void plot_channel_data() { int samp=0; int pg_id; pg_id = cpgopen("/XSERVE"); cpgpap(8.0, 0.8); cpgask(0); cpgpage(); cpgslct(pg_id); cpgsci(3); cpgeras(); cpgsvp(0.15f, 0.95f, 0.2f, 0.8f); cpgupdt(); cpgsch(2.0); cpgswin(0, read_count, -0.1f, 0.1f); cpgbox("BC1NST",0.0,0,"BCNST",0.0,0); cpglab("Time [samples]", "Voltage [volts]", "Antenna Measurement Receiver"); cpgmove(samp, voltarray[0]); for (samp=2; samp<read_count; samp++) { cpgdraw(samp, voltarray[samp]); } return 0; }
void wipdraw(float x, float y) { cpgdraw(x, y); (void)wipsetvar("cx", (double)x); (void)wipsetvar("cy", (double)y); return; }
int plot_fit_curve(float *a, int ncoeff, float tmin, float tmax) { int i,j; /* Looping variables */ int nstep=500; /* Number of steps used to compute curve */ float xtmp,ytmp; /* Values of x,y used in constructing the curve */ float *polyx=NULL; /* Polynomial in x */ cpgsci(2); cpgslw(5); /* * Allocate memory for container for polynomial values */ if(!(polyx = new_array(ncoeff,1))) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: plot_fit_curve\n"); return 1; } /* * Loop through range of x values in step sizes determined by nstep. * At each value of x, compute the value of y by first calling poly * to compute the values of the various powers of x at that step, and * then multiplying by the coefficients contained in a. */ for(i=0; i<nstep; i++) { /* * Compute the values of x and y at this step */ xtmp = tmin + i*(tmax - tmin)/(1.0 * nstep); sinpoly(xtmp,polyx-1,ncoeff); ytmp = 0; for(j=0; j<ncoeff; j++) ytmp += a[j] * polyx[j]; /* * Now connect this point to the previous one with a cpgdraw call */ if(i == 0) cpgmove(xtmp,ytmp); else cpgdraw(xtmp,ytmp); } /* * Clean up and exit */ cpgslw(1); cpgsci(1); polyx = del_array(polyx); return 0; }
void aitoffGrid(void) { int i,j; double phi[MM], lam[MM], x[MM], y[MM]; double rr, dd; cpgsci(DARKGRAY); cpgslw(1); for(i=0; i<MM; i++) phi[i] = i*M_PI/(double)(MM-1) - M_PI/2.0; // make meridians for each ra in (-180,180) for(i=0; i<NM; i++) { rr = i*2.0*M_PI/(double)(NM-1) - M_PI; // steps in dec on (-90,90) for(j=0; j<MM; j++) { project(rr,phi[j],&x[j],&y[j]); } for(j=1; j<MM; j++) { cpgmove(x[j-1],y[j-1]); cpgdraw(x[j],y[j]); } } // make parallels // steps in dec on (-90,90) for(i=0; i<MM; i++) phi[i] *= 2.0; for(i=0; i<NP; i++) { dd = i*M_PI/(double)(NP-1) - M_PI/2.0; // steps in RA from (-180,180) for(j=0; j<MM; j++) { project(phi[j],dd,&x[j],&y[j]); } for(j=1; j<MM; j++) { cpgmove(x[j-1],y[j-1]); cpgdraw(x[j],y[j]); } } cpgsci(1); cpgslw(1); }
void mark(g_ctl * ctl, float x, char *c, int color) { int oldcolor; cpgqci(&oldcolor); cpgsci(color); cpgmove(x, ctl->ymin + ctl->h * 0.05); cpgdraw(x, ctl->ymax - ctl->h * 0.05); cpgptxt(x, ctl->ymin + ctl->h * 0.1, 0.0, -0.05, c); cpgsci(oldcolor); }
static void plot_harmonics(double rr, int zoomlevel, fftpart * fp) { int ii, hh; double offsetf; char label[20]; fftview *harmview; cpgsubp(4, 4); for (ii = 0, hh = 2; ii < 8; ii++, hh++) { cpgpanl(ii % 4 + 1, ii / 4 + 1); harmview = get_harmonic(hh * rr, zoomlevel, fp); if (harmview != NULL) { offsetf = plot_fftview(harmview, 0.0, 2.0, hh * rr, 2); snprintf(label, 20, "Harmonic %d", hh); cpgsave(); cpgsch(2.0); cpgmtxt("T", -1.8, 0.05, 0.0, label); cpgunsa(); free(harmview); } } for (ii = 8, hh = 2; ii < 16; ii++, hh++) { cpgpanl(ii % 4 + 1, ii / 4 + 1); harmview = get_harmonic(rr / (double) hh, zoomlevel, fp); if (harmview != NULL) { offsetf = plot_fftview(harmview, 0.0, 2.0, rr / (double) hh, 2); snprintf(label, 20, "Harmonic 1/%d", hh); cpgsave(); cpgsch(2.0); cpgmtxt("T", -1.8, 0.05, 0.0, label); cpgunsa(); free(harmview); } } cpgsubp(1, 1); cpgpanl(1, 1); cpgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgswin(2.0, 6.0, -2.0, 2.0); cpgmove(2.0, 0.0); cpgslw(3); cpgdraw(6.0, 0.0); cpgslw(1); }
int plot_freq_data(void) { int bin=0; printf("\nPlotting ..."); cpgask(0); cpgpage(); cpgslct(pg_id); cpgsci(1); cpgeras(); cpgsvp(0.15f, 0.95f, 0.2f, 0.8f); cpgupdt(); cpgsch(2.0); cpgswin(0, (N/2)+1, 0.0f, 0.005f); // cpgswin(80, 120, 0.0f, 0.01f); cpgbox("BC1NST",0.0,0,"BCNST",0.0,0); cpglab("Frequency [bins]", "Peak Voltage [volts]", "Antenna Measurement Receiver"); cpgmove(bin, accumFreqData[0]); for (bin=1; bin<(N/2)+1; bin++) { cpgdraw(bin, accumFreqData[bin]); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ntimglobal=0; // number of time samples in original int ngulp_original=0; // number of time samples to look at at once int nskipstart=0; // number skipped at start int nrejects; //ZAPPER int zapswitch = 0; //ZAPPER double tsamp_orig=0; //gsearch setup & defaults float Gsigmacut=6.0; float delta, tstart; vector<Gpulse> * Giant = new vector<Gpulse>[MAXFILES]; bool Gsearched=false; int i,ntim,headersize[MAXFILES],noff=0,gulp; float *time_series[MAXFILES],sum=0.0,sumsq=0.0,mean,meansq,sigma; int MAXMARKERS = 1024; int nfiles = 0; FILE *inputfile[MAXFILES]; char filename[MAXFILES][256]; int spectra=0; int powerspectra=0; double dmoffirstfile; char *killfile; bool dokill=false; bool ssigned=true; bool fsigned=false; int topfold=-1; int topgiant=-1; int toppeak=-1; //?!? sarah added this bool askdevice=false; char devicename[200]; if (argc<2 || help_required(argv[1])) { helpmenu(); // fprintf(stderr,"Usage: giant filenames\n\t(e.g.>> giant *.tim)\n\n\t-s N\tskip N samples\n\t-n N\tread N samples\n\t-S read spectra instead of amplitudes\n-i interpret signed chars as unsigned\n\t-z make a zap list of bad time samples\n"); exit(0); } print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); i=1; while (i<argc) { if (file_exists(argv[i])) { inputfile[nfiles]=open_file(argv[i],"r"); strcpy(filename[nfiles],argv[i]); nfiles++; } if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-s")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%d",&nskipstart); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-S")) spectra=1; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-i")) ssigned=false; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-f")) fsigned=true; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-n")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%d",&ngulp_original); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-c")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%f",&Gsigmacut); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-z")) zapswitch=1; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-g")) {askdevice=true;sscanf(argv[++i],"%s",&devicename);} if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-k")) {killfile=(char*)malloc(strlen(argv[++i])+1); strcpy(killfile,argv[i]);dokill=true;} if (nfiles>MAXFILES) error_message("too many open files"); i++; } int ntimglobal_smallest=0, nsamp; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) { if (spectra){ int npf; double rate; time_series[i]=Creadspec(filename[i],&npf,&rate); tsamp = 1.0/(rate); //normalise(npf,time_series[i]); nsamp = ntimglobal = ntimglobal_smallest = npf; } else { if ((headersize[i]=read_header(inputfile[i]))) { if (! fsigned){ if (isign > 0) { ssigned=false; fprintf(stderr,"using signed header variable to set UNSIGNED\n"); } if (isign < 0) { ssigned=true; fprintf(stderr,"using signed header variable to set SIGNED\n"); } } if (i==0) dmoffirstfile = refdm; if (nbits!=8 && nbits!=32) error_message("giant currently only works for 8- or 32-bit data"); nsamp = nsamples(filename[i],headersize[i],nbits,nifs,nchans); if (i == 0) { ntimglobal_smallest=nsamp; } else { ntimglobal= nsamp; if (ntimglobal < ntimglobal_smallest) ntimglobal_smallest = ntimglobal; } // Space for data (time_series) time_series[i]=(float *) malloc((nsamp+2)*sizeof(float)); if (time_series[i]==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error mallocing %d floats of %d size\n",nsamp, sizeof(float)); exit(-1); } tsamp_orig = tsamp; // Skip data fprintf(stderr,"Skipping %d bytes\n",nskipstart*nbits/8); fseek(inputfile[i],nskipstart*nbits/8,SEEK_CUR); } // each file } // spectra or not } // for (i...) puti(ntimglobal_smallest); if (ngulp_original==0) ngulp_original=ntimglobal_smallest; // ****** SAM'S ZAP SWITCH ****** // Sam Bates 2009 // Integrated into new giant by SBS // Switch to make a .killtchan file for time samples > 3.5 sigma // SARAHZAP tag means addition was added later by Sarah // ****************************** int ngulp=ngulp_original; // int nrejects_max=ngulp_original/100; int * mown = new int[ngulp_original]; int nstart=0; if (zapswitch){ float dummy; int NActuallyRead; char *buffer; buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ NActuallyRead = fread(buffer,nbits/8,ngulp,inputfile[i]); if (nbits==32){ memcpy(time_series[i],buffer,sizeof(float)*ngulp); } else { for (int j=0;j<NActuallyRead;j++){ if (ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)buffer[j]; if (!ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)((unsigned char)buffer[j]); } } puti(ngulp); find_baseline(ngulp,time_series[i],10.0/tsamp,5.0); mowlawn(ngulp,time_series[i],5,256); } printf("%f\n",dummy); printf("Bad time samples found...\n"); exit(0); } int pgpID; if (askdevice){ pgpID = cpgbeg(0,devicename,1,1); } else { pgpID = cpgbeg(0,"/xs",1,1); } cpgsch(0.5); cpgtext(0.6,0.0,"Press 'h' over the main window for help and full options list."); cpgsch(1.0); /* create the dialog */ dialog * d = new dialog(); /* add the "action" buttons */ int QUIT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.95,"Quit"); int POWER = d->addbutton(0.07,0.85,"POWER"); int SMHRM = d->addbutton(0.075,0.80,"SMHRM"); int FFT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.85,"FFT"); int PLOT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.80,"Plot"); int NEXT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.75,"Next"); int ZAPPEAK = d->addbutton(0.075,0.75,"ZapPeak"); int RESET = d->addbutton(0.02,0.70,"Reset"); int GLOBALRESET = d->addbutton(0.02,0.65,"Global Reset"); int HALVEPLOT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.60,"Halve Plot"); int BASELINE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.50,"Baseline"); int ZAPCOMMON = d->addbutton(0.02,0.45,"Zap Common"); int SUBTRACTMEAN = d->addbutton(0.02,0.40,"ZAP Mean"); int BSCRUNCH = d->addbutton(0.02,0.35,"Bscrunch"); int NORMALISE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.30,"Normalise"); int HISTOGRAM = d->addbutton(0.02,0.25,"Histogram"); int GSEARCH = d->addbutton(0.02,0.20,"Find Giants"); int MOWLAWN = d->addbutton(0.08,0.70,"LAWN"); int SEEFIL = d->addbutton(0.02,0.15,"View Band"); int FWRITE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.05,"Write File"); /* add the plot regions */ d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.98,0.99); float deltay = 0.9/(float)nfiles; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.95-deltay*(float)(i+1),0.95-deltay*(float)i); d->draw(); float x,y; char ans; int button=-1; int plotno=-1; int NPIXELS = 1024; float * xaxis = new float[NPIXELS]; float * ymaxes = new float[NPIXELS]; float * ymins = new float[NPIXELS]; int scrunch=1; int nmarkers=0; int * markers= new int[MAXMARKERS]; int nfileptr=nskipstart; int nplot=ngulp_original; nstart=0; //COMMENTED IN ZAPPER VERSION: MAY CAUSE CONFLICTS IN THIS VER. ngulp=ngulp_original; //COMMENTED IN ZAPPER VERSION: MAY CAUSE CONFLICTS IN THIS VER. double trialperiod; int doperiod=-1; double xperiod; bool zoneplot=false; int ngates=0; float xgate=0.0; button=NEXT; if (spectra) button = PLOT; while (button!=QUIT){ // Plot the zone // Entire file is white if (button!=NEXT)button=d->manage(&x,&y,&ans,&plotno); if (ans=='h'){ buttonexplain(); continue; } // printf("manage x %f y %f plotno %d\n",x,y,plotno); if (button==BASELINE) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ find_baseline(ngulp,time_series[i],10.0/tsamp,5.0); } button = PLOT; zoneplot=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==FWRITE) { // reread first header and close it. Sets globals. fclose(inputfile[0]); inputfile[0]=open_file(argv[1],"r"); headersize[0]=read_header(inputfile[0]); output = open_file("giant.tim","w"); nobits=32; nbands=1; dedisperse_header(); fprintf(stderr,"Opened file, writing data\n"); fwrite(time_series[0],sizeof(float),ngulp,output); fclose(output); button = -1; zoneplot=false; plotno =-1; } if (button==BSCRUNCH) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ bscrunch(ngulp,time_series[i]); } tsamp*=2; scrunch*=2; ngulp/=2; nplot/=2; button = PLOT; zoneplot=false; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==FFT) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ ngulp = ngulp_original; find_fft(&ngulp,time_series[i]); // Zap DC spike time_series[i][0]=0.0; time_series[i][1]=0.0; } spectra = 1; nplot = ngulp; button = PLOT; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==POWER) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ find_formspec(ngulp,time_series[i]); } ngulp/=2; powerspectra = 1; nplot = ngulp; button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==SMHRM) { nfiles = 6; for (i=1; i<nfiles; i++){ time_series[i]=(float *) malloc((ngulp+2)*sizeof(float)); if (time_series[i]==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating memory\n"); exit(-1); } } for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++) memcpy(time_series[i],time_series[0], (ngulp+2)*sizeof(float)); d->nplotregion=1; float deltay = 0.9/(float)nfiles; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.95-deltay*(float)(i+1), 0.95-deltay*(float)i); cpgeras(); d->draw(); float * workspace = new float[ngulp]; // Set up space for data, now actually sumhrm int one=1; newoldsumhrm_(&time_series[0][1],workspace,&ngulp,&one, // newoldsumhrm_(&time_series[0][0],workspace,&ngulp,&one, time_series[1],time_series[2],time_series[3], time_series[4],time_series[5]); /* newnewsumhrm_(time_series[0],&ngulp,&one, time_series[1],time_series[2],time_series[3], time_series[4],time_series[5]);*/ for (int iff=2;iff<6;iff++){ for (int i=0;i<ngulp;i++){ time_series[iff][i]/=sqrt(pow(2.0,(float)(iff-1))); } } delete [] workspace; button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==NORMALISE) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ normalise(ngulp,time_series[i],5.0); } button = PLOT; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==HISTOGRAM) { float pdfs[nfiles][MAXSIGMA]; // create pdfs for each beam for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) formpdf(pdfs[i],MAXSIGMA,ngulp,time_series[i]); for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++){ for (int j=0;j<MAXSIGMA; j++){ fprintf(stderr, "pdfs[%d][%2d]=%8.0f %f \%\n", i, j+1, pdfs[i][j], 100*pdfs[i][j]/ngulp); } } button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==HALVEPLOT) { nplot/=2; button = PLOT; zoneplot=true; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==GLOBALRESET) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; scrunch=1; tsamp = tsamp_orig; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; // Skip to end of skipped data for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ fseek(inputfile[i],-(nfileptr-nskipstart)*nbits/8,SEEK_CUR); Giant[i].clear(); } nfileptr=nskipstart; zoneplot=false; Gsearched=false; doperiod=-1; button=NEXT; } if (button==SUBTRACTMEAN && nfiles>1) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; // Skip to end of skipped data for (int jj=0;jj<ngulp;jj++){ float sum; sum=0.0; for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++){ sum+=time_series[i][jj]; } time_series[0][jj]-=sum/(float(nfiles-1)); } Gsearched=false; } if (button==ZAPCOMMON && nfiles>1) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; float pdfs[nfiles][MAXSIGMA]; // create pdfs for each beam for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) formpdf(pdfs[i],MAXSIGMA,ngulp,time_series[i]); // for each point in each beam, mask if improbable float thresh = 3.0; int nbeammax = 5; zap_improbables(pdfs,time_series,nfiles,ngulp,MAXSIGMA,thresh,nbeammax); // Skip to end of skipped data //for (int jj=0;jj<ngulp;jj++){ // float sum; // sum=0.0; // for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++){ // sum+=time_series[i][jj]; // } // time_series[0][jj]-=sum/(float(nfiles-1)); //} //Gsearched=false; } if (button==NEXT) { ngulp=ngulp_original; nstart=0; nplot=ngulp_original; // Read the data int NActuallyRead; // unsigned char *buffer; char *buffer; buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; //buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) { // NActuallyRead = fread(time_series[i],sizeof(float),ngulp,inputfile[i]); NActuallyRead = fread(buffer,nbits/8,ngulp,inputfile[i]); if (nbits==32){ memcpy(time_series[i],buffer,sizeof(float)*ngulp); } else { for (int j=0;j<NActuallyRead;j++){ if (ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)buffer[j]; if (!ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)((unsigned char)buffer[j]); } } puti(ngulp); if (NActuallyRead!=ngulp){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not read %d floats from file\n",ngulp); ngulp = NActuallyRead; } if(nfiles==1){ // Add fake pulsar here.... // for (int ii=0;ii<ngulp;ii++) time_series[i][ii]+= 10.0*pow(sin(float(ii*2.0*M_PI/60.0)),250.0); } //normalise(ngulp,time_series[i]); } nfileptr+=ngulp; button = PLOT; plotno= -1; zoneplot=true; } if (button==RESET) { button = plotno = -1; nstart=0; nplot=ngulp; button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; Gsearched=false; if (ans=='p'){ doperiod=-1; } } if (plotno>0){ /* if (ans=='p'){ // hit p on a plot to type in a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); //plot the thing; fprintf(stderr,"Please enter a period in seconds: "); cin>>trialperiod; xperiod = x; doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; }*/ if (ans=='p'){ // hit p on a plot to type in a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); //plot the thing; fprintf(stderr,"Please enter a period in seconds: "); cin>>trialperiod; xperiod = (double)x; doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='m'){ // subtract 0.0000005 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.0000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='/'){ // add 0.0000005 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.0000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans==','){ // subtract 0.000005 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='.'){ // add 0.000005 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='<'){ // subtract 0.001 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.001; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='>'){ // add 0.001 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.001; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='X'){ // right click two points on a plot to calculate and plot a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(x,-1000); cpgdraw(x,1000); if (ngates==0){ xgate=x; ngates++; } else { min_means_min(&x,&xgate); printf("Period from %f to %f is %f\n",x,xgate,xgate-x); doperiod=plotno; xperiod = (double)x; trialperiod=(double)(xgate-x); ngates=0; button=PLOT; } } if (ans=='D'){ markers[nmarkers]=(int)(x/NPIXELS)*nplot+nstart+nfileptr-ngulp; nmarkers++; zoneplot=true; } if (ans=='A'){ d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); cpgsci(2); cpgmove(x,-1000); cpgdraw(x,1000); if (ngates==0){ xgate=x; ngates++; } else { min_means_min(&x,&xgate); // printf("x %f xgate %f tstart %f\n",x,xgate,tstart); nstart=(int)((x-tstart)/delta)+nstart; nplot=(int)((xgate-x)/delta); //if (nplot<NPIXELS) nplot=NPIXELS; ngates=0; button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; // printf("nplot %d nstart %d\n",nplot,nstart); } } if (ans=='z'){ if (NPIXELS>nplot) { nstart+=(int)x; }else nstart=(int)(x/(float)NPIXELS*nplot)+nstart; printf("nstart %d\n",nstart); nplot/=4; printf("nplot %d\n",nplot); nstart-=nplot/2; printf("nstart %d\n",nstart); //if (nplot<NPIXELS){nplot=NPIXELS;} button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; } }
static int plot_dataview(dataview * dv, float minval, float maxval, float charhgt) /* The return value is offsetn */ { int ii, lon, hin, offsetn = 0, tmpn; double lot, hit, offsett = 0.0; float ns[MAXDISPNUM], hiavg[MAXDISPNUM], loavg[MAXDISPNUM]; float scalemin = 0.0, scalemax = 0.0, dscale; cpgsave(); cpgbbuf(); /* Set the "Normal" plotting attributes */ cpgsls(1); cpgslw(1); cpgsch(charhgt); cpgsci(1); cpgvstd(); /* Autoscale for the maximum value */ if (maxval > 0.5 * LARGENUM) scalemax = dv->maxval; else scalemax = maxval; /* Autoscale for the minimum value */ if (minval < 0.5 * SMALLNUM) scalemin = dv->minval; else scalemin = minval; dscale = 0.1 * (scalemax - scalemin); if (maxval > 0.5 * LARGENUM) maxval = scalemax + dscale; if (minval < 0.5 * SMALLNUM) minval = scalemin - dscale; lon = dv->lon; lot = lon * idata.dt; hin = lon + dv->numsamps; hit = hin * idata.dt; /* Time Labels (top of box) */ if ((hit - lot) / hit < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsett = 0.5 * (hit + lot); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Time - %.15g (s)", offsett); cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Time (s)"); } cpgswin(lot - offsett, hit - offsett, minval, maxval); cpgbox("CMST", 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0); /* Sample number labels */ if (lon > 10000000 || (double) (hin - lon) / (double) hin < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetn = (lon / 10000) * 10000; numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Sample - %d", offsetn); cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, "Sample"); } cpgswin(lon - offsetn, hin - offsetn, minval, maxval); cpgbox("BNST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); /* Plot the rawdata if required */ tmpn = lon - offsetn; if (plotstats == 0 || plotstats == 2) { if (dv->zoomlevel > 0) { for (ii = 0; ii < dv->dispnum; ii++) ns[ii] = tmpn + ii; cpgbin(dv->dispnum, ns, dv->vals, 0); } else { /* Plot the min/max values */ for (ii = 0; ii < dv->numchunks; ii++, tmpn += dv->chunklen) { cpgmove((float) tmpn, dv->mins[ii]); cpgdraw((float) tmpn, dv->maxs[ii]); } } } /* Plot the other statistics if requested */ if (plotstats == 0 || plotstats == 1) { tmpn = lon - offsetn; for (ii = 0; ii < dv->numchunks; ii++, tmpn += dv->chunklen) { ns[ii] = tmpn; hiavg[ii] = dv->avgmeds[ii] + dv->stds[ii]; loavg[ii] = dv->avgmeds[ii] - dv->stds[ii]; } if (dv->numchunks > 512) { if (plotstats == 1) { cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->mins); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->maxs); } cpgsci(AVGMED_COLOR); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->avgmeds); if (usemedian) cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Median"); else cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Average"); cpgsci(STDDEV_COLOR); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, hiavg); cpgline(dv->numchunks, ns, loavg); cpgmtxt("T", -2.6, 0.02, 0.0, "+/- 1 Std Dev"); } else { if (plotstats == 1) { cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->mins, 0); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->maxs, 0); } cpgsci(AVGMED_COLOR); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, dv->avgmeds, 0); if (usemedian) cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Median"); else cpgmtxt("T", -1.4, 0.02, 0.0, "Average"); cpgsci(STDDEV_COLOR); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, hiavg, 0); cpgbin(dv->numchunks, ns, loavg, 0); cpgmtxt("T", -2.6, 0.02, 0.0, "+/- 1 Std Dev"); } } cpgsci(1); cpgmtxt("L", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Sample Value"); cpgebuf(); cpgunsa(); return offsetn; }
int main() { // printf("\n====================================================================\n"); printf("This program is able to simulate a variety of ecological\n"); printf("situations in a 2D lattice\n"); printf("====================================================================\n"); //========================================================================== //--------------------------SYSTEM INITIALIZATIONS-------------------------- //========================================================================== // initialize random seed srand(time(NULL)); // force print all outputs (remove stdout buffer) setbuf(stdout, NULL); // initialize pgplot window if (!cpgopen("/XWINDOW")) errorCase(ERR_PGPLOT); cpgpap(20.0, 0.33); // set window size cpgsubp(3,1); // subdivide window into panels // color indexes (R, G, B) cpgscr(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // empty space, black cpgscr(1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); cpgscr(10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // empty space, black cpgscr(11, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // Trophic 1, gray cpgscr(12, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); // Trophic 2, cyan cpgscr(13, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0); // Trophic 3, orange cpgscr(14, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); cpgscir(10,NUMB_TROPHIC+10); //========================================================================== //--------------------------VARIABLE INITIALIZATIONS------------------------ //========================================================================== // generic variables int i, j, k; // counters // simulation environment int** simEnv = allocateArray2DInt(ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); int** simEnvAge = allocateArray2DInt(ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); int* simLocal = allocateArray1DInt(5); // inputs char input; // current location and time int x,y; int tGlobal,t; int flagUpdate; // rates float predationRates[NUMB_TROPHIC-1] = RATE_PRED; float deathRates[NUMB_TROPHIC] = RATE_DEATH; //float aBirth = 0; // A+0 -> A+A // float abPred = 0; // B+A -> B+B // float bDeath = 0; // B -> 0 // int aFlag; int abFlag; int bFlag; // population counts; int popCount[NUMB_TROPHIC]; float popDens[NUMB_TROPHIC]; float popDensOld[NUMB_TROPHIC]; for (i=0; i<NUMB_TROPHIC; i++){ popCount[i] = 0; popDens[i] = 0.0; popDensOld[i] = 1.0/(float)INIT_DENSITY; } float* ageStructure = allocateArray1D(ENV_SIZE_TOTAL); // pgplot variables float* plotImg = allocateArray1D(ENV_SIZE_TOTAL); //float TR[6] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}; float TR[6] = {0, 0, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, -1, 0}; float plotMinBound = 0.0; float plotMaxBound = (float)NUMB_TROPHIC; //========================================================================== //--------------------------ACTUAL CODE------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // environment initialization randomizeArray2DInt(simEnv, ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y, NUMB_TROPHIC); // load initial display for (i=0; i<ENV_SIZE_X; i++) for (j=0; j<ENV_SIZE_Y; j++) plotImg[i*ENV_SIZE_Y+j] = (float)(simEnv[i][j]); cpgpanl(1,1); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X-1, 0, ENV_SIZE_Y-1); cpgsvp(0.01, 0.99, 0.01, 0.99); cpgimag(plotImg, ENV_SIZE_Y, ENV_SIZE_X, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, 1, ENV_SIZE_X, plotMinBound, plotMaxBound, TR); // Load graph labels // Population Density vs Time Plot cpgpanl(2,1); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, 1); cpgbox("ABCINTS", 0.0, 0, "ABCINTS", 0.0, 0); cpglab("Time", "Population Density", ""); // Phase Portrait Plot cpgpanl(3,1); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(0, 1, 0, 1); cpgbox("ABCINTS", 0.0, 0, "ABCINTS", 0.0, 0); cpglab("", "", "Phase Portrait"); cpgsci(11); cpglab("Population Density SpA", "", ""); cpgsci(12); cpglab("", "Population Density SpB", ""); // initial delay to visualize starting matrix for (t=0; t<500000000; t++){} tGlobal = 1; while(1){ //aFlag = 0; abFlag = 0; bFlag = 0; // run simulation for a full Monte Carlo timestep (ENV_SIZE_X*ENV_SIZE_Y) for (t=0; t<ENV_SIZE_TOTAL; t++){ ecoRun(simEnv, simEnvAge, simLocal, predationRates, deathRates); } incrementAge(simEnvAge); // plot stuffs if ((tGlobal%1) == 0){ // calculate population densities updatePopDens(simEnv, popCount, popDens); // PLOT population densities cpgpanl(2,1); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, 1); for (i=0; i<NUMB_TROPHIC; i++){ cpgsls(1); cpgsci(i+11); // line style and color cpgmove((tGlobal-1), popDensOld[i]); cpgdraw(tGlobal, popDens[i]); } //printArray2DInt(simEnvAge, ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); // PLOT age structure /*updateAgeStructure(simEnv, simEnvAge, ageStructure, 1); cpgpanl(3,1); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(0, 10, 0, (ENV_SIZE_TOTAL/10)); cpgsls(1); cpgsci(1); // line style and color cpgeras(); cpgbox("ABCINTS", 0.0, 0, "ABCINTS", 0.0, 0); cpglab("Age", "Number of Individuals", "Age Structure"); cpghist(popCount[1], ageStructure, 0, 10, 10, 1);*/ // PLOT phase portrait cpgpanl(3,1); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(0, 1, 0, 1); cpgsls(1); cpgsci(1); // line style and color cpgmove(popDensOld[0], popDensOld[1]); cpgdraw(popDens[0], popDens[1]); for (i=0; i<NUMB_TROPHIC; i++) popDensOld[i] = popDens[i]; } // load array and display on pgplot if ((tGlobal%1) == 0){ cpgpanl(1,1); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, ENV_SIZE_Y); cpgsvp(0.01, 0.99, 0.01, 0.99); for (i=0; i<ENV_SIZE_X; i++) for (j=0; j<ENV_SIZE_Y; j++) plotImg[i*ENV_SIZE_Y+j] = (float)(simEnv[i][j]); cpgimag(plotImg, ENV_SIZE_Y, ENV_SIZE_X, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, 1, ENV_SIZE_X, plotMinBound, plotMaxBound, TR); } tGlobal++; //for (t=0; t<10000000; t++){} } }
int plot_resid(Fluxrec *flux, int npoints, float *a, int ncoeff, float *meanrms) { int i,j; /* Looping variables */ int no_error=1; /* Flag set to 0 on error */ float ytmp; /* Value of fitted function at a given day */ float mean; /* Mean of residual curve */ float *polyx=NULL; /* Polynomial in x */ Fluxrec *resid=NULL; /* Residual curve */ Fluxrec *rptr; /* Pointer to navigate resid */ Fluxrec *fptr; /* Pointer to navigate flux */ /* * Allocate memory */ if(!(polyx = new_array(ncoeff,1))) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: plot_resid\n"); return 1; } if(!(resid = new_fluxrec(npoints))) no_error = 0; /* * Loop through flux, at each step compute the value of the function * and then subtract it from the flux. */ if(no_error) { for(i=0,fptr=flux,rptr=resid; i<npoints; i++,fptr++,rptr++) { /* * Compute the function value at this step */ sinpoly(fptr->day,polyx-1,ncoeff); ytmp = 0; for(j=0; j<ncoeff; j++) ytmp += a[j] * polyx[j]; /* * Now set resid->flux to be the difference between flux->flux and the * fitted function */ *rptr = *fptr; rptr->flux -= ytmp; } } /* * Now plot the points */ if(no_error) if(plot_lcurve(resid,npoints,"Days","Residual Flux Density","")) no_error = 0; /* * Draw a line at 0.0 residual */ if(no_error) { cpgsci(2); cpgslw(5); cpgmove(-999,0.0); cpgdraw(999,0.0); cpgslw(1); cpgsci(1); } /* * Calculate mean and rms */ if(no_error) { if(calc_mean(resid,npoints,&mean,meanrms)) no_error = 0; else { *meanrms /= sqrt(npoints); printf("\nplot_resid: Mean of residuals = %8.4f. ",mean); printf("RMS uncertainty in mean = %6.4f\n",*meanrms); } } /* * Clean up and exit */ cpgslw(1); cpgsci(1); polyx = del_array(polyx); resid = del_fluxrec(resid); if(no_error) return 0; else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: plot_resid\n"); return 1; } }
/* * Class: pulsarhunter_PgplotInterface * Method: pgdraw * Signature: (FF)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_pulsarhunter_PgplotInterface_pgdraw (JNIEnv *env, jclass cl, jfloat x, jfloat y){ cpgdraw(x,y); }
void oppositionPlot(void) { int i; double rasun, decsun, distsun, toporasun, topodecsun, x, y, z; double jd, lstm, trueam, alt, ha, phi, longEcliptic, latEcliptic; double objra, objdec; openPlot("opposition"); cpgpap(PLOTSIZE/0.5,0.5); cpgbbuf(); cpgsubp(2,2); cpgpanl(1,1); cpgswin(PHIMIN, PHIMAX, AMMIN, AMMAX); cpgbox("BCNTS",0.0,0,"BVCNTS",0.0,0); cpgmtxt("L",2.0,0.5,0.5,"airmass"); cpgmtxt("B",2.0,0.5,0.5,"angle from Sun"); cpgsci(2); for(i=0; i<numobs; i++) { jd = obs[i].date + 2400000.5; lstm = lst(jd,longitude_hrs); // get ecliptic coordinates slaEqecl(obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, obs[i].date, &longEcliptic, &latEcliptic); if(fabs(latEcliptic) < 10.0/DEG_IN_RADIAN && obs[i].twilight==0) { // get position of Sun accusun(jd, lstm, latitude_deg, &rasun, &decsun, &distsun, &toporasun, &topodecsun, &x, &y, &z); // sun-object angle in degrees // takes ra in hours, dec in degrees objra = adj_time(obs[i].ra*HRS_IN_RADIAN); objdec = obs[i].dec*DEG_IN_RADIAN; phi = mysubtend(rasun, decsun, objra, objdec)*DEG_IN_RADIAN; // angle from opposition is 180-phi // FIXRANGE(phi,-180.0,180.0); //airmass takes ra, dec, in radians, returns true airmass airmass(obs[i].date, obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, &trueam, &alt, &ha); cpgpt1(phi, trueam, -1); } } cpgsci(1); cpgptxt(0.0,3.0,0.0,0.5,"|ecliptic latitude|<10"); cpgptxt(0.0,2.5,0.0,0.5,"night"); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(-90.0,0.0); cpgdraw(-90.0,4.0); cpgmove( 90.0,0.0); cpgdraw( 90.0,4.0); cpgsci(1); cpgpanl(1,2); cpgswin(PHIMIN, PHIMAX, AMMIN, AMMAX); cpgbox("BCNTS",0.0,0,"BVCNTS",0.0,0); cpgmtxt("L",2.0,0.5,0.5,"airmass"); cpgmtxt("B",2.0,0.5,0.5,"angle from Sun"); cpgsci(2); for(i=0; i<numobs; i++) { jd = obs[i].date + 2400000.5; lstm = lst(jd,longitude_hrs); // get ecliptic coordinates slaEqecl(obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, obs[i].date, &longEcliptic, &latEcliptic); if(fabs(latEcliptic) >= 10.0/DEG_IN_RADIAN && obs[i].twilight==0 ) { // get position of Sun accusun(jd, lstm, latitude_deg, &rasun, &decsun, &distsun, &toporasun, &topodecsun, &x, &y, &z); // sun-object angle in degrees phi = mysubtend(rasun, decsun, obs[i].ra*HRS_IN_RADIAN, obs[i].dec*DEG_IN_RADIAN)*DEG_IN_RADIAN; // angle from opposition is 180-phi FIXRANGE(phi,-180.0,180.0); airmass(obs[i].date, obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, &trueam, &alt, &ha); cpgpt1(phi, trueam, -1); } } cpgsci(1); cpgptxt(0.0,3.0,0.0,0.5,"|ecliptic latitude|>10"); cpgptxt(0.0,2.5,0.0,0.5,"night"); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(-90.0,0.0); cpgdraw(-90.0,4.0); cpgmove( 90.0,0.0); cpgdraw( 90.0,4.0); cpgsci(1); cpgpanl(2,1); cpgswin(PHIMIN, PHIMAX, AMMIN, AMMAX); cpgbox("BCNTS",0.0,0,"BVCNTS",0.0,0); cpgmtxt("L",2.0,0.5,0.5,"airmass"); cpgmtxt("B",2.0,0.5,0.5,"angle from Sun"); cpgsci(2); for(i=0; i<numobs; i++) { jd = obs[i].date + 2400000.5; lstm = lst(jd,longitude_hrs); // get ecliptic coordinates slaEqecl(obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, obs[i].date, &longEcliptic, &latEcliptic); if(fabs(latEcliptic) < 10.0/DEG_IN_RADIAN && obs[i].twilight==1) { // get position of Sun accusun(jd, lstm, latitude_deg, &rasun, &decsun, &distsun, &toporasun, &topodecsun, &x, &y, &z); // sun-object angle in degrees // takes ra in hours, dec in degrees objra = adj_time(obs[i].ra*HRS_IN_RADIAN); objdec = obs[i].dec*DEG_IN_RADIAN; phi = mysubtend(rasun, decsun, objra, objdec)*DEG_IN_RADIAN; // angle from opposition is 180-phi // FIXRANGE(phi,-180.0,180.0); //airmass takes ra, dec, in radians, returns true airmass airmass(obs[i].date, obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, &trueam, &alt, &ha); cpgpt1(phi, trueam, -1); } } cpgsci(1); cpgptxt(0.0,3.0,0.0,0.5,"|ecliptic latitude|<10"); cpgptxt(0.0,2.5,0.0,0.5,"twilight"); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(-90.0,0.0); cpgdraw(-90.0,4.0); cpgmove( 90.0,0.0); cpgdraw( 90.0,4.0); cpgsci(1); cpgpanl(2,2); cpgswin(PHIMIN, PHIMAX, AMMIN, AMMAX); cpgbox("BCNTS",0.0,0,"BVCNTS",0.0,0); cpgmtxt("L",2.0,0.5,0.5,"airmass"); cpgmtxt("B",2.0,0.5,0.5,"angle from Sun"); cpgsci(2); for(i=0; i<numobs; i++) { jd = obs[i].date + 2400000.5; lstm = lst(jd,longitude_hrs); // get ecliptic coordinates slaEqecl(obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, obs[i].date, &longEcliptic, &latEcliptic); if(fabs(latEcliptic) >= 10.0/DEG_IN_RADIAN && obs[i].twilight==1) { // get position of Sun accusun(jd, lstm, latitude_deg, &rasun, &decsun, &distsun, &toporasun, &topodecsun, &x, &y, &z); // sun-object angle in degrees phi = mysubtend(rasun, decsun, obs[i].ra*HRS_IN_RADIAN, obs[i].dec*DEG_IN_RADIAN)*DEG_IN_RADIAN; // angle from opposition is 180-phi FIXRANGE(phi,-180.0,180.0); airmass(obs[i].date, obs[i].ra, obs[i].dec, &trueam, &alt, &ha); cpgpt1(phi, trueam, -1); } } cpgsci(1); cpgptxt(0.0,3.0,0.0,0.5,"|ecliptic latitude|>10"); cpgptxt(0.0,2.5,0.0,0.5,"twilight"); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(-90.0,0.0); cpgdraw(-90.0,4.0); cpgmove( 90.0,0.0); cpgdraw( 90.0,4.0); cpgsci(1); cpgebuf(); closePlot(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { float maxpow = 0.0, inx = 0.0, iny = 0.0; double centerr, offsetf; int zoomlevel, maxzoom, minzoom, xid, psid; char *rootfilenm, inchar; fftpart *lofp; fftview *fv; if (argc == 1) { printf("\nusage: explorefft fftfilename\n\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n\n"); printf(" Interactive FFT Explorer\n"); printf(" by Scott M. Ransom\n"); printf(" October, 2001\n"); print_help(); { int hassuffix = 0; char *suffix; hassuffix = split_root_suffix(argv[1], &rootfilenm, &suffix); if (hassuffix) { if (strcmp(suffix, "fft") != 0) { printf("\nInput file ('%s') must be a FFT file ('.fft')!\n\n", argv[1]); free(suffix); exit(0); } free(suffix); } else { printf("\nInput file ('%s') must be a FFT file ('.fft')!\n\n", argv[1]); exit(0); } } /* Read the info file */ readinf(&idata, rootfilenm); if (strlen(remove_whitespace(idata.object)) > 0) { printf("Examining %s data from '%s'.\n\n", remove_whitespace(idata.object), argv[1]); } else { printf("Examining data from '%s'.\n\n", argv[1]); } N = idata.N; T = idata.dt * idata.N; #ifdef USEMMAP printf("Memory mapping the input FFT. This may take a while...\n"); mmap_file = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); { int rt; struct stat buf; rt = fstat(mmap_file, &buf); if (rt == -1) { perror("\nError in fstat() in explorefft.c"); printf("\n"); exit(-1); } Nfft = buf.st_size / sizeof(fcomplex); } lofp = get_fftpart(0, Nfft); #else { int numamps; fftfile = chkfopen(argv[1], "rb"); Nfft = chkfilelen(fftfile, sizeof(fcomplex)); numamps = (Nfft > MAXBINS) ? (int) MAXBINS : (int) Nfft; lofp = get_fftpart(0, numamps); } #endif /* Plot the initial data */ { int initnumbins = INITIALNUMBINS; if (initnumbins > Nfft) { initnumbins = next2_to_n(Nfft) / 2; zoomlevel = LOGDISPLAYNUM - (int) (log(initnumbins) / log(2.0)); minzoom = zoomlevel; } else { zoomlevel = LOGDISPLAYNUM - LOGINITIALNUMBINS; minzoom = LOGDISPLAYNUM - LOGMAXBINS; } maxzoom = LOGDISPLAYNUM - LOGMINBINS; centerr = initnumbins / 2; } fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); /* Prep the XWIN device for PGPLOT */ xid = cpgopen("/XWIN"); if (xid <= 0) { free(fv); #ifdef USEMMAP close(mmap_file); #else fclose(fftfile); #endif free_fftpart(lofp); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cpgscr(15, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4); cpgask(0); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); do { cpgcurs(&inx, &iny, &inchar); if (DEBUGOUT) printf("You pressed '%c'\n", inchar); switch (inchar) { case 'A': /* Zoom in */ case 'a': centerr = (inx + offsetf) * T; case 'I': case 'i': if (DEBUGOUT) printf(" Zooming in (zoomlevel = %d)...\n", zoomlevel); if (zoomlevel < maxzoom) { zoomlevel++; free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } else printf(" Already at maximum zoom level (%d).\n", zoomlevel); break; case 'X': /* Zoom out */ case 'x': case 'O': case 'o': if (DEBUGOUT) printf(" Zooming out (zoomlevel = %d)...\n", zoomlevel); if (zoomlevel > minzoom) { zoomlevel--; free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } else printf(" Already at minimum zoom level (%d).\n", zoomlevel); break; case '<': /* Shift left 1 full screen */ centerr -= fv->numbins + fv->numbins / 8; case ',': /* Shift left 1/8 screen */ if (DEBUGOUT) printf(" Shifting left...\n"); centerr -= fv->numbins / 8; { /* Should probably get the previous chunk from the fftfile... */ double lowestr; lowestr = 0.5 * fv->numbins; if (centerr < lowestr) centerr = lowestr; } free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); break; case '>': /* Shift right 1 full screen */ centerr += fv->numbins - fv->numbins / 8; case '.': /* Shift right 1/8 screen */ if (DEBUGOUT) printf(" Shifting right...\n"); centerr += fv->numbins / 8; { /* Should probably get the next chunk from the fftfile... */ double highestr; highestr = lofp->rlo + lofp->numamps - 0.5 * fv->numbins; if (centerr > highestr) centerr = highestr; } free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); break; case '+': /* Increase height of powers */ case '=': if (maxpow == 0.0) { printf(" Auto-scaling is off.\n"); maxpow = 1.1 * fv->maxpow; } maxpow = 3.0 / 4.0 * maxpow; cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); break; case '-': /* Decrease height of powers */ case '_': if (maxpow == 0.0) { printf(" Auto-scaling is off.\n"); maxpow = 1.1 * fv->maxpow; } maxpow = 4.0 / 3.0 * maxpow; cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); break; case 'S': /* Auto-scale */ case 's': if (maxpow == 0.0) break; else { printf(" Auto-scaling is on.\n"); maxpow = 0.0; cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); break; } case 'G': /* Goto a frequency */ case 'g': { char freqstr[50]; double freq = -1.0; while (freq < 0.0) { printf(" Enter the frequency (Hz) to go to:\n"); fgets(freqstr, 50, stdin); freqstr[strlen(freqstr) - 1] = '\0'; freq = atof(freqstr); } offsetf = 0.0; centerr = freq * T; printf(" Moving to frequency %.15g.\n", freq); free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, centerr, 2); } break; case 'H': /* Show harmonics */ case 'h': { double retval; retval = harmonic_loop(xid, centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); if (retval > 0.0) { offsetf = 0.0; centerr = retval; free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, centerr, 2); } } break; case '?': /* Print help screen */ print_help(); break; case 'D': /* Show details about a selected point */ case 'd': { double newr; printf(" Searching for peak near freq = %.7g Hz...\n", (inx + offsetf)); newr = find_peak(inx + offsetf, fv, lofp); centerr = newr; free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, centerr, 2); } break; case 'L': /* Load a zaplist */ case 'l': { int ii, len; char filename[200]; double *lobins, *hibins; printf(" Enter the filename containing the zaplist to load:\n"); fgets(filename, 199, stdin); len = strlen(filename) - 1; filename[len] = '\0'; numzaplist = get_birdies(filename, T, 0.0, &lobins, &hibins); lenzaplist = numzaplist + 20; /* Allow some room to add more */ if (lenzaplist) free(zaplist); zaplist = (bird *) malloc(sizeof(bird) * lenzaplist); for (ii = 0; ii < numzaplist; ii++) { zaplist[ii].lobin = lobins[ii]; zaplist[ii].hibin = hibins[ii]; } vect_free(lobins); vect_free(hibins); printf("\n"); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } break; case 'Z': /* Add a birdie to a zaplist */ case 'z': { int badchoice = 2; float lox, hix, loy, hiy; double rs[2]; char choice; if (numzaplist + 1 > lenzaplist) { lenzaplist += 10; zaplist = (bird *) realloc(zaplist, sizeof(bird) * lenzaplist); } cpgqwin(&lox, &hix, &loy, &hiy); printf(" Click the left mouse button on the first frequency limit.\n"); while (badchoice) { cpgcurs(&inx, &iny, &choice); if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a') { rs[2 - badchoice] = ((double) inx + offsetf) * T; cpgsave(); cpgsci(7); cpgmove(inx, 0.0); cpgdraw(inx, hiy); cpgunsa(); badchoice--; if (badchoice == 1) printf (" Click the left mouse button on the second frequency limit.\n"); } else { printf(" Option not recognized.\n"); } }; if (rs[1] > rs[0]) { zaplist[numzaplist].lobin = rs[0]; zaplist[numzaplist].hibin = rs[1]; } else { zaplist[numzaplist].lobin = rs[1]; zaplist[numzaplist].hibin = rs[0]; } printf(" The new birdie has: f_avg = %.15g f_width = %.15g\n\n", 0.5 * (zaplist[numzaplist].hibin + zaplist[numzaplist].lobin) / T, (zaplist[numzaplist].hibin - zaplist[numzaplist].lobin) / T); numzaplist++; qsort(zaplist, numzaplist, sizeof(bird), compare_birds); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } break; case 'P': /* Print the current plot */ case 'p': { int len; char filename[200]; printf(" Enter the filename to save the plot as:\n"); fgets(filename, 196, stdin); len = strlen(filename) - 1; filename[len + 0] = '/'; filename[len + 1] = 'P'; filename[len + 2] = 'S'; filename[len + 3] = '\0'; psid = cpgopen(filename); cpgslct(psid); cpgpap(10.25, 8.5 / 11.0); cpgiden(); cpgscr(15, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); cpgclos(); cpgslct(xid); cpgscr(15, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4); filename[len] = '\0'; printf(" Wrote the plot to the file '%s'.\n", filename); } break; case 'N': /* Changing power normalization */ case 'n': { float inx2 = 0.0, iny2 = 0.0; char choice; unsigned char badchoice = 1; printf(" Specify the type of power normalization:\n" " m,M : Median values determined locally\n" " d,D : DC frequency amplitude\n" " r,R : Raw powers (i.e. no normalization)\n" " u,U : User specified interval (the average powers)\n"); while (badchoice) { cpgcurs(&inx2, &iny2, &choice); switch (choice) { case 'M': case 'm': norm_const = 0.0; maxpow = 0.0; badchoice = 0; printf (" Using local median normalization. Autoscaling is on.\n"); break; case 'D': case 'd': norm_const = 1.0 / r0; maxpow = 0.0; badchoice = 0; printf (" Using DC frequency (%f) normalization. Autoscaling is on.\n", r0); break; case 'R': case 'r': norm_const = 1.0; maxpow = 0.0; badchoice = 0; printf (" Using raw powers (i.e. no normalization). Autoscaling is on.\n"); break; case 'U': case 'u': { char choice2; float xx = inx, yy = iny; int lor, hir, numr; double avg, var; printf (" Use the left mouse button to select a left and right boundary\n" " of a region to calculate the average power.\n"); do { cpgcurs(&xx, &yy, &choice2); } while (choice2 != 'A' && choice2 != 'a'); lor = (int) ((xx + offsetf) * T); cpgsci(7); cpgmove(xx, 0.0); cpgdraw(xx, 10.0 * fv->maxpow); do { cpgcurs(&xx, &yy, &choice2); } while (choice2 != 'A' && choice2 != 'a'); hir = (int) ((xx + offsetf) * T); cpgmove(xx, 0.0); cpgdraw(xx, 10.0 * fv->maxpow); cpgsci(1); if (lor > hir) { int tempr; tempr = hir; hir = lor; lor = tempr; } numr = hir - lor + 1; avg_var(lofp->rawpowers + lor - lofp->rlo, numr, &avg, &var); printf(" Selection has: average = %.5g\n" " std dev = %.5g\n", avg, sqrt(var)); norm_const = 1.0 / avg; maxpow = 0.0; badchoice = 0; printf (" Using %.5g as the normalization constant. Autoscaling is on.\n", avg); break; } default: printf(" Unrecognized choice '%c'.\n", choice); break; } } free(fv); fv = get_fftview(centerr, zoomlevel, lofp); cpgpage(); offsetf = plot_fftview(fv, maxpow, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } break; case 'Q': /* Quit */ case 'q': printf(" Quitting...\n"); free(fv); cpgclos(); break; default: printf(" Unrecognized option '%c'.\n", inchar); break; } } while (inchar != 'Q' && inchar != 'q'); free_fftpart(lofp); #ifdef USEMMAP close(mmap_file); #else fclose(fftfile); #endif if (lenzaplist) free(zaplist); printf("Done\n\n"); return 0; }
int main(){ printf("\n====================================================================\n"); printf("This program is able to simulate the diffusion of heat\n"); printf("across a metal plate of size %i x %i\n", ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); printf("====================================================================\n"); //========================================================================== //--------------------------SYSTEM INITIALIZATIONS-------------------------- //========================================================================== // initialize random seed srand(time(NULL)); // force print all outputs (remove stdout buffer) setbuf(stdout, NULL); // initialize pgplot window if (!cpgopen("/XWINDOW")) errorCase(ERR_PGPLOT); cpgpap(0.0, 0.6); // set window size cpgsubp(1,3); // subdivide window into panels // heatmap cpgpanl(1,1); cpgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, ENV_SIZE_Y); // flux plot cpgpanl(1,2); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(LINE_PLOT_X1, LINE_PLOT_X2, FLUX_PLOT_Y1, FLUX_PLOT_Y2); cpgbox("ABCINTS", 0.0, 0, "ABCINTS", 0.0, 0); cpglab("Time", "Flux", ""); // heat plot cpgpanl(1,3); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(LINE_PLOT_X1, LINE_PLOT_X2, LINE_PLOT_Y1, LINE_PLOT_Y2); cpgbox("ABCINTS", 0.0, 0, "ABCINTS", 0.0, 0); cpglab("Time", "Total Heat", ""); // initialize color table for pgplot display float rl[9] = {-0.5, 0.0, 0.17, 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, 0.83, 1.0, 1.7}; float rr[9] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; float rg[9] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0}; float rb[9] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.8, 1.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; cpgctab(rl, rr, rg, rb, 512, 1.0, 0.5); cpgscr(10, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgscr(11, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); cpgsfs(3); //========================================================================== //--------------------------VARIABLE INITIALIZATIONS------------------------ //========================================================================== // generic variables int i, j, k; // counters // simulation environment float** simEnvEven = allocateArray2D(ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); float** simEnvOdd = allocateArray2D(ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); float* simLocal = allocateArray1D(5); // mnist handwritten numbers float** mnistDatabase = readCSV("mnist_train_100.csv", 100, 785); for (i=0; i<100; i++) for (j=0; j<785; j++) mnistDatabase[i][j] = mnistDatabase[i][j]/255.0; // current location and time int x,y,z; int t, tGlobal; // student number int studentNumbRaw; int studentNumbWorking; int studentNumb[7]; // rates float rateDiff = 0.2; float delta; // flux variables float flux; float fluxTotal; float fluxAverage; float fluxHeat; float totalHeat; int x1, x2, y1, y2; // background heat float bgHeat; // tracking variables float totalHeatOld; float totalHeatPre; float tGlobalOld; float fluxOld; // pgplot variables float* plotImg = allocateArray1D(ENV_SIZE_TOTAL); float TR[6] = {0, 0, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, -1, 0}; float plotMinBound = 0; float plotMaxBound = 1; //========================================================================== //--------------------------------SETUP------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // ask for student number printf("Please enter your student number:\n"); if (scanf("%i", &studentNumbRaw) == 0) errorCase(ERR_INVALID_INPUT); studentNumbWorking = studentNumbRaw; for (i=0; i<SN_LENGTH; i++){ studentNumb[6-i] = studentNumbWorking%10; studentNumbWorking /= 10; } printf("\nYour student number is:\n"); for (i=0; i<SN_LENGTH; i++) printf("%i", studentNumb[i]); printf("\n\n"); // set and print diffusion rate based on last digit of student number rateDiff = ((((float)(studentNumb[6]))/10.0)*0.19)+0.01; printf("Your Diffusion Rate is: \n%f\n\n", rateDiff); // set and print background heat added based on last 4 digits of student number studentNumbRaw -= 1410000; bgHeat = ((float)((studentNumbRaw%97)%10)); bgHeat += ((float)((studentNumbRaw%101)%8))*10; bgHeat /= 100; printf("Your Background Heat is: \n%f\n\n", bgHeat*100); // set and print domain for calculating flux // x1, y1 based on last four digits of student number x1 = studentNumbRaw % ENV_SIZE_X; y1 = studentNumbRaw % ENV_SIZE_Y; // x2, y2 based on last four digits of student number x2 = x1 + (studentNumbRaw % (97)); if (x2 >= ENV_SIZE_X) x2 = ENV_SIZE_X - 1; y2 = y1 + (studentNumbRaw % (29)); if (y2 >= ENV_SIZE_Y) y2 = ENV_SIZE_Y - 1; printf("Your Domain is: \n(%i, %i) X (%i, %i)\n\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); // environment initialization: // select digits and place into environment for (i=0; i<SN_LENGTH; i++){ if (studentNumb[i] == 0) z = 0; else if (studentNumb[i] == 1) z = 13; else if (studentNumb[i] == 2) z = 27; else if (studentNumb[i] == 3) z = 33; else if (studentNumb[i] == 4) z = 44; else if (studentNumb[i] == 5) z = 55; else if (studentNumb[i] == 6) z = 60; else if (studentNumb[i] == 7) z = 71; else if (studentNumb[i] == 8) z = 81; else z = 89; for (x=0; x<28; x++) for (y=0; y<28; y++) { simEnvEven[x+(i*28)+1][y+1] = mnistDatabase[z][y*28+x] + bgHeat; if (simEnvEven[x+(i*28)+1][y+1] > 1.0) simEnvEven[x+(i*28)+1][y+1] = 1.0; } } //========================================================================== //--------------------------ACTUAL CODE------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // initialize display fixBoundaryConditions(simEnvEven); copyArray2D(simEnvEven, simEnvOdd, ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); loadImage(simEnvEven, plotImg); cpgpanl(1,1); cpgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, ENV_SIZE_Y); cpgimag(plotImg, ENV_SIZE_Y, ENV_SIZE_X, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, 1, ENV_SIZE_X, plotMinBound, plotMaxBound, TR); cpgrect(x1, x2, y1, y2); // initialize trackers tGlobalOld = 0; fluxOld = 0; totalHeatOld = 0; for (x=x1; x<=x2; x++) for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) totalHeatOld += simEnvEven[x][y]; // initial delay to visualize starting matrix for (t=0; t<500000000; t++){} t = 0; tGlobal = 0; flux = 0; fluxAverage = 0; fluxTotal = 0; while(1){ flux = 0; cpgpanl(1,1); cpgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgswin(0, ENV_SIZE_X, 0, ENV_SIZE_Y); // calculate heat changes using numeric methods fixBoundaryConditions(simEnvEven); //simEnvEven[50][15] = 100; //simEnvEven[60][15] = -10; copyArray2D(simEnvEven, simEnvOdd, ENV_SIZE_X, ENV_SIZE_Y); for (x=1; x<(ENV_SIZE_X-1); x++) for (y=1; y<(ENV_SIZE_Y-1); y++) if ((x+y)%2 == 0) { delta = rateDiff*(simEnvEven[x][y+1] - 2*simEnvEven[x][y] + simEnvEven[x][y-1]); simEnvOdd[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; delta = rateDiff*(simEnvEven[x+1][y] - 2*simEnvEven[x][y] + simEnvEven[x-1][y]); simEnvOdd[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; } for (x=1; x<(ENV_SIZE_X-1); x++) for (y=1; y<(ENV_SIZE_Y-1); y++) if ((x+y)%2 == 1) { delta = rateDiff*(simEnvOdd[x][y+1] - 2*simEnvOdd[x][y] + simEnvOdd[x][y-1]); simEnvOdd[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; delta = rateDiff*(simEnvOdd[x+1][y] - 2*simEnvOdd[x][y] + simEnvOdd[x-1][y]); simEnvOdd[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; } loadImage(simEnvOdd, plotImg); cpgimag(plotImg, ENV_SIZE_Y, ENV_SIZE_X, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, 1, ENV_SIZE_X, plotMinBound, plotMaxBound, TR); cpgrect(x1, x2, y1, y2); fluxTotal += flux; tGlobal++; flux = 0; //simEnvOdd[50][15] = 100; //simEnvOdd[60][15] = -10; fixBoundaryConditions(simEnvOdd); for (x=1; x<(ENV_SIZE_X-1); x++) for (y=1; y<(ENV_SIZE_Y-1); y++) if ((x+y)%2 == 1) { delta = rateDiff*(simEnvOdd[x][y+1] - 2*simEnvOdd[x][y] + simEnvOdd[x][y-1]); simEnvEven[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; delta = rateDiff*(simEnvOdd[x+1][y] - 2*simEnvOdd[x][y] + simEnvOdd[x-1][y]); simEnvEven[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; } for (x=1; x<(ENV_SIZE_X-1); x++) for (y=1; y<(ENV_SIZE_Y-1); y++) if ((x+y)%2 == 0) { delta = rateDiff*(simEnvEven[x][y+1] - 2*simEnvEven[x][y] + simEnvEven[x][y-1]); simEnvEven[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; delta = rateDiff*(simEnvEven[x+1][y] - 2*simEnvEven[x][y] + simEnvEven[x-1][y]); simEnvEven[x][y] += delta; if (INSIDE_BOX) flux += delta; } loadImage(simEnvEven, plotImg); cpgimag(plotImg, ENV_SIZE_Y, ENV_SIZE_X, 1, ENV_SIZE_Y, 1, ENV_SIZE_X, plotMinBound, plotMaxBound, TR); cpgrect(x1, x2, y1, y2); fluxTotal += flux; tGlobal++; // flux line plot cpgpanl(1,2); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(LINE_PLOT_X1, LINE_PLOT_X2, FLUX_PLOT_Y1, FLUX_PLOT_Y2); cpgmove(tGlobalOld, fluxOld); cpgdraw(tGlobal, flux); // heat line plot totalHeat = 0; for (x=x1; x<=x2; x++) for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) totalHeat += simEnvEven[x][y]; cpgpanl(1,3); cpgsvp(0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92); cpgswin(LINE_PLOT_X1, LINE_PLOT_X2, LINE_PLOT_Y1, LINE_PLOT_Y2); cpgmove(tGlobalOld, totalHeatOld); cpgdraw(tGlobal, totalHeat); // set trackers tGlobalOld = tGlobal; totalHeatOld = totalHeat; fluxOld = flux; if (tGlobal%100 == 0) { totalHeat = 0; for (x=x1; x<=x2; x++) for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) totalHeat += simEnvEven[x][y]; fluxAverage = fluxTotal/tGlobal; fluxHeat = totalHeat - totalHeatPre; printf("Total Heat: %f \n Current Divergence: %f \n Current Flux: %f\n\n", totalHeat, flux, fluxHeat); } totalHeatPre = 0; for (x=x1; x<=x2; x++) for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) totalHeatPre += simEnvEven[x][y]; } }
int main() { /* Set up a 2 x 2 lookup table. */ const int M = 2; const int K[] = {K1, K2}; const int map[] = {0, 1}; const double crval[] = {0.0, 0.0}; char text[80]; int i, j, k, l, l1, l2, l3, lstep, m, stat[NP*NP], status; float array[NP][NP], clev[31], v0, v1, w; const float scl = 2.0f/(NP-1); float ltm[6]; double x[NP][NP][2], world[NP][NP][2]; struct tabprm tab; printf("Testing WCSLIB coordinate lookup table routines (ttab2.c)\n" "---------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* List status return messages. */ printf("\nList of tab status return values:\n"); for (status = 1; status <= 5; status++) { printf("%4d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); } printf("\n"); /* PGPLOT initialization. */ strcpy(text, "/xwindow"); cpgbeg(0, text, 1, 1); cpgvstd(); cpgsch(0.7f); /* The viewport is slightly oversized. */ cpgwnad(-0.65f, 1.65f, -0.65f, 1.65f); for (l = 0; l <= 30; l++) { clev[l] = 0.2f*(l-10); } ltm[0] = -scl*(1.0f + (NP-1)/4.0f); ltm[1] = scl; ltm[2] = 0.0f; ltm[3] = -scl*(1.0f + (NP-1)/4.0f); ltm[4] = 0.0f; ltm[5] = scl; /* Set up the lookup table. */ tab.flag = -1; if ((status = tabini(1, M, K, &tab))) { printf("tabini ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); return 1; } tab.M = M; for (m = 0; m < tab.M; m++) { tab.K[m] = K[m]; tab.map[m] = map[m]; tab.crval[m] = crval[m]; for (k = 0; k < tab.K[m]; k++) { tab.index[m][k] = (double)k; } } /* Subdivide the interpolation element. */ for (i = 0; i < NP; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NP; j++) { x[i][j][0] = j*(K1-1.0)*scl - 0.5 - crval[0]; x[i][j][1] = i*(K2-1.0)*scl - 0.5 - crval[1]; } } /* The first coordinate element is static. */ tab.coord[0] = 0.0; tab.coord[2] = 0.0; tab.coord[4] = 0.0; tab.coord[6] = 0.0; /* (k1,k2) = (0,0). */ tab.coord[1] = 0.0; /* The second coordinate element varies in three of the corners. */ for (l3 = 0; l3 <= 100; l3 += 20) { /* (k1,k2) = (1,1). */ tab.coord[7] = 0.01 * l3; for (l2 = 0; l2 <= 100; l2 += 20) { /* (k1,k2) = (0,1). */ tab.coord[5] = 0.01 * l2; cpgpage(); for (l1 = 0; l1 <= 100; l1 += 2) { /* (k1,k2) = (1,0). */ tab.coord[3] = 0.01 * l1; /* Compute coordinates within the interpolation element. */ tab.flag = 0; if ((status = tabx2s(&tab, NP*NP, 2, (double *)x, (double *)world, stat))) { printf("tabx2s ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, tab_errmsg[status]); } /* Start a new plot. */ cpgbbuf(); cpgeras(); cpgsci(1); cpgslw(3); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0f, 0, "BCNSTV", 0.0f, 0); cpgmtxt("T", 0.7f, 0.5f, 0.5f, "-TAB coordinates: " "linear interpolation / extrapolation in 2-D"); /* Draw the boundary of the interpolation element in red. */ cpgsci(2); cpgmove(-0.5f, 0.0f); cpgdraw( 1.5f, 0.0f); cpgmove( 1.0f, -0.5f); cpgdraw( 1.0f, 1.5f); cpgmove( 1.5f, 1.0f); cpgdraw(-0.5f, 1.0f); cpgmove( 0.0f, 1.5f); cpgdraw( 0.0f, -0.5f); /* Label the value of the coordinate element in each corner. */ sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[1]); cpgtext(-0.09f, -0.05f, text); sprintf(text, "%.2f", tab.coord[3]); cpgtext( 1.02f, -0.05f, text); sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[5]); cpgtext(-0.13f, 1.02f, text); sprintf(text, "%.1f", tab.coord[7]); cpgtext( 1.02f, 1.02f, text); cpgsci(1); /* Contour labelling: bottom. */ v0 = world[0][0][1]; v1 = world[0][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(w+0.04f, -0.56f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: left. */ v0 = world[0][0][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][0][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(-0.52f, w-0.02f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: right. */ v0 = world[0][NP-1][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(1.52f, w-0.02f, 0.0f, 0.0f, text); } } /* Contour labelling: top. */ v0 = world[NP-1][0][1]; v1 = world[NP-1][NP-1][1]; if (v0 != v1) { lstep = (abs((int)((v1-v0)/0.2f)) < 10) ? 20 : 40; for (l = -200; l <= 300; l += lstep) { w = -0.5f + 2.0f * (l*0.01f - v0) / (v1 - v0); if (w < -0.5 || w > 1.5) continue; sprintf(text, "%4.1f", l*0.01f); cpgptxt(w+0.04f, 1.52f, 0.0f, 1.0f, text); } } /* Draw contours for the second coordinate element. */ for (i = 0; i < NP; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NP; j++) { array[i][j] = world[i][j][1]; } } cpgsci(4); cpgslw(2); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev, 10, ltm); cpgsci(7); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev+10, 1, ltm); cpgsci(5); cpgcont(array[0], NP, NP, 1, NP, 1, NP, clev+11, 20, ltm); cpgebuf(); } } } cpgend(); tabfree(&tab); return 0; }
/* draw a line from the current pen position to a point */ static void _pgdraw (double *x, double *y) { cpgdraw ((float) *x, (float) *y); }
void plot(GRAPHCONTROL *gr, SET *p) { char t[1024]; cpgsch(FS); cpgsci(1); cpgsvp(0.07, 0.93, 0.35, 0.9); cpgeras(); cpgswin(gr->xmin, gr->xmax, gr->ymin, gr->ymax); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); cpgbbuf(); cpgsch(0.8); float yp = 3.4; sprintf(t,"[n] Ano: %d/%d", p->y1, p->y2); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.0, 0.0, t); sprintf(t,"[m] Magnitude: %.2f/%.2f", p->m1, p->m2); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.25, 0.0, t); sprintf(t,"[s/0] Selecionar Regiao"); (p->region) ? cpgsci(ON) : cpgsci(OFF); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.6, 0.0, t); cpgsci(1); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.85, 0.0, "[=] Salvar Print-out"); yp -= 1.2; sprintf(t,"N: %ld",p->n); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.0, 0.0, t); sprintf(t,"[p] Profundidade(p): %.1f/%.1f",p->d1, p->d2); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.25, 0.0, t); sprintf(t,"Longitude: %.2f/%.2f",p->lon1, p->lon2); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.6, 0.0, t); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.85, 0.0, "[J] Definir intervalo"); yp -= 1.2; sprintf(t,"Latitude: %.2f/%.2f", p->lat1, p->lat2); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.6, 0.0, t); sprintf(t,"[w] Zoom para todo o mapa"); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.25, 0.0, t); cpgmtxt("T", yp, 0.85, 0.0, " de ajuste"); sprintf(t,"[c] Cor: %s", (gr->colormode == COLORDEPTH) ? "Profundidade" : (gr->colormode == COLORMAG) ? "Magnitude" : "Neutra"); cpgmtxt("R", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, t); (gr->hascontinents) ? cpgsci(ON) : cpgsci(OFF); sprintf(t,"[1] Continentes"); cpgmtxt("R", 1.0, 0.25, 0.0, t); cpgsci(1); (gr->hasplates) ? cpgsci(ON) : cpgsci(OFF); sprintf(t,"[2] Placas"); cpgmtxt("R", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, t); cpgsci(1); // Legenda cores cpgsci(1); cpgsch(FS); /* Graphs */ int i; if (gr->haspoints && p->n > 0) { int symbol = 17; (p->n > 50) ? cpgsch(0.4) : cpgsch(FS); if (gr->colormode == COLORDEPTH) for(i = 0; i< p->n; i++) { cpgsci(depthcolor(p->d[i])); cpgpt1(p->x[i], p->y[i], symbol); } else if (gr->colormode == COLORMAG) for(i = 0; i< p->n; i++) { cpgsci(magcolor(p->m[i])); cpgpt1(p->x[i], p->y[i], symbol); } else cpgpt(p->n, p->x, p->y, symbol); cpgsci(1); cpgsch(FS); } if (gr->hascontinents >= 1) { cpgsci(1); cpgslw(2); for(i=0; i < ncontinentes; i++) { if (continentes[i][0] == -999 && continentes[i][1] == 999 ) { i++; cpgmove(continentes[i][0], continentes[i][1]); continue; } cpgdraw(continentes[i][0], continentes[i][1]); } if (gr->hascontinents >=2) { cpgslw(1); cpgsci(15); for(i=0; i < nborders; i++) { if (borders[i][0] == -999 && borders[i][1] == 999 ) { i++; cpgmove(borders[i][0], borders[i][1]); continue; } cpgdraw(borders[i][0], borders[i][1]); } } } if (gr->hasplates == 1) { cpgsci(3); cpgslw(3); for(i=0; i < nplates; i++) { if (plates[i][0] == -999 && plates[i][1] == 999 ) { i++; cpgmove(plates[i][0], plates[i][1]); continue; } if (fabs(plates[i][0] - plates[i-1][0]) > 180) { cpgmove(plates[i][0], plates[i][1]); } cpgdraw(plates[i][0], plates[i][1]); } } if (gr->colormode == COLORMAG) scalemag(); else if (gr->colormode == COLORDEPTH) scaledep(); cpgsci(1); cpgslw(1); cpgebuf(); cpgsvp(0.07, 0.93, 0.35, 0.9); cpgswin(gr->xmin, gr->xmax, gr->ymin, gr->ymax); return; }
void plothistogram(SET *p, float w, int mode, float lm, float hm) { float *x = (mode == MAG) ? p->m : p->d; int i; char t[1024]; float x1, x2, y1, y2; float *bins = NULL; float *freq = NULL; int nb; float a, b; float rms = -1; cpgsvp(0.63, 0.93, 0.07, 0.30); /* Check we have data */ if (p->n ==0) { cpgswin(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cpgmtxt("T",-3, 0.5, 0.5, "-- Sem Dados -- "); return; } if (mode == MAG) { nb = gomag(x, p->n, w, &bins, &freq); rms = linefit(bins, freq, nb, lm, hm, &a, &b); } else { nb = godep(x, p->n, w, &bins, &freq); } /* * Plot */ minmax(x, p->n, &x1, &x2); minmax(freq, nb, &y1, &y2); cpgswin(x1, x2, y1 - (y2-y1)*0.1, y2 * 1.2); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0, 0, "BCMST", 0.0, 0); /* * Labels */ cpgsch(0.7); cpgmtxt("L", 2.2, 0.0, 0.0, "[H] Trocar Mag/Dep"); cpgmtxt("L", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "[B] Ajustar largura do bin"); if (mode == MAG) { cpgmtxt("R", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, "Log(n) Acumulado"); cpgmtxt("B", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, "Magnitude"); } else { cpgmtxt("R", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, "Log(n)"); cpgmtxt("B", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, "Profundidade (km)"); } sprintf(t,"Min: %.1f Max: %.1f",x1,x2); if (mode == MAG) { cpgmtxt("B", -1.0, 0.05, 0.0,t); } else { cpgmtxt("T", -2.0, 0.95, 1.0,t); } cpgsch(FS); /* * Plots */ cpgbin(nb, bins, freq, 1); if (mode == MAG) { cpgmove(x1, a*x1 + b); cpgdraw(x2, a*x2 + b); if ( lm >= 0.0 ) { float temp; cpgsci(2); cpgsch(1.2); temp = fabs((a*x1+b) - (a*x2+b)); cpgpt1(lm, a*lm+b -temp * 0.06, 30); cpgpt1(hm, a*hm+b -temp * 0.06, 30); cpgsci(1); cpgsch(FS); } } if (mode == MAG) { cpgsch(0.7); sprintf(t,"f(x)=%.2f\\.x+%.2f",a,b); cpgmtxt("T",-2.0, 0.9, 1.0,t); sprintf(t,"b=%.2f",fabs(a)); cpgmtxt("T",-3.2, 0.9, 1.0,t); cpgsch(FS); } cpgbbuf(); /* * Terminate */ cpgsci(1); cpgslw(1); cpgebuf(); if (bins != NULL) free(bins); if (freq != NULL) free(freq); bins = NULL; freq = NULL; return; }
static double plot_fftview(fftview * fv, float maxpow, float charhgt, float vertline, int vertline_color) /* The return value is offsetf */ { int ii; double lor, lof, hir, hif, offsetf = 0.0; float *freqs; cpgsave(); cpgbbuf(); /* Set the "Normal" plotting attributes */ cpgsls(1); cpgslw(1); cpgsch(charhgt); cpgsci(1); cpgvstd(); if (maxpow == 0.0) /* Autoscale for the maximum value */ maxpow = 1.1 * fv->maxpow; lor = fv->lor; lof = lor / T; hir = lor + fv->dr * DISPLAYNUM; hif = hir / T; offsetf = 0.0; /* Period Labels */ if (fv->zoomlevel >= 0 && lof > 1.0) { double lop, hip, offsetp = 0.0; lop = 1.0 / lof; hip = 1.0 / hif; offsetp = 0.0; if ((lop - hip) / hip < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetp = 0.5 * (hip + lop); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Period - %.15g (s)", offsetp); cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("T", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Period (s)"); } cpgswin(lop - offsetp, hip - offsetp, 0.0, maxpow); cpgbox("CIMST", 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0); } /* Frequency Labels */ if ((hif - lof) / hif < 0.001) { int numchar; char label[50]; offsetf = 0.5 * (hif + lof); numchar = snprintf(label, 50, "Frequency - %.15g (Hz)", offsetf); cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, label); } else { cpgmtxt("B", 2.8, 0.5, 0.5, "Frequency (Hz)"); } cpgswin(lof - offsetf, hif - offsetf, 0.0, maxpow); /* Add zapboxes if required */ if (numzaplist) { double zaplo, zaphi; cpgsave(); cpgsci(15); cpgsfs(1); for (ii = 0; ii < numzaplist; ii++) { zaplo = zaplist[ii].lobin; zaphi = zaplist[ii].hibin; if ((zaplo < hir && zaplo > lor) || (zaphi < hir && zaphi > lor)) { cpgrect(zaplo / T - offsetf, zaphi / T - offsetf, 0.0, 0.95 * maxpow); } } cpgunsa(); } /* Add a background vertical line if requested */ if (vertline != 0.0 && vertline_color != 0) { cpgsave(); cpgsci(vertline_color); cpgmove(vertline / T - offsetf, 0.0); cpgdraw(vertline / T - offsetf, maxpow); cpgunsa(); } if (fv->zoomlevel >= 0 && lof > 1.0) cpgbox("BINST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); else cpgbox("BCINST", 0.0, 0, "BCNST", 0.0, 0); /* Plot the spectrum */ freqs = gen_fvect(DISPLAYNUM); for (ii = 0; ii < DISPLAYNUM; ii++) freqs[ii] = fv->rs[ii] / T - offsetf; if (fv->zoomlevel > 0) { /* Magnified power spectrum */ cpgline(DISPLAYNUM, freqs, fv->powers); } else { /* Down-sampled power spectrum */ for (ii = 0; ii < DISPLAYNUM; ii++) { cpgmove(freqs[ii], 0.0); cpgdraw(freqs[ii], fv->powers[ii]); } } vect_free(freqs); cpgmtxt("L", 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Normalized Power"); cpgebuf(); cpgunsa(); return offsetf; }