Beispiel #1
    unsigned char ed25519_pk[crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
    unsigned char ed25519_skpk[crypto_sign_ed25519_SECRETKEYBYTES];
    unsigned char curve25519_pk[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_BYTES];
    unsigned char curve25519_pk2[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_BYTES];
    unsigned char curve25519_sk[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_BYTES];
    char          curve25519_pk_hex[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_BYTES * 2 + 1];
    char          curve25519_sk_hex[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_BYTES * 2 + 1];
    unsigned int  i;

    assert(crypto_sign_ed25519_SEEDBYTES <= crypto_hash_sha512_BYTES);
    crypto_sign_ed25519_seed_keypair(ed25519_pk, ed25519_skpk, keypair_seed);

    if (crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve25519_pk, ed25519_pk) != 0) {
        printf("conversion failed\n");
    crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(curve25519_sk, ed25519_skpk);
    sodium_bin2hex(curve25519_pk_hex, sizeof curve25519_pk_hex, curve25519_pk,
                   sizeof curve25519_pk);
    sodium_bin2hex(curve25519_sk_hex, sizeof curve25519_sk_hex, curve25519_sk,
                   sizeof curve25519_sk);

    printf("curve25519 pk: [%s]\n", curve25519_pk_hex);
    printf("curve25519 sk: [%s]\n", curve25519_sk_hex);

    for (i = 0U; i < 500U; i++) {
        crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(ed25519_pk, ed25519_skpk);
        if (crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve25519_pk, ed25519_pk) !=
            0) {
            printf("conversion failed\n");
        crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(curve25519_sk, ed25519_skpk);
        crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(curve25519_pk2, curve25519_sk);
        if (memcmp(curve25519_pk, curve25519_pk2, sizeof curve25519_pk) != 0) {
            printf("conversion failed\n");

    sodium_hex2bin(ed25519_pk, crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES,
                   64, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    assert(crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve25519_pk, ed25519_pk) == -1);
    sodium_hex2bin(ed25519_pk, crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES,
                   64, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    assert(crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve25519_pk, ed25519_pk) == -1);
    sodium_hex2bin(ed25519_pk, crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES,
                   64, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    assert(crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve25519_pk, ed25519_pk) == -1);


    return 0;
Beispiel #2
static size_t
lws_gen_server_key_ed25519(struct lws_context *context, uint8_t *buf256,
			   size_t max_len)
	uint8_t *p = buf256 + sizeof(key_leadin) - 1;

	if (max_len < sizeof(key_leadin) - 1 + 32 + sizeof(key_sep) - 1 + 32 +
		      sizeof(key_privl) - 1 + 64 + sizeof(key_trail) - 1)
		return 0;

	memcpy(buf256, key_leadin, sizeof(key_leadin) - 1);
	crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(context, p, p + 32 + sizeof(key_sep) - 1 +
				    32 + sizeof(key_privl) - 1);
	memcpy(p + 32 + sizeof(key_sep) - 1, p, 32);
	p += 32;
	memcpy(p, key_sep, sizeof(key_sep) - 1);
	p += sizeof(key_sep) - 1 + 32;
	memcpy(p, key_privl, sizeof(key_privl) - 1);
	p += sizeof(key_privl) - 1 + 64;
	memcpy(p, key_trail, sizeof(key_trail) - 1);
	p += sizeof(key_trail) - 1;

	lwsl_notice("%s: Generated key len %ld\n", __func__, (long)(p - buf256));

	return p - buf256;
Beispiel #3
int pki_key_generate_ed25519(ssh_key key)
    int rc;

    key->ed25519_privkey = malloc(sizeof (ed25519_privkey));
    if (key->ed25519_privkey == NULL) {
        goto error;

    key->ed25519_pubkey = malloc(sizeof (ed25519_pubkey));
    if (key->ed25519_pubkey == NULL) {
        goto error;

    rc = crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(*key->ed25519_pubkey,
    if (rc != 0) {
        goto error;

    return SSH_OK;

    return SSH_ERROR;
int generate_key(char *secret_key_name, char *public_key_name) {
    int error = 0;
    int written;
    unsigned char public_key[crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
    unsigned char secret_key[crypto_sign_ed25519_SECRETKEYBYTES];
    FILE *public_key_file = NULL;
    FILE *secret_key_file = NULL;

    error = crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(public_key, secret_key);
    if (error != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not generate key pair\n");
        error = -1;
        goto out;

    public_key_file = fopen(public_key_name, "w");
    if (public_key_file == NULL) {
        perror("public key file");
        error = -1;
        goto out;

    secret_key_file = fopen(secret_key_name, "w");
    if (public_key_file == NULL) {
        perror("secret key file");
        error = -1;
        goto out;

    written = fwrite(public_key, sizeof(public_key), 1, public_key_file);
    if (written != 1 || ferror(public_key_file) != 0) {
        perror("writing to public key file");
        error = -1;
        goto out;

    written = fwrite(secret_key, sizeof(secret_key), 1, secret_key_file);
    if (written != 1 || ferror(secret_key_file) != 0) {
        perror("writing to secret key file");
        error = -1;
        goto out;

    printf("Public key:\n");
    print_bytes(public_key, sizeof(public_key));
    printf("Secret key:\n");
    print_bytes(secret_key, sizeof(secret_key));

    return error;
Beispiel #5
 * generate two key pairs, one for signing and one for encryption.
static void
generate(const char *pubkeyfile, const char *seckeyfile, int rounds,
    const char *ident)
	struct pubkey pubkey;
	struct seckey seckey;
	uint8_t symkey[SYMKEYBYTES];
	uint8_t fingerprint[FPLEN];
	kdf_allowstdin allowstdin = { 1 };
	kdf_confirm confirm = { 1 };

	if (!seckeyfile)
		seckeyfile = gethomefile("seckey");

	memset(&pubkey, 0, sizeof(pubkey));
	memset(&seckey, 0, sizeof(seckey));

	crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(pubkey.sigkey, seckey.sigkey);
	crypto_box_keypair(pubkey.enckey, seckey.enckey);
	randombytes(fingerprint, sizeof(fingerprint));

	memcpy(seckey.fingerprint, fingerprint, FPLEN);
	memcpy(seckey.sigalg, SIGALG, 2);
	memcpy(seckey.encalg, ENCALG, 2);
	memcpy(seckey.symalg, SYMALG, 2);
	memcpy(seckey.kdfalg, KDFALG, 2);
	seckey.kdfrounds = htonl(rounds);
	randombytes(seckey.salt, sizeof(seckey.salt));

	kdf(seckey.salt, sizeof(seckey.salt), rounds, allowstdin, confirm,
	    symkey, sizeof(symkey));
	symencryptmsg(seckey.sigkey, sizeof(seckey.sigkey) + sizeof(seckey.enckey),, symkey);
	explicit_bzero(symkey, sizeof(symkey));

	writekeyfile(seckeyfile, "SECRET KEY", &seckey, sizeof(seckey),
	    ident, O_EXCL, 0600);
	explicit_bzero(&seckey, sizeof(seckey));

	memcpy(pubkey.fingerprint, fingerprint, FPLEN);
	memcpy(pubkey.sigalg, SIGALG, 2);
	memcpy(pubkey.encalg, ENCALG, 2);

	if (!pubkeyfile)
		pubkeyfile = gethomefile("pubkey");
	writekeyfile(pubkeyfile, "PUBLIC KEY", &pubkey, sizeof(pubkey),
	    ident, O_EXCL, 0666);
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
    unsigned char sk[crypto_sign_ed25519_SECRETKEYBYTES];

    if (argc == 2 && argv[1][0] == 'g') {
        crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(pk, sk);
        printf("Public key:\n");
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < crypto_sign_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES; i++) {
            printf("%02hhX", pk[i]);

        printf("\nSecret key:\n");

        for (i = 0; i < crypto_sign_ed25519_SECRETKEYBYTES; i++) {
            printf("%02hhX", sk[i]);


    if (argc == 5 && argv[1][0] == 's') {
        unsigned char *secret_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[2]);
        char *data;
        int size = load_file(argv[3], &data);

        if (size < 0)
            goto fail;

        unsigned long long smlen;
        char *sm = malloc(size + crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES * 2);
        crypto_sign_ed25519(sm, &smlen, data, size, secret_key);

        if (smlen - size != crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES)
            goto fail;

        FILE *f = fopen(argv[4], "wb");

        if (f == NULL)
            goto fail;

        memcpy(sm + smlen, sm, crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES); // Move signature from beginning to end of file.

        if (fwrite(sm + (smlen - size), 1, smlen, f) != smlen)
            goto fail;

        printf("Signed successfully.\n");

    if (argc == 4 && argv[1][0] == 'c') {
        unsigned char *public_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[2]);
        char *data;
        int size = load_file(argv[3], &data);

        if (size < 0)
            goto fail;

        char *signe = malloc(size + crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES);
        memcpy(signe, data + size - crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES,
               crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES); // Move signature from end to beginning of file.
        memcpy(signe + crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES, data, size - crypto_sign_ed25519_BYTES);
        unsigned long long smlen;
        char *m = malloc(size);
        unsigned long long mlen;

        if (crypto_sign_ed25519_open(m, &mlen, signe, size, public_key) == -1) {
            printf("Failed checking sig.\n");
            goto fail;

        printf("Checked successfully.\n");

    return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #7
crypto_sign_ed25519_ref_keypair(unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk)
    return crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(pk, sk);
Beispiel #8
int cpn_sign_keys_generate(struct cpn_sign_keys *out)
    return crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(out->, out->;
Beispiel #9
crypto_sign_keypair(unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk)
    return crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(pk, sk);
Beispiel #10
Ensure that server has everything it needs to begin operation.
@return -1 on failure, a socket file descriptor on success.
int server_init(struct init_params * passback_params)
  static uint32_t system_init = 0;
  static uint32_t server_socket = 0;
  static struct sockaddr_in server_address;

  if (system_init != 1)
    //Init log with the binary name
    print_to_log("cmtpd started", LOG_INFO);

    //Set working variables
    char * jail_directory = "/var/cmtp";
    char * working_user = "******";
    char * config_file = "/etc/cmtpd/cmtpd.conf";
    struct config_struct working_config;
    network_crypto_version = htobe32(crypto_version);

    if (getdomainname(home_domain, sizeof(home_domain))<0)
      print_to_log("getdomainname failure.", LOG_EMERG);
    //Null domain case
    if (strlen(home_domain)==0)
      print_to_log("Domain name null", LOG_EMERG);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    //Setting home_domain to for testing purposes
    memcpy(home_domain, "", 11);
    #endif /*DEBUG*/

    //Config file
    if (parse_config(config_file, &working_config)<0)
      print_to_log("Cannot read config file. Proceeding with caution", LOG_ERR);
    //Allows caller to know max connections
    passback_params->max_available_connections = working_config.max_connections;

    int32_t public_key_descriptor = -1;
    int32_t private_key_descriptor = -1;
    //Check for Keys
    if ((access("/etc/cmtp/public.key", R_OK)<0)||(access("/etc/cmtp/private.key",R_OK)<0))
      printf("Attempting to create keys\n");
      //Key error has occured. At least one of the two keys does not exist. NUKE EVERYTHING!!! (ie. recreate keys).
      crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(server_public_key, server_private_key);
      //print_buffer (server_public_key, 32, "server public key: ", 32, 1);
      if ((public_key_descriptor=open("/etc/cmtp/public.key", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR))<0)
        print_to_log("Error opening public key. Cannot store public key", LOG_ERR);
      if (write(public_key_descriptor, &server_public_key, sizeof(server_public_key))<0)
        print_to_log("Error writing public key. Cannot store public key", LOG_ERR);
      if (close(public_key_descriptor)<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot close public key", LOG_ERR);

      if ((private_key_descriptor=open("/etc/cmtp/private.key", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR))<0)
        print_to_log("Error opening private key. Cannot store public key", LOG_ERR);
      if (write(private_key_descriptor, &server_private_key, sizeof(server_private_key))<0)
        print_to_log("Error writing private key. Cannot store public key", LOG_ERR);
      if (close(private_key_descriptor)<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot close private key", LOG_ERR);
    //Read in public and private Keys
    else if ((access("/etc/cmtp/public.key", R_OK)>=0)&&(access("/etc/cmtp/private.key",R_OK)>=0))
      if ((public_key_descriptor = open("/etc/cmtp/public.key", O_RDONLY))<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot open public key. Error, Error!", LOG_CRIT);
        return -1;
      if (read(public_key_descriptor, &server_public_key, sizeof(server_public_key))<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot read public key.", LOG_CRIT);
        return -1;
      if (close(public_key_descriptor)<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot close public key", LOG_ERR);
      if ((private_key_descriptor = open("/etc/cmtp/private.key", O_RDONLY))<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot open private key. Error, Error!", LOG_ERR);
      if (read(private_key_descriptor, &server_private_key, sizeof(server_private_key))<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot read private key.", LOG_CRIT);
        return -1;
      if (close(private_key_descriptor)<0)
        print_to_log("Cannot close private key", LOG_ERR);

    if ((create_verify_dir(jail_directory)<0))

    //Configure server socket
    server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    server_address.sin_port = htobe16(LISTEN_PORT);
  	server_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
  	server_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htobe32(INADDR_ANY);
    if (bind(server_socket,(struct sockaddr *)&server_address, sizeof(server_address)) < 0)
      print_to_log("Binding to local socket failed. Cannot continue", LOG_EMERG);
  		perror("Bind() on server_socket has failed\n");
      return -1;
  	if (listen(server_socket, 10) < 0)
      print_to_log("Listening on local socket has failed. Cannot continue", LOG_EMERG);
  		perror("Listen() on server_socket has failed\n");
      return -1;
    //Set ownership of /var/cmtp
    struct passwd * root_user_passwd;
    root_user_passwd = getpwnam("root");
    if (((chown(jail_directory, root_user_passwd->pw_uid, root_user_passwd->pw_gid))==1))
      print_to_log("chown of working directories failed. Cannot proceed.", LOG_EMERG);

    if (init_jail(jail_directory)<0)
      print_to_log("init_jail returned -1. Cannot proceed", LOG_EMERG);
    if (enter_jail(jail_directory, working_user))
      print_to_log("enter_jail returned -1. Cannot proceed", LOG_EMERG);
    system_init = 1;
  //Check config files in /etc/cmtp. Parse and load if they do.
  print_to_log("cmtp init finished.", LOG_INFO);
  return server_socket;