Beispiel #1
** Creates a cursor table and leave it on the top of the stack.
static int create_cursor (lua_State *L, int o, conn_data *conn, 
	const SQLHSTMT hstmt, const SQLSMALLINT numcols)
	cur_data *cur = (cur_data *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(cur_data));
	luasql_setmeta (L, LUASQL_CURSOR_ODBC);


	/* fill in structure */
	cur->closed = 0;
	cur->conn = LUA_NOREF;
	cur->numcols = numcols;
	cur->colnames = LUA_NOREF;
	cur->coltypes = LUA_NOREF;
	cur->hstmt = hstmt;
	lua_pushvalue (L, o);
	cur->conn = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

	/* make and store column information table */
	if(create_colinfo (L, cur) < 0) {
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		return fail(L, hSTMT, cur->hstmt);

	return 1;
Beispiel #2
** Pushes a column information table on top of the stack.
** If the table isn't built yet, call the creator function and stores
** a reference to it on the cursor structure.
static void _pushtable (lua_State *L, cur_data *cur, size_t off) {
	int *ref = (int *)((char *)cur + off);

	/* If colnames or coltypes do not exist, create both. */
	if (*ref == LUA_NOREF)
		create_colinfo(L, cur);
	/* Pushes the right table (colnames or coltypes) */
	lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, *ref);
Beispiel #3
** Get another row of the given cursor.
static int cur_fetch (lua_State *L) {
	cur_data *cur = getcursor (L);
	MYSQL_RES *res = cur->my_res;
	unsigned long *lengths;
	MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
	if (row == NULL) {
		lua_pushnil(L);  /* no more results */
		return 1;
	lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res);

	if (lua_istable (L, 2)) {
		const char *opts = luaL_optstring (L, 3, "n");
		if (strchr (opts, 'n') != NULL) {
			/* Copy values to numerical indices */
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < cur->numcols; i++) {
				pushvalue (L, row[i], lengths[i]);
				lua_rawseti (L, 2, i+1);
		if (strchr (opts, 'a') != NULL) {
			int i;
			/* Check if colnames exists */
			if (cur->colnames == LUA_NOREF)
		        create_colinfo(L, cur);
			lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cur->colnames);/* Push colnames*/
			/* Copy values to alphanumerical indices */
			for (i = 0; i < cur->numcols; i++) {
				lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i+1); /* push the field name */

				/* Actually push the value */
				pushvalue (L, row[i], lengths[i]);
				lua_rawset (L, 2);
			/* lua_pop(L, 1);  Pops colnames table. Not needed */
		lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
		return 1; /* return table */
	else {
		int i;
		luaL_checkstack (L, cur->numcols, LUASQL_PREFIX"too many columns");
		for (i = 0; i < cur->numcols; i++)
			pushvalue (L, row[i], lengths[i]);
		return cur->numcols; /* return #numcols values */