Beispiel #1
void crg_settxt ( VG_DBStruct *el, int joffset, int elnum, int *iret )
 * crg_settxt                                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function sets the range for a text element and a special text	*
 * element.								*
 *                                                                      *
 * crg_settxt ( el, joffset, elnum, iret ) 				*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*el		VG_DBStruct	Element containing text		*
 * 	joffset		int		File position of the element	*
 *	elnum		int		Element number			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Wehner/EAi         8/97   Created					*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 9/97	Changes for new vgstruct header file	*
 * E. Safford/GSC	10/97	Fixed range problem on non-centered txt *
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/97	Modified for new ialign values		*
 * F.J.Yen/NCEP          1/98	Combined crg_txtrng and crg_sptrng.	*
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/98	Rewrote to make the range area smaller	*
 * S. Law/GSC		07/98	Moved most of this to crg_gettxtbox	*
    float	llx, lly, urx, ury;
    float	sx[4], sy[4];

    crg_gettxtbox (el, 1, sx, sy);

    llx = sx[0];
    lly = sy[0];
    urx = sx[2];
    ury = sy[2];

     * Store the device coordinates in the range array.
    crg_save(elnum, joffset, llx, lly, urx, ury, iret);

Beispiel #2
void crg_setwnd ( VG_DBStruct *el, int joffset, int elnum, int *iret )
 * crg_setwnd                                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function sets the range for a wind element.			*
 *                                                                      *
 * crg_setwnd ( el, joffset, elnum, iret ) 				*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*el		VG_DBStruct	Element containing wind		*
 * 	joffset		int		File position of the element	*
 *	elnum		int		Element number			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Wehner/EAi         8/97   Created					*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 9/97	Changes for new vgstruct header file	*
 * F.J.Yen/NCEP		 1/98	Rewrote crg_wndrng.  Cleaned up.	*
 * F.J.Yen/NCEP		 4/98	Increased range.			*
 * F.J.Yen/NCEP		 4/98	Added DARR_ELM and HASH_ELM.		*
 * F.J.Yen/NCEP		 4/98	Used base speed of 10 for DARR_ELM.	*
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/99	Cleaned up range sizes			*
 * A. Hardy/GSC         11/00   renamed coordinate system declarations	*
 * J. Wu/GSC            03/01   Standardized extra space EXTRA/EXTRA_SM	*
    float	rx[1], ry[1];
    float	srx[1], sry[1];
    float	llx, lly, urx, ury;
    float	mysize;
    int 	ier, np;
    float	szmk, sztx, szwb, szws, szab, szah;
    float	sizwba, adjhsiz, speed;


    *iret = 0;

     *  Convert point in element to device...

    np = 1;
    rx[0] = el->[0];
    ry[0] = el->[np];

    gtrans(sys_M, sys_D, &np, rx, ry, srx, sry, &ier, 
	   strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D));

     *  Get wind barb and wind arrow sizes...

    gqsizd ( &szmk, &sztx, &szwb, &szws, &szab, &szah, &ier );

     *  calculate the size (mysize) of this barb in device coords x and y.
    if (el->hdr.vg_type == BARB_ELM) {
        mysize = (el-> * szwb) + (float)EXTRA;
    else if (el->hdr.vg_type == ARROW_ELM || el->hdr.vg_type == DARR_ELM) {
	if (el->hdr.vg_type == DARR_ELM) {
	    speed = DARR_BASE_SPD;
	else if (el->[0] < 1.0F) {
	    speed = 1.0F;
	else {
	    speed = el->[0];

	sizwba = (speed * el-> * szab);
	adjhsiz = el-> * szah * 0.85F;

	mysize = sizwba + adjhsiz + (float)EXTRA;
    else {
        mysize = el-> * szwb + (float)EXTRA;

     * set range points based on the dimension of the element 

    lly = sry[0] - mysize;
    llx = srx[0] - mysize;
    urx = srx[0] + mysize;
    ury = sry[0] + mysize;

     *  Store the device coordinates in the range array.
    crg_save(elnum, joffset, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
Beispiel #3
void crg_setsigmet ( VG_DBStruct *el, int joffset, int elnum, int *iret )
 * crg_setsigmet                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function sets the range for a sigmet element.			*
 *                                                                      *
 * crg_setsigmet ( el, joffset, elnum, iret ) 				*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*el		VG_DBStruct	Element containing circle	*
 * 	joffset		int		File position of the element	*
 *	elnum		int		Element number			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          07/02   initial coding                          *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          07/02   modified for very large iso. SIGMET     *
    float	llx, lly, urx, ury, ccx, ccy, dist, ang1, ang2;
    float       new_llx, new_lly, new_urx, new_ury, new_ccx, new_ccy;
    float	lat[MAX_SIGMET*2+3], lon[MAX_SIGMET*2+3];
    float	s1lat[2], s1lon[2], s2lat[2], s2lon[2];
    float	x1[2], y1[2], x2[2], y2[2];
    float	xint, yint, new_dist;
    float	dirs[]= { 0.0F, 180.0F, 90.0F, 270.0F };
    int 	ii, kk, ier, np, npx, vg_subtype, two, intrsct;
    SigmetType  *psig;

    *iret = 0;

    psig       = &(el->elem.sig);
    vg_subtype = psig->info.subtype;
    np         = psig->info.npts;
    dist       = psig->info.distance * NM2M;

     *  get bounds
    crg_gbnd (sys_M, sys_D, np, &(psig->latlon[0]),
              &(psig->latlon[np]), &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury,
              &ccx, &ccy);

     * For line or isolated SIGMET, range should be expanded
     * because of the distance.
    if ( vg_subtype == SIGTYP_ISOL && !G_DIFFT(dist, 0.0F, GDIFFD) ) {

        npx = 4;
        for ( ii = 0; ii < npx; ii++ ) {
            clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[0]), &(psig->latlon[np]),
                        &dist, &(dirs[ii]), &(lat[ii]), &(lon[ii]), &ier );

        crg_gbnd (sys_M, sys_D, npx, &(lat[0]), &(lon[0]),
                  &new_llx, &new_lly, &new_urx, &new_ury,
                  &new_ccx, &new_ccy );

         * Calculate the distance between (new_ccx, new_ccy) and
         * (new_llx, new_lly).
        new_dist = (float)sqrt( (double)((new_ccx - new_llx) * (new_ccx - new_llx)
                                         + (new_ccy - new_lly) * (new_ccy - new_lly) ) );

         * modify the range according to new_dist.
        llx = new_ccx - new_dist;
        urx = new_ccx + new_dist;
        ury = new_ccy + new_dist;
        lly = new_ccy - new_dist;

    else if ( vg_subtype == SIGTYP_LINE && !G_DIFFT(dist, 0.0F, GDIFFD) ) {

        switch ( psig->info.sol )  {

        case    SIGLINE_NOF:
        case    SIGLINE_SOF:
        case    SIGLINE_EOF:
        case    SIGLINE_WOF:

            npx = 0;
            for ( ii = 0; ii < np; ii++ )  {
                clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[ii+np]),
                            &dist, &(dirs[psig->info.sol-1]),
                            &(lat[npx]), &(lon[npx]), &ier );
            crg_gbnd (sys_M, sys_D, npx, &(lat[0]), &(lon[0]),
                      &new_llx, &new_lly, &new_urx, &new_ury,
                      &new_ccx, &new_ccy );


        case    SIGLINE_ESOL:

            lat[0] = psig->latlon[0];
            lon[0] = psig->latlon[np];

            clo_direct ( &(psig->latlon[1]), &(psig->latlon[np+1]),
                         &(psig->latlon[0]), &(psig->latlon[np  ]),
                         &ang1, &ier );

            ang1 -= 90.0F;
            clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[0]), &(psig->latlon[np]), &dist,
                        &ang1, &(lat[2*np+1]), &(lon[2*np+1]), &ier );
            ang1 = ang1 - 180.0F;
            clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[0]), &(psig->latlon[np]), &dist,
                        &ang1, &(lat[1]), &(lon[1]), &ier );

            ang2 = ang1;

            two = 2;
            for ( ii = 1; ii < np-1; ii++ )  {

                clo_direct ( &(psig->latlon[ii-1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii-1]),
                             &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                             &ang1, &ier );
                ang1 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang1+270.0), 360.0);
                clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                            &dist, &ang1, &(s1lat[1]), &(s1lon[1]), &ier );
                clo_direct ( &(psig->latlon[ii+1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii+1]),
                             &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                             &ang2, &ier );
                ang2 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang2+90.0), 360.0);
                clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                            &dist, &ang2, &(s2lat[0]), &(s2lon[0]), &ier );

                if ( G_ABS(ang1-ang2) > 1.F )  {

                    clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii-1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii-1]),
                                &dist, &ang1, &(s1lat[0]), &(s1lon[0]), &ier );
                    clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii+1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii+1]),
                                &dist, &ang2, &(s2lat[1]), &(s2lon[1]), &ier );

                    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_N, &two, s1lat, s1lon, x1, y1,
                             &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_N) );
                    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_N, &two, s2lat, s2lon, x2, y2,
                             &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_N) );
                    cgr_segint( sys_N, x1, y1, sys_N, x2, y2,
                                sys_M, &xint, &yint, &intrsct, &ier );

                else  {

                    xint = (s1lat[1] + s2lat[0]) / 2.0F;
                    yint = (s1lon[1] + s2lon[0]) / 2.0F;


                kk = ii + 1;
                lat[kk] = xint;
                lon[kk] = yint;

                ang1 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang1+180.0), 360.0 );
                ang2 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang2+180.0), 360.0 );

                clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                            &dist, &ang1, &(s1lat[1]), &(s1lon[1]), &ier );
                clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii]),
                            &dist, &ang2, &(s2lat[0]), &(s2lon[0]), &ier );

                if ( G_ABS(ang1-ang2) > 1.F )  {

                    clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii-1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii-1]),
                                &dist, &ang1, &(s1lat[0]), &(s1lon[0]), &ier );
                    clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[ii+1]), &(psig->latlon[np+ii+1]),
                                &dist, &ang2, &(s2lat[1]), &(s2lon[1]), &ier );

                    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_N, &two, s1lat, s1lon, x1, y1,
                             &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_N) );
                    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_N, &two, s2lat, s2lon, x2, y2,
                             &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_N) );
                    cgr_segint( sys_N, x1, y1, sys_N, x2, y2,
                                sys_M, &xint, &yint, &intrsct, &ier );

                else  {

                    xint = (s1lat[1] + s2lat[0]) / 2.0F;
                    yint = (s1lon[1] + s2lon[0]) / 2.0F;


                kk = 2*np - ii + 1;
                lat[kk] = xint;
                lon[kk] = yint;

                ang1 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang1+180.0), 360.0 );
                ang2 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang2+180.0), 360.0 );

                ang1 = ang2;

            } /* the end of for (... */

            clo_direct ( &(psig->latlon[np-2]), &(psig->latlon[2*np-2]),
                         &(psig->latlon[np-1]), &(psig->latlon[2*np-1]),
                         &ang2, &ier );

            ang2 -= 90.0F;
            clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[np-1]), &(psig->latlon[2*np-1]),
                        &dist, &ang2, &(lat[np]), &(lon[np]), &ier );

            ang2 = (float)fmod ( ((double)ang2+180.0), 360.0);
            clo_dltln ( &(psig->latlon[np-1]), &(psig->latlon[2*np-1]),
                        &dist, &ang2, &(lat[np+2]), &(lon[np+2]), &ier );

            lat[np+1] = psig->latlon[np-1];
            lon[np+1] = psig->latlon[2*np-1];

            lat[2*np+2] = lat[0];
            lon[2*np+2] = lon[0];

            npx = 2*np + 3;
            crg_gbnd (sys_M, sys_D, npx, &(lat[0]), &(lon[0]),
                      &new_llx, &new_lly, &new_urx, &new_ury,
                      &new_ccx, &new_ccy );


        } /* the end of switch ... */

         * compare two set of ranges and get the union of them.
        llx = ( llx <= new_llx ) ? llx : new_llx;
        urx = ( urx >= new_urx ) ? urx : new_urx;
        ury = ( ury >= new_ury ) ? ury : new_ury;
        lly = ( lly <= new_lly ) ? lly : new_lly;

    } /* the end of else if ... */

    llx -= (float)EXTRA_SM;
    urx += (float)EXTRA_SM;
    ury += (float)EXTRA_SM;
    lly -= (float)EXTRA_SM;

     *  Store the device coordinates in the range array.
    crg_save(elnum, joffset, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
