Beispiel #1
static void
LoadStarDesc (STAR_DESC *SDPtr, DECODE_REF fh)
	cread_16s(fh, &SDPtr->star_pt.x);
	cread_16s(fh, &SDPtr->star_pt.y);
	cread_8  (fh, &SDPtr->Type);
	cread_8  (fh, &SDPtr->Index);
	cread_8  (fh, &SDPtr->Prefix);
	cread_8  (fh, &SDPtr->Postfix);
Beispiel #2
static void
LoadEncounter (ENCOUNTER *EncounterPtr, DECODE_REF fh)

	cread_ptr (fh); /* useless ptr; HENCOUNTER pred */
	EncounterPtr->pred = 0;
	cread_ptr (fh); /* useless ptr; HENCOUNTER succ */
	EncounterPtr->succ = 0;
	cread_ptr (fh); /* useless ptr; HELEMENT hElement */
	EncounterPtr->hElement = 0;
	cread_16s (fh, &EncounterPtr->transition_state);
	cread_16s (fh, &EncounterPtr->origin.x);
	cread_16s (fh, &EncounterPtr->origin.y);
	cread_16  (fh, &EncounterPtr->radius);
	// STAR_DESC fields
	cread_16s (fh, &EncounterPtr->SD.star_pt.x);
	cread_16s (fh, &EncounterPtr->SD.star_pt.y);
	cread_8   (fh, &EncounterPtr->SD.Type);
	cread_8   (fh, &EncounterPtr->SD.Index);
	cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* alignment padding */

	// Load each entry in the BRIEF_SHIP_INFO array
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HYPER_SHIPS; i++)
		BRIEF_SHIP_INFO *ShipInfo = &EncounterPtr->ShipList[i];
		BYTE tmpb;

		cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* useless; was SHIP_INFO.ship_flags */
		cread_8   (fh, &ShipInfo->race_id);
		cread_8   (fh, NULL); /* useless; was SHIP_INFO.var2 */
		// XXX: reading crew as BYTE to maintain savegame compatibility
		cread_8   (fh, &tmpb);
		ShipInfo->crew_level = tmpb;
		cread_8   (fh, &tmpb);
		ShipInfo->max_crew = tmpb;
		cread_8   (fh, NULL); /* useless; was SHIP_INFO.energy_level */
		cread_8   (fh, &ShipInfo->max_energy);
		cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* useless; was SHIP_INFO.loc.x */
		cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* useless; was SHIP_INFO.loc.y */
		cread_32  (fh, NULL); /* useless val; STRING race_strings */
		cread_ptr (fh); /* useless ptr; FRAME icons */
		cread_ptr (fh); /* useless ptr; FRAME melee_icon */
	// Load the stuff after the BRIEF_SHIP_INFO array
	cread_32s (fh, &EncounterPtr->log_x);
	cread_32s (fh, &EncounterPtr->log_y);
	// JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	EncounterPtr->log_x <<= RESOLUTION_FACTOR;
	EncounterPtr->log_y <<= RESOLUTION_FACTOR;
Beispiel #3
static void
LoadClockState (CLOCK_STATE *ClockPtr, DECODE_REF fh)
	cread_8   (fh, &ClockPtr->day_index);
	cread_8   (fh, &ClockPtr->month_index);
	cread_16  (fh, &ClockPtr->year_index);
	cread_16s (fh, &ClockPtr->tick_count);
	cread_16s (fh, &ClockPtr->day_in_ticks);
	cread_ptr (fh); /* not loading ptr; Semaphore clock_sem */
	cread_ptr (fh); /* not loading ptr; Task clock_task */
	cread_32  (fh, NULL); /* not loading; DWORD TimeCounter */

	DummyLoadQueue (&ClockPtr->event_q, fh);
Beispiel #4
static void
LoadGroupQueue (DECODE_REF fh, QUEUE *pQueue)
	COUNT num_links;

	cread_16 (fh, &num_links);

	while (num_links--)
		HIPGROUP hGroup;
		IP_GROUP *GroupPtr;
		BYTE tmpb;

		cread_16 (fh, NULL); /* unused; was race_id */

		hGroup = BuildGroup (pQueue, 0);
		GroupPtr = LockIpGroup (pQueue, hGroup);

		cread_16 (fh, NULL); /* unused; was which_side */
		cread_8  (fh, NULL); /* unused; was captains_name_index */
		cread_8  (fh, NULL); /* padding; for savegame compat */
		cread_16 (fh, &GroupPtr->group_counter);
		cread_8  (fh, &GroupPtr->race_id);
		cread_8  (fh, &tmpb); /* was var2 */
		GroupPtr->sys_loc = LONIBBLE (tmpb);
		GroupPtr->task = HINIBBLE (tmpb);
		cread_8  (fh, &GroupPtr->in_system); /* was crew_level */
		cread_8  (fh, NULL); /* unused; was max_crew */
		cread_8  (fh, &tmpb); /* was energy_level */
		GroupPtr->dest_loc = LONIBBLE (tmpb);
		GroupPtr->orbit_pos = HINIBBLE (tmpb);
		cread_8  (fh, &GroupPtr->group_id); /* was max_energy */
		cread_16s(fh, &GroupPtr->loc.x);
		cread_16s(fh, &GroupPtr->loc.y);

		UnlockIpGroup (pQueue, hGroup);
Beispiel #5
static void
LoadRaceQueue (DECODE_REF fh, QUEUE *pQueue)
	COUNT num_links;

	cread_16 (fh, &num_links);

	while (num_links--)
		FLEET_INFO *FleetPtr;
		COUNT Index;
		BYTE tmpb;

		cread_16 (fh, &Index);

		hStarShip = GetStarShipFromIndex (pQueue, Index);
		FleetPtr = LockFleetInfo (pQueue, hStarShip);
		// Read FLEET_INFO elements
		cread_16 (fh, &FleetPtr->allied_state);
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->days_left);
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->growth_fract);
		cread_8  (fh, &tmpb);
		FleetPtr->crew_level = tmpb;
		cread_8  (fh, &tmpb);
		FleetPtr->max_crew = tmpb;
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->growth);
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->max_energy);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->loc.x);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->loc.y);

		cread_16 (fh, &FleetPtr->actual_strength);
		cread_16 (fh, &FleetPtr->known_strength);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->known_loc.x);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->known_loc.y);
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->growth_err_term);
		cread_8  (fh, &FleetPtr->func_index);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->dest_loc.x);
		cread_16s(fh, &FleetPtr->dest_loc.y);
		cread_16 (fh, NULL); /* alignment padding */

		UnlockFleetInfo (pQueue, hStarShip);
Beispiel #6
static void
LoadGameState (GAME_STATE *GSPtr, DECODE_REF fh)
	BYTE dummy8;
	BYTE res_scale; // JMS

	cread_8   (fh, &dummy8); /* obsolete */
	cread_16   (fh, &GSPtr->glob_flags);
	cread_8   (fh, &GSPtr->CrewCost);
	cread_8   (fh, &GSPtr->FuelCost);
	cread_a8  (fh, GSPtr->ModuleCost, NUM_MODULES);
	cread_a8  (fh, GSPtr->ElementWorth, NUM_ELEMENT_CATEGORIES);
	cread_ptr (fh); /* not loading ptr; PRIMITIVE *DisplayArray */
	cread_16  (fh, &GSPtr->CurrentActivity);
	// JMS
	if (LOBYTE (GSPtr->CurrentActivity) != IN_INTERPLANETARY)
		res_scale = RESOLUTION_FACTOR;
		res_scale = 0;
	cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* CLOCK_STATE alignment padding */
	LoadClockState (&GSPtr->GameClock, fh);

	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->autopilot.x);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->autopilot.y);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->ip_location.x);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->ip_location.y);
	/* STAMP ShipStamp */
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->ShipStamp.origin.x);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->ShipStamp.origin.y);
	cread_16  (fh, &GSPtr->ShipFacing);
	cread_8   (fh, &GSPtr->ip_planet);
	cread_8   (fh, &GSPtr->in_orbit);
	GSPtr->ShipStamp.origin.x <<= RESOLUTION_FACTOR; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->ShipStamp.origin.y <<= RESOLUTION_FACTOR; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.

	/* VELOCITY_DESC velocity */
	cread_16  (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.TravelAngle);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.vector.width);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.vector.height);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.fract.width);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.fract.height);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.error.width);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.error.height);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.incr.width);
	cread_16s (fh, &GSPtr->velocity.incr.height);
	cread_16  (fh, NULL); /* VELOCITY_DESC padding */
	GSPtr->velocity.vector.width  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.vector.height <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.fract.width	  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.fract.height  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.error.width	  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.error.height  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.incr.width	  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.
	GSPtr->velocity.incr.height	  <<= res_scale; // JMS: Let's make savegames work even between different resolution modes.

	cread_32  (fh, &GSPtr->BattleGroupRef);
	DummyLoadQueue (&GSPtr->avail_race_q, fh);
	DummyLoadQueue (&GSPtr->npc_built_ship_q, fh);
	// Not loading ip_group_q, was not there originally
	DummyLoadQueue (&GSPtr->encounter_q, fh);
	DummyLoadQueue (&GSPtr->built_ship_q, fh);

	cread_a8  (fh, GSPtr->GameState, sizeof (GSPtr->GameState));

	//assert (sizeof (GSPtr->GameState) % 4 == 3);
	cread_8  (fh, NULL); /* GAME_STATE alignment padding */