Beispiel #1
static int
test_updating (void)
  char * path;
  tr_session * session;

  /* init the session */
  session = libttest_session_init (NULL);
  path = tr_buildPath (tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session), "blocklists", "level1", NULL);

  /* no blocklist to start with... */
  check_int_eq (0, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents2);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (5, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* ensure that new files, if bad, get skipped */
  create_text_file (path,  "# nothing useful\n");
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* cleanup */
  libttest_session_close (session);
  tr_free (path);
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
static int
test_parsing (void)
  char * path;
  tr_session * session;

  /* init the session */
  session = libttest_session_init (NULL);
  check (!tr_blocklistExists (session));
  check_int_eq (0, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* init the blocklist */
  path = tr_buildPath (tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session), "blocklists", "level1", NULL);
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_free (path);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check (tr_blocklistExists (session));
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* enable the blocklist */
  check (!tr_blocklistIsEnabled (session));
  tr_blocklistSetEnabled (session, true);
  check (tr_blocklistIsEnabled (session));

  /* test blocked addresses */
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));

  /* cleanup */
  libttest_session_close (session);
  return 0;
Beispiel #3
      FILE *in, *out;
      char line[80], *tmp, *ptr;

      **  Open the original file for reading and a temporary file for writing

      in  = cant("test.txt", "r");
      tmp = tmpnam(NULL);
      out = cant(tmp, "w");

      **  Read the first line and copy it

      fgets(line, 80, in);
      fputs(line, out);

      **  Discard the second line

      fgets(line, 80, in);

      **  Add a new line

      fputs("(Isn't it?)\n", out);

      **  Read the 3rd line, modify it, then write it out

      fgets(line, 80, in);
      ptr = strrchr(line, 'm');
      strcpy(ptr, "edit...\n");
      fputs(line, out);

      **  Read the last line and copy it

      fgets(line, 80, in);
      fputs(line, out);

      **  Close the files, delete the old, rename the temp

      rename(tmp, "test.txt");

      **  Now let's see the results

      show_text_file("The file as modified is");
      return 0;