Beispiel #1
int datetime_strToTime(char* s, DateTime* t)

//  Input:   s = time as string
//  Output:  t = encoded time,
//           returns 1 if conversion successful, 0 if not
//  Purpose: converts a string time to a DateTime value.
//  Note:    accepts time as hr:min:sec or as decimal hours.

    int  n, hr, min = 0, sec = 0;
    char *endptr;

    // Attempt to read time as decimal hours
    *t = strtod(s, &endptr);
    if ( *endptr == 0 )
        *t /= 24.0;
        return 1;

    // Read time in hr:min:sec format
    *t = 0.0;
    n = sscanf(s, "%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &sec);
    if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
    *t = datetime_encodeTime(hr, min, sec);
    if ( (hr >= 0) && (min >= 0) && (sec >= 0) ) return 1;
    else return 0;
Beispiel #2
void readRdiiFlows()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: reads date and flow values of next RDII inflows from RDII file.
    int    i, n;
    int    yr = 0, mon = 0, day = 0,
		   hr = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;   // year, month, day, hour, minute, second
    float  x;                          // RDII flow in original units
    char   line[MAXLINE+1];            // line from RDII data file
    char   s[MAXLINE+1];               // node ID label (not used)

    RdiiStartDate = NO_DATE;
    for (i=0; i<NumRdiiNodes; i++)
        if ( feof(Frdii.file) ) return;
        fgets(line, MAXLINE, Frdii.file);
        n = sscanf(line, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %f",
            s, &yr, &mon, &day, &hr, &min, &sec, &x);
        if ( n < 8 ) return;
        RdiiNodeFlow[i] = x / Qcf[RdiiFlowUnits];
    RdiiStartDate = datetime_encodeDate(yr, mon, day) +
                    datetime_encodeTime(hr, min, sec);
    RdiiEndDate = datetime_addSeconds(RdiiStartDate, RdiiStep);
void readNewIfaceValues()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: reads data from inflows interface file for next date.
    int    i, j;
    char*  s;
    int    yr = 0, mon = 0, day = 0,
		   hr = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;   // year, month, day, hour, minute, second
    char   line[MAXLINE+1];            // line from interface file

    // --- read a line for each interface node
    NewIfaceDate = NO_DATE;
    for (i=0; i<NumIfaceNodes; i++)
        if ( feof(Finflows.file) ) return;
        fgets(line, MAXLINE, Finflows.file);

        // --- parse date & time from line
        if ( strtok(line, SEPSTR) == NULL ) return;
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        yr  = atoi(s);
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        mon = atoi(s);
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        day = atoi(s);
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        hr  = atoi(s);
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        min = atoi(s);
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        sec = atoi(s);

        // --- parse flow value
        s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
        if ( s == NULL ) return;
        NewIfaceValues[i][0] = atof(s) / Qcf[IfaceFlowUnits]; 

        // --- parse pollutant values
        for (j=1; j<=NumIfacePolluts; j++)
            s = strtok(NULL, SEPSTR);
            if ( s == NULL ) return;
            NewIfaceValues[i][j] = atof(s);


    // --- encode date & time values
    NewIfaceDate = datetime_encodeDate(yr, mon, day) +
                   datetime_encodeTime(hr, min, sec);
Beispiel #4
int readStdLine(Project* project, char *line, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line = line of data from a standard rainfall data file
//           day1 = starting day of record of interest
//           day2 = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a standard rainfall data file and
//           writes its data to the rain interface file.
    DateTime date1;
    DateTime date2;
    int      year, month, day, hour, minute;
    float    x;

    // --- parse data from input line
    if (!parseStdLine(project,line, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &x)) return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(year, month, day);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- see if record is out of sequence
    date2 = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
    if ( date2 <= project->PreviousDate )
        report_writeErrorMsg(project,ERR_RAIN_FILE_SEQUENCE, project->Gage[project->GageIndex].fname);   //(5.1.010)
        return -1;
    project->PreviousDate = date2;

    switch (project->RainType)
        x = x * project->Interval / 3600.0f;

        if ( x >= project->RainAccum )
            x = x - project->RainAccum;
            project->RainAccum += x;
        else project->RainAccum = x;
    x *= (float)project->UnitsFactor;

    // --- save rainfall to binary interface file
    saveRainfall(project, date1, hour, minute, x, FALSE);
    return 1;
Beispiel #5
void saveAccumRainfall(Project* project, DateTime date1, int hour, int minute, long v)
//  Input:   date1 = date of latest rainfall reading (in DateTime format)
//           hour = hour of day of latest rain reading
//           minute = minute of hour of latest rain reading
//           v = accumulated rainfall reading in hundreths of inches
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: divides accumulated rainfall evenly into individual recording
//           periods over the accumulation period and writes each period's
//           rainfall to the binary rainfall file.
    DateTime date2;
    int      n, j;
    float    x;

    // --- return if accumulated start date is missing
    if ( project->AccumStartDate == NO_DATE ) return;

    // --- find number of recording intervals over accumulation period
    date2 = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
    n = (datetime_timeDiff(date2, project->AccumStartDate) / project->Interval) + 1;

    // --- update count of rain or missing periods
    if ( v == 99999 )
        project->RainStats.periodsMissing += n;
    project->RainStats.periodsRain += n;

    // --- divide accumulated amount evenly into each period
    x = (float)v / (float)n / 100.0f;

    // --- save this amount to file for each period
    if ( x > 0.0f )
        date2 = datetime_addSeconds(project->AccumStartDate, -project->TimeOffset);
        if ( project->RainStats.startDate == NO_DATE ) project->RainStats.startDate = date2;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            fwrite(&date2, sizeof(DateTime), 1, project->Frain.file);
            fwrite(&x, sizeof(float), 1, project->Frain.file);
            date2 = datetime_addSeconds(date2, project->Interval);
            project->RainStats.endDate = date2;

    // --- reset start of accumulation period
    project->AccumStartDate = NO_DATE;
Beispiel #6
DateTime datetime_addDays(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)

//  Input:   date1 = an encoded date/time value
//           date2 = decimal days to be added to date1
//  Output:  returns date1 + date2
//  Purpose: adds a given number of decimal days to a date/time.

    double d1 = floor(date1);
    double d2 = floor(date2);
    int h1, m1, s1;
    int h2, m2, s2;
    datetime_decodeTime(date1, &h1, &m1, &s1);
    datetime_decodeTime(date2, &h2, &m2, &s2);
    return d1 + d2 + datetime_encodeTime(h1+h2, m1+m2, s1+s2);
int datetime_strToTime(char* s, DateTime* t)

//  Input:   s = time as string
//  Output:  t = encoded time,
//           returns 1 if conversion successful, 0 if not
//  Purpose: converts a string time to a DateTime value.

    int  n, hr, min = 0, sec = 0;
    *t = 0.0;
    n = sscanf(s, "%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &sec);
    if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
    *t = datetime_encodeTime(hr, min, sec);
    if ( (hr >= 0) && (min >= 0) && (sec >= 0) ) return 1;
    else return 0;
Beispiel #8
void setDefaults()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: assigns default values to project variables.
   int i, j;

   // Project title & temp. file path
   for (i = 0; i < MAXTITLE; i++) strcpy(Title[i], "");
   strcpy(TempDir, "");

   // Interface files
   Frain.mode      = SCRATCH_FILE;     // Use scratch rainfall file
   Fclimate.mode   = NO_FILE; 
   Frunoff.mode    = NO_FILE;
   Frdii.mode      = NO_FILE;
   Fhotstart1.mode = NO_FILE;
   Fhotstart2.mode = NO_FILE;
   Finflows.mode   = NO_FILE;
   Foutflows.mode  = NO_FILE;
   Frain.file      = NULL;
   Fclimate.file   = NULL;
   Frunoff.file    = NULL;
   Frdii.file      = NULL;
   Fhotstart1.file = NULL;
   Fhotstart2.file = NULL;
   Finflows.file   = NULL;
   Foutflows.file  = NULL;
   Fout.file       = NULL;
   Fout.mode       = NO_FILE;

   // Analysis options
   UnitSystem      = US;               // US unit system
   FlowUnits       = CFS;              // CFS flow units
   InfilModel      = HORTON;           // Horton infiltration method
   RouteModel      = KW;               // Kin. wave flow routing method
   AllowPonding    = FALSE;            // No ponding at nodes
   InertDamping    = SOME;             // Partial inertial damping
   NormalFlowLtd   = BOTH;             // Default normal flow limitation
   ForceMainEqn    = H_W;              // Hazen-Williams eqn. for force mains
   LinkOffsets     = DEPTH_OFFSET;     // Use depth for link offsets
   LengtheningStep = 0;                // No lengthening of conduits
   CourantFactor   = 0.0;              // No variable time step 
   MinSurfArea     = 0.0;              // Force use of default min. surface area
   SkipSteadyState = FALSE;            // Do flow routing in steady state periods 
   IgnoreRainfall  = FALSE;            // Analyze rainfall/runoff
   IgnoreRDII      = FALSE;            // Analyze RDII                         //(5.1.004)
   IgnoreSnowmelt  = FALSE;            // Analyze snowmelt 
   IgnoreGwater    = FALSE;            // Analyze groundwater 
   IgnoreRouting   = FALSE;            // Analyze flow routing
   IgnoreQuality   = FALSE;            // Analyze water quality
   WetStep         = 300;              // Runoff wet time step (secs)
   DryStep         = 3600;             // Runoff dry time step (secs)
   RouteStep       = 300.0;            // Routing time step (secs)
   ReportStep      = 900;              // Reporting time step (secs)
   StartDryDays    = 0.0;              // Antecedent dry days
   MaxTrials       = 0;                // Force use of default max. trials 
   HeadTol         = 0.0;              // Force use of default head tolerance
   SysFlowTol      = 0.05;             // System flow tolerance for steady state
   LatFlowTol      = 0.05;             // Lateral flow tolerance for steady state

   // Deprecated options
   SlopeWeighting  = TRUE;             // Use slope weighting 
   Compatibility   = SWMM4;            // Use SWMM 4 up/dn weighting method

   // Starting & ending date/time
   StartDate       = datetime_encodeDate(2004, 1, 1);
   StartTime       = datetime_encodeTime(0,0,0);
   StartDateTime   = StartDate + StartTime;
   EndDate         = StartDate;
   EndTime         = 0.0;
   ReportStartDate = NO_DATE;
   ReportStartTime = NO_DATE;
   SweepStart      = 1;
   SweepEnd        = 365;

   // Reporting options
   RptFlags.input         = FALSE;
   RptFlags.continuity    = TRUE;
   RptFlags.flowStats     = TRUE;
   RptFlags.controls      = FALSE;
   RptFlags.subcatchments = FALSE;
   RptFlags.nodes         = FALSE;
   RptFlags.links         = FALSE;
   RptFlags.nodeStats     = FALSE;

   // Temperature data
   Temp.dataSource  = NO_TEMP;
   Temp.tSeries     = -1;
   Temp.ta          = 70.0;
   Temp.elev        = 0.0;
   Temp.anglat      = 40.0;
   Temp.dtlong      = 0.0;
   Temp.tmax        = MISSING;

   // Wind speed data
   Wind.type = MONTHLY_WIND;
   for ( i=0; i<12; i++ )[i] = 0.0;

   // Snowmelt parameters
   Snow.snotmp      = 34.0;
   Snow.tipm        = 0.5;
   Snow.rnm         = 0.6;

   // Snow areal depletion curves for pervious and impervious surfaces
   for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
       for ( j=0; j<10; j++) Snow.adc[i][j] = 1.0;

   // Evaporation rates
   Evap.type = CONSTANT_EVAP;
   for (i=0; i<12; i++)
       Evap.monthlyEvap[i] = 0.0;
       Evap.panCoeff[i]    = 1.0;
   Evap.recoveryPattern = -1;
   Evap.recoveryFactor  = 1.0; 
   Evap.tSeries = -1;
   Evap.dryOnly = FALSE;

////  Following code segment added to release 5.1.007.  ////                   //(5.1.007)
   // Climate adjustments
   for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
       Adjust.temp[i] = 0.0;   // additive adjustments
       Adjust.evap[i] = 0.0;   // additive adjustments
       Adjust.rain[i] = 1.0;   // multiplicative adjustments
   Adjust.rainFactor = 1.0;
Beispiel #9
int readNWSLine(Project* project, char *line, int fileFormat, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line       = line of data from rainfall data file
//           fileFormat = code of data file's format
//           day1       = starting day of record of interest
//           day2       = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a rainfall data file and writes its
//           data to the rain interface file.
    char     flag1, flag2, isMissing;
    DateTime date1;
    long     result = 1;
    int      k, y, m, d, n;
    int      hour, minute;
    long     v;
    float    x;
    int      lineLength = strlen(line)-1;
    int      nameLength = 0;

    // --- get year, month, & day from line
    switch ( fileFormat )
      case NWS_TAPE:
        if ( lineLength <= 30 ) return 0;
        if (sscanf(&line[17], "%4d%2d%4d%3d", &y, &m, &d, &n) < 4) return 0;
        k = 30;

        if ( project->hasStationName ) nameLength = 31;
        if ( lineLength <= 28 + nameLength ) return 0;
        k = 18 + nameLength;
        if (sscanf(&line[k], "%4d %2d %2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3) return 0;
        k = k + 10;

        if ( lineLength <= 28 ) return 0;
        if ( sscanf(&line[18], "%4d,%2d,%2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3 ) return 0;
        k = 28;

      case NWS_ONLINE_60:
      case NWS_ONLINE_15:
        if ( lineLength <= project->DataOffset + 23 ) return 0;
        if ( sscanf(&line[project->DataOffset], "%4d%2d%2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3 ) return 0;
        k = project->DataOffset + 8;

      default: return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(y, m, d);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- read each recorded rainfall time, value, & codes from line
    while ( k < lineLength )
		flag1 = 0;
        flag2 = 0;
		v = 99999;
		hour = 25;
		minute = 0;
        switch ( fileFormat )
          case NWS_TAPE:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], "%2d%2d%6ld%c%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 12;

          case NWS_SPACE_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], " %2d%2d %6ld %c %c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;

          case NWS_COMMA_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], ",%2d%2d,%6ld,%c,%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;

          case NWS_ONLINE_60:
          case NWS_ONLINE_15:
              n = sscanf(&line[k], " %2d:%2d", &hour, &minute);
              n += sscanf(&line[project->ValueOffset], "%8ld                %c",
                          &v, &flag1);

              // --- ending hour 0 is really hour 24 of previous day
              if ( hour == 0 )
                  hour = 24;
                  date1 -= 1.0;
              k += lineLength;

          default: n = 0;

        // --- check that we at least have an hour, minute & value
        //     (codes might be left off of the line)
        if ( n < 3 || hour >= 25 ) break;

        // --- set special condition code & update daily & hourly counts

        if ( project->Condition == DELETED_PERIOD ||
             project->Condition == MISSING_PERIOD ||
             flag1 == 'M' ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else if ( v >= 9999 ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else isMissing = FALSE;

        // --- handle accumulation codes
        if ( flag1 == 'a' )
            project->AccumStartDate = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
        else if ( flag1 == 'A' )
            saveAccumRainfall(project,date1, hour, minute, v);

        // --- handle all other conditions
            // --- convert rain measurement to inches & save it
            x = (float)v / 100.0f;
            if ( x > 0 || isMissing )
                saveRainfall(project,date1, hour, minute, x, isMissing);

        // --- reset condition code if special condition period ended
        if ( flag1 == 'A' || flag1 == '}' || flag1 == ']') project->Condition = 0;
    return result;