static int retrieve_backup(userec_t *user) { int uid; char src[PATHLEN], dst[PATHLEN]; char ans; if ((uid = searchuser(user->userid, user->userid))) { userec_t orig; passwd_sync_query(uid, &orig); strlcpy(user->passwd, orig.passwd, sizeof(orig.passwd)); setumoney(uid, user->money); passwd_sync_update(uid, user); return 0; } ans = vans("目前的 PASSWD 檔沒有此 ID,新增嗎?[y/N]"); if (ans != 'y') { vmsg("目前的 PASSWDS 檔沒有此 ID,請先新增此帳號"); return -1; } if (setupnewuser((const userec_t *)user) >= 0) { sethomepath(dst, user->userid); if (!dashd(dst)) { snprintf(src, sizeof(src), "tmp/%s", user->userid); if (!dashd(src) || !Rename(src, dst)) mkuserdir(user->userid); } return 0; } return -1; }
/*严格检查精华区路径的合法性*/ unsigned int check_ann(const struct boardheader* bh){ char buf[PATHLEN],*ptr; unsigned int ret,i; ret=0; sprintf(buf,"%s",bh->ann_path); if(!(ptr=strrchr(buf,'/'))) return 0x080000; *ptr++=0; /*精华区路径与讨论区名称不符*/ if(strcmp(bh->filename,ptr)) ret|=0x010000; /*精华区分区错误*/ for(i=0;groups[i];i++) if(!strcmp(groups[i],buf)) break; if(!groups[i]) ret|=0x020000; else ret|=(i&0xFFFF); /*精华区目录不存在*/ sprintf(buf,"0Announce/groups/%s",bh->ann_path); if(!dashd(buf)) ret|=0x040000; return ret; }
static int canread(int level, char *path, char * fname, char *title) { char buf[PATHLEN+20]; if(strlen(path)+strlen(fname) > PATHLEN) return 0; sprintf(buf,"%s/%s",path,fname); #ifdef FB2KPC if(!strncmp(path,FB2KPC,strlen(FB2KPC))){ if(fb2kpc_is_owner(buf)) return 1; if(strstr(title,"<secret>")) return 0; }else{ #endif if(level & PERM_BOARDS) return 1; #ifdef FB2KPC } #endif if(dashd(buf)){ strcat(buf,"/.allow"); if(!dashf(buf)) return 1; if(!seek_in_file(buf,getCurrentUser()->userid)) return 0; return 1; } return 1; }
//ÈôdstΪĿ¼,ÇÒ²¢·Ç.,..,×îºóÒ»¸ö×Ö·û²»Îª/, // ½«Æäɾ³ý,³É¹¦·µ»Ø 1 // ·ñÔò·µ»Ø 0 int deltree(char *dst) { if (strstr(dst, "//") || strstr(dst, "..") || strchr(dst, ' ')) return 0; /* precaution */ if (dst[strlen(dst) - 1] == '/') return 0; if (dashd(dst)) { sprintf(genbuf, "/bin/rm -rf %s", dst); system(genbuf); return 1; } else return 0; }
jobjectArray Java_com_hace_fastwiki_FileBrowse_GetFiles(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jstring path) { int total = 0; char buf[_MAX_IMAGE_TOTAL][64], tmp[128]; jobjectArray ret; const char *file = my_get_string(path); DIR *dirp; struct dirent *d; if ((dirp = opendir(file)) == NULL) dirp = opendir("/"); sprintf(buf[total++], "1.."); while ((d = readdir(dirp))) { if (d->d_name[0] == '.') continue; if (total >= _MAX_IMAGE_TOTAL - 1) break; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", file, d->d_name); if (dashf(tmp) && access(tmp, R_OK) == 0) { if (is_image_fname(d->d_name)) snprintf(buf[total++], sizeof(buf[0]), "0%s", d->d_name); } else if (dashd(tmp) && access(tmp, R_OK | X_OK) == 0) { snprintf(buf[total++], sizeof(buf[0]), "1%s", d->d_name); } } closedir(dirp); qsort(buf, total, 64, _cmp_file_name); ret = env->NewObjectArray(total, env->FindClass("java/lang/String"), 0); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, env->NewStringUTF(buf[i])); } return ret; }
static void a_showname(const menu_t * pm) { char buf[PATHLEN]; int len; int i; int sym; move(b_lines - 1, 0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", pm->path, pm->header[pm->now - pm->page].filename); if (dashl(buf)) { prints("此 symbolic link 名稱為 %s\n", pm->header[pm->now - pm->page].filename); if ((len = readlink(buf, buf, PATHLEN - 1)) >= 0) { buf[len] = '\0'; for (i = 0; BBSHOME[i] && buf[i] == BBSHOME[i]; i++); if (!BBSHOME[i] && buf[i] == '/') { if (HasUserPerm(PERM_BBSADM)) sym = 1; else { sym = 0; for (i++; BBSHOME "/man"[i] && buf[i] == BBSHOME "/man"[i]; i++); if (!BBSHOME "/man"[i] && buf[i] == '/') sym = 1; } if (sym) { vmsgf("此 symbolic link 指向 %s", &buf[i + 1]); } } } } else if (dashf(buf)) prints("此文章名稱為 %s", pm->header[pm->now - pm->page].filename); else if (dashd(buf)) prints("此目錄名稱為 %s", pm->header[pm->now - pm->page].filename); else outs("此項目已損毀, 建議將其刪除!"); pressanykey(); }
int transman(char *path) { char name[128]; char buf[512], filename[512], *direct=""; int n=0; fileheader_t fh; FILE *fp; chdir(path); fp = fopen(".Names", "r"); if(fp) for(n=0; fgets(buf,512,fp)>0; n++) { strtok(buf,"\r\n"); if(buf[0]=='#') continue; if(buf[0]=='N') strcpy(name, buf+5); else if(buf[0]=='P') { direct = buf+7; strcpy(filename, "."); stampfile(filename, &fh); unlink(filename); if(dashd(direct)) { sprintf(fh.title, "¡» %s", name); transman(direct); } else sprintf(fh.title, "¡º %s", name); rename(direct, filename); append_record(".DIR", &fh, sizeof(fh)); } } chdir(".."); return n; }
/** * Telnet register interface. */ void new_register(void) { char userid[IDLEN + 1], passwd[PASSLEN], passbuf[PASSLEN], log[STRLEN]; const char *errmsg; if (register_closed()) { ansimore("NOREGISTER", NA); pressreturn(); return; } ansimore("etc/register", NA); #ifndef FDQUAN //% if (!askyn("您是否同意本站Announce版精华区x-3目录所列站规?", false, false)) if (!askyn("\xc4\xfa\xca\xc7\xb7\xf1\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2\xb1\xbe\xd5\xbe""Announce\xb0\xe6\xbe\xab\xbb\xaa\xc7\xf8x-3\xc4\xbf\xc2\xbc\xcb\xf9\xc1\xd0\xd5\xbe\xb9\xe6?", false, false)) return; #endif int tried = 0; prints("\n"); while (1) { if (++tried >= MAX_NEW_TRIES) { //% outs("\n拜拜,按太多下 <Enter> 了...\n"); outs("\n\xb0\xdd\xb0\xdd\xa3\xac\xb0\xb4\xcc\xab\xb6\xe0\xcf\xc2 <Enter> \xc1\xcb...\n"); screen_flush(); return; } //% getdata(0, 0, "请输入帐号名称 (Enter User ID, \"0\" to abort): ", getdata(0, 0, "\xc7\xeb\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xd5\xca\xba\xc5\xc3\xfb\xb3\xc6 (Enter User ID, \"0\" to abort): ", userid, sizeof(userid), DOECHO, YEA); if (userid[0] == '0') return; errmsg = register_invalid_user_name(userid); if (errmsg != NULL) { outs(errmsg); continue; } char path[HOMELEN]; sethomepath(path, userid); if (dosearchuser(userid, ¤tuser, &usernum) || dashd(path)) { //% outs("此帐号已经有人使用\n"); outs("\xb4\xcb\xd5\xca\xba\xc5\xd2\xd1\xbe\xad\xd3\xd0\xc8\xcb\xca\xb9\xd3\xc3\n"); continue; } #ifndef REG_CAPTCHA break; #else char link[STRLEN], attempt[CAPTCHA_LEN + 1], answer[CAPTCHA_LEN + 1]; int lnum; int pos = gen_captcha_link(link, sizeof(link), &lnum); if (pos < 0) return; prints("http://"BBSHOST"/captcha/%d.gif\n", lnum); //% getdata(0, 0, "请输入上图所包含的英文字母: ", attempt, sizeof(attempt), getdata(0, 0, "\xc7\xeb\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xc9\xcf\xcd\xbc\xcb\xf9\xb0\xfc\xba\xac\xb5\xc4\xd3\xa2\xce\xc4\xd7\xd6\xc4\xb8: ", attempt, sizeof(attempt), DOECHO, YEA); unlink(link); get_captcha_answer(pos, answer, sizeof(answer)); if (strcasecmp(answer, attempt) != 0) { //% outs("验证码输入错误...\n"); outs("\xd1\xe9\xd6\xa4\xc2\xeb\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xb4\xed\xce\xf3...\n"); continue; } else { break; } #endif // REG_CAPTCHA } for (tried = 0; tried <= MAX_SET_PASSWD_TRIES; ++tried) { passbuf[0] = '\0'; //% getdata(0, 0, "请设定您的密码 (Setup Password): ", passbuf, getdata(0, 0, "\xc7\xeb\xc9\xe8\xb6\xa8\xc4\xfa\xb5\xc4\xc3\xdc\xc2\xeb (Setup Password): ", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO, YEA); errmsg = register_invalid_password(passbuf, userid); if (errmsg) { outs(errmsg); continue; } strlcpy(passwd, passbuf, PASSLEN); //% getdata(0, 0, "请再输入一次您的密码 (Confirm Password): ", passbuf, getdata(0, 0, "\xc7\xeb\xd4\xd9\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xd2\xbb\xb4\xce\xc4\xfa\xb5\xc4\xc3\xdc\xc2\xeb (Confirm Password): ", passbuf, PASSLEN, NOECHO, YEA); if (strncmp(passbuf, passwd, PASSLEN) != 0) { //% prints("密码输入错误, 请重新输入密码\n"); prints("\xc3\xdc\xc2\xeb\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xb4\xed\xce\xf3, \xc7\xeb\xd6\xd8\xd0\xc2\xca\xe4\xc8\xeb\xc3\xdc\xc2\xeb\n"); continue; } passwd[8] = '\0'; break; } if (tried > MAX_SET_PASSWD_TRIES) return; struct userec user; init_userec(&user, userid, passwd, true); strlcpy(user.lasthost, fromhost, sizeof(user.lasthost)); if (create_user(&user) < 0) { outs("Failed to create user.\n"); return; } snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "new account from %s", fromhost); report(log, currentuser.userid); //% prints("请重新登录 %s 并填写注册信息\n", user.userid); prints("\xc7\xeb\xd6\xd8\xd0\xc2\xb5\xc7\xc2\xbc %s \xb2\xa2\xcc\xee\xd0\xb4\xd7\xa2\xb2\xe1\xd0\xc5\xcf\xa2\n", user.userid); pressanykey(); return; }
static void a_delete(menu_t * pm, const char *backup_dir) { char fpath[PATHLEN], buf[PATHLEN], cmd[PATHLEN]; char ans[4]; fileheader_t backup, *fhdr = &(pm->header[pm->now - pm->page]); const char *msg_errsync = "刪除檔案失敗,請退回上層目錄後再重試一次", *msg_errsync2 = "檔案可能已被它人刪除,請退回上層目錄再重進確認", *msg_errbackup = "檔案已刪除但無法備份。請至 " BN_BUGREPORT "報告您試圖刪除檔案的位置。"; snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s/%s", pm->path, fhdr->filename); setadir(buf, pm->path); if (fhdr->filename[0] == 'H' && fhdr->filename[1] == '.') { getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, "您確定要刪除此精華區連線嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return; if (delete_fileheader(buf, fhdr, pm->now + 1) == -1) { vmsg(msg_errsync); return; } } else if (dashl(fpath)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, "您確定要刪除此 symbolic link 嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return; if (delete_fileheader(buf, fhdr, pm->now + 1) == -1) { vmsg(msg_errsync); return; } unlink(fpath); } else if (dashf(fpath)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, "您確定要刪除此檔案嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return; if (delete_fileheader(buf, fhdr, pm->now + 1) == -1) { vmsg(msg_errsync); return; } switch(delete_file_content(buf, fhdr, backup_dir, NULL, 0)) { case DELETE_FILE_CONTENT_BACKUP_FAILED: vmsg(msg_errbackup); break; case DELETE_FILE_CONTENT_FAILED: vmsg(msg_errsync2); break; default: #ifndef USE_TIME_CAPSULE // When not using time capsule, .DIR content may be changed in // board (BN_DELETE/BN_JUNK) and need to be changed. However // since that's going to be deprecated in future, let's have a // simple workaround here. if (backup_dir) { const char *bn = NULL; if (strstr(backup_dir, "/" BN_JUNK "/")) bn = BN_JUNK; else if (strstr(backup_dir, "/" BN_DELETED "/")) bn = BN_DELETED; if (bn) setbtotal(getbnum(bn)); } #endif break; } } else if (dashd(fpath)) { // TODO(hungte) We should create a top level folder and move everything // inside. // XXX we also check PERM_MAILLIMIT here because RMAIL // may be not trusted... const char *save_bn = ( HasUserPerm(PERM_MAILLIMIT) && (currstat & RMAIL) ) ? BN_JUNK : BN_DELETED; getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, "您確定要刪除整個目錄嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return; if (delete_fileheader(buf, fhdr, pm->now + 1) == -1) { vmsg(msg_errsync); return; } setapath(buf, save_bn); // XXX because this directory will hold folders from entire site, // let's allow it to use a large set of file names. if (stampadir(buf, &backup, 1) != 0) { vmsg("抱歉,系統目前無法刪除資料,請通知站務人員"); return; } snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "rm -rf %s;/bin/mv -f %s %s", buf, fpath, buf); system(cmd); strlcpy(backup.owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(backup.owner)); strcpy(backup.title, "◆"); strlcpy(backup.title + 2, fhdr->title + 2, sizeof(backup.title) - 3); // restrict access if source is hidden if ((fhdr->filemode & FILE_BM) || (fhdr->filemode & FILE_HIDE)) backup.filemode |= FILE_BM; /* merge setapath(buf, save_bn); setadir(buf, buf); */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "man/boards/%c/%s/" FN_DIR, *save_bn, save_bn); append_record(buf, &backup, sizeof(backup)); } else { /* Ptt 損毀的項目 */ getdata(b_lines - 1, 1, "您確定要刪除此損毀的項目嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return; if (delete_fileheader(buf, fhdr, pm->now + 1) == -1) return; } pm->num--; }
void a_pasteitem(menu_t * pm, int mode) { char newpath[PATHLEN]; char buf[PATHLEN]; char ans[2], skipAll = 0, multiple = 0; int i, copied = 0; fileheader_t item; CopyQueue *cq; move(b_lines - 1, 0); if(copyqueue_querysize() <= 0) { vmsg("請先執行複製(copy)命令後再貼上(paste)"); return; } if(mode && copyqueue_querysize() > 1) { multiple = 1; move(b_lines-2, 0); clrtobot(); outs("c: 對各項目個別確認是否要貼上, z: 全部不貼,同時重設並取消全部標記\n"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "確定要貼上全部共 %d 個項目嗎 (c/z/y/N)? ", copyqueue_querysize()); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, buf, ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if(ans[0] == 'y') skipAll = 1; else if(ans[0] == 'z') { copyqueue_reset(); vmsg("已重設複製記錄。"); return; } else if (ans[0] != 'c') return; clear(); } while (copyqueue_querysize() > 0) { cq = copyqueue_gethead(); if(!cq->copyfile[0]) continue; if(mode && multiple) { scroll(); move(b_lines-2, 0); clrtobot(); prints("%d. %s\n", ++copied,cq->copytitle); } if (dashd(cq->copyfile)) { for (i = 0; cq->copyfile[i] && cq->copyfile[i] == pm->path[i]; i++); if (!cq->copyfile[i]) { vmsg("將目錄拷進自己的子目錄中,會造成無窮迴圈!"); continue; } } if (mode && !skipAll) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "確定要拷貝[%s]嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", cq->copytitle); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, buf, ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); } else ans[0] = 'y'; if (ans[0] == 'y') { strlcpy(newpath, pm->path, sizeof(newpath)); if (*cq->copyowner) { char *fname = strrchr(cq->copyfile, '/'); if (fname) strcat(newpath, fname); else return; if (access(pm->path, X_OK | R_OK | W_OK)) Mkdir(pm->path); memset(&item, 0, sizeof(fileheader_t)); strlcpy(item.filename, fname + 1, sizeof(item.filename)); memcpy(cq->copytitle, "◎", 2); Copy(cq->copyfile, newpath); } else if (dashf(cq->copyfile)) { stampfile(newpath, &item); memcpy(cq->copytitle, "◇", 2); Copy(cq->copyfile, newpath); } else if (dashd(cq->copyfile) && stampadir(newpath, &item, 0) != -1) { memcpy(cq->copytitle, "◆", 2); copy_file(cq->copyfile, newpath); } else { copyqueue_reset(); vmsg("無法拷貝!"); return; } strlcpy(item.owner, *cq->copyowner ? cq->copyowner : cuser.userid, sizeof(item.owner)); strlcpy(item.title, cq->copytitle, sizeof(item.title)); a_additem(pm, &item); cq->copyfile[0] = '\0'; } } }
int a_menu_rec(const char *maintitle, const char *path, int lastlevel, int lastbid, char *trans_buffer, a_menu_session_t *sess, const int *preselect, // we don't change root's value (but may change root pointer) // we may change parent's value (but never change parent pointer) const menu_t *root, menu_t* const parent) { menu_t me = {0}; char fname[PATHLEN]; int ch, returnvalue = FULLUPDATE; assert(sess); // prevent deep resursive directories if (strlen(path) + FNLEN >= PATHLEN) { // it is not save to enter such directory. return returnvalue; } if(trans_buffer) trans_buffer[0] = '\0'; if (parent) { parent->next = &me; } else { assert(root == NULL); root = &me; } me.header_size = p_lines; me.header = (fileheader_t *) calloc(me.header_size, FHSZ); me.path = path; strlcpy(me.mtitle, maintitle, sizeof(me.mtitle)); setadir(fname, me.path); me.num = get_num_records(fname, FHSZ); = lastbid; /* 精華區-tree 中部份結構屬於 cuser ==> BM */ if (!(me.level = lastlevel)) { char *ptr; // warning: this is only valid for me.level. // is_uBM should not do anything except returning test result: // for ex, setting user BM permission automatically. // such extra behavior will result in any sub-op to have PERM_BM // ability, which leads to entering BM board without authority. // Thanks to mtdas@ptt for reporting this exploit. if (HasBasicUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK) && !HasUserPerm(PERM_NOCITIZEN) && (ptr = strrchr(me.mtitle, '['))) me.level = is_uBM(ptr + 1, cuser.userid); } = A_INVALID_PAGE; if (preselect && !*preselect) preselect = NULL; = preselect ? (*preselect -1) : 0; for (;;) { if ( >= me.num) = me.num - 1; if ( < 0) = 0; if ( < || >= + me.header_size) { = - (( == 10000 && > p_lines / 2) ? (p_lines / 2) : ( % p_lines)); if (!a_showmenu(&me)) { // some directories are invalid, restart! sess->bReturnToRoot = 1; break; } } if (preselect && *preselect && preselect[1]) { // if this is not the last preselect entry, enter it ch = KEY_ENTER; } else { ch = cursor_key(2 + -, 0); } if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q' || ch == KEY_LEFT) break; // TODO maybe we should let 1-9=simple search and z=tree-search // TODO or let 'z' prefix means 'back to root' if ((ch >= '1' && ch <= '9') || (ch == 'z' || ch == 'Z')) { int n = a_multi_search_num(ch, sess); = A_INVALID_PAGE; if (n > 0) { // simple (single) selection = n-1; = 10000; // I don't know what's the magic value 10000... } else if (n == 0 && sess->z_indexes[0] == 0) { // empty/invalid input } else { // n == 0 with multiple selects preselect = sess->z_indexes; if (*preselect < 0) { // return to root first? if (parent) { sess->bReturnToRoot = 1; return DONOTHING; } // already in root preselect ++; } // handle first preselect (maybe zero due to previous 'already in root') if (*preselect > 0) = *preselect - 1; else preselect = NULL; } continue; } switch (ch) { case KEY_UP: case 'k': if ( < 0) = me.num - 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': if ( >= me.num) = 0; break; case KEY_PGUP: case Ctrl('B'): if ( >= p_lines) -= p_lines; else if ( > 0) = 0; else = me.num - 1; break; case ' ': case KEY_PGDN: case Ctrl('F'): if ( < me.num - p_lines) += p_lines; else if ( < me.num - 1) = me.num - 1; else = 0; break; case KEY_HOME: case '0': = 0; break; case KEY_END: case '$': = me.num - 1; break; case '?': case '/': if(me.num) { = a_searchtitle(&me, ch == '?'); = A_INVALID_PAGE; } break; case 'h': a_showhelp(me.level); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case Ctrl('W'): a_where_am_i(root,, me.header[ -].title); vmsg(NULL); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'e': case 'E': snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", path, me.header[ -].filename); if (dashf(fname) && me.level >= MANAGER) { int edflags = 0; *quote_file = 0; # ifdef BN_BBSMOVIE if ( && strcmp(getbcache(>brdname, BN_BBSMOVIE) == 0) { edflags |= EDITFLAG_UPLOAD; edflags |= EDITFLAG_ALLOWLARGE; } # endif // BN_BBSMOVIE if (vedit2(fname, NA, NULL, edflags) != -1) { char fpath[PATHLEN]; fileheader_t fhdr; strlcpy(fpath, path, sizeof(fpath)); stampfile(fpath, &fhdr); unlink(fpath); strlcpy(fhdr.filename, me.header[ -].filename, sizeof(fhdr.filename)); strlcpy(me.header[ -].owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(me.header[ -].owner)); setadir(fpath, path); substitute_record(fpath, me.header + -, sizeof(fhdr), + 1); } = A_INVALID_PAGE; } break; case 't': case 'c': if ( < me.num) { if (!isvisible_man(&me)) break; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", path, me.header[ -].filename); /* XXX: dirty fix 應該要改成如果發現該目錄裡面有隱形目錄的話才拒絕. 不過這樣的話須要整個搜一遍, 而且目前判斷該資料是目錄 還是檔案竟然是用 fstat(2) 而不是直接存在 .DIR 內 |||b 須等該資料寫入 .DIR 內再 implement才有效率. */ if( !me.level && !HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP) && ( || !is_BM_cache( && dashd(fname) ) vmsg("只有板主才可以拷貝目錄唷!"); else a_copyitem(fname, me.header[ -].title, 0, 1); = A_INVALID_PAGE; /* move down */ if ( >= me.num) = 0; break; } case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_RIGHT: case 'r': if ( >= me.num || < 0) { preselect = NULL; continue; } else { fileheader_t *fhdr = &me.header[ -]; const int *newselect = preselect ? preselect+1 : NULL; preselect = NULL; if (!isvisible_man(&me)) break; #ifdef DEBUG vmsgf("%s/%s", &path[11], fhdr->filename);; #endif snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", path, fhdr->filename); if (dashf(fname)) { int more_result; while ((more_result = more(fname, YEA))) { /* Ptt 範本精靈 plugin */ if (trans_buffer && (currstat == EDITEXP || currstat == OSONG)) { char ans[4]; move(22, 0); clrtoeol(); getdata(22, 1, currstat == EDITEXP ? "要把範例加入到文章內嗎?[y/N]" : "確定要選這篇嗎?[y/N]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'y') { strlcpy(trans_buffer, fname, PATHLEN); sess->bReturnToRoot = 1; if (currstat == OSONG) { log_filef(FN_USSONG, LOG_CREAT, "%s\n", fhdr->title); } free(me.header); return FULLUPDATE; } } if (more_result == READ_PREV) { if ( < 0) { = 0; break; } } else if (more_result == READ_NEXT) { if ( >= me.num) { = me.num - 1; break; } /* we only load me.header_size pages */ if ( - >= me.header_size) break; } else break; if (!isvisible_man(&me)) break; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", path, me.header[ -].filename); if (!dashf(fname)) break; } } else if (dashd(fname)) { returnvalue = a_menu_rec(me.header[ -].title, fname, me.level,, trans_buffer, sess, newselect, root, &me); if (returnvalue == DONOTHING) { // DONOTHING will only be caused by previous a_multi_search_num + preselect. assert(sess->bReturnToRoot); if (!parent) { // we've reached root menu! assert(sess->z_indexes[0] == -1); sess->bReturnToRoot = 0; returnvalue = FULLUPDATE; preselect = sess->z_indexes+1; // skip first 'return to root' if (*preselect > 0) = *preselect-1; } } else { returnvalue = FULLUPDATE; } = NULL; /* Ptt 強力跳出recursive */ if (sess->bReturnToRoot) { free(me.header); return returnvalue; } } = A_INVALID_PAGE; } break; case 'F': case 'U': if ( < me.num) { fileheader_t *fhdr = &me.header[ -]; if (!isvisible_man(&me)) break; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", path, fhdr->filename); if (HasBasicUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK) && dashf(fname)) { a_forward(path, fhdr, ch /* == 'U' */ ); /* By CharlieL */ } else vmsg("無法轉寄此項目"); = A_INVALID_PAGE; } break; } if (me.level >= MANAGER) { switch (ch) { case 'n': a_newitem(&me, ADDITEM); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'g': a_newitem(&me, ADDGROUP); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'p': a_pasteitem(&me, 1); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'f': a_editsign(&me); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case Ctrl('P'): a_pastetagpost(&me, -1); returnvalue = DIRCHANGED; = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case Ctrl('A'): a_pastetagpost(&me, 1); returnvalue = DIRCHANGED; = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'a': a_appenditem(&me, 1); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; } if (me.num) switch (ch) { case 'm': a_moveitem(&me); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'D': /* Ptt = -1; */ a_delrange(&me, sess->backup_dir); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'd': a_delete(&me, sess->backup_dir); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'H': a_hideitem(&me); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; case 'T': a_newtitle(&me); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY case 'L': a_setchesslist(&me); break; #endif } } if (me.level >= SYSOP) { switch (ch) { case 'N': a_showname(&me); = A_INVALID_PAGE; break; } } } free(me.header); return returnvalue; }
static void a_setchesslist(const menu_t * me) { char buf[4]; char buf_list[PATHLEN]; char buf_photo[PATHLEN]; char buf_this[PATHLEN]; char buf_real[PATHLEN]; int list_exist, photo_exist; fileheader_t* fhdr = me->header + me->now - me->page; int n; snprintf(buf_this, sizeof(buf_this), "%s/%s", me->path, fhdr->filename); if((n = readlink(buf_this, buf_real, sizeof(buf_real) - 1)) == -1) strcpy(buf_real, fhdr->filename); else // readlink doesn't garentee zero-ended buf_real[n] = 0; if (strcmp(buf_real, "chess_list") == 0 || strcmp(buf_real, "chess_photo") == 0) { vmsg("不需重設!"); return; } snprintf(buf_list, sizeof(buf_list), "%s/chess_list", me->path); snprintf(buf_photo, sizeof(buf_photo), "%s/chess_photo", me->path); list_exist = dashf(buf_list); photo_exist = dashd(buf_photo); if (!list_exist && !photo_exist) { vmsg("此看板非棋國!"); return; } getdata(b_lines, 0, "將此項目設定為 (1) 棋國名單 (2) 棋國照片檔目錄:", buf, sizeof(buf), 1); if (buf[0] == '1') { if (list_exist) getdata(b_lines, 0, "原有之棋國名單將被取代,請確認 (y/N)", buf, sizeof(buf), 1); else buf[0] = 'y'; if (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y') { Rename(buf_this, buf_list); symlink("chess_list", buf_this); } } else if (buf[0] == '2') { if (photo_exist) getdata(b_lines, 0, "原有之棋國照片將被取代,請確認 (y/N)", buf, sizeof(buf), 1); else buf[0] = 'y'; if (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y') { if(strncmp(buf_photo, "man/boards/", 11) == 0 && // guarding buf_photo[11] && buf_photo[12] == '/' && // guarding snprintf(buf_list, sizeof(buf_list), "rm -rf %s", buf_photo) == (int)strlen(buf_photo) + 7) system(buf_list); Rename(buf_this, buf_photo); symlink("chess_photo", buf_this); } } }
void new_register(void) { char userid[IDLEN + 1], passwd[PASSLEN], passbuf[PASSLEN], log[STRLEN]; #ifndef FDQUAN char code[IDLEN+1]; const char *verify_num; int sec; #endif if (dashf("NOREGISTER")) { ansimore("NOREGISTER", NA); pressreturn(); return; } ansimore("etc/register", NA); #ifndef FDQUAN if (!askyn("���Ƿ�ͬ�ⱾվAnnounce�澫����x-3Ŀ¼����վ��?", false, false)) return 0; #endif int tried = 0; prints("\n"); while (1) { if (++tried >= 9) { prints("\n�ݰݣ���̫���� <Enter> ��...\n"); refresh(); return; } #ifndef FDQUAN verify_num = generate_verify_num(); getdata(0, 0, "������������ʾ������: ", code, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO, YEA); #endif getdata(0, 0, "�������ʺ����� (Enter User ID, \"0\" to abort): ", userid, sizeof(userid), DOECHO, YEA); if (userid[0] == '0') return; const char *errmsg = invalid_userid(userid); if (errmsg != NULL) { outs(errmsg); continue; } #ifndef FDQUAN sec = random() % 5; prints("Ϊ����������ע���߳�ͻ...�����ĵȺ� %d ��...\n", sec); oflush(); sleep(sec); if (strcmp(verify_num, code)) { snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "verify '%s' error with code %s!=%s from %s", userid, verify_num, code, fromhost); report(log, currentuser.userid); prints("��Ǹ, ���������֤�벻��ȷ.\n"); continue; } snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "verify '%s' with code %s from %s ", userid, code, fromhost); report(log, currentuser.userid); #endif char path[HOMELEN]; sethomepath(path, userid); if (dosearchuser(userid, ¤tuser, &usernum) || dashd(path)) prints("���ʺ��Ѿ�����ʹ��\n"); else break; } for (tried = 0; tried <= MAX_SET_PASSWD_TRIES; ++tried) { passbuf[0] = '\0'; getdata(0, 0, "���趨�������� (Setup Password): ", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO, YEA); if (strlen(passbuf) < 4 || !strcmp(passbuf, userid)) { prints("����̫�̻���ʹ���ߴ�����ͬ, ����������\n"); continue; } strlcpy(passwd, passbuf, PASSLEN); getdata(0, 0, "��������һ���������� (Reconfirm Password): ", passbuf, PASSLEN, NOECHO, YEA); if (strncmp(passbuf, passwd, PASSLEN) != 0) { prints("�����������, ��������������.\n"); continue; } passwd[8] = '\0'; break; } if (tried > MAX_SET_PASSWD_TRIES) return; struct userec newuser; #ifdef ALLOWSWITCHCODE fill_new_userec(&newuser, userid, passwd, !convcode); #else fill_new_userec(&newuser, userid, passwd, true); #endif /* added by roly */ sprintf(genbuf, "/bin/rm -fr %s/mail/%c/%s", BBSHOME, toupper(newuser.userid[0]), newuser.userid) ; system(genbuf); sprintf(genbuf, "/bin/rm -fr %s/home/%c/%s", BBSHOME, toupper(newuser.userid[0]), newuser.userid) ; system(genbuf); /* add end */ int allocid = getnewuserid(); if (allocid > MAXUSERS || allocid <= 0) { prints("No space for new users on the system!\n\r"); return; } setuserid(allocid, newuser.userid); if (substitut_record(PASSFILE, &newuser, sizeof(newuser), allocid) == -1) { prints("too much, good bye!\n"); return; } if (!dosearchuser(newuser.userid, ¤tuser, &usernum)) { prints("User failed to create\n"); return; } snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "new account from %s", fromhost); report(log, currentuser.userid); prints("�����µ�¼ %s ����дע����Ϣ\n", newuser.userid); pressanykey(); return; }
int m_sob(void) { char genbuf[256], buf[256], userid[25], passbuf[24], msg[2048]=""; int count=0, i, isimported=0, corrected; FILE *fp; sobuserec man; time4_t d; clear(); move(1,0); outs( " 請注意 這是只給陽光沙灘使用者!\n" " 讓沙灘的使用者轉移個人資產以及重要信用資料, 享有平等安全的環境.\n" " 如果您不需要, 請直離開.\n" " -----------------------------------------------------------------\n" " 特別叮嚀:\n" " 為了帳號安全,您只有連續十次密碼錯誤的機會,請小心輸入.\n" " 連續次錯誤您的變身功\能就會被開罰單並直接通知站長.\n" " 請不要在變身過程中不正常斷線, 刻意斷線變半獸人站長不救唷.\n" ); if(getkey("是否要繼續?(y/N)")!='y') return 0; if(search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("請登出其他視窗, 以免變身失敗"); return 0;} do { if(!getdata(10,0, " 沙灘的ID [大小寫要完全正確]:", userid, 20, DOECHO)) return 0; if(bad_user_id(userid)) continue; sprintf(genbuf, "sob/passwd/%c/%s.inf",userid[0], userid); if(!(fp=fopen(genbuf, "r"))) { isimported = 1; strcat(genbuf, ".done"); if(!(fp=fopen(genbuf, "r"))) { vmsg("查無此人或已經匯入過..請注意大小寫 "); isimported = 0; continue; } } count = fread(&man, sizeof(man), 1, fp); fclose(fp); }while(!count); count = 0; do{ if(!getdata(11,0, " 沙灘的密碼:", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO)) return 0; if(++count>=10) { cuser.userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW; cuser.vl_count++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); post_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "[PTT警察]", "測試帳號錯誤十次", "違法觀察"); mail_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "[PTT警察]", "測試帳號錯誤十次", "違法觀察"); return 0; } if(!(corrected = checkpasswd(man.passwd, passbuf))) vmsg("密碼錯誤"); } while(!corrected); move(12,0); clrtobot(); if(!isimported) { if(!dashf(genbuf)) // avoid multi-login { vmsg("請不要嘗試多重id踹匯入"); return 0; } sprintf(buf,"%s.done",genbuf); rename(genbuf,buf); #ifdef MERGEMONEY reload_money(); sprintf(buf, "您的沙灘鸚鵡螺 %10d 換算成 " MONEYNAME " 幣為 %9d (匯率 22:1), \n" " 沙灘貝殼有 %10d 換算為 " MONEYNAME " 幣為 %9d (匯率 222105:1), \n" " 原有 %10d 匯入後共有 %d\n", (int)man.goldmoney, (int)man.goldmoney/22, (int)man.silvermoney, (int)man.silvermoney/222105,, (int)( + man.goldmoney/22 + man.silvermoney/222105)); demoney(man.goldmoney/22 + man.silvermoney/222105 ); strcat(msg, buf); #endif i = cuser.exmailbox + man.exmailbox + man.exmailboxk/2000; if (i > MAX_EXKEEPMAIL) i = MAX_EXKEEPMAIL; sprintf(buf, "您的沙灘信箱有 %d (%dk), 原有 %d 匯入後共有 %d\n", man.exmailbox, man.exmailboxk, cuser.exmailbox, i); strcat(msg, buf); cuser.exmailbox = i; if(man.userlevel & PERM_MAILLIMIT) { sprintf(buf, "開啟信箱無上限\n"); strcat(msg, buf); cuser.userlevel |= PERM_MAILLIMIT; } if (cuser.firstlogin > man.firstlogin) d = man.firstlogin; else d = cuser.firstlogin; cuser.firstlogin = d; if (cuser.numlogins < man.numlogins) i = man.numlogins; else i = cuser.numlogins; sprintf(buf, "沙灘進站次數 %d 此帳號 %d 將取 %d \n", man.numlogins, cuser.numlogins, i); strcat(msg,buf); cuser.numlogins = i; if (cuser.numposts < man.numposts ) i = man.numposts; else i = cuser.numposts; sprintf(buf, "沙灘文章次數 %d 此帳號 %d 將取 %d\n", man.numposts,cuser.numposts,i); strcat(msg,buf); cuser.numposts = i; outs(msg); while (search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("請將重覆上站其他線關閉! 再繼續");} passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } sethomeman(genbuf, cuser.userid); mkdir(genbuf, 0755); sprintf(buf, "tar zxvf %c/%s.tar.gz>/dev/null", userid[0], userid); chdir("sob/home"); system(buf); chdir(BBSHOME); if (getans("是否匯入個人信箱? (Y/n)")!='n') { sethomedir(buf, cuser.userid); sprintf(genbuf, "sob/home/%c/%s/.DIR", userid[0], userid); merge_dir(buf, genbuf, 1); strcat(msg, "匯入個人信箱\n"); } if(getans("是否匯入個人信箱精華區(個人作品集)? (會覆蓋\現有設定) (y/N)")=='y') { fileheader_t fh; sprintf(buf, "rm -rd home/%c/%s/man>/dev/null ; " "mv sob/home/%c/%s/man home/%c/%s>/dev/null;" "mv sob/home/%c/%s/gem home/%c/%s/man>/dev/null", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid, userid[0], userid, cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid, userid[0], userid, cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid); system(buf); strcat(msg, "匯入個人信箱精華區(個人作品集)\n"); sprintf(buf,"home/%c/%s/man/gem", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid); if(dashd(buf)) { strcat(fh.title, "◆ 個人作品集"); strcat(fh.filename, "gem"); sprintf(fh.owner, cuser.userid); sprintf(buf, "home/%c/%s/man/.DIR", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid); append_record(buf, &fh, sizeof(fh)); } }
int IndexAnnounce(char *bname){ FILE *fp = NULL; int i; char boardbuf[BUF_SIZE], pathname[PATH_LEN], genbuf[BUF_SIZE], boardName[BOARD_LEN] ; if ((fp = fopen("/home/bbs/0Announce/.Search", "r")) == NULL){ printf("Cannot find the /home/bbs/0Announce/.Search file \n program will exit. "); return 1; } while(fgets(boardbuf, BUF_SIZE, fp)){ sscanf(boardbuf, "%s %s\n", boardName, genbuf); for (i = 0; i < BOARD_LEN; i++) if (boardName[i] == ':'){ boardName[i] = '\0'; break; } if (bname == NULL || !strcmp(bname, boardName)){ // if (seek_in_file("/home/bbs/etc/AnnIndexExcp",boardName)!=0 && boardmode != 1 ) // continue; sprintf(pathname,"/home/bbs/0Announce/%s",genbuf); if (!dashd(pathname)){ printf("CAN'T FINd %S", pathname); continue; } sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex", pathname); if (!dashd(genbuf)){ mkdir(genbuf, 0755); } sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.Names", pathname); insertFile(genbuf,".annIndex", "【本板精华区索引】 (BM: BMS)"); sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.index_all", pathname); if ((allIndex = fopen(genbuf, "w+")) > 0){ sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.Names", pathname); insertFile(genbuf,".index_all", "精华区总索引"); } sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.index_dir", pathname); if ((dirIndex = fopen(genbuf, "w+")) > 0){ sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.Names", pathname); insertFile(genbuf,".index_dir", "精华区目录索引"); } sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.change_log", pathname); if (logChange) if((changeFile = fopen(genbuf, "w+")) > 0){ sprintf(genbuf, "%s/.annIndex/.Names", pathname); insertFile(genbuf,".change_log", "六十日精华区整理记录"); } boardAnnIndex(pathname, 0, ""); if (logChange) fclose(changeFile); fclose(allIndex); fclose(dirIndex); } } fclose(fp); }