Beispiel #1
static char *
decode_bitstring_list(DICT_ERLANG *dict_erlang, const char *key,
                      ei_x_buff *eip, int *index)
    int i;
    int arity;
    static VSTRING *result;

    arity = decode_list(eip, index);
    if (arity < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (arity == 0) {
        msg_warn("found alias with no destinations");
        return NULL;

#define INIT_VSTR(buf, len)           \
    do {                              \
        if (buf == 0)                 \
            buf = vstring_alloc(len); \
        VSTRING_RESET(buf);           \
        VSTRING_TERMINATE(buf);       \
    } while (0)

    INIT_VSTR(result, 10);

    for (i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
        char *s = decode_bitstring(eip, index);
        if (s == NULL)
            return NULL;
        db_common_expand(dict_erlang->ctx, "%s", s, key, result, NULL);
    return vstring_str(result);
Beispiel #2
static MYSQL_RES *plmysql_query(DICT_MYSQL *dict_mysql,
				        const char *name,
				        VSTRING *query)
    HOST   *host;
    MYSQL_RES *res = 0;

    while ((host = dict_mysql_get_active(dict_mysql)) != NULL) {
#if defined(MYSQL_VERSION_ID) && MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 40000

	 * The active host is used to escape strings in the context of the
	 * active connection's character encoding.
	dict_mysql->active_host = host;
	db_common_expand(dict_mysql->ctx, dict_mysql->query,
			 name, 0, query, dict_mysql_quote);
	dict_mysql->active_host = 0;

	if (!(mysql_query(host->db, vstring_str(query)))) {
	    if ((res = mysql_store_result(host->db)) == 0) {
		msg_warn("mysql query failed: %s", mysql_error(host->db));
	    } else {
		if (msg_verbose)
		    msg_info("dict_mysql: successful query from host %s", host->hostname);
		event_request_timer(dict_mysql_event, (char *) host, IDLE_CONN_INTV);
	} else {
	    msg_warn("mysql query failed: %s", mysql_error(host->db));

    return res;
Beispiel #3
static const char *dict_sqlite_lookup(DICT *dict, const char *name)
    const char *myname = "dict_sqlite_lookup";
    DICT_SQLITE *dict_sqlite = (DICT_SQLITE *) dict;
    sqlite3_stmt *sql_stmt;
    const char *query_remainder;
    static VSTRING *query;
    static VSTRING *result;
    const char *retval;
    int     expansion = 0;
    int     status;
    int     domain_rc;

     * In case of return without lookup (skipped key, etc.).
    dict->error = 0;

     * Don't frustrate future attempts to make Postfix UTF-8 transparent.
    if (!valid_utf_8(name, strlen(name))) {
	if (msg_verbose)
	    msg_info("%s: %s: Skipping lookup of non-UTF-8 key '%s'",
		     myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name, name);
	return (0);

     * Optionally fold the key. Folding may be enabled on on-the-fly.
    if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) {
	if (dict->fold_buf == 0)
	    dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(100);
	vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name);
	name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf));

     * Apply the optional domain filter for email address lookups.
    if ((domain_rc = db_common_check_domain(dict_sqlite->ctx, name)) == 0) {
	if (msg_verbose)
	    msg_info("%s: %s: Skipping lookup of '%s'",
		     myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name, name);
	return (0);
    if (domain_rc < 0)
	DICT_ERR_VAL_RETURN(dict, domain_rc, (char *) 0);

     * Expand the query and query the database.
#define INIT_VSTR(buf, len) do { \
	if (buf == 0) \
		buf = vstring_alloc(len); \
    } while (0)

    INIT_VSTR(query, 10);

    if (!db_common_expand(dict_sqlite->ctx, dict_sqlite->query,
			  name, 0, query, dict_sqlite_quote))
	return (0);

    if (msg_verbose)
	msg_info("%s: %s: Searching with query %s",
		 myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name, vstring_str(query));

    if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(dict_sqlite->db, vstring_str(query), -1,
			   &sql_stmt, &query_remainder) != SQLITE_OK)
	msg_fatal("%s: %s: SQL prepare failed: %s\n",
		  myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name,

    if (*query_remainder && msg_verbose)
	msg_info("%s: %s: Ignoring text at end of query: %s",
		 myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name, query_remainder);

     * Retrieve and expand the result(s).
    INIT_VSTR(result, 10);
    while ((status = sqlite3_step(sql_stmt)) != SQLITE_DONE) {
	if (status == SQLITE_ROW) {
	    if (db_common_expand(dict_sqlite->ctx, dict_sqlite->result_format,
				 (char *) sqlite3_column_text(sql_stmt, 0),
				 name, result, 0)
		&& dict_sqlite->expansion_limit > 0
		&& ++expansion > dict_sqlite->expansion_limit) {
		msg_warn("%s: %s: Expansion limit exceeded for key '%s'",
			 myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name, name);
		dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;
	/* Fix 20100616 */
	else {
	    msg_warn("%s: %s: SQL step failed for query '%s': %s\n",
		     myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name,
		     vstring_str(query), sqlite3_errmsg(dict_sqlite->db));
	    dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;

     * Clean up.
    if (sqlite3_finalize(sql_stmt))
	msg_fatal("%s: %s: SQL finalize failed for query '%s': %s\n",
		  myname, dict_sqlite->parser->name,
		  vstring_str(query), sqlite3_errmsg(dict_sqlite->db));

    return ((dict->error == 0 && *(retval = vstring_str(result)) != 0) ?
	    retval : 0);
Beispiel #4
static const char *dict_mysql_lookup(DICT *dict, const char *name)
    const char *myname = "dict_mysql_lookup";
    DICT_MYSQL *dict_mysql = (DICT_MYSQL *) dict;
    MYSQL_RES *query_res;
    MYSQL_ROW row;
    static VSTRING *result;
    static VSTRING *query;
    int     i;
    int     j;
    int     numrows;
    int     expansion;
    const char *r;
    db_quote_callback_t quote_func = dict_mysql_quote;
    int     domain_rc;

    dict->error = 0;

     * Optionally fold the key.
    if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) {
	if (dict->fold_buf == 0)
	    dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10);
	vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name);
	name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf));

     * If there is a domain list for this map, then only search for addresses
     * in domains on the list. This can significantly reduce the load on the
     * server.
    if ((domain_rc = db_common_check_domain(dict_mysql->ctx, name)) == 0) {
	if (msg_verbose)
	    msg_info("%s: Skipping lookup of '%s'", myname, name);
	return (0);
    if (domain_rc < 0)
	DICT_ERR_VAL_RETURN(dict, domain_rc, (char *) 0);

#define INIT_VSTR(buf, len) do { \
	if (buf == 0) \
	    buf = vstring_alloc(len); \
    } while (0)

    INIT_VSTR(query, 10);

     * Suppress the lookup if the query expansion is empty
     * This initial expansion is outside the context of any specific host
     * connection, we just want to check the key pre-requisites, so when
     * quoting happens separately for each connection, we don't bother with
     * quoting...
#if defined(MYSQL_VERSION_ID) && MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 40000
    quote_func = 0;
    if (!db_common_expand(dict_mysql->ctx, dict_mysql->query,
			  name, 0, query, quote_func))
	return (0);

    /* do the query - set dict->error & cleanup if there's an error */
    if ((query_res = plmysql_query(dict_mysql, name, query)) == 0) {
	dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;
	return (0);
    numrows = mysql_num_rows(query_res);
    if (msg_verbose)
	msg_info("%s: retrieved %d rows", myname, numrows);
    if (numrows == 0) {
	return 0;
    INIT_VSTR(result, 10);

    for (expansion = i = 0; i < numrows && dict->error == 0; i++) {
	row = mysql_fetch_row(query_res);
	for (j = 0; j < mysql_num_fields(query_res); j++) {
	    if (db_common_expand(dict_mysql->ctx, dict_mysql->result_format,
				 row[j], name, result, 0)
		&& dict_mysql->expansion_limit > 0
		&& ++expansion > dict_mysql->expansion_limit) {
		msg_warn("%s: %s: Expansion limit exceeded for key: '%s'",
			 myname, dict_mysql->parser->name, name);
		dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;
    r = vstring_str(result);
    return ((dict->error == 0 && *r) ? r : 0);
Beispiel #5
static PGSQL_RES *plpgsql_query(DICT_PGSQL *dict_pgsql,
				        const char *name,
				        VSTRING *query,
				        char *dbname,
				        char *username,
				        char *password)
    PLPGSQL *PLDB = dict_pgsql->pldb;
    HOST   *host;
    PGSQL_RES *res = 0;
    ExecStatusType status;

    while ((host = dict_pgsql_get_active(PLDB, dbname, username, password)) != NULL) {

	 * The active host is used to escape strings in the context of the
	 * active connection's character encoding.
	dict_pgsql->active_host = host;
	db_common_expand(dict_pgsql->ctx, dict_pgsql->query,
			 name, 0, query, dict_pgsql_quote);
	dict_pgsql->active_host = 0;

	/* Check for potential dict_pgsql_quote() failure. */
	if (host->stat == STATFAIL) {

	 * Submit a command to the server. Be paranoid when processing the
	 * result set: try to enumerate every successful case, and reject
	 * everything else.
	 * From PostgreSQL 8.1.4 docs: (PQexec) returns a PGresult pointer or
	 * possibly a null pointer. A non-null pointer will generally be
	 * returned except in out-of-memory conditions or serious errors such
	 * as inability to send the command to the server.
	if ((res = PQexec(host->db, vstring_str(query))) != 0) {

	     * XXX Because non-null result pointer does not imply success, we
	     * need to check the command's result status.
	     * Section 28.3.1: A result of status PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR will
	     * never be returned directly by PQexec or other query execution
	     * functions; results of this kind are instead passed to the
	     * notice processor.
	     * PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY is being sent by the server when the query
	     * string is empty. The sanity-checking done by the Postfix
	     * infrastructure makes this case impossible, so we need not
	     * handle this situation explicitly.
	    switch ((status = PQresultStatus(res))) {
	    case PGRES_TUPLES_OK:
		/* Success. */
		if (msg_verbose)
		    msg_info("dict_pgsql: successful query from host %s",
		event_request_timer(dict_pgsql_event, (char *) host,
		return (res);
		msg_warn("pgsql query failed: fatal error from host %s: %s",
			 host->hostname, PQresultErrorMessage(res));
		msg_warn("pgsql query failed: protocol error, host %s",
		msg_warn("pgsql query failed: unknown code 0x%lx from host %s",
			 (unsigned long) status, host->hostname);
	} else {

	     * This driver treats null pointers like fatal, non-null result
	     * pointer errors, as suggested by the PostgreSQL 8.1.4
	     * documentation.
	    msg_warn("pgsql query failed: fatal error from host %s: %s",
		     host->hostname, PQerrorMessage(host->db));

	 * XXX An error occurred. Clean up memory and skip this connection.
	if (res != 0)

    return (0);
Beispiel #6
static const char *dict_pgsql_lookup(DICT *dict, const char *name)
    const char *myname = "dict_pgsql_lookup";
    PGSQL_RES *query_res;
    DICT_PGSQL *dict_pgsql;
    PLPGSQL *pldb;
    static VSTRING *query;
    static VSTRING *result;
    int     i;
    int     j;
    int     numrows;
    int     numcols;
    int     expansion;
    const char *r;
    int     domain_rc;

    dict_pgsql = (DICT_PGSQL *) dict;
    pldb = dict_pgsql->pldb;

#define INIT_VSTR(buf, len) do { \
	if (buf == 0) \
	    buf = vstring_alloc(len); \
    } while (0)

    INIT_VSTR(query, 10);
    INIT_VSTR(result, 10);

    dict->error = 0;

     * Optionally fold the key.
    if (dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX) {
	if (dict->fold_buf == 0)
	    dict->fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10);
	vstring_strcpy(dict->fold_buf, name);
	name = lowercase(vstring_str(dict->fold_buf));

     * If there is a domain list for this map, then only search for addresses
     * in domains on the list. This can significantly reduce the load on the
     * server.
    if ((domain_rc = db_common_check_domain(dict_pgsql->ctx, name)) == 0) {
	if (msg_verbose)
	    msg_info("%s: Skipping lookup of '%s'", myname, name);
	return (0);
    if (domain_rc < 0)
	DICT_ERR_VAL_RETURN(dict, domain_rc, (char *) 0);

     * Suppress the actual lookup if the expansion is empty.
     * This initial expansion is outside the context of any specific host
     * connection, we just want to check the key pre-requisites, so when
     * quoting happens separately for each connection, we don't bother with
     * quoting...
    if (!db_common_expand(dict_pgsql->ctx, dict_pgsql->query,
			  name, 0, query, 0))
	return (0);

    /* do the query - set dict->error & cleanup if there's an error */
    if ((query_res = plpgsql_query(dict_pgsql, name, query,
				   dict_pgsql->password)) == 0) {
	dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;
	return 0;
    numrows = PQntuples(query_res);
    if (msg_verbose)
	msg_info("%s: retrieved %d rows", myname, numrows);
    if (numrows == 0) {
	return 0;
    numcols = PQnfields(query_res);

    for (expansion = i = 0; i < numrows && dict->error == 0; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < numcols; j++) {
	    r = PQgetvalue(query_res, i, j);
	    if (db_common_expand(dict_pgsql->ctx, dict_pgsql->result_format,
				 r, name, result, 0)
		&& dict_pgsql->expansion_limit > 0
		&& ++expansion > dict_pgsql->expansion_limit) {
		msg_warn("%s: %s: Expansion limit exceeded for key: '%s'",
			 myname, dict_pgsql->parser->name, name);
		dict->error = DICT_ERR_RETRY;
    r = vstring_str(result);
    return ((dict->error == 0 && *r) ? r : 0);