Beispiel #1
static void
create_compoundobject(int x, int y)
    F_compound	   *c;

    if ((c = create_compound()) == NULL)

    if (compose_compound(c) == 0) {
	free((char *) c);
	put_msg("Empty compound, ignored");
     * Make the bounding box exactly match the dimensions of the compound.
    compound_bound(c, &c->nwcorner.x, &c->nwcorner.y,
		   &c->secorner.x, &c->secorner.y);

    /* if zero width or height in the compound, adjust to next positioning 
       grid point or a few pixels if positioning grid is "ANY" */
    if (c->nwcorner.x == c->secorner.x) {
	if (cur_pointposn != P_ANY) {
	    c->secorner.x += posn_rnd[cur_gridunit][cur_pointposn];
	    c->secorner.x = ceil_coords_x(c->secorner.x,c->secorner.y);
    if (c->nwcorner.y == c->secorner.y) {
	if (cur_pointposn != P_ANY) {
	    c->secorner.y += posn_rnd[cur_gridunit][cur_pointposn];
	    c->secorner.y = ceil_coords_y(c->secorner.x,c->secorner.y);
    c->next = NULL;
    list_add_compound(&objects.compounds, c);
Beispiel #2
 * The main entry function.
 * Command line arguments have to be in order:
 * - command (cyboi)
 * - abstraction (compound|operation)
 * - location (inline|file|ftp|http)
 * - model (a compound model or primitive operation, for example: exit or model.submodel)
 * Usage:
 * cyboi compound|operation inline|file|ftp|http model.submodel
 * Example 1 (starts up and right away shuts down the system):
 * cyboi operation inline exit
 * Example 2 (calls the startup routine of some application):
 * cyboi compound file /application/logic/startup.cybol
 * The main function follows a system lifecycle to start up,
 * run and shut down the CYBOI system, in the following order:
 * 1 initialize global variables
 * 2 create statics (state/ logic knowledge container etc.)
 * 3 create startup signal and add to signal memory
 * 4 run dynamics (signal waiting loop)
 * 5 destroy startup signal
 * 6 destroy statics (state/ logic knowledge container etc.)
 * @param p0 the argument count (argc)
 * @param p1 the argument vector (argv)
 * @return the return value
int main(int p0, char** p1) {

    // Return 1 to indicate an error, by default.
    int r = 1;

    // Global variables.

    // Initialize global variables.
    // CAUTION!
    // They have to be initialized before the command line parameter check below!
    // Otherwise, the logger may not be able to log possible error messages.

    // Testing.

    // Call testing procedures.
    // Comment/ uncomment this as needed.
    // CAUTION!
    // This has to stand AFTER the initialization of the
    // global variables because these are used by the testing code.
//    test();
//    return 0;

    if (p1 != NULL_POINTER) {

        if (p0 == STARTUP_PARAMETERS_COUNT) {

            // Knowledge container.

            // The knowledge container and its count and size.
            void* k = NULL_POINTER;
            int kc = 0;
            int ks = 0;

            // Create knowledge container.
            create_compound((void*) &k, (void*) &ks);

            // Internals container.

            // The internals container and its count and size.
            void* i = NULL_POINTER;
            int ic = 0;
            int is = 0;

            // Create internals container.
//??            create_internals((void*) &i, (void*) &ic, (void*) &is);

            // Signal container.

            // The signal container and its count and size.
            void* s = NULL_POINTER;
            int sc = 0;
            int ss = 0;

            // Create signal container.
            create_signal_memory((void*) &s, (void*) &ss);

            // Startup model.

            // Initialize persistent part abstraction, location, model
            // and their counts and sizes.
            void* ppa = (void*) p1[ABSTRACTION_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX];
            int ppac = strlen(p1[ABSTRACTION_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX]);
            int ppas = ppac;
            void* ppl = (void*) p1[LOCATION_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX];
            int pplc = strlen(p1[LOCATION_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX]);
            int ppls = pplc;
            void* ppm = (void*) p1[MODEL_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX];
            int ppmc = strlen(p1[MODEL_STARTUP_PARAMETER_INDEX]);
            int ppms = ppmc;

            // Initialize transient part abstraction, model
            // and their counts and sizes.
            // CAUTION! A transient location is not stored,
            // since that is only needed temporarily
            // for model loading.
            void* tpa = NULL_POINTER;
            int tpac = 0;
            int tpas = 0;
            void* tpm = NULL_POINTER;
            int tpmc = 0;
            int tpms = 0;

            // Create transient part abstraction, model
            // and their counts and sizes.
            interpret_model((void*) &tpa, (void*) &tpac, (void*) &tpas,
                (void*) &ppa, (void*) &ppac,
                (void*) &STRING_ABSTRACTION, (void*) &STRING_ABSTRACTION_COUNT);
            interpret_located_model((void*) &tpm, (void*) &tpmc, (void*) &tpms,
                (void*) &ppa, (void*) &ppac,
                (void*) &ppl, (void*) &pplc,
                (void*) &ppm, (void*) &ppmc);

            // Startup signal.

            // Add startup signal to signal memory.
            set_signal((void*) &s, (void*) &sc, (void*) &ss,
                (void*) &tpm, (void*) &tpmc,
                (void*) &NORMAL_PRIORITY,
                (void*) &tpa, (void*) &tpac);

            // Waiting loop.

            // The system is now started up and complete so that a loop
            // can be entered, waiting for signals (events/ interrupts)
            // which are stored/ found in the signal memory.
            // The loop is left as soon as its shutdown flag is set.
            wait((void*) &s, (void*) &sc, (void*) &ss,
                (void*) &k, (void*) &kc, (void*) &ks,
                (void*) &i, (void*) &ic, (void*) &is);

            // Destruction.

            //?? Do not forget to destroy startup abstraction etc. HERE!

            // Destroy startup model.
            destroy_model((void*) &tpm, (void*) &tpmc, (void*) &tpms,
                (void*) &NULL_POINTER, (void*) &NULL_POINTER, (void*) &NULL_POINTER,
                (void*) &tpa, (void*) &tpac,
                (void*) &tpa, (void*) &tpac,
                (void*) &tpm, (void*) &tpmc,
                (void*) &NULL_POINTER, (void*) &NULL_POINTER,
                (void*) &NULL_POINTER, (void*) &NULL_POINTER,
                (void*) &NULL_POINTER, (void*) &NULL_POINTER);

            // Destroy signal container.
            destroy_signal_memory((void*) &s, (void*) &ss);

            // Destroy internals container.
//??            destroy_internals((void*) &i, (void*) &ic, (void*) &is);

            // Destroy knowledge container.
            destroy_compound((void*) &k, (void*) &ks);

            log_message((void*) &INFO_LOG_LEVEL, (void*) &EXIT_CYBOI_NORMALLY_MESSAGE, (void*) &EXIT_CYBOI_NORMALLY_MESSAGE_COUNT);

            // Return 0 to indicate proper shutdown.
            r = 0;

        } else {

            log_message((void*) &INFO_LOG_LEVEL, (void*) &USAGE_MESSAGE, (void*) &USAGE_MESSAGE_COUNT);

    } else {


    return r;