int main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct timespec T;
  unsigned N = 42;
  unsigned histogram[NUM_HIST_BOXES] = {0};
  star_array_t stars = star_array_initialize(N);
  star_array_t sorted_stars = star_array_initialize(N);
  sym_matrix_t matrix = sym_matrix_intitialize(N);
    report(FAIL, "Failed to allocate matrix: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
    return -1;
  float_t *tally =  malloc(sizeof(float_t)*triag_nr(N-2));
    report(FAIL, "Failed to allocate tally: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
    return -1;
  create_random_array(stars, N);
  report(INFO, "starting sort");
  optim_sort(stars, sorted_stars, N);
  report(INFO, "sorted");
  print_stars(sorted_stars, N);
  fill_matrix(sorted_stars, matrix, N);
  //print_matrix(matrix, N);
  create_tally_matrix(matrix, tally, N);
  //print_tally_matrix(tally, N-2);
  hist_param_t histparams = generate_histogram(tally, histogram, N-2, NUM_HIST_BOXES);
  display_histogram(histogram, histparams);
void demo(int size) {
    printf("Shuffling arrays of size %d \n",size);
    printf("Time reported in number of cycles per array element.\n");
    printf("Tests assume that array is in cache as much as possible.\n");
    int repeat = 500;
    uint32_t * testvalues = create_random_array(size);
    uint32_t * pristinecopy = malloc(size * sizeof(uint32_t));
    memcpy(pristinecopy,testvalues,sizeof(uint32_t) * size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

    BEST_TIME(shuffle_pcg(testvalues,size), array_cache_prefetch(testvalues,size), repeat, size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

    BEST_TIME(shuffle_pcg_go(testvalues,size), array_cache_prefetch(testvalues,size), repeat, size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

    BEST_TIME(shuffle_pcg_java(testvalues,size), array_cache_prefetch(testvalues,size), repeat, size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

    BEST_TIME(shuffle_pcg_divisionless(testvalues,size), array_cache_prefetch(testvalues,size), repeat, size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

    BEST_TIME(shuffle_pcg_divisionless_with_slight_bias(testvalues,size), array_cache_prefetch(testvalues,size), repeat, size);
    if(sortAndCompare(testvalues, pristinecopy, size)!=0) return;

Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) 
    std::vector<int> array = create_random_array();
    std::cout << "  Before sorting: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  After sorting: " << std::endl;
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char** argv){

    // Creates an array with random values
    int* array = create_random_array(10, 10);

    // Prints the values of the array, e.g:
    // 3 6 7 5 3 5 6 2 9 1
    print_array(array, 10);

    // Sorts the array
    sort(array, 10);

    // Prints the sorted array, e.g:
    // 1 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 7 9
    print_array(array, 10);

    // Create another random array
    int* new_array = create_random_array(10,10);

    // Print the second array
    print_array(new_array, 10);

    // Create a tree with the values in the new array
    Node* root = create_tree(new_array, 10);

    // Print the tree
    print_tree(root, 0);

    // Search for the values 3 and 11 in the tree
    // and print the results
    int found_3 = search(root, 3);
    int found_11 = search(root, 11);
    printf("%d, %d\n", found_3, found_11);

    // Integrate x^2 and x^3 from 0 to 1.
    // Should be approx 1/3 and 1/4.
    printf("%f\n", integrate(&x_squared, 0, 1, 0.001));
    printf("%f\n", integrate(&x_cubed, 0, 1, 0.001));
Beispiel #5
int main()
    array t = create_random_array(size);
    visit_array(t, size, print);
    qsort_sort(t, size, cmp);
    visit_array(t, size, print);

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
int main()

    long array[LENGTH];  
    create_random_array(array, LENGTH); 

    quicksort(array, 0, LENGTH);

    print_array(array, LENGTH);

    return 0;
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int N, i;
   clock_t start, end;
   if(argc < 2)
      printf("usage: ./a.out N\n");
      return 0;
   N = atoi(argv[1]);
   star_t *stars;
   stars = (star_t *) malloc(N*sizeof(star_t));
   printf("creating random stars: \t");
   start = clock();
   create_random_array(stars, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
 //  print_stars(stars, N);
   printf("sorting stars:    \t");
   start = clock();

   sort(stars, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
//      print_stars(stars, N);
   printf("allocating matrix: \t");
   start = clock();
   float_t **matrix;
   float_t *matrix_aux;

   matrix_aux=calloc(N*N, sizeof(float_t));

   for(int i=0; i<N; i++)                                                                                                                        

   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
   printf("filling matrix: \t");
   start = clock();

   fill_matrix(stars, matrix, N);
   //   print_matrix(matrix,N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);

   printf("generating histogram: \t");
   start = clock();
   int *histogram = (int *)calloc(NUM_HIST_BOXES,sizeof(int));
   hist_param_t *histparams;
   histparams = malloc(sizeof(hist_param_t));
   generate_histogram(matrix, histogram, N, NUM_HIST_BOXES, histparams);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);

   display_histogram(histogram, *histparams); 
Beispiel #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int N, i, j;
   clock_t start, end;
   if(argc < 2)
      printf("usage: ./a.out N\n");
      return 0;
    N = 1000;//atoi(argv[1]);
    printf("MAX INT: %d\n", INT_MAX);
   star_t *stars;
   stars = (star_t *) malloc(N*sizeof(star_t));
   printf("creating random stars: \t");
   start = clock();
   create_random_array(stars, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
 //  print_stars(stars, N);
   printf("sorting stars:    \t");
   start = clock();

   sort(stars, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
//      print_stars(stars, N);
   printf("allocating matrix: \t");
   start = clock();
   //float_t **matrix;
    matrix* m;
    m = matrix_create(N, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
   printf("filling matrix: \t");
   start = clock();
   fill_matrix(stars, m, N);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);
   printf("generating histogram: \t");
   start = clock();
   int *histogram = (int *)calloc(NUM_HIST_BOXES,sizeof(int));
   hist_param_t histparams = generate_histogram(m, histogram, N, NUM_HIST_BOXES);
   end = clock();
   printtime(start, end);

   display_histogram(histogram, histparams);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        printf("%s: %f\n",stars[i].designation,stars[i].distanceFromOrigin);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
            printf("%.2f ",matrix_get(*m, i, j));