Lattice Hx () { Lattice H(2,cpx(.5,sqrt(3)/2));,1).bond(0,1,coo(-1,0)).bond(0,1,coo(0,-1)); H.z[0]=0; H.z[1]=cpx(1,1)/cpx(3); return H; }
Lattice T2 () { Lattice T2(2,cpx(0,sqrt(3.0)));,1).bond(0,0,coo(1,0)).bond(1,0,coo(1,0)).bond(1,0,coo(0,1)).bond(1,0,coo(1,1)).bond(1,1,coo(1,0)); T2.z[0]=0; T2.z[1]=cpx(.5,.5); return T2; }
Lattice K () { Lattice K(3,cpx(.5,sqrt(3)/2));,1).bond(0,2).bond(1,2).bond(1,0,coo(1,0)).bond(2,0,coo(0,1)).bond(1,2,coo(1,-1)); K.z[0]=0; K.z[1]=.5; K.z[2]=cpx(0,.5); return K; }
Lattice H2 () { Lattice H2(4,cpx(0,sqrt(3.0)));,1).bond(1,2).bond(2,3).bond(3,0,coo(0,1)).bond(2,1,coo(1,0)).bond(3,0,coo(1,1)); H2.z[0]=0; H2.z[1]=cpx(0,1.0/3); H2.z[2]=cpx(.5,.5); H2.z[3]=cpx(.5,5.0/6); return H2; }
Lattice SO () { Lattice SO(4);,1).bond(1,2).bond(2,3).bond(3,0).bond(2,0,coo(0,1)).bond(1,3,coo(1,0)); SO.z[0]=cpx(.5,.25); SO.z[1]=cpx(.75,.5); SO.z[2]=cpx(.5,.75); SO.z[3]=cpx(.25,.5); return SO; }
Lattice G67 () { Lattice G67(3, cpx(0,sqrt(6.0/7)));,1).bond(0,2).bond(1,2).bond(0,0,coo(1,0)).bond(0,0,coo(0,1)).bond(0,1,coo(-1,0)) .bond(0,1,coo(0,-1)).bond(0,1,coo(-1,-1)).bond(2,0,coo(0,1)); G67.z[0]=0; G67.z[1]=cpx(.5,.5); G67.z[2]=cpx(1.0/6,.5); return G67; }
Lattice SV () { Lattice SV(4);,1).bond(1,2).bond(2,3).bond(3,0).bond(1,3).bond(1,0,coo(1,0)).bond(2,3,coo(1,0)) .bond(1,3,coo(1,0)).bond(0,3,coo(0,-1)).bond(1,2,coo(0,-1)).bond(2,0,coo(1,1)).bond(3,1,coo(0,1)); SV.z[0]=0; SV.z[1]=.5; SV.z[2]=cpx(.5,.5); SV.z[3]=cpx(0,.5); return SV; }
void cp_and_padding(Image<cpx> &ori, Image<T> &img){ for(int i = 0; i < ori.rows; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j < ori.cols; ++j){ if(i < img.rows and j < img.cols) ori(i,j) = cpx(img(i,j),0); else ori(i,j) = cpx(0,0); } } }
Lattice C5 () { Lattice C5(5);,0).bond(1,4).bond(0,2).bond(0,3).bond(0,4).bond(2,3).bond(3,4).bond(2,1,coo(1,0)).bond(2,4,coo(1,0)) .bond(3,4,coo(1,0)).bond(3,1,coo(1,1)).bond(3,0,coo(1,1)).bond(3,2,coo(0,1)).bond(3,0,coo(0,1)).bond(4,0,coo(0,1)); C5.z[0]=.25; C5.z[1]=cpx(0,.125); C5.z[2]=cpx(.75,.25); C5.z[3]=cpx(.75,.75); C5.z[4]=cpx(.25,.5); return C5; }
Lattice K2 () { Lattice K2(6,cpx(0,sqrt(3)));,1).bond(0,2).bond(1,2).bond(2,3).bond(2,4).bond(3,4).bond(4,5) .bond(1,0,coo(1,0)).bond(4,3,coo(1,0)).bond(5,3,coo(1,0)).bond(5,1,coo(0,1)).bond(5,0,coo(1,1)); K2.z[0]=0; K2.z[1]=.5; K2.z[2]=cpx(.25,.25); K2.z[3]=cpx(0,.5); K2.z[4]=cpx(.5,.5); K2.z[5]=cpx(.75,.75); return K2; }
int main(void) { printf("If rows come in identical pairs, then everything works.\n"); cpx a[8] = {0, 1, cpx(1,3), cpx(0,5), 1, 0, 2, 0}; cpx b[8] = {1, cpx(0,-2), cpx(0,1), 3, -1, -3, 1, -2}; cpx A[8]; cpx B[8]; FFT(a, A, 1, 8, 1); FFT(b, B, 1, 8, 1); for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { printf("%7.2lf%7.2lf", A[i].a, A[i].b); } printf("\n"); for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { cpx Ai(0,0); for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) { Ai = Ai + a[j] * EXP(j * i * two_pi / 8); } printf("%7.2lf%7.2lf", Ai.a, Ai.b); } printf("\n"); cpx AB[8]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) AB[i] = A[i] * B[i]; cpx aconvb[8]; FFT(AB, aconvb, 1, 8, -1); for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) aconvb[i] = aconvb[i] / 8; for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { printf("%7.2lf%7.2lf", aconvb[i].a, aconvb[i].b); } printf("\n"); for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { cpx aconvbi(0,0); for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) { aconvbi = aconvbi + a[j] * b[(8 + i - j) % 8]; } printf("%7.2lf%7.2lf", aconvbi.a, aconvbi.b); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
Lattice Z2C () { Lattice Z2C(2);,0,coo(1,0)).bond(0,0,coo(0,1)).bond(0,1).bond(0,1,coo(-1,0)).bond(0,1,coo(0,-1)).bond(0,1,coo(-1,-1)); Z2C.z[0]=0; Z2C.z[1]=cpx(.5,.5); return Z2C; }
vector<cpx> cl_fft<cpx>::run(const vector<cpx> &input) { cl_event upload_unmap_evt, start_evt, download_map_evt, *kernel_evts = new cl_event[launches.size()]; cl_int err; // Upload cl_float2 *input_buffer = (cl_float2*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(command_queue, v_samples, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, samplesMemSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &err); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueMapBuffer", err); for (int i = 0; i < samplesPerRun; i++) { input_buffer[i].x = real(input[i]); input_buffer[i].y = imag(input[i]); } CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueUnmapMemObject", clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(command_queue, v_samples, input_buffer, 0, NULL, &upload_unmap_evt)); // Calcola la FFT cl_mem v_out = runInternal(v_samples, &start_evt, kernel_evts); // Download vector<cpx> result(samplesPerRun); cl_float2 *output_buffer = (cl_float2*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(command_queue, v_out, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, tmpMemSize, 1, &kernel_evts[launches.size() - 1], &download_map_evt, &err); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueMapBuffer", err); for (int i = 0; i < samplesPerRun; i++) result[i] = cpx(output_buffer[i].x, output_buffer[i].y); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueUnmapMemObject", clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(command_queue, v_out, output_buffer, 0, NULL, NULL)); printStatsAndReleaseEvents(upload_unmap_evt, start_evt, kernel_evts, download_map_evt); delete[] kernel_evts; return result; }
static char * CPX2() { CPU *c = getCPU(); int8_t operand = 75; OP_CODE_INFO *o = getOP_CODE_INFO(operand,0,modeImmediate); setRegByte(c,IND_X,59); cpx(c,o); mu_run_test_with_args(testRegStatus,c,"10100000", " NVUBDIZC NVUBDIZC\nCPX2 err, %s != %s"); freeOP_CODE_INFO(o); free(c); return 0; }
intx fastmul(const intx &an, const intx &bn) { string as = an.to_string(), bs = bn.to_string(); int n = size(as), m = size(bs), l = 1, len = 5, radix = 100000, *a = new int[n], alen = 0, *b = new int[m], blen = 0; memset(a, 0, n << 2); memset(b, 0, m << 2); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i -= len, alen++) for (int j = min(len - 1, i); j >= 0; j--) a[alen] = a[alen] * 10 + as[i - j] - '0'; for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i -= len, blen++) for (int j = min(len - 1, i); j >= 0; j--) b[blen] = b[blen] * 10 + bs[i - j] - '0'; while (l < 2*max(alen,blen)) l <<= 1; cpx *A = new cpx[l], *B = new cpx[l]; rep(i,0,l) A[i] = cpx(i < alen ? a[i] : 0, 0); rep(i,0,l) B[i] = cpx(i < blen ? b[i] : 0, 0); fft(A, l); fft(B, l); rep(i,0,l) A[i] *= B[i]; fft(A, l, true); ull *data = new ull[l]; rep(i,0,l) data[i] = (ull)(round(real(A[i]))); rep(i,0,l-1) if (data[i] >= (unsigned int)(radix)) { data[i+1] += data[i] / radix; data[i] %= radix; } int stop = l-1; while (stop > 0 && data[stop] == 0) stop--; stringstream ss; ss << data[stop]; for (int i = stop - 1; i >= 0; i--) ss << setfill('0') << setw(len) << data[i]; delete[] A; delete[] B; delete[] a; delete[] b; delete[] data; return intx(ss.str()); }
cpx Lattice::tau_rw () const { double a=0, b=0, c=0; for (unsigned k=0; k<n; ++k) for (unsigned l=0; l<adj[k].size(); ++l) { const Lattice_place &m = adj[k][l]; cpx u = cpx(m.z.x,m.z.y) + z[m.k] - z[k]; a += u.imag()*u.imag(); b += 2*u.real()*u.imag(); c += u.real()*u.real(); } cpx delta = b*b - 4*a*c; cpx t = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a); return (t.imag()>0 ? t : conj(t)); }
static int runTest(cl_context context, cl_command_queue command_queue, I *cl_algorithm_instance, int N, bool print, bool check) { vector<T> input = generateTestData<T>(N); vector<cpx> output(N); cl_int err; const size_t samplesMemSize = cl_deviceDataSize<T>(N); cl_mem v_output, v_input = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, samplesMemSize, &input[0], &err); CL_CHECK_ERR("clCreateBuffer", err); cl_event kernel_evt; v_output = cl_algorithm_instance->run(v_input, &kernel_evt); CL_CHECK_ERR("clReleaseMemObject", clReleaseMemObject(v_input)); cl_float2 *output_buffer = (cl_float2*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(command_queue, v_output, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, N * sizeof(cl_float2), 1, &kernel_evt, NULL, &err); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueMapBuffer", err); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) output[i] = cpx(output_buffer[i].x, output_buffer[i].y); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueUnmapMemObject", clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(command_queue, v_output, output_buffer, 0, NULL, NULL)); if (print) cerr << output << endl; if (check) { #ifdef ALLOW_NPOT fprintf(stderr, "Calcolo serial naive DFT per riferimento...\n"); const vector<cpx> ref = serial_naive_dft(input); #else fprintf(stderr, "Calcolo serial non-recursive FFT per riferimento...\n"); const vector<cpx> ref = serial_nonrecursive_fft(input); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Distanza massima: %g\n", maxAbsDistance(output, ref)); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
QVector<float> SpectrumAnalyzerRangeData::runFFT(cl_mem samplesHistory, cl_int historyOffset, cl_int historyLength) { cl_event presum_evt, algo_evt; CL_CHECK_ERR("clSetKernelArg", clSetKernelArg(circsum, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &samples)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clSetKernelArg", clSetKernelArg(circsum, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &samplesHistory)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clSetKernelArg", clSetKernelArg(circsum, 2, sizeof(cl_int), &historyOffset)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clSetKernelArg", clSetKernelArg(circsum, 3, sizeof(cl_int), &historyLength)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clSetKernelArg", clSetKernelArg(circsum, 4, sizeof(cl_int), &presumWindows)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueNDRangeKernel", clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, circsum, 1, NULL, &windowSize, &presumGroupSize, 0, NULL, &presum_evt )); clEnqueueWaitForEvents(command_queue, 1, &presum_evt); cl_mem output =, &algo_evt); QVector<float> risultato(windowSize); cl_int err; cl_float2 *output_buffer = (cl_float2*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(command_queue, output, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, windowSize * sizeof(cl_float2), 1, &algo_evt, NULL, &err); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueMapBuffer", err); for (int i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) risultato[i] = abs(cpx(output_buffer[i].x, output_buffer[i].y)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clEnqueueUnmapMemObject", clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(command_queue, output, output_buffer, 0, NULL, NULL)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clReleaseEvent", clReleaseEvent(presum_evt)); CL_CHECK_ERR("clReleaseEvent", clReleaseEvent(algo_evt)); return risultato; }
void FFT::rv ( double *real , // In: 0,2,4,... Out:Real parts double *imag // In: 1,3,5,... Out: Imaginary parts ) { int i, j, lim ; double theta, wr, wi, wkr, wki, t, h1r, h1i, h2r, h2i ; cpx ( real , imag , 1 ) ; /* Use the guaranteed zero imag[0] to actually return real[n] */ t = real[0] ; real[0] = t + imag[0] ; imag[0] = t - imag[0] ; /* Now do the remainder through n-1 */ theta = PI / (double) npts ; t = sin ( 0.5 * theta ) ; wr = 1.0 + (wkr = -2.0 * t * t) ; wi = wki = sin ( theta ) ; lim = (npts % 2) ? npts/2+1 : npts/2 ; for (i=1 ; i<lim ; i++) { j = npts - i ; h1r = 0.5 * (real[i] + real[j]) ; h1i = 0.5 * (imag[i] - imag[j]) ; h2r = 0.5 * (imag[i] + imag[j]) ; h2i = -0.5 * (real[i] - real[j]) ; real[i] = wr * h2r - wi * h2i + h1r ; imag[i] = wr * h2i + wi * h2r + h1i ; real[j] = -wr * h2r + wi * h2i + h1r ; imag[j] = wr * h2i + wi * h2r - h1i ; t = wr ; wr += t * wkr - wi * wki ; wi += t * wki + wi * wkr ; } }
void FFT::irv ( double *real , // In: Real parts Out: 0,2,4,... double *imag // In: Imaginary parts Out: 1,3,5,... ) { int i, j, lim ; double theta, wr, wi, wkr, wki, t, h1r, h1i, h2r, h2i ; theta = -PI / (double) npts ; t = sin ( 0.5 * theta ) ; wr = 1.0 + (wkr = -2.0 * t * t) ; wi = wki = sin ( theta ) ; lim = (npts % 2) ? npts/2+1 : npts/2 ; for (i=1 ; i<lim ; i++) { j = npts - i ; h1r = 0.5 * (real[i] + real[j]) ; h1i = 0.5 * (imag[i] - imag[j]) ; h2r = -0.5 * (imag[i] + imag[j]) ; h2i = 0.5 * (real[i] - real[j]) ; real[i] = wr * h2r - wi * h2i + h1r ; imag[i] = wr * h2i + wi * h2r + h1i ; real[j] = -wr * h2r + wi * h2i + h1r ; imag[j] = wr * h2i + wi * h2r - h1i ; t = wr ; wr += t * wkr - wi * wki ; wi += t * wki + wi * wkr ; } t = real[0] ; real[0] = 0.5 * (t + imag[0]) ; imag[0] = 0.5 * (t - imag[0]) ; cpx ( real , imag , -1 ) ; t = 1.0 / npts ; for (i=0 ; i<npts ; i++) { real[i] *= t ; imag[i] *= t ; } }
void serial_nonrecursive_fft_step(const vector<T> &vec_in, vector<cpx> &vec_out, int W) { const int N = vec_in.size(); const int H = N/W; int dest_i = 0; for (int k = 0; k < H/2; k++) { const int src_y1 = 2*k; const int src_y2 = 2*k+1; const cpx twiddle_factor = exp(cpx(0, M_PI_F/H*-2.f*k)); for (int src_x = 0; src_x < W; src_x++) { cpx p1 = vec_in[src_y1*W + src_x]; cpx p2 = vec_in[src_y2*W + src_x] * twiddle_factor; vec_out[dest_i] = p1 + p2; vec_out[dest_i + N/2] = p1 - p2; dest_i++; } } }
Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) CFunctionToBspline::CFunctionToBsplineImpl::Curve() { bool interpolate = true; std::vector<ChebSegment> segments = approxSegment(_umin, _umax, 1); int N = _degree + 1; math_Matrix Mt = monimial_to_bezier(N)*cheb_to_monomial(N); // get estimated error and create bspline segments std::vector<Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)> curves; double errTotal = 0.; std::vector<ChebSegment>::iterator it = segments.begin(); for (; it != segments.end(); ++it) { // get control points ChebSegment& seg = *it; math_Vector cpx = Mt*; math_Vector cpy = Mt*; math_Vector cpz = Mt*; TColgp_Array1OfPnt cp(1,cpx.Length()); for (int i = 1; i <= cpx.Length(); ++i) { gp_Pnt p(cpx(i-1), cpy(i-1), cpz(i-1)); cp.SetValue(i, p); } if (interpolate) { gp_Pnt pstart(_xfunc.value(seg.umin), _yfunc.value(seg.umin), _zfunc.value(seg.umin)); gp_Pnt pstop (_xfunc.value(seg.umax), _yfunc.value(seg.umax), _zfunc.value(seg.umax)); cp.SetValue(1, pstart); cp.SetValue(cpx.Length(), pstop); } // create knots and multiplicity vector TColStd_Array1OfReal knots(1,2); knots.SetValue(1, seg.umin); knots.SetValue(2, seg.umax); TColStd_Array1OfInteger mults(1,2); mults.SetValue(1, _degree+1); mults.SetValue(2, _degree+1); Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) curve = new Geom_BSplineCurve(cp, knots, mults, _degree); curves.push_back(curve); if (seg.error > errTotal) { errTotal = seg.error; } } _err = errTotal; // concatenate c1 the bspline curves Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) result = concatC1(curves); #ifdef DEBUG LOG(INFO) << "Result of BSpline approximation of function:"; LOG(INFO) << " approximation error = " << errTotal; LOG(INFO) << " number of control points = " << result->NbPoles(); LOG(INFO) << " number of segments = " << curves.size(); #endif return result; }
void pulsesequence() { char c1d[MAXSTR]; /* option to record only 1D C13 spectrum */ int ncyc; double tau1 = 0.002, /* t1 delay */ post_del = 0.0, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ compC = getval("compC"), compH = getval("compH"), mixpwr = getval("mixpwr"), jCH = getval("jCH"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), gt2 = getval("gt2"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), grec = getval("grec"), phase = getval("phase"); getstr("c1d",c1d); ncyc=1; if(jCH > 0.0) tau1 = 0.25/jCH; dbl(ct, v1); /* v1 = 0 */ mod4(v1,oph); hlv(ct,v2); add(v2,v1,v2); if (phase > 1.5) incr(v1); /* hypercomplex phase increment */ initval(2.0*(double)((int)(d2*getval("sw1")+0.5)%2),v10); add(v1,v10,v1); add(oph,v10,oph); mod4(v1,v1); mod4(v2,v2); mod4(oph,oph); assign(zero,v3); if(FIRST_FID) { HHmix = pbox_mix("HHmix", "DIPSI2", mixpwr, pw*compH, tpwr); if(c1d[A] == 'n') { opx("CHdec"); setwave("WURST2 30k/1.2m"); pbox_par("steps","600"); cpx(pwC*compC, pwClvl); CHdec = getDsh("CHdec"); } } ncyc = (int) (at/ + 1; post_del = ncyc* - at; /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* destroy H-1 magnetization*/ zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(1.0e-4); obspower(tpwr); txphase(v1); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); presat(); obspower(tpwr); delay(1.0e-5); status(B); if(c1d[A] == 'y') { rgpulse(pw,v1,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ delay(d2); rgpulse(pw,two,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ assign(oph,v3); } else { decunblank(); pbox_decon(&CHdec); rgpulse(pw,v1,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ txphase(zero); delay(d2); pbox_decoff(); decblank(); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(4095.0); delay(tau1 - POWER_DELAY); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); decphase(one); dec2phase(one); delay(tau1); simpulse(pw, pwC, one, one, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(tau1); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau1); simpulse(0.0, pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); delay(grec); simpulse(0.0, pwC, zero, v3, 0.0, rof2); txphase(v2); obsunblank(); pbox_xmtron(&HHmix); status(C); setactivercvrs("ny"); startacq(alfa); acquire(np,1.0/sw); endacq(); delay(post_del); pbox_xmtroff(); obsblank(); zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt2); obspower(tpwr); delay(grec); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,rof2); /* 1H pulse excitation */ status(D); setactivercvrs("yn"); startacq(alfa); acquire(np,1.0/sw); endacq(); }
cpx EXP(double theta) { return cpx(cos(theta), sin(theta)); }
cpx operator/(cpx a, cpx b) { cpx r = a *; return cpx(r.a / b.modsq(), r.b / b.modsq()); }
cpx operator*(cpx a, cpx b) { return cpx(a.a * b.a - a.b * b.b, a.a * b.b + a.b * b.a); }
cpx operator+(cpx a, cpx b) { return cpx(a.a + b.a, a.b + b.b); }
cpx bar(void) const { return cpx(a, -b); }
void Lattice::optimize (double f (Lattice const &), double eps) { double cost = f(*this); double old_cost = cost + eps + 1; double tmp_cost = cost; while (old_cost - cost > eps) { old_cost = cost; double delta = sqrt(cost)/10; tau += cpx(delta,0); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else { tau -= cpx(2*delta,0); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else tau += cpx(delta,0); } tau += cpx(0,delta); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else { tau -= cpx(0,2*delta); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else tau += cpx(0,delta); } for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) { if (i>0) { z[i] += cpx(delta,0); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else { z[i] -= cpx(2*delta,0); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else z[i] += cpx(delta,0); } z[i] += cpx(0,delta); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else { z[i] -= cpx(0,2*delta); tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else z[i] += cpx(0,delta); } } r[i] += delta; tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else { r[i] -= 2*delta; tmp_cost = f(*this); if (tmp_cost < cost) cost = tmp_cost; else r[i] += delta; } } } }
Lattice T() { Lattice T(1,cpx(.5,sqrt(3)/2));,0,coo(1,0)).bond(0,0,coo(0,1)).bond(0,0,coo(-1,1)); T.z[0]=0; return T; }