Beispiel #1
void dbgFlush(void)
	while (!dbgEmpty())
	delay_us(200);	// wait until the char is sent
int main(void)
	uint8_t more, ack;
	uint8_t rf_pckt_ok = 0, rf_pckt_lost = 0;
	uint8_t voltage_counter = 0, temperature_counter = 0;
	bool read_result;
	mpu_packet_t pckt;

	for (;;)
		pckt.flags = 0;		// reset the flags

		// get the battery voltage every VOLTAGE_READ_EVERY iterations
		if (++voltage_counter == VOLTAGE_READ_EVERY)
			pckt.flags |= FLAG_VOLTAGE_VALID;
			pckt.voltage = get_battery_voltage();
			voltage_counter = 0;
		// same as with the voltage, send the temperature
		if (++temperature_counter == TEMPERATURE_READ_EVERY)
			pckt.flags |= FLAG_TEMPERATURE_VALID;
			temperature_counter = 0;
		// Waits for the interrupt from the MPU-6050.
		// Instead of polling, I should put the MCU to sleep and then have it awaken by the MPU-6050.
		// However, I have not succeeded in the making the wakeup work reliably.
		while (MPU_IRQ)
		while (!MPU_IRQ)

		do {
			// read all the packets in the MPU fifo
			do {
				read_result = dmp_read_fifo(&pckt, &more);
			} while (more);
			if (read_result)
				pckt.flags |= (RECENTER_BTN == 0 ? FLAG_RECENTER : 0);
				// send the message
				if (rf_head_send_message(&pckt, sizeof(pckt)))

				// update the LEDs
				if (rf_pckt_lost + rf_pckt_ok == LED_PCKT_TOTAL)
					if (rf_pckt_ok > rf_pckt_lost)
						LED_GREEN = 1;
						LED_RED = 1;
				} else if (rf_pckt_lost + rf_pckt_ok == LED_PCKT_TOTAL + LED_PCKT_LED_ON) {
					LED_RED = 0;
					LED_GREEN = 0;

					rf_pckt_ok = rf_pckt_lost = 0;

				// check for an ACK payload
				if (rf_head_read_ack_payload(&ack, 1))
					if (ack == CMD_CALIBRATE)
					} else if (ack == CMD_READ_TRACKER_SETTINGS) {
						rf_head_send_message(get_tracker_settings(), sizeof(tracker_settings_t));

					} else if (ack >= CMD_RF_PWR_LOWEST  &&  ack <= CMD_RF_PWR_HIGHEST) {
						tracker_settings_t new_settings;
						memcpy(&new_settings, get_tracker_settings(), sizeof(tracker_settings_t));
						new_settings.rf_power = ack;
		} while (more);