Parameter – It take 1 MinFibnode and do cascading.
If y is a root list no more cascading required, for y to be in root list it parent would
be NULL.
If child cut happens first time no more cut and cascading required
Just mark the node to indicate child cut is true
If y is marked y is just lost the second child, y is cut from here and added to the
root list and cascading cut is called to the parent of the node

void FibHeap::cascadeCut(FibHeapNode *node)
	FibHeapNode *parent=node->parent;
	/* If parent  is a root list  no more cascading required */

	if(parent !=NULL)
		/* If childcut happens first time no more cut and cascading required
		           just mark the node to indicate childcut is true */

		/* if parent  is marked parent  is just lost the second child , parent  is cut from here 
		           and added to the root list and cascading cut is called to the parent 
				              of the node */

/* This function decrease the value of fibonacci node x to value k */
void FibHeap::decreaseKey(FibHeapNode *node,int key)
	if(!node||!minNode||node->weight<key)//if node weight whose key to changed is already less than key then we wont perform decrease key operation 
		cout<<"Decrease key operation could not be performed successfully "<<endl;
		return ;
		node->weight=key;/* Assign new weight to node */
		FibHeapNode *parent=node->parent;
		/*If Heap order is violated call funtion cut and cascade_cut */



Beispiel #3
Boolean Btree<T>::pushDown(T& x,
                           unsigned ptr,
                           T& item,
                           unsigned &itemRST)
// Purpose:  recursive function that inserts item x in the B-tree.
// The function returns TRUE if a the height of the B-tree needs
// to be increased.  Otherwise, the function yields FALSE.
// Parameters:
//    input: x - the inserted data
//           ptr - the index to the manipulated node
//    output:
//           item - the median element
//           itemRST - the index to the right subtree of the node
//             which contains item
  unsigned i;
  Bstruct<T> *buf;

  if (ptr == BTREE_NIL) {
    // cannot insert into an empty tree
    item = x;
    itemRST = BTREE_NIL;
    return TRUE;
  else {
    buf = new Bstruct<T>;
    readNode(buf, ptr);
    // attempt to isnert a duplicate key in the current node?
    if (searchNode(x, buf, i)) {
      strcpy(errMsg, "Cannot insert duplicates");
      return FALSE;
    // reinsert the median element
    if (pushDown(x, buf->nodeLink[i], item, itemRST)) {
      if (buf->count < BTREE_MAX) {
        pushIn(item, itemRST, buf, i);
        writeNode(buf, ptr);
        delete buf;
        return FALSE;
      else {
        cutNode(item, itemRST, ptr, i, item, itemRST);
        delete buf;
        return TRUE;
    else {
      delete buf;
      return FALSE;
Beispiel #4
 * Name    : partition                                          *
 * Function: partition the graph recursively.                   *
 * Input   : void                                               *
 * Output  :  int                                               *
static int partition(struct node * source, struct node * left, struct node * right){
  struct node * l_left;
  struct node * l_right;
  struct node * r_left;
  struct node * r_right;
  int i;

  /* cut the source node into left node and right node */
  if(cutNode(source, left, right, BC)<0){
    printf("cutNode error! \n");
    return -1;
  /* link the two sub-trees to the root */
  source->left = left;
  source->right = right;

  /* if left sub-tree is still bigger than threshold */
  if(left->numberPoints > threshold) {
    l_left = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(l_left == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for left! \n");
	return -1;
    l_right = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(l_right == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for right! \n");
	return -1;

    if(partition(left, l_left, l_right)<0)
      return -1;

    groupLength[groupIndex] = left->numberPoints;
    groups[groupIndex] =  (int *)calloc(left->numberPoints, sizeof(int));
    if(groups[groupIndex] == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for groups! \n");
	return -1;
    for(i=0;  i<left->numberPoints; i++){
      groups[groupIndex][i] = left->points[i];
    }/* end for */
    printf("groupIndex = %d \n", groupIndex);
    if(groupIndex >= MAXGROUPS)
	printf("groupIndex is now bigger than MAXGROUPS \n");
	return -1;

    /*following part is for output matlab file after first phase */
      printf("%Points in this group include: \n c%d = [", index_matlab);
      for(i=0; i<left->numberPoints; i++)
      printf("%f %f \n ", points[left->points[i]].x, points[left->points[i]].y);
  }/* end if...else... */
  if(right->numberPoints > threshold){
    r_left = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(r_left == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for left! \n");
	return -1;
    r_right = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(r_right == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for right! \n");
	return -1;

    if(partition(right, r_left, r_right)<0)
      return -1;
    groupLength[groupIndex] = right->numberPoints;
    groups[groupIndex] =  (int *)calloc(right->numberPoints, sizeof(int));
    if(groups[groupIndex] == NULL)
	printf("cannot allocate memory for groups! \n");
	return -1;
    for(i=0;  i<right->numberPoints; i++){
      groups[groupIndex][i] = right->points[i];
    }/* end for */
    printf("groupIndex = %d \n", groupIndex);
    if(groupIndex >= MAXGROUPS)
	printf("groupIndex is now bigger than MAXGROUPS \n");
	return -1;

    /*following part is for output matlab file after first phase */
      printf("%Points in this group include: \n c%d =[", index_matlab);
      for(i=0; i<right->numberPoints; i++)
      printf("%f %f \n ", points[right->points[i]].x, points[right->points[i]].y);
  }/* end if...else... */
  return 1;
}/* end partition */
Beispiel #5
 * Name    : computeGoodness                                    *
 * Function: compute goodness for merging two clusters.         *
 * Input   : int group0 -- group0's index.                      *
 *           int group1 -- group1's index.                      *
 * Output  :  float                                             *
static float computeGoodness(int group0, int group1){
  float goodness;
  float ri, rc;
  int ubFactor;

  /* form two nodes according to two groups */
  struct node * node0;
  struct node * node1;
  /* left and right is for cutting the node0 and node 1 to
   * compute internal connectivity and internal closeness.
  struct node * left0;
  struct node * right0;
  struct node * left1;
  struct node * right1;

  int i;
  /* absolute inter-connectivity and absolute closeness */
  float aic, ac, aic0, ac0, aic1, ac1;

  ubFactor = 6;

  /* First create node0 and node1 according to group0 and group1 */
  node0 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
  node1 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
  if(node0==NULL || node1==NULL){
    printf("cannot allocate memory for node0 and node1. \n");
    return -1;
  }/* end if */

  node0->numberPoints = groupLength[group0];
  node0->points = (int *)calloc(node0->numberPoints, sizeof(int));
  if(node0->points == NULL){
    printf("cannot allocate memory for node0->points. \n");
    return -1;
  for(i=0; i<groupLength[group0]; i++){
  }/* end for */

  node1->numberPoints = groupLength[group1];
  node1->points = (int *)calloc(node1->numberPoints, sizeof(int));
  if(node1->points == NULL){
    printf("cannot allocate memory for node0->points. \n");
    return -1;
  for(i=0; i<groupLength[group1]; i++){
  }/* end for */

  /* Now compute absolute inter-connectivity and 
   * absolute closeness.
  computeAIC_AC(node0, node1, &aic, &ac);

  if(ac > 0.0 && aic > 0.0){
    /* now need to compute the internal connectivity of 
     * node0 and node1.
    left0 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    right0 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(left0==NULL || right0==NULL){
      printf("cannot allocate memory for node0 and node1. \n");
      return -1;
    }/* end if */
    if(cutNode(node0, left0, right0, ubFactor)<0)
	printf("cut node0 error! \n");
	return -1;
    /* Now compute internal inter-connectivity and 
     * absolute closeness of node0.
    computeAIC_AC(left0, right0, &aic0, &ac0);
    left1 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    right1 = (struct node *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
    if(left1==NULL || right1==NULL){
      printf("cannot allocate memory for node0 and node1. \n");
      return -1;
    }/* end if */
    if(cutNode(node1, left1, right1, ubFactor)<0)
	printf("cut node0 error! \n");
	return -1;
    /* Now compute internal inter-connectivity and 
     * absolute closeness of node0.
    computeAIC_AC(left1, right1, &aic1, &ac1);
    /* Now compute Relative Inter-Connectivity */
    ri = (aic*2)/(aic0+aic1);

    /* Now compute Relative Closeness */
    rc = ac*(node0->numberPoints+node1->numberPoints)/((node0->numberPoints)*ac0 + 
       printf("aic is %f, aic0 is %f, aic1 is %f \n", aic, aic0, aic1);
       printf("ac is %f, ac0 is %f, ac1 is %f \n", ac, ac0, ac1);
       printf("node0->numberPoints is %d, node1->numberPoints is %d \n", 
       node0->numberPoints, node1->numberPoints);

    if(ri>10000 || rc>10000){
      printf("ri or ic is wrong! ri= %f, rc= %f \n", ri, rc);
      return -1;
    /* The final goodness according to p11 of the CHAMELEON paper */
    /* printf("ri is %f, rc is %f. \n", ri, rc);*/
    goodness = ri*pow((double)rc, ALPHA);

    /* printf("ri is %f, rc is %f. \n", ri, rc);*/
    goodness = 0.0;

  }/* end if...else...*/

  return goodness;
}/* end computeGoodness */