Beispiel #1
 * Main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int i, j;
  int sobel_y[3][3] = {{-1, -2, -1},
                       {0, 0, 0},
                       {1, 2, 1}};
  int sobel_x[3][3] = {{-1, 0, 1},
                       {-2, 0, 2},
                       {-1, 0, 1}};

  Image src;
  Image G_y;
  Image G_x;
  Image out;

  if (argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Pass the name of a PGM P5 file.\n");
    return 1;

  // Read source PGM file
  if (read_PGM(argv[1], &src))
    return 1;

  // Initialize all the matrices to be of the same size as the source image.
  init_matrix(src, &G_y);
  init_matrix(src, &G_x);
  init_matrix(src, &out);

  // Convolve the Sobel filters with the source image
  convolve(sobel_y, src, &G_y);
  convolve(sobel_x, src, &G_x);

  // Calculate the gradient magnitude and put it in out.
  sobel_grad_mag(&out, G_y, G_x);

  // Normalize values to 0-255

  // Write final output PGMs
  if (write_PGM("g_y.pgm", G_y))
    return 1;
  if (write_PGM("g_x.pgm", G_x))
    return 1;
  if (write_PGM("out.pgm", out))
    return 1;

  // Free the matrices
  dealloc_matrix(src.img, src.row);
  dealloc_matrix(G_y.img, 4);
  dealloc_matrix(G_x.img, 4);
  dealloc_matrix(out.img, out.row);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int n = 3; //rows
	int m = 3; //cols
	double **matrix;
	FILE *fp;

	//Det could be computed only from square matrix
	if (n != m && n > 1)

	fp = fopen("matrix.txt", "r");
	if (!fp)

	matrix = alloc_matrix(n, m);
	parse_file(fp, matrix, n, m);
	print_matrix(matrix, n, m);
	printf("Det: %f\n", compute_det(matrix, n));

	dealloc_matrix(matrix, n);


	return 0;