static void
playerUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
	int jumpState = (ChipmunkDemoKeyboard.y > 0.0f);
	// Grab the grounding normal from last frame
	cpVect groundNormal = cpvzero;
	cpBodyEachArbiter(playerBody, (cpBodyArbiterIteratorFunc)SelectPlayerGroundNormal, &groundNormal);
	grounded = (groundNormal.y > 0.0);
	if(groundNormal.y < 0.0f) remainingBoost = 0.0f;
	// Do a normal-ish update
	cpBool boost = (jumpState && remainingBoost > 0.0f);
	cpVect g = (boost ? cpvzero : gravity);
	cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, g, damping, dt);
	// Target horizontal speed for air/ground control
	cpFloat target_vx = PLAYER_VELOCITY*ChipmunkDemoKeyboard.x;
	// Update the surface velocity and friction
	// Note that the "feet" move in the opposite direction of the player.
	cpVect surface_v = cpv(-target_vx, 0.0);
	playerShape->surfaceV = surface_v;
	playerShape->u = (grounded ? PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL/GRAVITY : 0.0);
	// Apply air control if not grounded
		// Smoothly accelerate the velocity
		playerBody->v.x = cpflerpconst(playerBody->v.x, target_vx, PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL*dt);
	body->v.y = cpfclamp(body->v.y, -FALL_VELOCITY, INFINITY);
Beispiel #2
// set gravity (of previously chosen objects) to point towards black holes
void orbit(cpBody * body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
    extern struct objnode objroot[];
    struct objnode *objx;
    struct cpBody *hole;
    cpVect bpos, hpos, unitv, gvect;
    cpFloat hmass, g, distsq;

    objx = objroot;
    while ((objx = objx->next) != NULL) {
	if (objx->bhole == true && objx->b != body) {
	    hole = objx->b;
	    bpos = cpBodyGetPos(body);
	    hpos = cpBodyGetPos(hole);

	    distsq = cpvdistsq(hpos, bpos);
	    distsq = (distsq == 0) ? 1e-50 : distsq;	// don't divide by zero

	    hmass = cpBodyGetMass(hole);
	    g = hmass * BGRAV * (1 / distsq);
	    g = (distsq < RDSQ) ? g * -REPFS : g;	// shoot close balls away

	    unitv = cpvmult(cpvsub(hpos, bpos), (1 / sqrt(distsq)));
	    gvect = cpvmult(unitv, g);

	    cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, gvect, damping, dt);
Beispiel #3
static void
playerUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
	cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, gravity, damping, dt);
	body->v.y = cpfmax(body->v.y, -700);
	body->v.x = cpfclamp(body->v.x, -400, 400);
static void
planetGravityVelocityFunc(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
	// Gravitational acceleration is proportional to the inverse square of
	// distance, and directed toward the origin. The central planet is assumed
	// to be massive enough that it affects the satellites but not vice versa.
	cpVect p = cpBodyGetPosition(body);
	cpFloat sqdist = cpvlengthsq(p);
	cpVect g = cpvmult(p, -gravityStrength / (sqdist * cpfsqrt(sqdist)));
	cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, g, damping, dt);
Beispiel #5
static void internalBodyUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
    cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, cpvzero, damping, dt);
    // Skip kinematic bodies.
    if(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC) return;
    cpAssertSoft(body->m > 0.0f && body->i > 0.0f, "Body's mass and moment must be positive to simulate. (Mass: %f Moment: f)", body->m, body->i);
    cocos2d::PhysicsBody *physicsBody = static_cast<cocos2d::PhysicsBody*>(body->userData);
            body->v = cpvclamp(cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvadd(gravity, cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv)), dt)), physicsBody->getVelocityLimit());
            body->v = cpvclamp(cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv), dt)), physicsBody->getVelocityLimit());
    cpFloat w_limit = physicsBody->getAngularVelocityLimit();
    body->w = cpfclamp(body->w*damping + body->t*body->i_inv*dt, -w_limit, w_limit);
    // Reset forces.
    body->f = cpvzero;
    //to check body sanity
    cpBodySetTorque(body, 0.0f);
Beispiel #6
void cBody::UpdateVelocity( cVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt ) {
	cpBodyUpdateVelocity( mBody, tocpv( gravity ), damping, dt );
void bmx_cpbody_updatevelocity(cpBody * body, cpVect * gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt) {
	cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, *gravity, damping, dt);
static inline void cpBodyUpdateVelocityWithoutGravity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
    cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, cpvzero, damping, dt);
Beispiel #9
// From cpBody.h
void wrBodyUpdateVelocity(cpBody *b, cpVect *g, cpFloat d, cpFloat dt) {
    cpBodyUpdateVelocity(b, *g, d, dt);
Beispiel #10
static VALUE
rb_cpBodyUpdateVelocity(VALUE self, VALUE g, VALUE dmp, VALUE dt) {
  cpBodyUpdateVelocity(BODY(self), *VGET(g), NUM2DBL(dmp), NUM2DBL(dt));
  return self;
Beispiel #11
void Body::updateVelocity(const cp::Vect& gravity,cpFloat damping,cpFloat dt)