(hostregexp);
	if (testregexp) pcre_free(testregexp);
	if (colrregexp) pcre_free(colrregexp);

	/* Return the event- and count-lists, if wanted - or clean them up */
	if (eventlist) {
		*eventlist = eventhead;
	else {
		event_t	*zombie, *ewalk = eventhead;
		while (ewalk) { zombie = ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->next; xfree(zombie); }

	if (hostcounts) {
		*hostcounts = hostcounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *hwalk = hostcounthead;
		while (hwalk) { zombie = hwalk; hwalk = hwalk->next; xfree(zombie); }


	if (servicecounts) {
		*servicecounts = svccounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *swalk = svccounthead;
		while (swalk) { zombie = swalk; swalk = swalk->next; xfree(zombie); }