static gboolean
analysis_tool_principal_components_engine_run (data_analysis_output_t *dao,
				      analysis_tools_data_generic_t *info)
	int l = g_slist_length (info->input), i;
	GSList *inputdata;

	GnmFunc *fd_mean;
	GnmFunc *fd_var;
	GnmFunc *fd_eigen;
	GnmFunc *fd_mmult;
	GnmFunc *fd_munit;
	GnmFunc *fd_sqrt;
	GnmFunc *fd_count;
	GnmFunc *fd_sum;
	GnmFunc *fd_and;
	GnmFunc *fd_if;

	GnmExpr const *expr;
	GnmExpr const *expr_count;
	GnmExpr const *expr_munit;
	GnmExpr const *expr_and;
	int data_points;
	GnmExprList *and_args = NULL;

	if (!dao_cell_is_visible (dao, l, 9 + 3 * l)) {
		dao_set_bold (dao, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		dao_set_italic (dao, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		dao_set_cell (dao, 0, 0, 
			      _("Principal components analysis has "
				"insufficient space."));
		return 0;

	fd_mean = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("AVERAGE", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_mean);
	fd_var = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("VAR", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_var);
	fd_eigen = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("EIGEN", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_eigen);
	fd_mmult = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("MMULT", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_mmult);
	fd_munit = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("MUNIT", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_munit);
	fd_sqrt = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("SQRT", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_sqrt);
	fd_count = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("COUNT", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_count);
	fd_sum = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("SUM", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_sum);
	fd_and = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("AND", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_and);
	fd_if = gnm_func_lookup_or_add_placeholder 
		("IF", dao->sheet ? dao->sheet->workbook : NULL, FALSE);
	gnm_func_ref (fd_if);

	dao_set_bold (dao, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	dao_set_italic (dao, 0, 0, 0, 11 + 3 * l);
	dao_set_format (dao, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
			_("\"Principal Components Analysis\";"
			  "[Red]\"Principal Components Analysis is invalid.\""));
	dao_set_align (dao, 0, 0, 0, 0,

	analysis_tool_table (dao, info, _("Covariances:"), "COVAR", TRUE);

	for (i = 1, inputdata = info->input; inputdata != NULL; i++, inputdata = inputdata->next)
		analysis_tools_write_label (inputdata->data, dao, info, 0, 9 + 2 * l + i, i);

	data_points = value_area_get_width (info->input->data, NULL) * 
		value_area_get_height (info->input->data, NULL);
	for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
		and_args = gnm_expr_list_prepend 
			 (gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (data_points)),
			  make_cellref (1 + i, 3 + l)));
	expr_and = gnm_expr_new_funcall	(fd_and, and_args);
	dao_set_cell_expr (dao, 0, 0, 
			    gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (1)),
			    gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (-1))));
	dao_set_merge (dao,0,0,2,0);
	set_cell_text_col (dao, 0, 3 + l, 
	dao_set_cell (dao, 0, 11 + 3 * l, _("Percent of Trace:"));
	dao_set_italic (dao, 0, 9 + 2 * l, 1 + l, 9 + 2 * l);
	dao_set_percent (dao, 1, 11 + 3 * l, 1 + l, 11 + 3 * l);

	for (i = 1, inputdata = info->input; inputdata != NULL; i++, inputdata = inputdata->next) {
		expr = gnm_expr_new_constant (value_dup (inputdata->data));
		dao_set_cell_expr (dao, i, 3 + l, 
				   gnm_expr_new_funcall1 (fd_count, gnm_expr_copy (expr)));
		dao_set_cell_expr (dao, i, 4 + l,  
				   gnm_expr_new_funcall1 (fd_mean, gnm_expr_copy (expr)));
		dao_set_cell_expr (dao, i, 5 + l,
				   gnm_expr_new_funcall1 (fd_var, expr));

	expr_count = gnm_expr_new_binary (make_cellref (0,-4), GNM_EXPR_OP_DIV,
					  gnm_expr_new_binary (make_cellref (0,-4), GNM_EXPR_OP_SUB,
							       gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (1))));
	expr = gnm_expr_new_funcall1 
		(fd_eigen, gnm_expr_new_binary 
		 (expr_count, GNM_EXPR_OP_MULT, make_rangeref (0, - (5 + l), l - 1, - 6)));
	dao_set_array_expr (dao, 1, 7 + l, l, l + 1, expr);

	for (i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
		dao_set_align (dao, i, 9 + 2 * l, i, 9 + 2 * l,
		dao_set_cell_printf (dao, i, 9 + 2 * l, "\xce\xbe%i", i);
		dao_set_cell_expr (dao, i, 11 + 3 * l, 
				   gnm_expr_new_binary (make_cellref (0,- 4 - 2 * l),
							 dao_get_rangeref (dao, 1, 7 + l, l, 7 + l))));

	expr_munit =  gnm_expr_new_funcall1 (fd_munit, gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (l)));
	expr = gnm_expr_new_funcall2 (fd_mmult,
				       (fd_sqrt, gnm_expr_new_binary 
					(gnm_expr_new_constant (value_new_int (1)),
					 make_rangeref (0, - 5 - l, l - 1, - 5 - l))),
				       gnm_expr_copy (expr_munit)),
				      make_rangeref (0, - 2 - l, l - 1, - 3));
	expr = gnm_expr_new_funcall2 (fd_mmult, expr,
				       (fd_sqrt, make_rangeref (0, - 3 - l, l - 1, - 3 - l)),
	dao_set_array_expr (dao, 1, 10 + 2 * l, l, l, expr);

	gnm_func_unref (fd_mean);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_var);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_eigen);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_mmult);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_munit);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_sqrt);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_count);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_sum);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_and);
	gnm_func_unref (fd_if);

	dao_redraw_respan (dao);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
static void
scenario_summary (WorkbookControl *wbc,
		  Sheet           *sheet,
		  GSList          *results,
		  Sheet           **new_sheet)
	summary_cb_t cb;
	GList        *cur;
	GList        *scenarios = sheet->scenarios;

	/* Initialize: Currently only new sheet output supported. */
	dao_init_new_sheet (&cb.dao);
	dao_prepare_output (wbc, &cb.dao, _("Scenario Summary"));

	/* Titles. */
	dao_set_cell (&cb.dao, 1, 1, _("Current Values"));
	dao_set_cell (&cb.dao, 0, 2, _("Changing Cells:"));

	/* Go through all scenarios. */
	cb.row     = 0;
	cb.names   = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
	cb.sheet   = sheet;
	cb.results = results;
	for (cb.col = 0, cur = scenarios; cur != NULL; cb.col++,
		     cur = cur->next) {
		GnmScenario *s = cur->data;

		/* Scenario name. */
		dao_set_cell (&cb.dao, 2 + cb.col, 1, s->name);

		scenario_for_each_value (s, (ScenarioValueCB) summary_cb, &cb);

	/* Set the alignment of names of the changing cells to be right. */
	dao_set_align (&cb.dao, 0, 3, 0, 2 + cb.row, GNM_HALIGN_RIGHT,

	/* Result cells. */
	if (results != NULL)
		scenario_summary_res_cells (wbc, results, &cb);

	/* Destroy the hash table. */
	g_hash_table_foreach (cb.names, (GHFunc) rm_fun_cb, NULL);
	g_hash_table_destroy (cb.names);

	/* Clean up the report output. */
	dao_set_bold (&cb.dao, 0, 0, 0, 2 + cb.row);
	dao_autofit_columns (&cb.dao);
	dao_set_cell (&cb.dao, 0, 0, _("Scenario Summary"));

	dao_set_colors (&cb.dao, 0, 0, cb.col + 1, 1,
			gnm_color_new_go (GO_COLOR_WHITE),
			gnm_color_new_go (DARK_GRAY));
	dao_set_colors (&cb.dao, 0, 2, 0, 2 + cb.row,
			gnm_color_new_go (GO_COLOR_BLACK),
			gnm_color_new_go (LIGHT_GRAY));

	dao_set_align (&cb.dao, 1, 1, cb.col + 1, 1, GNM_HALIGN_RIGHT,

	*new_sheet = cb.dao.sheet;