void dNewtonCollision::SetScale(dFloat scaleX, dFloat scaleY, dFloat scaleZ)
	scaleX = dMax(0.01f, dAbs(scaleX));
	scaleY = dMax(0.01f, dAbs(scaleY));
	scaleZ = dMax(0.01f, dAbs(scaleZ));
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(m_shape, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
void dMeshNodeInfo::CalcutateAABB (dVector& p0, dVector& p1) const
//	int strideInBytes = NewtonMeshGetVertexStrideInByte(m_mesh);
//	dFloat64* const vertexList = NewtonMeshGetVertexArray(m_mesh);
//	dFloat t = 1.2f;
//	for (void* face = NewtonMeshGetFirstFace (m_mesh); face; face = NewtonMeshGetNextFace (m_mesh, face)) {
//		if (!NewtonMeshIsFaceOpen (m_mesh, face)) {

//	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
//	NewtonMeshCalculateOOBB(const NewtonMesh* const mesh, dFloat* const matrix, dFloat* const x, dFloat* const y, dFloat* const z);

	p0 = dVector (1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 0.0f);
	p1 = dVector (-1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, 0.0f);

	int strideInBytes = NewtonMeshGetVertexStrideInByte(m_mesh);
	int stride = strideInBytes / sizeof (dFloat64) ;
	const dFloat64* const vertexList = NewtonMeshGetVertexArray(m_mesh);
	for (void* ptr = NewtonMeshGetFirstVertex(m_mesh); ptr; ptr = NewtonMeshGetNextVertex(m_mesh, ptr)) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetVertexIndex (m_mesh, ptr);

		dFloat x = dFloat (vertexList[index * stride + 0]);
		dFloat y = dFloat (vertexList[index * stride + 1]);
		dFloat z = dFloat (vertexList[index * stride + 2]);
		dVector v (m_matrix.TransformVector(dVector (x, y, z, 0.0f)));

		p0[0] = dMin(v[0], p0[0]);
		p0[1] = dMin(v[1], p0[1]);
		p0[2] = dMin(v[2], p0[2]);
		p1[0] = dMax(v[0], p1[0]);
		p1[1] = dMax(v[1], p1[1]);
		p1[2] = dMax(v[2], p1[2]);
	static void PlaneCollisionCollideCallbackDescrete (NewtonUserMeshCollisionCollideDesc* const collideDesc)
		dInfinitePlane* const me = (dInfinitePlane*) collideDesc->m_userData;

		dVector p0 (collideDesc->m_boxP0[0], collideDesc->m_boxP0[1], collideDesc->m_boxP0[2], 0.0f);
		dVector p1 (collideDesc->m_boxP1[0], collideDesc->m_boxP1[1], collideDesc->m_boxP1[2], 0.0f);
		dVector suportVertex ((me->m_plane.m_x > 0.0f) ? p0.m_x : p1.m_x, (me->m_plane.m_y > 0.0f) ? p0.m_y : p1.m_y, (me->m_plane.m_z > 0.0f) ? p0.m_z : p1.m_z);

		dFloat dist = me->m_plane.DotProduct3(suportVertex) + me->m_plane.m_w;
		if (dist < 0.25f) {
			// calculate the aabb center
			dVector centre ((p1 + p0).Scale (0.5f));

			//find the projection of center point over the plane
			dFloat t = - (me->m_plane.DotProduct3(centre) + me->m_plane.m_w);
			centre += me->m_plane.Scale (t);

			//know calculate the scale factor
			dVector size (p1 - p0);
			dFloat s = dMax(size.m_x, dMax (size.m_y, size.m_z));

			dInt32 threadNumber = collideDesc->m_threadNumber;

			// initialize the callback data structure
#ifdef PASS_A_QUAD
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 1;
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 2;
			collideDesc->m_vertexStrideInBytes = sizeof (dVector);
			collideDesc->m_faceIndexCount = &me->m_faceIndices[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_faceVertexIndex = &me->m_indexArray[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_vertex = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0][0];
			dVector* const polygon = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				polygon[i] = centre + me->m_unitSphape[i].Scale (s);
			// save face normal
			polygon[4] =  me->m_plane;

			// show debug display info
			if (DebugDisplayOn()) {
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector face[64];

				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				matrix.TransformTriplex (&face[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), &polygon[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 4);

				NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody);
				// critical section lock
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (world, threadNumber);
				//DebugDrawPolygon (4, &face[0]);
				// unlock the critical section
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (world);
void LoadLumberYardMesh(DemoEntityManager* const scene, const dVector& location, int shapeid)
	DemoEntity* const entity = DemoEntity::LoadNGD_mesh ("lumber.ngd", scene->GetNewton(), scene->GetShaderCache());

	dTree<NewtonCollision*, DemoMesh*> filter;
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

	dFloat density = 15.0f;

	int defaultMaterialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(scene->GetNewton());
	for (DemoEntity* child = entity->GetFirst(); child; child = child->GetNext()) {
		DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)child->GetMesh();
		if (mesh) {
			dTree<NewtonCollision*, DemoMesh*>::dTreeNode* node = filter.Find(mesh);
			if (!node) {
				// make a collision shape only for and instance
				dFloat* const array = mesh->m_vertex;
				dVector minBox(1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 1.0f);
				dVector maxBox(-1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, 1.0f);

				for (int i = 0; i < mesh->m_vertexCount; i++) {
					dVector p(array[i * 3 + 0], array[i * 3 + 1], array[i * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
					minBox.m_x = dMin(p.m_x, minBox.m_x);
					minBox.m_y = dMin(p.m_y, minBox.m_y);
					minBox.m_z = dMin(p.m_z, minBox.m_z);

					maxBox.m_x = dMax(p.m_x, maxBox.m_x);
					maxBox.m_y = dMax(p.m_y, maxBox.m_y);
					maxBox.m_z = dMax(p.m_z, maxBox.m_z);

				dVector size(maxBox - minBox);
				dMatrix offset(dGetIdentityMatrix());
				offset.m_posit = (maxBox + minBox).Scale(0.5f);
				NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonCreateBox(world, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, shapeid, &offset[0][0]);
				node = filter.Insert(shape, mesh);

			// create a body and add to the world
			NewtonCollision* const shape = node->GetInfo();
			dMatrix matrix(child->GetMeshMatrix() * child->CalculateGlobalMatrix());
			matrix.m_posit += location;
			dFloat mass = density * NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume(shape);
			CreateSimpleSolid(scene, mesh, mass, matrix, shape, defaultMaterialID);

	// destroy all shapes
	while (filter.GetRoot()) {
		NewtonCollision* const shape = filter.GetRoot()->GetInfo();
	delete entity;
	static void PlaneCollisionCollideCallbackConstinue (NewtonUserMeshCollisionCollideDesc* const collideDesc, const void* const continueCollisionHandle)
		dInfinitePlane* const me = (dInfinitePlane*) collideDesc->m_userData;

		// build that aabb of each face and submit only the one that pass the test.
		if (NewtonUserMeshCollisionContinuousOverlapTest (collideDesc, continueCollisionHandle, &me->m_minBox[0], &me->m_maxBox[0])) {
			const dVector& p0 = me->m_minBox;
			const dVector& p1 = me->m_maxBox;
			dVector centre ((p1 + p0).Scale (0.5f));

			//find the projection of center point over the plane
			dFloat t = - (me->m_plane.DotProduct3(centre) + me->m_plane.m_w);
			centre += me->m_plane.Scale (t);

			//know calculate the scale factor
			dVector size (p1 - p0);
			dFloat s = dMax(size.m_x, dMax (size.m_y, size.m_z)) * 0.5f;

			dInt32 threadNumber = collideDesc->m_threadNumber;

			// initialize the callback data structure
#ifdef PASS_A_QUAD
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 1;
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 2;
			collideDesc->m_vertexStrideInBytes = sizeof (dVector);
			collideDesc->m_faceIndexCount = &me->m_faceIndices[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_faceVertexIndex = &me->m_indexArray[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_vertex = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0][0];
			dVector* const polygon = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				polygon[i] = centre + me->m_unitSphape[i].Scale (s);
			// save face normal
			polygon[4] =  me->m_plane;

			// show debug display info
			if (DebugDisplayOn()) {
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector face[64];

				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				matrix.TransformTriplex (&face[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), &polygon[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 4);

				NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody);
				// critical section lock
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (world, threadNumber);
				//DebugDrawPolygon (4, &face[0]);
				// unlock the critical section
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (world);
void CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::Update (dFloat timestep)
	CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateChassis& chassis = m_controller->m_chassisState;
	CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox* const gearBox = GetGearBox();

	gearBox->Update (timestep);

	int gear = gearBox->GetGear();

#ifdef  __TEST_VEHICLE_XXX__
if (gear > (CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox::m_firstGear))
	gearBox->SetGear (CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox::m_firstGear);
//	gearBox->SetGear (CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox::m_reverseGear);
	gear = gearBox->GetGear();

	if (m_engineSwitch) {
		if (gear == CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox::m_newtralGear) {
			dFloat param = dMax (GetParam(), 0.05f);
			m_engineToque = GetTorque (m_engineRPS) * param - m_engineIdleResistance1 * m_engineRPS - m_engineIdleResistance2 * m_engineRPS * m_engineRPS;
			dFloat alpha = m_engineIdleInvInertia * m_engineToque;
			m_engineRPS = dMin (dMax (m_engineRPS + alpha * timestep, 0.0f), m_radiansPerSecundsAtRedLine);
		} else {
			dFloat gearRatio = gearBox->GetGearRatio(gear);
			dFloat shaftOmega = m_differencial->GetShaftOmega();
			m_engineRPS = shaftOmega * gearRatio;
			dFloat torqueResistance = - m_engineInternalFriction * m_engineRPS;

			dFloat param = GetParam();
			dFloat nominalTorque = -GetTorque (dMax (-m_engineRPS, 0.0f)) * param;
			dFloat engineTorque = nominalTorque + torqueResistance;

			m_engineToque = m_engineToque + (engineTorque - m_engineToque) * timestep / m_clutchTorqueCouplingTime;
			dFloat shaftTorque = m_engineToque * gearRatio;
			m_differencial->ApplyTireTorque(shaftTorque, shaftOmega);
	} else {
		m_engineRPS = m_engineRPS * 0.95f;
		if (m_engineRPS < 0.001f) {
			m_engineRPS = 0.0f;
		m_engineToque = 0.0f;

	dVector front (chassis.m_matrix.RotateVector(chassis.m_localFrame[0]));
	m_speedMPS = chassis.m_veloc % front;
void CustomVehicleControllerComponentBrake::Update (dFloat timestep)
	for (dList<dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode*>::dListNode* node = m_brakeTires.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire& tire = node->GetInfo()->GetInfo();
		tire.m_brakeTorque = dMax (tire.m_brakeTorque, dAbs (m_maxBrakeTorque * m_param));
Beispiel #8
dErr dFSGetBoundingBox(dFS fs,dReal bbox[3][2])
    dErr err;
    Vec X;
    const dScalar *x;
    dInt n;

    for (dInt i=0; i<3; i++) {
        bbox[i][0] = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
        bbox[i][1] = PETSC_MIN_REAL;
    err = dFSGetGeometryVectorExpanded(fs,&X);
    err = VecGetLocalSize(X,&n);
    err = VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);
    for (dInt i=0; i<n; i++) {
        dInt j = i%3;
        bbox[j][0] = dMin(bbox[j][0],x[i]);
        bbox[j][1] = dMax(bbox[j][1],x[i]);
    err = VecRestoreArrayRead(X,&x);
	void SubmitConstraints(dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
		CustomBallAndSocket::SubmitConstraints(timestep, threadIndex);
		float invTimestep = 1.0f / timestep;

		dMatrix matrix0;
		dMatrix matrix1;

		CalculateGlobalMatrix(matrix0, matrix1);

		if (m_anim_speed != 0.0f) // some animation to illustrate purpose
			m_anim_time += timestep * m_anim_speed;
			float a0 = sin(m_anim_time);
			float a1 = m_anim_offset * 3.14f;
			dVector axis(sin(a1), 0.0f, cos(a1));
			//dVector axis (1,0,0);
			m_target = dQuaternion(axis, a0 * 0.5f);

		// measure error
		dQuaternion q0(matrix0);
		dQuaternion q1(matrix1);
		dQuaternion qt0 = m_target * q1;
		dQuaternion qErr = ((q0.DotProduct(qt0) < 0.0f)	? dQuaternion(-q0.m_q0, q0.m_q1, q0.m_q2, q0.m_q3) : dQuaternion(q0.m_q0, -q0.m_q1, -q0.m_q2, -q0.m_q3)) * qt0;

		float errorAngle = 2.0f * acos(dMax(-1.0f, dMin(1.0f, qErr.m_q0)));
		dVector errorAngVel(0, 0, 0);

		dMatrix basis;
		if (errorAngle > 1.0e-10f) {
			dVector errorAxis(qErr.m_q1, qErr.m_q2, qErr.m_q3, 0.0f);
			errorAxis = errorAxis.Scale(1.0f / dSqrt(errorAxis % errorAxis));
			errorAngVel = errorAxis.Scale(errorAngle * invTimestep);

			basis = dGrammSchmidt(errorAxis);
		} else {
			basis = dMatrix(qt0, dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

		dVector angVel0, angVel1;
		NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body0, (float*)&angVel0);
		NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body1, (float*)&angVel1);

		dVector angAcc = (errorAngVel.Scale(m_reduceError) - (angVel0 - angVel1)).Scale(invTimestep);

		// motor
		for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
			// calculate the desired acceleration
			dVector &axis = basis[n];
			float relAccel = angAcc % axis;

			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &axis[0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, relAccel);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_angularFriction);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_angularFriction);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
void dNewtonJointDoubleHinge::SetLimits_1(bool enable, dFloat minVal, dFloat maxAngle)
	dCustomDoubleHinge* const joint = (dCustomDoubleHinge*)m_joint;
	if (enable) {
		joint->SetLimits1(dMin(minVal * DEGREES_TO_RAD, 0.0f), dMax(maxAngle * DEGREES_TO_RAD, 0.0f));
Beispiel #11
double analysis::getMax(double *d, int n)
    double v = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        v = dMax(d[i], v);

    return v;
void CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::dGearBox::SetOptimalShiftLimits (dFloat minShift, dFloat maxShift)
	minShift = dMax (minShift - 0.01f, 0.1f);
	maxShift = dMin (maxShift + 0.01f, 0.9f);
	for (int i = m_firstGear; i < m_gearsCount; i ++) {
		dGearState* const state = m_gears[i];
		state->m_shiftUp = maxShift;
		state->m_shiftDown = minShift;
dFloat64 dSymmetricBiconjugateGradientSolve::Solve (int size, dFloat64 tolerance, dFloat64* const x, const dFloat64* const b) const
	dFloat64* const r0 = new dFloat64 [size];
	dFloat64* const p0 = new dFloat64 [size];
	dFloat64* const MinvR0 = new dFloat64 [size];
	dFloat64* const matrixP0 = new dFloat64 [size];

	MatrixTimeVector (matrixP0, x);
	Sub(size, r0, b, matrixP0);
	bool continueExecution = InversePrecoditionerTimeVector (p0, r0);

	int iter = 0;
	dFloat64 num = DotProduct (size, r0, p0);
	dFloat64 error2 = num;
	for (int j = 0; (j < size) && (error2 > tolerance) && continueExecution; j ++) {

		MatrixTimeVector (matrixP0, p0);
		dFloat64 den = DotProduct (size, p0, matrixP0);

		dAssert (fabs(den) > dFloat64 (0.0f));
		dFloat64 alpha = num / den;

		ScaleAdd (size, x, x, alpha, p0);
        if ((j % 50) != 49) {
		    ScaleAdd (size, r0, r0, -alpha, matrixP0);
        } else {
            MatrixTimeVector (matrixP0, x);
            Sub(size, r0, b, matrixP0);

		continueExecution = InversePrecoditionerTimeVector (MinvR0, r0);

		dFloat64 num1 = DotProduct (size, r0, MinvR0);
		dFloat64 beta = num1 / num;
		ScaleAdd (size, p0, MinvR0, beta, p0);
		num = DotProduct (size, r0, MinvR0);
		iter ++;
		error2 = num;
		if (j > 10) {
			error2 = dFloat64 (0.0f);
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
				error2 = dMax (error2, r0[i] * r0[i]);

	delete[] matrixP0;
	delete[] MinvR0;
	delete[] p0;
	delete[] r0;

	dAssert (iter <= size);
	return num;
Beispiel #14
static dErr JakoInternalEnergy_Sharp2(VHTCase scase,dReal b,dReal h,const dReal x[],dScalar *e)
  struct VHTRheology *rheo = &scase->rheo;
  dReal z,t,T;

  z = (x[2] - b) / (h-b); // Normalize to [0,1] plus possible fuzz
  z = dMax(0,dMin(1,z)); // Clip to [0,1]
  t = z < 0.3 ? 0 : (z < 0.7 ? 2 : 1);
  T = rheo->T3 - (rheo->T3 - rheo->T0)*t; // Maximum value is at the bed and equal to T3, extends past T0
  *e = rheo->c_i * (T - rheo->T0);        // energy/mass
Beispiel #15
static dErr JakoInternalEnergy_Smooth(VHTCase scase,dReal b,dReal h,const dReal x[],dScalar *e)
  struct VHTRheology *rheo = &scase->rheo;
  dReal z,t,T;

  z = (x[2] - b) / (h-b); // Normalize to [0,1] plus possible fuzz
  z = dMax(0,dMin(1,z)); // Clip to [0,1]
  t = 90*dSqr(z)*exp(-5*z); // hump with maximum value close to 2
  T = rheo->T3 - (rheo->T3 - rheo->T0)*t; // Maximum value is at the bed and equal to T3, extends past T0
  *e = rheo->c_i * (T - rheo->T0);        // energy/mass
Beispiel #16
static dErr JakoInternalEnergy_Sharp1(VHTCase scase,dReal b,dReal h,const dReal x[],dScalar *e)
  struct VHTRheology *rheo = &scase->rheo;
  dReal z,t,T;

  z = (x[2] - b) / (h-b); // Normalize to [0,1] plus possible fuzz
  z = dMax(0,dMin(1,z)); // Clip to [0,1]
  t = floor(5 * z) * 0.2;
  T = rheo->T3 - (rheo->T3 - rheo->T0)*t; // Maximum value is at the bed and equal to T3, extends past T0
  *e = rheo->c_i * (T - rheo->T0);        // energy/mass
  //printf("b %g  h %g  H %g  z %g  t %g  T %g  e %g\n",b,h,h-b,z,t,T,e[0]);
dCustomPlayerController* dCustomPlayerControllerManager::CreateController(const dMatrix& location, const dMatrix& localAxis, dFloat mass, dFloat radius, dFloat height, dFloat stepHeight)
	NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();

	dMatrix shapeMatrix(localAxis);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit = shapeMatrix.m_front.Scale (height * 0.5f);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;

	dFloat scale = 3.0f;
	height = dMax(height - 2.0f * radius / scale, dFloat(0.1f));
	NewtonCollision* const bodyCapsule = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, radius / scale, radius / scale, height, 0, &shapeMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(bodyCapsule, 1.0f, scale, scale);

	// create the kinematic body
	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateKinematicBody(world, bodyCapsule, &location[0][0]);

	// players must have weight, otherwise they are infinitely strong when they collide
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, shape);

	// make the body collidable with other dynamics bodies, by default
	NewtonBodySetCollidable(body, 1);

	dCustomPlayerController& controller = m_playerList.Append()->GetInfo();

	controller.m_localFrame = localAxis;
	controller.m_mass = mass;
	controller.m_invMass = 1.0f / mass;
	controller.m_manager = this;
	controller.m_kinematicBody = body;
	controller.m_contactPatch = radius / scale;
	controller.m_stepHeight = dMax (stepHeight, controller.m_contactPatch * 2.0f);

	return &controller;
dFloat dCustomPlayerController::PredictTimestep(dFloat timestep)
	dMatrix matrix;
	dMatrix predicMatrix;
	NewtonWorld* const world = m_manager->GetWorld();
	NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo info[16];
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_kinematicBody);
	NewtonBodyIntegrateVelocity(m_kinematicBody, timestep);
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &predicMatrix[0][0]);
	int contactCount = NewtonWorldCollide(world, &predicMatrix[0][0], shape, this, PrefilterCallback, info, 4, 0);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);

	if (contactCount) {
		dFloat t0 = 0.0f;
		dFloat t1 = timestep;
		dFloat dt = (t1 + t0) * 0.5f;
		timestep = dt;
		for (int i = 0; i < D_MAX_COLLIONSION_STEPS; i++) {
			NewtonBodyIntegrateVelocity(m_kinematicBody, timestep);
			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &predicMatrix[0][0]);
			contactCount = NewtonWorldCollide(world, &predicMatrix[0][0], shape, this, PrefilterCallback, info, 4, 0);
			NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);

			dt *= 0.5f;
			if (contactCount) {
				dFloat penetration = 0.0f;
				for (int j = 0; j < contactCount; j++) {
					penetration = dMax(penetration, info[j].m_penetration);
				if (penetration < D_MAX_COLLISION_PENETRATION) {
				timestep -= dt;
			} else {
				timestep += dt;

	return timestep;
void dComplemtaritySolver::dFrictionLessContactJoint::JacobianDerivative (dParamInfo * const constraintParams)
   for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i ++)
      dPointDerivativeParam pointData;
      InitPointParam (pointData, m_contacts[i].m_point);
      CalculatePointDerivative (constraintParams, m_contacts[i].m_normal, pointData);
      dVector velocError (pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      //dFloat restitution = 0.05f;
      dFloat relVelocErr = velocError % m_contacts[i].m_normal;
      dFloat penetration = 0.0f;
      dFloat penetrationStiffness = 0.0f;
      dFloat penetrationVeloc = penetration * penetrationStiffness;
      if (relVelocErr > dFloat (1.0e-3f))
         relVelocErr *= (m_restitution + dFloat (1.0f));
      constraintParams->m_jointLowFriction[i] = dFloat (0.0f);
      constraintParams->m_jointAccel[i] = dMax (dFloat (-4.0f), relVelocErr + penetrationVeloc) * constraintParams->m_timestepInv;
Beispiel #20
static dErr JakoInternalEnergy_Sharp3(VHTCase scase,dReal b,dReal h,const dReal x[],dScalar *e)
  struct VHTRheology *rheo = &scase->rheo;
  const dReal origin[] = {5920,76765},normal[] = {1,0.4};
  dReal xx,yy,z,t,T;

  xx =  (x[0] - origin[0])*normal[0] + (x[1] - origin[1])*normal[1];
  yy = -(x[0] - origin[0])*normal[1] + (x[1] - origin[1])*normal[0];
  z = (x[2] - b) / (h-b); // Normalize to [0,1] plus possible fuzz
  z = dMax(0,dMin(1,z)); // Clip to [0,1]
  t = xx + 0*yy > -30
    ? -2.0
    : (z < 0.3
       ? 0
       : (z < 0.7 ? -2 : -1));
  T = rheo->T3 + (rheo->T3 - rheo->T0)*t; // Maximum value is at the bed and equal to T3, extends past T0
  *e = rheo->c_i * (T - rheo->T0);        // energy/mass
static void UserContactRestitution (const NewtonJoint* contactJoint, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	// call  the basic call back
	GenericContactProcess (contactJoint, timestep, threadIndex);

	const NewtonBody* const body0 = NewtonJointGetBody0(contactJoint);
	const NewtonBody* const body1 = NewtonJointGetBody1(contactJoint);

	//now core 3.14 can have per collision user data
	const NewtonCollision* const collision0 = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body0);
	const NewtonCollision* const collision1 = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body1);

	NewtonCollisionMaterial material0;
	NewtonCollisionMaterial material1;
	NewtonCollisionGetMaterial(collision0, &material0);
	NewtonCollisionGetMaterial(collision1, &material1);
	dAssert((material0.m_userId == 1) || (material1.m_userId == 1));
	dFloat restitution = dMax(material0.m_userParam[0], material1.m_userParam[0]);

	for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (contactJoint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (contactJoint, contact)) {
		NewtonMaterial* const material = NewtonContactGetMaterial (contact);
		NewtonMaterialSetContactElasticity (material, restitution);
void dNewtonJointDoubleHingeActuator::SetTargetAngle0(dFloat angle, dFloat minLimit, dFloat maxLimit)
	dCustomDoubleHingeActuator* const joint = (dCustomDoubleHingeActuator*) m_joint;
	joint->SetLimits(dMin(minLimit * DEGREES_TO_RAD, dFloat(0.0f)), dMax(maxLimit * DEGREES_TO_RAD, dFloat(0.0f)));
	joint->SetTargetAngle0(dClamp (angle * DEGREES_TO_RAD, joint->GetMinAngularLimit0(), joint->GetMaxAngularLimit0()));
void dCustomPlayerController::ResolveStep(dFloat timestep)
	dMatrix matrix;
	dMatrix stepMatrix;
	dVector veloc(0.0f);
	dVector zero(0.0f);
	NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo info[16];

	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &veloc[0]);

	dMatrix coodinateMatrix (m_localFrame * matrix);

	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobian jt[3];
	dFloat rhs[3];
	dFloat low[3];
	dFloat high[3];
	int normalIndex[3];

	jt[0].m_linear = coodinateMatrix[0];
	jt[0].m_angular = zero;
	low[0] = 0.0f;
	high[0] = 1.0e12f;
	normalIndex[0] = 0;
	rhs[0] = -m_impulse.DotProduct3(jt[0].m_linear) * m_invMass;

	// add lateral traction friction
	jt[1].m_linear = coodinateMatrix[1];
	jt[1].m_angular = zero;
	low[1] = -m_friction;
	high[1] = m_friction;
	normalIndex[1] = -1;
	dVector tmp1(veloc * jt[1].m_linear);
	rhs[1] = -m_lateralSpeed - (tmp1.m_x + tmp1.m_y + tmp1.m_z);

	// add longitudinal  traction friction
	jt[2].m_linear = coodinateMatrix[2];
	jt[2].m_angular = zero;
	low[2] = -m_friction;
	high[2] = m_friction;
	normalIndex[2] = -2;
	dVector tmp2(veloc * jt[2].m_linear);
	rhs[2] = -m_forwardSpeed - (tmp2.m_x + tmp2.m_y + tmp2.m_z);
	dVector impulse(veloc.Scale(m_mass) + CalculateImpulse(3, rhs, low, high, normalIndex, jt));

	impulse = impulse.Scale(m_invMass);
	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &impulse[0]);
	NewtonBodyIntegrateVelocity(m_kinematicBody, timestep);

	NewtonWorld* const world = m_manager->GetWorld();
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_kinematicBody);
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &stepMatrix[0][0]);
	int contactCount = NewtonWorldCollide(world, &stepMatrix[0][0], shape, this, PrefilterCallback, info, 4, 0);

	NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &veloc[0]);

	dFloat maxHigh = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; i++) {
		NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo& contact = info[i];
		dVector point(contact.m_point[0], contact.m_point[1], contact.m_point[2], 0.0f);
		point = m_localFrame.UntransformVector (stepMatrix.UntransformVector(point));
		maxHigh = dMax (point.m_x, maxHigh);
	if ((maxHigh < m_stepHeight) && (maxHigh > m_contactPatch)) {
		dVector step (stepMatrix.RotateVector(m_localFrame.RotateVector (dVector(maxHigh, dFloat(0.0f), dFloat(0.0f), dFloat(0.0f)))));
		matrix.m_posit += step;
		NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
void dVehicleChassis::CalculateSuspensionForces(dFloat timestep)
	const int maxSize = 64;
	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobianPair m_jt[maxSize];
	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobianPair m_jInvMass[maxSize];
	dVehicleVirtualTire* tires[maxSize];
	dFloat massMatrix[maxSize * maxSize];
	dFloat accel[maxSize];
	dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const chassisBody = m_vehicle->GetBody();

	const dMatrix& chassisMatrix = chassisBody->GetMatrix(); 
	const dMatrix& chassisInvInertia = chassisBody->GetInvInertia();
	dVector chassisOrigin (chassisMatrix.TransformVector (chassisBody->GetCOM()));
	dFloat chassisInvMass = chassisBody->GetInvMass();

	int tireCount = 0;
	const dList<dVehicleNode*>& children = m_vehicle->GetChildren();
	for (dList<dVehicleNode*>::dListNode* tireNode = children.GetFirst(); tireNode; tireNode = tireNode->GetNext()) {
		dVehicleVirtualTire* const tire = (dVehicleVirtualTire*) tireNode->GetInfo()->GetAsTire();
		if (tire) {
			const dVehicleVirtualTire::dTireInfo& info = tire->m_info;
			tires[tireCount] = tire;
			dFloat x = tire->m_position;
			dFloat v = tire->m_speed;
			dFloat weight = 1.0f;
			switch (tire->m_suspentionType)
				case m_offroad:
					weight = 0.9f;
				case m_confort:
					weight = 1.0f;
				case m_race:
					weight = 1.1f;
//x = 0.1f;
//v = 10.0f;
			dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const tireBody = tire->GetBody();

			const dFloat invMass = tireBody->GetInvMass();
			const dFloat kv = info.m_dampingRatio * invMass;
			const dFloat ks = info.m_springStiffness * invMass;
			accel[tireCount] = -NewtonCalculateSpringDamperAcceleration(timestep, ks * weight, x, kv, v);

			const dMatrix& tireMatrix = tireBody->GetMatrix(); 
			const dMatrix& tireInvInertia = tireBody->GetInvInertia();
			dFloat tireMass = tireBody->GetInvMass();

			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear = chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale(-1.0f);
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular = dVector(0.0f);
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear = chassisMatrix.m_up;
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular = (tireMatrix.m_posit - chassisOrigin).CrossProduct(chassisMatrix.m_up);

			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear = m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.Scale(tireMass);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular = tireInvInertia.RotateVector(m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear = m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.Scale(chassisInvMass);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular = chassisInvInertia.RotateVector(m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);


	for (int i = 0; i < tireCount; i++) {
		dFloat* const row = &massMatrix[i * tireCount];

		dFloat aii = m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular) +
					 m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);

		row[i] = aii * 1.0001f;
		for (int j = i + 1; j < tireCount; j++) {
			dFloat aij = m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[j].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[j].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);
			row[j] = aij;
			massMatrix[j * tireCount + i] = aij;

	dCholeskyFactorization(tireCount, massMatrix);
	dCholeskySolve(tireCount, tireCount, massMatrix, accel);

	dVector chassisForce(0.0f);
	dVector chassisTorque(0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < tireCount; i++) {
		dVehicleVirtualTire* const tire = tires[i];
		dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const tireBody = tire->GetBody();

		tires[i]->m_tireLoad = dMax(dFloat(1.0f), accel[i]);
		dVector tireForce(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.Scale(accel[i]));

		tireBody->SetForce(tireBody->GetForce() + tireForce);
		chassisForce += m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.Scale(accel[i]);
		chassisTorque += m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.Scale(accel[i]);
	chassisBody->SetForce(chassisBody->GetForce() + chassisForce);
	chassisBody->SetTorque(chassisBody->GetTorque() + chassisTorque);
int dCustomPlayerController::ResolveInterpenetrations(int contactCount, NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo* const contactArray)
	dVector zero (0.0f);
	dVector veloc (0.0f);
	dVector savedVeloc (0.0f);

	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &savedVeloc[0]);
	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &veloc[0]);

	dFloat timestep = 0.1f;
	dFloat invTimestep = 1.0f / timestep;

	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobian jt[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat rhs[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat low[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat high[D_MAX_ROWS];
	int normalIndex[D_MAX_ROWS];

	NewtonWorld* const world = m_manager->GetWorld();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		jt[i].m_linear = zero;
		jt[i].m_angular = zero;
		jt[i].m_angular[i] = dFloat(1.0f);
		rhs[i] = 0.0f;
		low[i] = -1.0e12f;
		high[i] = 1.0e12f;
		normalIndex[i] = 0;

	dFloat penetration = D_MAX_COLLISION_PENETRATION * 10.0f;
	for (int j = 0; (j < 8) && (penetration > D_MAX_COLLISION_PENETRATION) ; j ++) {
		dMatrix matrix;
		dVector com(0.0f);
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
		NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass(m_kinematicBody, &com[0]);
		com = matrix.TransformVector(com);
		com.m_w = 0.0f;

		int rowCount = 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; i++) {
			NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo& contact = contactArray[i];

			dVector point(contact.m_point[0], contact.m_point[1], contact.m_point[2], 0.0f);
			dVector normal(contact.m_normal[0], contact.m_normal[1], contact.m_normal[2], 0.0f);

			jt[rowCount].m_linear = normal;
			jt[rowCount].m_angular = (point - com).CrossProduct(normal);

			low[rowCount] = 0.0f;
			high[rowCount] = 1.0e12f;
			normalIndex[rowCount] = 0;
			penetration = dClamp(contact.m_penetration - D_MAX_COLLISION_PENETRATION * 0.5f, dFloat(0.0f), dFloat(0.5f));
			rhs[rowCount] = penetration * invTimestep;

		dVector impulse (CalculateImpulse(rowCount, rhs, low, high, normalIndex, jt));

		impulse = impulse.Scale(m_invMass);
		NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &impulse[0]);
		NewtonBodyIntegrateVelocity(m_kinematicBody, timestep);

		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
		NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_kinematicBody);

		contactCount = NewtonWorldCollide(world, &matrix[0][0], shape, this, PrefilterCallback, contactArray, 4, 0);

		penetration = 0.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; i++) {
			penetration = dMax(contactArray[i].m_penetration, penetration);

	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &savedVeloc[0]);
	return contactCount;
Beispiel #26
void SerializeMesh (const NewtonMesh* const mesh, TiXmlElement* const rootNode)
	TiXmlElement* pointElement = new TiXmlElement ("points");

	int bufferCount = dMax (NewtonMeshGetVertexCount(mesh), NewtonMeshGetPointCount(mesh));
	int bufferSizeInBytes = bufferCount * sizeof (dFloat) * 4 * 12;
	char* const buffer = new char[bufferSizeInBytes];
	dFloat* const packVertex = new dFloat [4 * bufferCount];

	int vertexCount = NewtonMeshGetVertexCount (mesh); 
	int vertexStride = NewtonMeshGetVertexStrideInByte(mesh) / sizeof (dFloat64);
	const dFloat64* const vertex = NewtonMeshGetVertexArray(mesh); 

	// pack the vertex Array
	int* const vertexIndexList = new int [vertexCount];
	for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 4 + 0] = dFloat(vertex[i * vertexStride + 0]);
		packVertex[i * 4 + 1] = dFloat(vertex[i * vertexStride + 1]);
		packVertex[i * 4 + 2] = dFloat(vertex[i * vertexStride + 2]);
		packVertex[i * 4 + 3] = dFloat(vertex[i * vertexStride + 3]);
		vertexIndexList[i] = i;
	dFloatArrayToString (packVertex, vertexCount * 4, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);

	TiXmlElement* const position = new TiXmlElement ("position");
	position->SetAttribute("float4", vertexCount);
	position->SetAttribute("floats", buffer);

	// pack the normal array
	int pointCount = NewtonMeshGetPointCount (mesh); 
	int pointStride = NewtonMeshGetPointStrideInByte(mesh) / sizeof (dFloat64);
	const dFloat64* const normals = NewtonMeshGetNormalArray(mesh); 
	int* const normalIndexList = new int [pointCount];
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 3 + 0] = dFloat(normals[i * pointStride + 0]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 1] = dFloat(normals[i * pointStride + 1]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 2] = dFloat(normals[i * pointStride + 2]);
	int count = dPackVertexArray (packVertex, 3, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), pointCount, normalIndexList);
	dFloatArrayToString (packVertex, count * 3, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);

	TiXmlElement* const normal = new TiXmlElement ("normal");
	normal->SetAttribute("float3", count);
	normal->SetAttribute("floats", buffer);

	// pack the uv0 array
	int* const uv0IndexList = new int [pointCount];
	const dFloat64* const uv0s = NewtonMeshGetUV0Array(mesh); 
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 3 + 0] = dFloat(uv0s[i * pointStride + 0]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 1] = dFloat(uv0s[i * pointStride + 1]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 2] = 0.0f;
	count = dPackVertexArray (packVertex, 3, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), pointCount, uv0IndexList);
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 2 + 0] = packVertex[i * 3 + 0];
		packVertex[i * 2 + 1] = packVertex[i * 3 + 1];
	dFloatArrayToString (packVertex, count * 2, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);

	TiXmlElement* const uv0 = new TiXmlElement ("uv0");
	uv0->SetAttribute("float2", count);
	uv0->SetAttribute("floats", buffer);

	// pack the uv1 array
	int* const uv1IndexList = new int [pointCount];
	const dFloat64* const uv1s = NewtonMeshGetUV1Array(mesh); 
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 3 + 0] = dFloat(uv1s[i * pointStride + 0]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 1] = dFloat(uv1s[i * pointStride + 1]);
		packVertex[i * 3 + 2] = 0.0f;
	count = dPackVertexArray (packVertex, 3, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), pointCount, uv1IndexList);
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++) {
		packVertex[i * 2 + 0] = packVertex[i * 3 + 0];
		packVertex[i * 2 + 1] = packVertex[i * 3 + 1];
	dFloatArrayToString (packVertex, count * 2, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);

	TiXmlElement* const uv1 = new TiXmlElement ("uv1");
	uv1->SetAttribute("float2", count);
	uv1->SetAttribute("floats", buffer);

	// save the polygon array
	int faceCount = NewtonMeshGetTotalFaceCount (mesh); 
	int indexCount = NewtonMeshGetTotalIndexCount (mesh); 

	int* const faceArray = new int [faceCount];
	void** const indexArray = new void* [indexCount];
	int* const materialIndexArray = new int [faceCount];
	int* const remapedIndexArray = new int [indexCount];

	NewtonMeshGetFaces (mesh, faceArray, materialIndexArray, indexArray); 

	// save the faces vertex Count
	dIntArrayToString (faceArray, faceCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const polygons = new TiXmlElement ("polygons");
	polygons->SetAttribute("count", faceCount);
	polygons->SetAttribute("faceIndexCount", buffer);

	dIntArrayToString (materialIndexArray, faceCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const faceMaterial = new TiXmlElement ("faceMaterial");
	faceMaterial->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetVertexIndex (mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = vertexIndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const positionIndex = new TiXmlElement ("position");
	positionIndex->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = normalIndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const normalIndex = new TiXmlElement ("normal");
	normalIndex->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = uv0IndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const uv0Index = new TiXmlElement ("uv0");
	uv0Index->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = uv1IndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const uv1Index = new TiXmlElement ("uv1");
	uv1Index->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	delete[] remapedIndexArray;
	delete[] faceArray;
	delete[] indexArray;
	delete[] materialIndexArray;
	delete[] uv1IndexList;
	delete[] uv0IndexList;
	delete[] normalIndexList;
	delete[] vertexIndexList;
	delete[] packVertex;
	delete[] buffer;
void dCustomPlayerController::ResolveCollision()
	dMatrix matrix;
	NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo info[D_MAX_ROWS];
	NewtonWorld* const world = m_manager->GetWorld();

	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_kinematicBody);

	int contactCount = NewtonWorldCollide(world, &matrix[0][0], shape, this, PrefilterCallback, info, 4, 0);
	if (!contactCount) {

	dFloat maxPenetration = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; i ++) {
		maxPenetration = dMax (info[i].m_penetration, maxPenetration);

	if (maxPenetration > D_MAX_COLLISION_PENETRATION) {
		ResolveInterpenetrations(contactCount, info);
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	int rowCount = 0;
	dVector zero(0.0f);

	dMatrix invInertia;
	dVector com(0.0f);
	dVector veloc(0.0f);
	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobian jt[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat rhs[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat low[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat high[D_MAX_ROWS];
	dFloat impulseMag[D_MAX_ROWS];
	int normalIndex[D_MAX_ROWS];
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass(m_kinematicBody, &com[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetInvInertiaMatrix(m_kinematicBody, &invInertia[0][0]);

//	const dMatrix localFrame (dPitchMatrix(m_headingAngle) * m_localFrame * matrix);
	const dMatrix localFrame (m_localFrame * matrix);

	com = matrix.TransformVector(com);
	com.m_w = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; i ++) {
		NewtonWorldConvexCastReturnInfo& contact = info[i];

		dVector point (contact.m_point[0], contact.m_point[1], contact.m_point[2], 0.0f);
		dVector normal (contact.m_normal[0], contact.m_normal[1], contact.m_normal[2], 0.0f);

		jt[rowCount].m_linear = normal;
		jt[rowCount].m_angular = (point - com).CrossProduct(normal);

		low[rowCount] = 0.0f;
		high[rowCount] = 1.0e12f;
		normalIndex[rowCount] = 0;
		dVector tmp (veloc * jt[rowCount].m_linear.Scale (1.001f));
		rhs[rowCount] = - (tmp.m_x + tmp.m_y + tmp.m_z);
		rowCount ++;
		dAssert (rowCount < (D_MAX_ROWS - 3));

		//dFloat updir = localFrame.m_front.DotProduct3(normal);
		dFloat friction = m_manager->ContactFriction(this, point, normal, contact.m_hitBody);
		if (friction > 0.0f)
			// add lateral traction friction
			dVector sideDir (localFrame.m_up.CrossProduct(normal).Normalize());

			jt[rowCount].m_linear = sideDir;
			jt[rowCount].m_angular = (point - com).CrossProduct(sideDir);

			low[rowCount] = -friction;
			high[rowCount] = friction;
			normalIndex[rowCount] = -1;

			dVector tmp1 (veloc * jt[rowCount].m_linear);
			rhs[rowCount] =  -m_lateralSpeed - (tmp1.m_x + tmp1.m_y + tmp1.m_z);
			dAssert (rowCount < (D_MAX_ROWS - 3));

			// add longitudinal  traction friction
			dVector frontDir (normal.CrossProduct(sideDir));
			jt[rowCount].m_linear = frontDir;
			jt[rowCount].m_angular = (point - com).CrossProduct(frontDir);

			low[rowCount] = -friction;
			high[rowCount] = friction;
			normalIndex[rowCount] = -2;
			dVector tmp2 (veloc * jt[rowCount].m_linear);
			rhs[rowCount] = -m_forwardSpeed - (tmp2.m_x + tmp2.m_y + tmp2.m_z);
			dAssert(rowCount < (D_MAX_ROWS - 3));

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		jt[rowCount].m_linear = zero;
		jt[rowCount].m_angular = zero;
		jt[rowCount].m_angular[i] = dFloat(1.0f);
		rhs[rowCount] = 0.0f;
		impulseMag[rowCount] = 0;
		low[rowCount] = -1.0e12f;
		high[rowCount] = 1.0e12f;
		normalIndex[rowCount] = 0;

		rowCount ++;
		dAssert (rowCount < D_MAX_ROWS);

	dVector impulse (veloc.Scale (m_mass) + CalculateImpulse(rowCount, rhs, low, high, normalIndex, jt));
	veloc = impulse.Scale(m_invMass);
	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_kinematicBody, &veloc[0]);
void CustomVehicleController::DrawSchematic (dFloat scale) const
	dVector array [32];

	dMatrix projectionMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	projectionMatrix[0][0] = scale;
	projectionMatrix[1][1] = 0.0f;
	projectionMatrix[2][1] = scale;
	projectionMatrix[2][2] = 0.0f;
	CustomVehicleControllerManager* const manager = (CustomVehicleControllerManager*)GetManager();
	const dMatrix& chassisMatrix = m_chassisState.GetMatrix();
	const dMatrix& chassisFrameMatrix = m_chassisState.GetLocalMatrix();
	dMatrix worldToComMatrix ((chassisFrameMatrix * chassisMatrix).Inverse() * projectionMatrix);

		// draw vehicle chassis
		dVector p0 (1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 0.0f);
		dVector p1 (-1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, 0.0f);
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());
			dVector p (worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.m_posit));
			p0 = dVector (dMin (p.m_x, p0.m_x), dMin (p.m_y, p0.m_y), dMin (p.m_z, p0.m_z), 1.0f);
			p1 = dVector (dMax (p.m_x, p1.m_x), dMax (p.m_y, p1.m_y), dMax (p.m_z, p1.m_z), 1.0f);

		array[0] = dVector (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[1] = dVector (p1.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[2] = dVector (p1.m_x, p1.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[3] = dVector (p0.m_x, p1.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "chassis", 0, 4, array);

		// draw vehicle tires
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {

			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();

			dFloat width = tire->m_width * 0.5f;
			dFloat radio = tire->m_radio;
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());

			array[0] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector ( width, 0.0f,  radio, 0.0f)));
			array[1] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector ( width, 0.0f, -radio, 0.0f)));
			array[2] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector (-width, 0.0f, -radio, 0.0f)));
			array[3] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector (-width, 0.0f,  radio, 0.0f)));
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "tire", 0, 4, array);

		// draw vehicle velocity
		//dVector veloc1;
		//NewtonBodyGetVelocity(GetBody(), &veloc[0]);
		dVector veloc (m_chassisState.GetVelocity());
//dVector xxx (veloc1 - veloc);
//dAssert (dAbs(xxx % xxx) < 1.0e-3f);

		dVector localVelocity (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector (chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector (veloc)));
		localVelocity.m_y = 0.0f;

		localVelocity = projectionMatrix.RotateVector(localVelocity);

		array[0] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		array[1] = localVelocity.Scale (0.25f);
		manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "velocity", 0, 2, array);


		dFloat scale (2.0f / (m_chassisState.GetMass() * m_chassisState.m_gravityMag));
		// draw vehicle forces
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {

			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();
			//dVector p0 (tire->GetCenterOfMass());
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());

//dTrace (("(%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)\n", p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, matrix.m_posit.m_x, matrix.m_posit.m_y, matrix.m_posit.m_z ));
			dVector origin (worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.m_posit));

			dVector lateralForce (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector(tire->GetLateralForce())));
			lateralForce = lateralForce.Scale (-scale);
			lateralForce = projectionMatrix.RotateVector (lateralForce);
//dTrace (("(%f %f %f)\n", lateralForce.m_x, lateralForce.m_y, lateralForce.m_z ));

			array[0] = origin;
			array[1] = origin + lateralForce;
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "lateralForce", 0, 2, array);

			dVector longitudinalForce (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector(tire->GetLongitudinalForce())));
			longitudinalForce = longitudinalForce.Scale (-scale);
			longitudinalForce = projectionMatrix.RotateVector (longitudinalForce);
			//dTrace (("(%f %f %f)\n", lateralForce.m_x, lateralForce.m_y, lateralForce.m_z ));

			array[0] = origin;
			array[1] = origin + longitudinalForce;
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "longitudinalForce", 0, 2, array);

//			dVector p2 (p0 - tire->GetLateralForce().Scale (scale));

			// offset the origin of of tire force so that they are visible
			const dMatrix& tireMatrix = tire.GetLocalMatrix ();
			p0 += chassis.GetMatrix()[2].Scale ((tireMatrix.m_posit.m_z > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * 0.25f);

			// draw the tire load 
			dVector p1 (p0 + tire.GetTireLoad().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p1.m_x, p1.m_y, p1.m_z);

			// show tire lateral force
			dVector p2 (p0 - tire.GetLateralForce().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p2.m_x, p2.m_y, p2.m_z);

			// show tire longitudinal force
			dVector p3 (p0 - tire.GetLongitudinalForce().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p3.m_x, p3.m_y, p3.m_z);
void dComplentaritySolver::CalculateReactionsForces (int bodyCount, dBodyState** const bodyArray, int jointCount, dBilateralJoint** const jointArray, dFloat timestepSrc, dJacobianPair* const jacobianArray, dJacobianColum* const jacobianColumnArray)
	dJacobian internalForces [COMPLEMENTARITY_STACK_ENTRIES];

	int stateIndex = 0;
	dVector zero(dFloat (0.0f), dFloat (0.0f), dFloat (0.0f), dFloat (0.0f));
	for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
		dBodyState* const state = bodyArray[i];
		stateVeloc[stateIndex].m_linear = state->m_veloc;
		stateVeloc[stateIndex].m_angular = state->m_omega;

		internalForces[stateIndex].m_linear = zero;
		internalForces[stateIndex].m_angular = zero;

		state->m_myIndex = stateIndex;
		stateIndex ++;
		dAssert (stateIndex < int (sizeof (stateVeloc)/sizeof (stateVeloc[0])));

	for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i ++) {
		dJacobian y0;
		dJacobian y1;
		y0.m_linear = zero;
		y0.m_angular = zero;
		y1.m_linear = zero;
		y1.m_angular = zero;
		dBilateralJoint* const constraint = jointArray[i];
		int first = constraint->m_start;
		int count = constraint->m_count;
		for (int j = 0; j < count; j ++) { 
			dJacobianPair* const row = &jacobianArray[j + first];
			const dJacobianColum* const col = &jacobianColumnArray[j + first];
			dFloat val = col->m_force; 
			y0.m_linear += row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_linear.Scale(val);
			y0.m_angular += row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_angular.Scale(val);
			y1.m_linear += row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_linear.Scale(val);
			y1.m_angular += row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_angular.Scale(val);
		int m0 = constraint->m_state0->m_myIndex;
		int m1 = constraint->m_state1->m_myIndex;
		internalForces[m0].m_linear += y0.m_linear;
		internalForces[m0].m_angular += y0.m_angular;
		internalForces[m1].m_linear += y1.m_linear;
		internalForces[m1].m_angular += y1.m_angular;

	dFloat invTimestepSrc = dFloat (1.0f) / timestepSrc;
	dFloat invStep = dFloat (0.25f);
	dFloat timestep = timestepSrc * invStep;
	dFloat invTimestep = invTimestepSrc * dFloat (4.0f);

	int maxPasses = 5;
	dFloat firstPassCoef = dFloat (0.0f);
	dFloat maxAccNorm = dFloat (1.0e-2f);

	for (int step = 0; step < 4; step ++) {
		dJointAccelerationDecriptor joindDesc;
		joindDesc.m_timeStep = timestep;
		joindDesc.m_invTimeStep = invTimestep;
		joindDesc.m_firstPassCoefFlag = firstPassCoef;

		for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i ++) {
			dBilateralJoint* const constraint = jointArray[i];
			joindDesc.m_rowsCount = constraint->m_count;
			joindDesc.m_rowMatrix = &jacobianArray[constraint->m_start];
			joindDesc.m_colMatrix = &jacobianColumnArray[constraint->m_start];
			constraint->JointAccelerations (&joindDesc);
		firstPassCoef = dFloat (1.0f);

		dFloat accNorm = dFloat (1.0e10f);
		for (int passes = 0; (passes < maxPasses) && (accNorm > maxAccNorm); passes ++) {
			accNorm = dFloat (0.0f);
			for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i ++) {

				dBilateralJoint* const constraint = jointArray[i];
				int index = constraint->m_start;
				int rowsCount = constraint->m_count;
				int m0 = constraint->m_state0->m_myIndex;
				int m1 = constraint->m_state1->m_myIndex;

				dVector linearM0 (internalForces[m0].m_linear);
				dVector angularM0 (internalForces[m0].m_angular);
				dVector linearM1 (internalForces[m1].m_linear);
				dVector angularM1 (internalForces[m1].m_angular);

				dBodyState* const state0 = constraint->m_state0;
				dBodyState* const state1 = constraint->m_state1;
				const dMatrix& invInertia0 = state0->m_invInertia;
				const dMatrix& invInertia1 = state1->m_invInertia;
				dFloat invMass0 = state0->m_invMass;
				dFloat invMass1 = state1->m_invMass;

				for (int k = 0; k < rowsCount; k ++) {
					dJacobianPair* const row = &jacobianArray[index];
					dJacobianColum* const col = &jacobianColumnArray[index];

					dVector JMinvIM0linear (row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_linear.Scale (invMass0));
					dVector JMinvIM1linear (row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_linear.Scale (invMass1));
					dVector JMinvIM0angular = invInertia0.UnrotateVector(row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_angular);
					dVector JMinvIM1angular = invInertia1.UnrotateVector(row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_angular);
					dVector acc (JMinvIM0linear.CompProduct(linearM0) + JMinvIM0angular.CompProduct(angularM0) + JMinvIM1linear.CompProduct(linearM1) + JMinvIM1angular.CompProduct(angularM1));

					dFloat a = col->m_coordenateAccel - acc.m_x - acc.m_y - acc.m_z - col->m_force * col->m_diagDamp;
					dFloat f = col->m_force + col->m_invDJMinvJt * a;

					dFloat lowerFrictionForce = col->m_jointLowFriction;
					dFloat upperFrictionForce = col->m_jointHighFriction;

					if (f > upperFrictionForce) {
						a = dFloat (0.0f);
						f = upperFrictionForce;
					} else if (f < lowerFrictionForce) {
						a = dFloat (0.0f);
						f = lowerFrictionForce;

					accNorm = dMax (accNorm, dAbs (a));
					dFloat prevValue = f - col->m_force;
					col->m_force = f;

					linearM0 += row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_linear.Scale (prevValue);
					angularM0 += row->m_jacobian_IM0.m_angular.Scale (prevValue);
					linearM1 += row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_linear.Scale (prevValue);
					angularM1 += row->m_jacobian_IM1.m_angular.Scale (prevValue);
					index ++;
				internalForces[m0].m_linear = linearM0;
				internalForces[m0].m_angular = angularM0;
				internalForces[m1].m_linear = linearM1;
				internalForces[m1].m_angular = angularM1;

		for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
			dBodyState* const state = bodyArray[i];
			//int index = state->m_myIndex;
			dAssert (state->m_myIndex == i);
			dVector force (state->m_externalForce + internalForces[i].m_linear);
			dVector torque (state->m_externalTorque + internalForces[i].m_angular);
			state->IntegrateForce(timestep, force, torque);

	for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i ++) {
		dBilateralJoint* const constraint = jointArray[i];
		int first = constraint->m_start;
		int count = constraint->m_count;
		for (int j = 0; j < count; j ++) { 
			const dJacobianColum* const col = &jacobianColumnArray[j + first];
			dFloat val = col->m_force; 
			constraint->m_jointFeebackForce[j] = val;

	for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i ++) {
		dBilateralJoint* const constraint = jointArray[i];
		constraint->UpdateSolverForces (jacobianArray);

	for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
		dBodyState* const state = bodyArray[i];
		dAssert (state->m_myIndex == i);
		state->ApplyNetForceAndTorque (invTimestepSrc, stateVeloc[i].m_linear, stateVeloc[i].m_angular);
dFloat CustomVehicleControllerComponentEngine::GetRPM () const
	return dMax (-m_engineRPS * m_crownGearRatio * 9.55f, 0.0f);