void CVehicleMovementHelicopter::ProcessActions(const float deltaTime)


	m_velDamp = 0.0f;


	Limit(m_forwardAction, -1.0f, 1.0f);
	Limit(m_strafeAction, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	m_actionYaw = 0.0f;

	Matrix33 tm(m_PhysPos.q);
	Ang3 angles = Ang3::GetAnglesXYZ(tm);
	Vec3 worldPos =  m_PhysPos.pos;

	// +ve pitch means nose up
	const float &currentPitch = angles.x;
	// +ve roll means to the left
	const float &currentRoll = angles.y;
	// +ve direction mean rotation anti-clockwise about the z axis - 0 means along y
	float currentDir = angles.z;

	float pitchDeg = RAD2DEG(currentPitch);

	if(m_maxPitchAngleMov != 0.0f && pitchDeg >= (m_maxPitchAngleMov * 0.5f))
		float mult = pitchDeg / (m_maxPitchAngleMov);

		if(mult > 1.0f && m_desiredPitch < 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_actionPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_desiredPitch += 0.5f * mult;
		else if(m_desiredPitch < 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= (1.0f - mult);
			m_desiredPitch += 0.05f;
	else if(m_maxPitchAngleMov != 0.0f && pitchDeg <= (-m_maxPitchAngleMov * 0.5f))
		float mult = abs(pitchDeg) / (m_maxPitchAngleMov);

		if(mult > 1.0f && m_desiredPitch > 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_actionPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_desiredPitch += 0.5f * mult;
		else if(m_desiredPitch > 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= (1.0f - mult);
			m_desiredPitch -= 0.05f;

	if(m_pInvertPitchVar->GetIVal() == 0)
		m_desiredPitch *= -1.0f;

	Vec3 currentVel = m_PhysDyn.v;
	Vec3 currentVel2D = currentVel;
	currentVel2D.z = 0.0f;

	if(currentRoll >= DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle * 0.5f) && m_desiredRoll > 0.001f)
		float r = currentRoll / DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle);
		r = min(1.0f, r * 1.0f);
		r = 1.0f - r;
		m_desiredRoll *= r;
		m_desiredRoll = min(1.0f, m_desiredRoll);
	else if(currentRoll <= DEG2RAD(-m_maxRollAngle * 0.5f) && m_desiredRoll < 0.001f)
		float r = abs(currentRoll) / DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle);
		r = min(1.0f, r * 1.0f);
		r = 1.0f - r;
		m_desiredRoll *= r;
		m_desiredRoll = max(-1.0f, m_desiredRoll);

	Vec3 currentFwdDir2D = m_currentFwdDir;
	currentFwdDir2D.z = 0.0f;

	Vec3 currentLeftDir2D(-currentFwdDir2D.y, currentFwdDir2D.x, 0.0f);

	currentVel2D.z = 0.0f;

	float currentHeight = worldPos.z;
	float currentFwdSpeed = currentVel.Dot(currentFwdDir2D);


	float inputMult = m_basicSpeedFraction;

	// desired things
	float turnDecreaseScale = m_yawDecreaseWithSpeed / (m_yawDecreaseWithSpeed + fabs(currentFwdSpeed));

	Vec3 desired_vel2D =
		currentFwdDir2D * m_forwardAction * m_maxFwdSpeed * inputMult +
		currentLeftDir2D * m_strafeAction * m_maxLeftSpeed * inputMult;

	// calculate the angle changes

	Vec3 desiredVelChange2D = desired_vel2D - currentVel2D;

	float desiredTiltAngle = m_tiltPerVelDifference * desiredVelChange2D.GetLength();
	Limit(desiredTiltAngle, -m_maxTiltAngle, m_maxTiltAngle);

	float goal = abs(m_desiredPitch) + abs(m_desiredRoll);
	goal *= 1.5f;
	Interpolate(m_playerAcceleration, goal, 0.25f, deltaTime);
	Limit(m_playerAcceleration, 0.0f, 5.0f);

		m_actionPitch -= m_desiredPitch * m_pitchInputConst;
		Limit(m_actionPitch, -m_maxYawRate, m_maxYawRate);

	m_actionRoll += m_pitchActionPerTilt * m_desiredRoll * (m_playerAcceleration + 1.0f);
	Limit(m_actionRoll, -10.0f, 10.0f);
	Limit(m_actionPitch, -10.0f, 10.0f);

	float relaxRollTolerance = 0.0f;

	if(!iszero(m_turnAction) || abs(m_PhysDyn.w.z) > DEG2RAD(10.0f))
		m_actionYaw += -m_turnAction * m_yawInputConst * GetDamageMult();

		float side = 0.0f;

		if(abs(m_turnAction) > 0.01f)
			side = min(1.0f, max(-1.0f, m_turnAction));

		float roll = DEG2RAD(m_extraRollForTurn * side) - (currentRoll);
		m_actionRoll += max(0.0f, abs(roll)) * side * m_rollForTurnForce;

		float pitchComp = abs(currentPitch) / DEG2RAD(2.50f);

		if(pitchComp > 1.0f)
			roll *= pitchComp;

		roll *= max(1.0f, abs(m_PhysDyn.w.z));

		m_actionRoll += roll;

		Limit(m_actionYaw, -m_maxYawRate, m_maxYawRate);

	m_desiredDir = currentDir;
	m_lastDir = currentDir;

	float boost = Boosting() ? m_boostMult : 1.0f;

		float altitudeLimit = m_pAltitudeLimitVar->GetFVal();

			float altitudeLowerOffset;

				float r = 1.0f - min(1.0f, max(0.0f, m_pAltitudeLimitLowerOffsetVar->GetFVal()));
				altitudeLowerOffset = r * altitudeLimit;
				altitudeLowerOffset = altitudeLimit;

			float mult = 1.0f;

			if(currentHeight >= altitudeLimit)
				if(m_liftAction > 0.f)
					mult = 0.0f;
			else if(currentHeight >= altitudeLowerOffset)
				float zone = altitudeLimit - altitudeLowerOffset;
				mult = (altitudeLimit - currentHeight) / (zone);

			m_liftAction *= mult;

			if(currentPitch > DEG2RAD(0.0f))
				if(m_forwardAction > 0.0f)
					m_forwardAction *= mult;

				if(m_actionPitch > 0.0f)
					m_actionPitch *= mult;
					m_actionPitch += -currentPitch;

			m_desiredHeight = min(altitudeLowerOffset, currentHeight);
		m_desiredHeight = currentHeight;


		float stabilizeTime = m_pStabilizeVTOL->GetFVal();

		if(stabilizeTime > 0.0f)
			if(m_relaxTimer < 6.0f)
				m_relaxTimer += deltaTime;
				float r = currentRoll - relaxRollTolerance;
				r = min(1.0f, max(-1.0f, r));

				m_actionRoll += -r * m_relaxForce * (m_relaxTimer / 6.0f);

		CHANGED_NETWORK_STATE(m_pVehicle, eEA_GameClientDynamic);
void CVehicleMovementVTOL::ProcessActions(const float deltaTime)


	m_velDamp = 0.25f;


	Limit(m_forwardAction, -1.0f, 1.0f);
	Limit(m_strafeAction, -1.0f, 1.0f);

	m_actionYaw = 0.0f;

	Vec3 worldPos = m_pEntity->GetWorldPos();

	IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = GetPhysics();

	// get the current state

	// roll pitch + yaw

	Matrix34 worldTM = m_pRotorPart ? m_pRotorPart->GetWorldTM() : m_pEntity->GetWorldTM();
//	if (m_pRotorPart)
//		worldTM = m_pRotorPart->GetWorldTM();
//	else
//		worldTM = m_pEntity->GetWorldTM();

	Vec3 specialPos = worldTM.GetTranslation();
	Ang3 angles = Ang3::GetAnglesXYZ(Matrix33(worldTM));

	Matrix33 tm;

	// +ve pitch means nose up
	const float& currentPitch = angles.x;
	// +ve roll means to the left
	const float& currentRoll = angles.y;
	// +ve direction mean rotation anti-clockwise about the z axis - 0 means along y
	float currentDir = angles.z;

	const float maxPitchAngle = 60.0f;
	float pitchDeg = RAD2DEG(currentPitch);
	if (pitchDeg >= (maxPitchAngle * 0.75f))
		float mult = pitchDeg / (maxPitchAngle);
		if (mult > 1.0f && m_desiredPitch < 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_actionPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_desiredPitch += 0.2f * mult;
		else if (m_desiredPitch < 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= (1.0f - mult);
			m_desiredPitch += 0.05f;
	else if (pitchDeg <= (-maxPitchAngle * 0.75f))
		float mult = abs(pitchDeg) / (maxPitchAngle);

		if (mult > 1.0f && m_desiredPitch > 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_actionPitch *= 0.0f;
			m_desiredPitch += 0.2f * mult;
		else if (m_desiredPitch > 0.0f)
			m_desiredPitch *= (1.0f - mult);
			m_desiredPitch -= 0.05f;

	if (currentRoll >= DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle * 0.7f) && m_desiredRoll > 0.001f)
		float r = currentRoll / DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle);
		r = min(1.0f, r * 1.0f);
		r = 1.0f - r;
		m_desiredRoll *= r;
		m_desiredRoll = min(1.0f, m_desiredRoll);
	else if (currentRoll <= DEG2RAD(-m_maxRollAngle * 0.7f) && m_desiredRoll < 0.001f)
		float r = abs(currentRoll) / DEG2RAD(m_maxRollAngle);
		r = min(1.0f, r * 1.0f);
		r = 1.0f - r;
		m_desiredRoll *= r;
		m_desiredRoll = max(-1.0f, m_desiredRoll);

	Vec3 currentFwdDir2D = m_currentFwdDir;
	currentFwdDir2D.z = 0.0f;

	Vec3 currentLeftDir2D(-currentFwdDir2D.y, currentFwdDir2D.x, 0.0f);

	Vec3 currentVel = m_PhysDyn.v;
	Vec3 currentVel2D = currentVel;
	currentVel2D.z = 0.0f;

	float currentHeight = worldPos.z;
	float currentFwdSpeed = currentVel.Dot(currentFwdDir2D);


	float inputMult = m_basicSpeedFraction;

	// desired things
	float turnDecreaseScale = m_yawDecreaseWithSpeed / (m_yawDecreaseWithSpeed + fabs(currentFwdSpeed));

	Vec3 desired_vel2D = 
		currentFwdDir2D * m_forwardAction * m_maxFwdSpeed * inputMult + 
		currentLeftDir2D * m_strafeAction * m_maxLeftSpeed * inputMult;

	// calculate the angle changes

	Vec3 desiredVelChange2D = desired_vel2D - currentVel2D;

	float desiredTiltAngle = m_tiltPerVelDifference * desiredVelChange2D.GetLength();
	Limit(desiredTiltAngle, -m_maxTiltAngle, m_maxTiltAngle);

	float goal = abs(m_desiredPitch) + abs(m_desiredRoll);
	goal *= 1.5f;
	Interpolate(m_playerAcceleration, goal, 0.25f, deltaTime);
	Limit(m_playerAcceleration, 0.0f, 5.0f);

	//static float g_angleLift = 4.0f;

	if (abs(m_liftAction) > 0.001f && abs(m_forwardAction) < 0.001)
//		float pitch = RAD2DEG(currentPitch);

		if (m_liftPitchAngle < 0.0f && m_liftAction > 0.0f)
			m_liftPitchAngle = 0.0f;
		else if (m_liftPitchAngle > 0.0f && m_liftAction < 0.0f)
			m_liftPitchAngle = 0.0f;

		Interpolate(m_liftPitchAngle, 1.25f * m_liftAction, 0.75f, deltaTime);

		if (m_liftPitchAngle < 1.0f && m_liftPitchAngle > -1.0f)
			m_desiredPitch += 0.05f * m_liftAction;
	else if (m_liftAction < 0.001f && abs(m_liftPitchAngle) > 0.001)
		Interpolate(m_liftPitchAngle, 0.0f, 1.0f, deltaTime);
		m_desiredPitch += 0.05f * -m_liftPitchAngle;

	/* todo
	else if (m_liftAction < -0.001f)
		m_desiredPitch += min(0.0f, (DEG2RAD(-5.0f) - currentPitch)) * 0.5f * m_liftAction;

	if (!iszero(m_desiredPitch))
		m_actionPitch -= m_desiredPitch * m_pitchInputConst;
		Limit(m_actionPitch, -m_maxYawRate, m_maxYawRate);

	float rollAccel = 1.0f;
	if (abs(currentRoll + m_desiredRoll) < abs(currentRoll))
		rollAccel *= 1.25f;

	m_actionRoll += m_pitchActionPerTilt * m_desiredRoll * rollAccel * (m_playerAcceleration + 1.0f);
	Limit(m_actionRoll, -10.0f, 10.0f);
	Limit(m_actionPitch, -10.0f, 10.0f);

	// roll as we turn
	if (!m_strafeAction)
		m_actionYaw += m_yawPerRoll * currentRoll;

	if (abs(m_strafeAction) > 0.001f)
		float side = 0.0f;
		side = min(1.0f, max(-1.0f, m_strafeAction));

		float roll = DEG2RAD(m_extraRollForTurn * 0.25f * side) - (currentRoll);
		m_actionRoll += max(0.0f, abs(roll)) * side * 1.0f;

	float relaxRollTolerance = 0.0f;

	if (abs(m_turnAction) > 0.01f || abs(m_PhysDyn.w.z) > DEG2RAD(3.0f))
		m_actionYaw += -m_turnAction * m_yawInputConst * GetDamageMult();

		float side = 0.0f;
		if (abs(m_turnAction) > 0.01f)
			side = min(1.0f, max(-1.0f, m_turnAction));

		float roll = DEG2RAD(m_extraRollForTurn * side) - (currentRoll);
		m_actionRoll += max(0.0f, abs(roll)) * side * m_rollForTurnForce;

		roll *= max(1.0f, abs(m_PhysDyn.w.z));

		m_actionRoll += roll;

		Limit(m_actionYaw, -m_maxYawRate, m_maxYawRate);

	m_desiredDir = currentDir;
	m_lastDir = currentDir;

	float boost = Boosting() ? m_boostMult : 1.0f;
	float liftActionMax = 1.0f;

	if (m_pAltitudeLimitVar)
		float altitudeLimit = m_pAltitudeLimitVar->GetFVal();

		if (!iszero(altitudeLimit))
			float altitudeLowerOffset;

			if (m_pAltitudeLimitLowerOffsetVar)
				float r = 1.0f - min(1.0f, max(0.0f, m_pAltitudeLimitLowerOffsetVar->GetFVal()));
				altitudeLowerOffset = r * altitudeLimit;
				altitudeLowerOffset = altitudeLimit;

			float mult = 1.0f;

			if (currentHeight >= altitudeLimit)
				if (m_liftAction > 0.f)
					mult = 0.0f;
			else if (currentHeight >= altitudeLowerOffset)
				float zone = altitudeLimit - altitudeLowerOffset;
				mult = (altitudeLimit - currentHeight) / (zone);

			m_liftAction *= mult;

			if (currentPitch > DEG2RAD(0.0f))
				if (m_forwardAction > 0.0f)
					m_forwardAction *= mult;

				if (m_actionPitch > 0.0f)
					m_actionPitch *= mult;
					m_actionPitch += -currentPitch;

			m_desiredHeight = min(altitudeLowerOffset, currentHeight);
		m_desiredHeight = currentHeight;

	if (abs(m_liftAction) > 0.001f)
		m_liftAction = min(liftActionMax, max(-0.2f, m_liftAction));

		m_hoveringPower = (m_powerInputConst * m_liftAction) * boost;
		m_noHoveringTimer = 0.0f;
	else if (!m_isTouchingGround)
		if (m_noHoveringTimer <= 0.0f)
			float gravity;

			pe_simulation_params paramsSim;
			if (pPhysics->GetParams(&paramsSim))
				gravity = abs(paramsSim.gravity.z);
				gravity = 9.2f;

			float upDirZ = m_workingUpDir.z;

			if (abs(m_forwardAction) > 0.01 && upDirZ > 0.0f)
				upDirZ = 1.0f;
			else if (upDirZ > 0.8f)
				upDirZ = 1.0f;

			float upPower = upDirZ;
			upPower -= min(1.0f, abs(m_forwardAction) * abs(angles.x));

			float turbulenceMult = 1.0f - min(m_turbulenceMultMax, m_turbulence);
			Vec3& impulse = m_control.impulse;
			impulse += Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, upPower) * gravity * turbulenceMult * GetDamageMult();
			impulse.z -= m_PhysDyn.v.z * turbulenceMult;
			m_noHoveringTimer -= deltaTime;

	if (m_pStabilizeVTOL)
		float stabilizeTime = m_pStabilizeVTOL->GetFVal();

		if (stabilizeTime > 0.0f)
			if (m_relaxTimer < 6.0f)
				m_relaxTimer += deltaTime;
				float r = currentRoll - relaxRollTolerance;
				r = min(1.0f, max(-1.0f, r));

				m_actionRoll += -r * m_relaxForce * (m_relaxTimer / 6.0f);


	if (m_netActionSync.PublishActions( CNetworkMovementHelicopter(this) ))