Beispiel #1
meta_parameters* envi2meta(envi_header *envi)
  meta_parameters *meta;

  /* Allocate memory for metadata structure */
  meta = raw_init();

  /* Fill metadata with valid ENVI header data */
  strcpy(meta->general->basename, envi->description);
  strcpy(meta->general->sensor, envi->sensor_type);
  meta->general->line_count = envi->lines;
  meta->general->sample_count = envi->samples;
  // We have to assume that we are not dealing with a subset.
  // Hence, the start line/sample are set to 0.
  meta->general->start_line = 0;
  meta->general->start_sample = 0;
  meta->general->band_count = envi->bands;
  strcpy(meta->general->bands, envi->band_name);
  meta->general->re_major = envi->semimajor_axis;
  meta->general->re_minor = envi->semiminor_axis;
  // Another assumption is that we are dealing with geocoded data that has
  // regular zero fill.
  meta->general->no_data = 0.0;

  switch (envi->data_type)
    case 1: meta->general->data_type = ASF_BYTE; break;
    case 2: meta->general->data_type = INTEGER16; break;
    case 3: meta->general->data_type = INTEGER32; break;
    case 4: meta->general->data_type = REAL32; break;
    case 5: meta->general->data_type = REAL64; break;
    case 6: meta->general->data_type = COMPLEX_REAL32; break;
      sprintf(errbuf,"\n   ERROR: Unsupported data type\n\n");

  if (strncmp(envi->sensor_type, "RADARSAT", 8)==0)
    sprintf(meta->general->sensor, "RSAT-1");
    sprintf(meta->general->sensor, "%s", envi->sensor_type);

  if (strcmp(envi->projection, "not map projected") != 0) {
    if (!meta->projection) meta->projection = meta_projection_init();
    if (strncmp(envi->projection, "UTM", 3)==0) {
      meta->projection->type = UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR;
      meta->projection-> = envi->projection_zone;
      // Fill in the default values for UTM
      meta->projection->param.utm.false_easting = 500000.0;
      if (strcmp_case(envi->hemisphere, "NORTH") == 0)
	meta->projection->param.utm.false_northing = 0.0;
	meta->projection->param.utm.false_northing = 10000000.0;
      meta->projection->param.utm.lat0 = 0.0;
      meta->projection->param.utm.lon0 =
	(double) (envi->projection_zone - 1) * 6.0 - 177.0;
      meta->projection->param.utm.scale_factor = 0.9996;
    else if (strncmp(envi->projection, "Polar Stereographic", 18)==0) {
      meta->projection->type = POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC;
      meta->projection-> = envi->center_lat;
      meta->projection-> = envi->center_lon;
      meta->projection-> = (envi->center_lat > 0) ? 1 : 0;
      meta->projection-> = envi->false_easting;
      meta->projection-> = envi->false_northing;
    else if (strncmp(envi->projection, "Albers Conical Equal Area", 25)==0) {
      meta->projection->type = ALBERS_EQUAL_AREA;
      meta->projection->param.albers.std_parallel1 = envi->standard_parallel1;
      meta->projection->param.albers.std_parallel2 = envi->standard_parallel2;
      meta->projection->param.albers.center_meridian = envi->center_lon;
      meta->projection->param.albers.orig_latitude = envi->center_lat;
      meta->projection->param.albers.false_easting = envi->false_easting;
      meta->projection->param.albers.false_northing = envi->false_northing;
    else if (strncmp(envi->projection, "Lambert Conformal Conic", 23)==0) {
      meta->projection->type = LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.plat1 = envi->standard_parallel1;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.plat2 = envi->standard_parallel2;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.lat0 = envi->center_lat;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.lon0 = envi->center_lon;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.false_easting = envi->false_easting;
      meta->projection->param.lamcc.false_northing = envi->false_northing;
    else if (strncmp(envi->projection, "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area", 28)==0) {
      meta->projection->type = LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA;
      meta->projection->param.lamaz.center_lat = envi->center_lat;
      meta->projection->param.lamaz.center_lon = envi->center_lon;
      meta->projection->param.lamaz.false_easting = envi->false_easting;
      meta->projection->param.lamaz.false_northing = envi->false_northing;
    else if (strncmp(envi->projection, "Geographic Lat/Lon", 18)==0)
      meta->projection->type = LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION;
    else {
      sprintf(errbuf,"\n   ERROR: Unsupported projection type\n\n");
    meta->projection->startX = envi->pixel_easting;
    meta->projection->startY = envi->pixel_northing;
    meta->projection->perX = envi->proj_dist_x;
    meta->projection->perY = -envi->proj_dist_y;
    if (strncmp(envi->hemisphere, "North", 5)==0)
      meta->projection->hem = 'N';
    else if (strncmp(envi->hemisphere, "South", 5)==0)
      meta->projection->hem = 'S';
    if (strcmp(envi->datum, "North America 1927") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = NAD27_DATUM;
    else if (strcmp(envi->datum, "North America 1983") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = NAD83_DATUM;
    else if (strcmp(envi->datum, "European 1950") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = ED50_DATUM;
    else if (strcmp(envi->datum, "WGS-72") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = WGS72_DATUM;
    else if (strcmp(envi->datum, "WGS-84") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = WGS84_DATUM;
    else if (strcmp(envi->datum, "Hughes") == 0)
      meta->projection->datum = HUGHES_DATUM;
    meta->projection->spheroid = datum_spheroid(meta->projection->datum);
    meta->projection->re_major = envi->semimajor_axis;
    meta->projection->re_minor = envi->semiminor_axis;
    if (meta->projection->type == UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR) {
      double re_major, re_minor;
      if (meta->projection->datum == WGS72_DATUM)
	datum2earth_radius(5, &re_major, &re_minor);
      else if (meta->projection->datum == WGS84_DATUM)
	datum2earth_radius(8, &re_major, &re_minor);
      meta->general->re_major = re_major;
      meta->general->re_minor = re_minor;
      meta->projection->re_major = re_major;
      meta->projection->re_minor = re_minor;
    sprintf(meta->projection->units, "meters");
    double center_x = meta->projection->startX + 
      meta->general->sample_count/2.0 * meta->projection->perX;
    double center_y = meta->projection->startY +
      meta->general->line_count/2.0 * meta->projection->perY;
    double center_lat, center_lon, height;
    proj_to_latlon(meta->projection, center_x, center_y, 0.0,
		   &center_lat, &center_lon, &height);
    meta->general->center_latitude = center_lat * R2D;
    meta->general->center_longitude = center_lon * R2D;
    if (meta->projection->hem == MAGIC_UNSET_CHAR) {
      if (center_lat > 0.0)
	meta->projection->hem = 'N';
	meta->projection->hem = 'S';
  if (meta->sar)
    meta->sar->wavelength = envi->wavelength;
  meta->general->x_pixel_size = envi->pixel_size_x;
  meta->general->y_pixel_size = envi->pixel_size_y;

  return meta;
geocode_dem (projection_type_t projection_type,	// What we are projection to.
	     project_parameters_t *pp,    // Parameters we project to.
	     datum_type_t datum,                // Datum we project to.
	     // Pixel size of output image, in output projection units
	     // (meters or possibly degrees, if we decide to support
	     // projecting to pseudoprojected form).
	     double pixel_size,
	     resample_method_t resample_method,	// How to resample pixels.
	     const char *input_image, // Base name of input image.
	     const meta_parameters *imd, // Input DEM image metadata.
	     const char *output_image  // Base name of output image.
  int return_code;		// Holds return codes from functions.

  // Function to use to project or unproject between latlon and input
  // or output coordinates.
  projector_t project_input; 	// latlon => input image map projection
  projector_t unproject_input;	// input image_map_projection => latlon
  projector_t project_output;	// latlon => output image map projection
  projector_t unproject_output;	// output image map projection => latlon
  // Like the above, but act on arrays.
  array_projector_t array_project_input, array_unproject_input;
  array_projector_t array_project_output, array_unproject_output;

  // We only deal with reprojection map projected DEMs.
  g_assert (imd->projection != NULL);

  // FIXME: what to do with background value is something that still
  // needs to be determined (probably in consultation with the guys
  // working on terrain correction).
  const float background_value = 0.0;

  // Geocoding to pseudoprojected form presents issues, for example
  // with the meaning of the pixel_size argument, which is taken as a
  // distance in map projection coordinates for all other projections
  // (deciding how to interpret it when projecting to pseudoprojected
  // form is tough), and since there probably isn't much need, we
  // don't allow it.
  g_assert (projection_type != LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION);

  // Get the functions we want to use for projecting and unprojecting.
  set_projection_functions (imd->projection->type, &project_input,
			    &unproject_input, &array_project_input,
  set_projection_functions (projection_type, &project_output,
			    &unproject_output, &array_project_output,

  // Input image dimensions in pixels in x and y directions.
  size_t ii_size_x = imd->general->sample_count;
  size_t ii_size_y = imd->general->line_count;

  // Convenience aliases.
  meta_projection *ipb = imd->projection;
  project_parameters_t *ipp = &imd->projection->param;

  // First we march around the entire outside of the image and compute
  // projection coordinates for every pixel, keeping track of the
  // minimum and maximum projection coordinates in each dimension.
  // This lets us determine the exact extent of the DEM in
  // output projection coordinates.
  asfPrintStatus ("Determining input image extent in projection coordinate "
		  "space... ");

  double min_x = DBL_MAX;
  double max_x = -DBL_MAX;
  double min_y = DBL_MAX;
  double max_y = -DBL_MAX;

  // In going around the edge, we are just trying to determine the
  // extent of the image in the horizontal, so we don't care about
  // height yet.
  { // Scoping block.
    // Number of pixels in the edge of the image.
    size_t edge_point_count = 2 * ii_size_x + 2 * ii_size_y - 4;
    double *lats = g_new0 (double, edge_point_count);
    double *lons = g_new0 (double, edge_point_count);
    size_t current_edge_point = 0;
    size_t ii = 0, jj = 0;
    for ( ; ii < ii_size_x - 1 ; ii++ ) {
      return_code = get_pixel_lat_long (imd, unproject_input, ii, jj,
      g_assert (return_code);
    for ( ; jj < ii_size_y - 1 ; jj++ ) {
      return_code = get_pixel_lat_long (imd, unproject_input, ii, jj,
      g_assert (return_code);
    for ( ; ii > 0 ; ii-- ) {
      return_code = get_pixel_lat_long (imd, unproject_input, ii, jj,
      g_assert (return_code);
    for ( ; jj > 0 ; jj-- ) {
      return_code = get_pixel_lat_long (imd, unproject_input, ii, jj,
      g_assert (return_code);
    g_assert (current_edge_point == edge_point_count);
    // Pointers to arrays of projected coordinates to be filled in.
    // The projection function will allocate this memory itself.
    double *x = NULL, *y = NULL;
    // Project all the edge pixels.
    return_code = array_project_output (pp, lats, lons, NULL, &x, &y, NULL,
					edge_point_count, datum);
    g_assert (return_code == TRUE);
    // Find the extents of the image in projection coordinates.
    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < edge_point_count ; ii++ ) {
      if ( x[ii] < min_x ) { min_x = x[ii]; }
      if ( x[ii] > max_x ) { max_x = x[ii]; }
      if ( y[ii] < min_y ) { min_y = y[ii]; }
      if ( y[ii] > max_y ) { max_y = y[ii]; }

    free (y);
    free (x);
    g_free (lons);
    g_free (lats);

  asfPrintStatus ("done.\n\n");

  // Issue a warning when the chosen pixel size is smaller than the
  // input pixel size.  FIXME: this condition will really never fire
  // for pseudoprojected image, since the pixels size of the input is
  // tiny (degrees per pixel) and the pixel_size has already been
  // computed in asf_geocode function itself as an arc length on the
  // ground.
  if ( GSL_MIN(imd->general->x_pixel_size,
	       imd->general->y_pixel_size) > pixel_size ) {
      ("Requested pixel size %f is smaller then the input image resolution "
       "(%le meters).\n", pixel_size,
       GSL_MIN (imd->general->x_pixel_size, imd->general->y_pixel_size));

  // The pixel size requested by the user better not oversample by the
  // factor of 2.  Specifying --force will skip this check.  FIXME:
  // same essential problem as the above condition, but in this case
  // it always goes off.
  //  if (!force_flag && GSL_MIN(imd->general->x_pixel_size,
  //	       imd->general->y_pixel_size) > (2*pixel_size) ) {
  //    report_func
  //      ("Requested pixel size %f is smaller then the minimum implied by half \n"
  //       "the input image resolution (%le meters), this is not supported.\n",
  //       pixel_size, GSL_MIN (imd->general->x_pixel_size,
  //			    imd->general->y_pixel_size));
  //  }

  asfPrintStatus ("Opening input DEM image... ");
  char *input_data_file = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(strlen(input_image)+5));
  sprintf(input_data_file, "%s.img", input_image);
  FloatImage *iim
    = float_image_new_from_file (ii_size_x, ii_size_y, input_data_file, 0,
  asfPrintStatus ("done.\n\n");

  // Maximum pixel indicies in output image.
  size_t oix_max = ceil ((max_x - min_x) / pixel_size);
  size_t oiy_max = ceil ((max_y - min_y) / pixel_size);

  // Output image dimensions.
  size_t oi_size_x = oix_max + 1;
  size_t oi_size_y = oiy_max + 1;

  // Output image.
  FloatImage *oim = float_image_new (oi_size_x, oi_size_y);

  // Translate the command line notion of the resampling method into
  // the lingo known by the float_image class.  The compiler is
  // reassured with a default.
  float_image_sample_method_t float_image_sample_method
  switch ( resample_method ) {
    float_image_sample_method = FLOAT_IMAGE_SAMPLE_METHOD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR;
    float_image_sample_method = FLOAT_IMAGE_SAMPLE_METHOD_BILINEAR;
    float_image_sample_method = FLOAT_IMAGE_SAMPLE_METHOD_BICUBIC;
    g_assert_not_reached ();

  // We need to find the z coordinates in the output projection of all
  // the pixels in the input DEM.  We store these values in their own
  // FloatImage instance.

  //FloatImage *x_coords = float_image_new (ii_size_x, ii_size_y);
  //FloatImage *y_coords = float_image_new (ii_size_x, ii_size_y);
  FloatImage *z_coords = float_image_new (ii_size_x, ii_size_y);

  // We transform the points using the array transformation function
  // for efficiency, but we don't want to do them all at once, since
  // that would require huge gobs of memory.
  const size_t max_transform_chunk_pixels = 5000000;
  size_t rows_per_chunk = max_transform_chunk_pixels / ii_size_x;
  size_t chunk_pixels = rows_per_chunk * ii_size_x;
  double *chunk_x = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  double *chunk_y = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  double *chunk_z = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  double *lat = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  double *lon = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  double *height = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);

  asfPrintStatus ("Determining Z coordinates of input pixels in output "
		  "projection space... ");

  // Transform all the chunks, storing results in the z coordinate image.
  size_t ii, jj, kk;		// Index variables.
  for ( ii = 0 ; ii < ii_size_y ; ) {
    size_t rows_remaining = ii_size_y - ii;
    size_t rows_to_load
      = rows_per_chunk < rows_remaining ? rows_per_chunk : rows_remaining;
    for ( jj = 0 ; jj < rows_to_load ; jj++ ) {
      size_t current_image_row = ii + jj;
      for ( kk = 0 ; kk < ii_size_x ; kk++ ) {
	size_t current_chunk_pixel = jj * ii_size_x + kk;
	chunk_x[current_chunk_pixel] = ipb->startX + kk * ipb->perX;
	  = ipb->startY + current_image_row * ipb->perY;
	if ( imd->projection->type == LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION ) {
	  chunk_x[current_chunk_pixel] *= D2R;
	  chunk_y[current_chunk_pixel] *= D2R;
	  = float_image_get_pixel (iim, kk, current_image_row);
    long current_chunk_pixels = rows_to_load * ii_size_x;
    array_unproject_input (ipp, chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z, &lat, &lon,
			   &height, current_chunk_pixels, ipb->datum);
    array_project_output (pp, lat, lon, height, &chunk_x, &chunk_y, &chunk_z,
			  current_chunk_pixels, datum);
    for ( jj = 0 ; jj < rows_to_load ; jj++ ) {
      size_t current_image_row = ii + jj;
      for ( kk = 0 ; kk < ii_size_x ; kk++ ) {
	size_t current_chunk_pixel = jj * ii_size_x + kk;
	// Current pixel x, y, z coordinates.
	//float cp_x = (float) chunk_x[current_chunk_pixel];
	//float cp_y = (float) chunk_y[current_chunk_pixel];
	float cp_z = (float) chunk_z[current_chunk_pixel];
	//float_image_set_pixel (x_coords, kk, current_image_row, cp_x);
	//float_image_set_pixel (y_coords, kk, current_image_row, cp_y);
	float_image_set_pixel (z_coords, kk, current_image_row, cp_z);

    ii += rows_to_load;

  asfPrintStatus ("done.\n\n");

  // Take a look at the z_coordinate image (for debugging).
  float_image_export_as_jpeg_with_mask_interval (z_coords, "z_coords.jpg",
						 GSL_MAX (z_coords->size_x,
						 -FLT_MAX, -100);

  g_free (chunk_x);
  g_free (chunk_y);
  g_free (chunk_z);
  g_free (lat);
  g_free (lon);
  g_free (height);

  // Now we want to determine the pixel coordinates in the input which
  // correspond to each of the output pixels.  We can then sample the
  // new height value already computed for that input pixel to
  // determine the pixel value to use as output.

  // We want to proceed in chunks as we did when going in the other
  // direction.
  rows_per_chunk = max_transform_chunk_pixels / oi_size_x;
  chunk_pixels = rows_per_chunk * oi_size_x;
  chunk_x = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  chunk_y = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  // We don't have height information in this direction, nor do we care.
  chunk_z = NULL;
  lat = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  lon = g_new0 (double, chunk_pixels);
  // We don't have height information in this direction, nor do we care.
  height = NULL;

  asfPrintStatus ("Sampling Z coordinates to form pixels in output projection "
		  "space... ");

  // Transform all the chunks, using the results to form the output image.
  for ( ii = 0 ; ii < oi_size_y ; ) {
    size_t rows_remaining = oi_size_y - ii;
    size_t rows_to_load
      = rows_per_chunk < rows_remaining ? rows_per_chunk : rows_remaining;
    for ( jj = 0 ; jj < rows_to_load ; jj++ ) {
      size_t current_image_row = ii + jj;
      for ( kk = 0 ; kk < oi_size_x ; kk++ ) {
	size_t current_chunk_pixel = jj * oi_size_x + kk;
	chunk_x[current_chunk_pixel] = min_x + kk * pixel_size;
	chunk_y[current_chunk_pixel] = max_y - current_image_row * pixel_size;
    long current_chunk_pixels = rows_to_load * oi_size_x;
    array_unproject_output (pp, chunk_x, chunk_y, NULL, &lat, &lon, NULL,
			    current_chunk_pixels, datum);
    array_project_input (ipp, lat, lon, NULL, &chunk_x, &chunk_y, NULL,
			 current_chunk_pixels, ipb->datum);
    if ( imd->projection->type == LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION ) {
      ssize_t ll;     // For (semi)clarity we don't reuse index variable :)
      for ( ll = 0 ; ll < current_chunk_pixels ; ll++ ) {
	chunk_x[ll] *= R2D;
	chunk_y[ll] *= R2D;

    for ( jj = 0 ; jj < rows_to_load ; jj++ ) {
      size_t current_image_row = ii + jj;
      for ( kk = 0 ; kk < oi_size_x ; kk++ ) {
	size_t current_chunk_pixel = jj * oi_size_x + kk;

	// Compute pixel coordinates in input image.
	ssize_t in_x
	  = (chunk_x[current_chunk_pixel] - ipb->startX) / ipb->perX;
	ssize_t in_y
	  = (chunk_y[current_chunk_pixel] - ipb->startY) / ipb->perY;

	if ( in_image (z_coords, in_x, in_y) ) {
	  // FIXME: something needs to be done somewhere about
	  // propogating no data values.
	  float_image_set_pixel (oim, kk, current_image_row,
				 float_image_sample (z_coords, in_x, in_y,
	else {
	  float_image_set_pixel (oim, kk, current_image_row, background_value);

    ii += rows_to_load;

  asfPrintStatus ("done.\n\n");

  g_free (chunk_x);
  g_free (chunk_y);
  g_free (lat);
  g_free (lon);

  // Take a look at the output image (for debugging).
  float_image_export_as_jpeg_with_mask_interval (oim, "oim.jpg",
						 GSL_MAX (oim->size_x,
						 -FLT_MAX, -100);

  // Store the output image.
  asfPrintStatus ("Storing output image... ");
  char *output_data_file = 
    (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(strlen(output_image)+5));
  sprintf(output_data_file, "%s.img", output_image);
  return_code = float_image_store (oim, output_data_file,
  g_assert (return_code == 0);
  asfPrintStatus ("done.\n\n");

  // Now we need some metadata for the output image.  We will just
  // start with the metadata from the input image and add the
  // geocoding parameters.

  char *input_meta_file = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(strlen(input_image)+6));
  sprintf(input_meta_file, "%s.meta", input_image);

  char *output_meta_file = 
    (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(strlen(output_image)+6));
  sprintf(output_meta_file, "%s.meta", output_image);

  meta_parameters *omd = meta_read (input_meta_file);

  // Adjust the metadata to correspond to the output image instead of
  // the input image.

  omd->general->x_pixel_size = pixel_size;
  omd->general->y_pixel_size = pixel_size;
  omd->general->line_count = oi_size_y;
  omd->general->sample_count = oi_size_x;

  // SAR block is not really appropriate for map projected images, but
  // since it ended up with this value that can signify map
  // projectedness in it somehow, we fill it in for safety.
  omd->sar->image_type = 'P';

  // Note that we have already verified that the input image is
  // projected, and since we initialize the output metadata from there
  // we know we will have a projection block.
  omd->projection->type = projection_type;
  omd->projection->startX = min_x;
  omd->projection->startY = max_y;
  omd->projection->perX = pixel_size;
  omd->projection->perY = -pixel_size;
  strcpy (omd->projection->units, "meters");

  // Set the spheroid axes lengths as appropriate for the output datum.
  spheroid_axes_lengths (datum_spheroid (datum), &(omd->projection->re_major),

  // What the heck, might as well set the ones in the general block as
  // well.
  spheroid_axes_lengths (datum_spheroid (datum), &(omd->general->re_major),

  // Latitude and longitude at center of the output image.  We will
  // set these relative to the spheroid underlying the datum in use
  // for the projected image.  Yeah, that seems appropriate.
  double lat_0, lon_0;
  double center_x = omd->projection->startX + (omd->projection->perX
					       * omd->general->line_count / 2);
  double center_y = (omd->projection->startY
		     + (omd->projection->perY
			* omd->general->sample_count / 2));
  unproject_output (pp, center_x, center_y, ASF_PROJ_NO_HEIGHT, &lat_0, &lon_0,
		    NULL, datum);
  omd->general->center_latitude = R2D * lat_0;
  omd->general->center_longitude = R2D * lon_0;

  // FIXME: We are ignoring the meta_location fields for now since I'm
  // not sure whether they are supposed to refer to the corner pixels
  // or the corners of the data itself.

  if ( lat_0 > 0.0 ) {
    omd->projection->hem = 'N';
  else {
    omd->projection->hem = 'S';

  // Convert the projection parameter values back into degrees.
  to_degrees (projection_type, pp);
  omd->projection->param = *pp;
  meta_write (omd, output_meta_file);

  float_image_free (oim);
  meta_free (omd);

  return 0;