Beispiel #1
oop ByteCode::create_outer_method_prim(oop ignore,
                                       byteVectorOop bv,
                                       objVectorOop lits,
                                       stringOop file,
                                       smiOop line,
                                       stringOop source) {
  ResourceMark rm;

  if (bv->length() == 0)
    return ErrorCodes::general_prim_error("Error: empty byte code vector");

  smi errorIndex;
  IntBList* stack_deltas;
  const char* errorMsg = methodMap::check_byteCodes_and_literals( errorIndex, 
                                                                  bv, lits );
  if (errorMsg) {
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    (void) sprintf(buf, "Error: bad byte code at: %d <%s>", 
                   errorIndex, errorMsg);
    return ErrorCodes::general_prim_error(buf);
  // clone bv & lits for cheap insurance
  // also must clone literals because create_outerMethod will set
  //   the methodPointer in it
  ByteCode b(false, new_string(bv->bytes(), bv->length()),
             lits->clone(), file, line, source);
  oop m = create_outerMethod(0, &b, "", stack_deltas);
  return m->as_mirror();
Beispiel #2
oop evalExpressions(Scanner* scanner) {
  // evaluate expressions until scanner is at EOF or an error occurs
  oop res = NULL;
  fint line, len;
  const char* source;
  while (!res->is_mark() && !scanner->is_done()) {
    // This resource mark must be inside the loop otherwise long files can 
    // cause the resource area to become huge -miw, 12/5/94
    ResourceMark rm;
    Parser parser(scanner, false);
    scanner->commentList = new TokenList(100);
    Expr* e = parser.readExpr(line, source, len);
    if (e &&
        (AddFileAnnotationsToSlots ||
         (ConvertCommentsIntoAnnotations && 
          scanner->commentList->length() > 0))
      ) {
    if (e) {
      preservedObj x(e);                // for GenByteCodes
      if (ScavengeInPrimitives && Memory->needs_scavenge()) {
      ByteCode b(true);
      slotsOop evalMethod;
      if (! e->GenByteCodes(&b, 0) 
      ||  NLRSupport::have_NLR_through_C() )
        res = badOop;
      else if ( !b.Finish(scanner->fileName(), line, source, len)) {
        res = badOop;
        evalMethod = create_outerMethod(EMPTY, &b);
      if (!res->is_mark()) {
        res = currentProcess->runDoItMethod(Memory->lobbyObj, evalMethod);
        if (NLRSupport::have_NLR_through_C()) break;             // let NLR go through
    } else if (!parser.noParseError()) {
      res = badOop;
    } else {
      // empty line
    // Tokens are allocated in the resource area, which is about to be freed.
    // Reset the list so that we don't attempt to use any next time.
  if (currentProcess->hadStackOverflow()) {
    res = ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(STACKOVERFLOWERROR);
  return res;