Beispiel #1
K3b::MovixJob::MovixJob( K3b::MovixDoc* doc, K3b::JobHandler* jh, QObject* parent )
    : K3b::BurnJob( jh, parent ),
    m_dataJob = new K3b::DataJob( doc, this, this );
    m_movixDocPreparer = new K3b::MovixDocPreparer( doc, this, this );

    // pipe signals
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SIGNAL(percent(int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(processedSize(int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSize(int,int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)), this, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)), this, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)),
             this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)),
             this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)) );
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(burning(bool)), this, SIGNAL(burning(bool)) );

    // we need to clean up here
    connect( m_dataJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDataJobFinished(bool)) );

    connect( m_movixDocPreparer, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)),
             this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)) );
K3b::AudioCueFileWritingJob::AudioCueFileWritingJob( K3b::JobHandler* jh, QObject* parent )
    : K3b::BurnJob( jh, parent ),
      d( new Private() )
    d->analyserJob = new K3b::AudioFileAnalyzerJob( this, this );
    connect( d->analyserJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
             this, SLOT(slotAnalyserJobFinished(bool)) );

    d->audioDoc = new K3b::AudioDoc( this );
    d->audioJob = new K3b::AudioJob( d->audioDoc, this, this );

    // just loop all through
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)),
             this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)),
             this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SIGNAL(finished(bool)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SIGNAL(canceled()) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SIGNAL(percent(int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(processedSize(int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(burning(bool)), this, SIGNAL(burning(bool)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)), this, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)) );
    connect( d->audioJob, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)), this, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)) );

    d->canceled = false;
    d->audioJobRunning = false;
Beispiel #3
void K3b::VerificationJob::readTrack()
    if( d->currentTrackEntry == d->trackEntries.end() ) {

    d->readSuccessful = true;

    d->currentTrackSize = d->trackLength( *d->currentTrackEntry );
    if( d->currentTrackSize == 0 ) {

    emit newTask( i18n("Verifying track %1", d->currentTrackEntry->trackNumber ) );

    K3b::Device::Track& track = d->toc[ d->currentTrackEntry->trackNumber-1 ];


    if( track.type() == K3b::Device::Track::TYPE_DATA ) {
        if( !d->dataTrackReader ) {
            d->dataTrackReader = new K3b::DataTrackReader( this );
            connect( d->dataTrackReader, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotReaderProgress(int)) );
            connect( d->dataTrackReader, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotReaderFinished(bool)) );
            connect( d->dataTrackReader, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)), this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)) );
            connect( d->dataTrackReader, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)) );
            connect( d->dataTrackReader, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)),
                     this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)) );

        d->dataTrackReader->setDevice( d->device );
        d->dataTrackReader->setIgnoreErrors( false );
        d->dataTrackReader->setSectorSize( K3b::DataTrackReader::MODE1 );
        d->dataTrackReader->writeTo( &d->pipe );

        // in case a session was grown the track size does not say anything about the verification data size
        if( d->diskInfo.mediaType() & (K3b::Device::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW|K3b::Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR) &&
            d->grownSessionSize > 0 ) {
            K3b::Iso9660 isoF( d->device );
            if( ) {
                int firstSector = isoF.primaryDescriptor().volumeSpaceSize - d->grownSessionSize.lba();
                d->dataTrackReader->setSectorRange( firstSector,
                                                    isoF.primaryDescriptor().volumeSpaceSize -1 );
            else {
                emit infoMessage( i18n("Unable to determine the ISO 9660 filesystem size."), MessageError );
                jobFinished( false );
            d->dataTrackReader->setSectorRange( track.firstSector(),
                                                track.firstSector() + d->currentTrackSize -1 );

Beispiel #4
bool K3b::VcdJob::prepareWriterJob()
    if ( m_writerJob )
        delete m_writerJob;

    const K3b::ExternalBin* cdrecordBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager() ->binObject( "cdrecord" );
    if ( writingApp() == K3b::WritingAppAuto && cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "cuefile" ) && m_doc->burner() ->dao() )
        setWritingApp( K3b::WritingAppCdrecord );

    if ( writingApp() == K3b::WritingAppCdrdao || writingApp() == K3b::WritingAppAuto ) {
        K3b::CdrdaoWriter * writer = new K3b::CdrdaoWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
        // create cdrdao job
        writer->setCommand( K3b::CdrdaoWriter::WRITE );
        writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
        writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );

        writer->setTocFile( m_cueFile );

        m_writerJob = writer;

    } else if ( writingApp() == K3b::WritingAppCdrecord ) {
        K3b::CdrecordWriter * writer = new K3b::CdrecordWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
        // create cdrecord job

        writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
        writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );
        writer->setDao( true );
        writer->setCueFile( m_cueFile );

        m_writerJob = writer;


    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)), this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotWriterJobPercent(int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(processedSize(int,int)), this, SLOT(slotProcessedSize(int,int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int,int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(nextTrack(int,int)), this, SLOT(slotWriterNextTrack(int,int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(buffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)), this, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int,K3b::Device::SpeedMultiplicator)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotWriterJobFinished(bool)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newTask(QString)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(QString)) );
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)), this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)) );

    return true;
Beispiel #5
void K3bIsoImager::slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout( const QString& line )
  // newer versions of mkisofs outut additional lines of junk before the size :(
  // so we only use the last line
  emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", line );
  m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = line;
Beispiel #6
void K3b::BlankingJob::slotStartErasing()
    m_canceled = false;

    if( m_writerJob )
        delete m_writerJob;

    if( m_writingApp == K3b::WritingAppCdrdao ) {
        K3b::CdrdaoWriter* writer = new K3b::CdrdaoWriter( m_device, this );
        m_writerJob = writer;

        writer->setCommand( K3b::CdrdaoWriter::BLANK );
        writer->setBlankMode( m_mode );
        writer->setForce( m_force );
        writer->setBurnSpeed( m_speed );
    else {
        K3b::CdrecordWriter* writer = new K3b::CdrecordWriter( m_device, this );
        m_writerJob = writer;

        writer->setFormattingMode( m_mode );
        writer->setForce( m_force );
        writer->setBurnSpeed( m_speed );

    connect(m_writerJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotFinished(bool)));
    connect(m_writerJob, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString,int)),
    connect( m_writerJob, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)),
             this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(QString,QString)) );

    if( waitForMedium( m_device,
                       i18n("Please insert a rewritable CD medium into drive<p><b>%1 %2 (%3)</b>.",
                            m_device->blockDeviceName()) ) == Device::MEDIA_UNKNOWN ) {
        emit canceled();

Beispiel #7
void K3bThreadJob::customEvent( QCustomEvent* e )
  if( K3bDataEvent* de = dynamic_cast<K3bDataEvent*>(e) ) {
    emit data( de->data(), de->length() );
  else {
    K3bProgressInfoEvent* be = static_cast<K3bProgressInfoEvent*>(e);
    switch( be->type() ) {
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::Progress:
      emit percent( be->firstValue() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::SubProgress:
      emit subPercent( be->firstValue() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::ProcessedSize:
      emit processedSize( be->firstValue(), be->secondValue() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::ProcessedSubSize:
      emit processedSubSize( be->firstValue(), be->secondValue() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::InfoMessage:
      emit infoMessage( be->firstString(), be->firstValue() ); 
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::Started:
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::Canceled:
      emit canceled();
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::Finished:
      // we wait until the thred really finished
      // although this may be dangerous if some thread
      // emits the finished signal although it has not finished yet
      // but makes a lot stuff easier.
      kdDebug() << "(K3bThreadJob) waiting for the thread to finish." << endl;
      kdDebug() << "(K3bThreadJob) thread finished." << endl;
      cleanupJob( be->firstValue() );
      m_running = false;
      jobFinished( be->firstValue() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::NewTask:
      emit newTask( be->firstString() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::NewSubTask:
      emit newSubTask( be->firstString() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::DebuggingOutput:
      emit debuggingOutput( be->firstString(), be->secondString() );
    case K3bProgressInfoEvent::NextTrack:
      emit nextTrack( be->firstValue(), be->secondValue() );
Beispiel #8
void K3b::IsoImager::start()


    d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
    if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
        jobFinished( false );


    delete m_process;
    m_process = new K3b::Process( this );
    m_process->setFlags( K3bQProcess::RawStdout );

    *m_process << d->mkisofsBin;

    // prepare the filenames as written to the image

    if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
        !addMkisofsParameters() ) {
        jobFinished( false );

    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
             this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(QString)) );

    qDebug() << "***** mkisofs parameters:\n";
    QString s = m_process->joinedArgs();
    qDebug() << s << endl << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs command:", s);

    if( !m_process->start( KProcess::SeparateChannels ) ) {
        // something went wrong when starting the program
        // it "should" be the executable
        qDebug() << "(K3b::IsoImager) could not start mkisofs";
        emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.", QLatin1String("mkisofs")), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #9
void K3bIsoImager::slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()
  if( m_canceled ) {
    emit canceled();
    jobFinished( false );

  bool success = true;

  // if m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout is not empty we have a recent version of
  // mkisofs and parsing is very easy (s.o.)
  if( !m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout.isEmpty() ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) iso size: " << m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout << endl;
    m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout.toInt( &success );
  else {
    // parse the stderr output
    // I hope parsing the last line is enough!
    int pos = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.findRev( "extents scheduled to be written" );

    if( pos == -1 )
      success = false;
      m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.mid( pos+33 ).toInt( &success );

  emit debuggingOutput( "K3bIsoImager",
			QString("mkisofs print size result: %1 (%2 bytes)")
			.arg(Q_UINT64(m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult)*2048ULL) );


  if( success ) {
    jobFinished( true );
  else {
    m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;
    kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) Parsing mkisofs -print-size failed: " << m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout << endl;
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not determine size of resulting image file."), ERROR );
    jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #10
void K3bDvdFormattingJob::slotStderrLine( const QString& line )
// * DVD±RW format utility by <*****@*****.**>, version 4.4.
// * 4.7GB DVD-RW media in Sequential mode detected.
// * blanking 100.0|

// * formatting 100.0|

  emit debuggingOutput( "dvd+rw-format", line );

  // parsing for the -gui mode (since dvd+rw-format 4.6)
  int pos = line.find( "blanking" );
  if( pos < 0 )
    pos = line.find( "formatting" );
  if( pos >= 0 ) {
    pos = line.find( QRegExp( "\\d" ), pos );
  // parsing for \b\b... stuff
  else if( !line.startsWith("*") ) {
    pos = line.find( QRegExp( "\\d" ) );
  else if( line.startsWith( ":-(" ) ) {
    if( line.startsWith( ":-( unable to proceed with format" ) ) {
      d->error = true;

  if( pos >= 0 ) {
    int endPos = line.find( QRegExp("[^\\d\\.]"), pos ) - 1;
    bool ok;
    int progress = (int)(line.mid( pos, endPos - pos ).toDouble(&ok));
    if( ok ) {
      d->lastProgressValue = progress;
      emit percent( progress );
    else {
      kdDebug() << "(K3bDvdFormattingJob) parsing error: '" << line.mid( pos, endPos - pos ) << "'" << endl;
Beispiel #11
void K3b::VcdJob::xmlGen()
    delete d->xmlFile;
    d->xmlFile = new QTemporaryFile;

    if( d->xmlFile->open() ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) writing XML data to" << d->xmlFile->fileName();

        K3b::VcdXmlView xmlView( m_doc );
        xmlView.write( *d->xmlFile );

        //    emit infoMessage( i18n( "XML-file successfully created" ), K3b::Job::MessageSuccess );
        emit debuggingOutput( "K3b::VcdXml:", xmlView.xmlString() );

    else {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) could not write xmlfile.";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not write correct XML file." ), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #12
void K3b::Md5Job::slotUpdate()
    if( !d->finished ) {

        // determine bytes to read
        qint64 readSize = Private::BUFFERSIZE;
        if( d->maxSize > 0 )
            readSize = qMin( readSize, d->maxSize - d->readData );

        if( readSize <= 0 ) {
            //      qDebug() << "(K3b::Md5Job) reached max size of " << d->maxSize << ". Stopping.";
            emit debuggingOutput( "K3b::Md5Job", QString("Reached max read of %1. Stopping after %2 bytes.").arg(d->maxSize).arg(d->readData) );
            emit percent( 100 );
        else {
            int read = 0;

            // read from the iso9660 file
            if( d->isoFile ) {
                read = d->isoFile->read( d->readData, d->data, readSize );

            // read from the device
            else if( d->device ) {
                // when reading from a device we always read multiples of 2048 bytes.
                // Only the last sector may not be used completely.
                qint64 sector = d->readData/2048;
                qint64 sectorCnt = qMax( readSize/2048, ( qint64 )1 );
                read = -1;
                if( d->device->read10( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(d->data),
                                       sectorCnt ) )
                    read = qMin( readSize, sectorCnt*2048 );

            // read from the file
            else if( !d->ioDevice ) {
                read = d-> d->data, readSize );

            // reading from the io device
            else {
                read = d->ioDevice->read( d->data, readSize );

            if( read < 0 ) {
                emit infoMessage( i18n("Error while reading from file %1", d->filename), MessageError );
            else if( read == 0 ) {
                //	qDebug() << "(K3b::Md5Job) read all data. Total size: " << d->readData << ". Stopping.";
                emit debuggingOutput( "K3b::Md5Job", QString("All data read. Stopping after %1 bytes.").arg(d->readData) );
                emit percent( 100 );
            else {
                d->readData += read;
				d->md5.addData( d->data, read );
                int progress = 0;
                if( d->isoFile || !d->filename.isEmpty() )
                    progress = (int)((double)d->readData * 100.0 / (double)d->imageSize);
                else if( d->maxSize > 0 )
                    progress = (int)((double)d->readData * 100.0 / (double)d->maxSize);

                if( progress != d->lastProgress ) {
                    d->lastProgress = progress;
                    emit percent( progress );
Beispiel #13
void K3b::VcdJob::slotParseVcdxBuildOutput( const QString& line )
    QDomDocument xml_doc;
    QDomElement xml_root;

    QString str = line.trimmed();

    emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild", str );

    xml_doc.setContent( QString( "<?xml version='1.0'?><vcdxbuild>" ) + str + "</vcdxbuild>" );

    xml_root = xml_doc.documentElement();

    // There should be only one... but ...
    for ( QDomNode node = xml_root.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
        QDomElement el = node.toElement();
        if ( el.isNull() )

        const QString tagName = el.tagName().toLower();

        if ( tagName == "progress" ) {
            const QString oper = el.attribute( "operation" ).toLower();
            const unsigned long long pos = el.attribute( "position" ).toLong();
            const long long size = el.attribute( "size" ).toLong();

            if ( oper == "scan" ) {
                // Scan Video Files
                if ( m_stage == stageUnknown || pos < m_bytesFinished ) {
                    const uint index = el.attribute( "id" ).remove( QRegExp( "sequence-" ) ).toUInt();

                    m_currentWrittenTrack = m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber );
                    emit newSubTask( i18n( "Scanning video file %1 of %2 (%3)" , index + 1 , doc() ->numOfTracks() , m_currentWrittenTrack->fileName() ) );
                    m_bytesFinished = 0;

                    if ( !firstTrack ) {
                        m_bytesFinishedTracks += m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber ) ->size();
                    } else
                        firstTrack = false;
                emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
                emit processedSubSize( pos / 1024 / 1024, size / 1024 / 1024 );

                // this is the first of three processes.
                double relOverallWritten = ( ( double ) m_bytesFinishedTracks + ( double ) pos ) / ( double ) doc() ->size();
                emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent * relOverallWritten ) );

                m_bytesFinished = pos;
                m_stage = stageScan;

            } else if ( oper == "write" ) {
                emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
                emit processedSubSize( ( pos * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024, ( size * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024 );
                emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent + ( m_createimageonlypercent * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) ) );

                m_stage = stageWrite;
            } else {
                return ;
        } else if ( tagName == "log" ) {
            QDomText tel = el.firstChild().toText();
            const QString level = el.attribute( "level" ).toLower();
            if ( tel.isText() ) {
                const QString text =;
                if ( m_stage == stageWrite && level == "information" )
                    qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) VcdxBuild information, %1" ).arg( text );
                if ( ( text ).startsWith( "writing track" ) )
                    emit newSubTask( i18n( "Creating Image for track %1" , ( text ).mid( 14 ) ) );
                else {
                    if ( level != "error" ) {
                        qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild warning, %1" ).arg( text );
                        parseInformation( text );
                    } else {
                        qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild error, %1" ).arg( text );
                        emit infoMessage( text, K3b::Job::MessageError );
Beispiel #14
void K3b::VcdJob::vcdxBuild()
    emit newTask( i18n( "Creating image files" ) );

    m_stage = stageUnknown;
    firstTrack = true;
    delete m_process;
    m_process = new K3b::Process();
    m_process->setSplitStdout( true );

    emit infoMessage( i18n( "Creating Cue/Bin files..." ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
    const K3b::ExternalBin* bin = k3bcore ->externalBinManager() ->binObject( "vcdxbuild" );
    if ( !bin ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) could not find vcdxbuild executable";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not find %1 executable." , QString("vcdxbuild") ), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "To create Video CDs you have to install VcdImager version %1." ,QString( ">= 0.7.12") ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from" ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        jobFinished( false );
        return ;

    if ( bin->version() < K3b::Version( "0.7.12" ) ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild executable too old!";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "%1 executable too old: need version %2 or greater." ,QString( "Vcdxbuild" ),QString( "0.7.12" )), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from" ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        jobFinished( false );
        return ;

    if ( !bin->copyright().isEmpty() )
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Using %1 %2 – Copyright © %3" , bin->name() , bin->version() ,bin->copyright() ), MessageInfo );

    *m_process << bin;

    // additional user parameters from config
    const QStringList& params = k3bcore->externalBinManager() ->program( "vcdxbuild" ) ->userParameters();
    for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
        *m_process << *it;

    if ( vcdDoc() ->vcdOptions() ->Sector2336() ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) Write 2336 Sectors = on";
        *m_process << "--sector-2336";

    *m_process << "--progress" << "--gui";

    *m_process << QString( "--cue-file=%1" ).arg( m_cueFile );

    *m_process << QString( "--bin-file=%1" ).arg( m_doc->vcdImage() );

    *m_process << d->xmlFile->fileName();

    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotParseVcdxBuildOutput(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
             this, SLOT(slotVcdxBuildFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) );

    // vcdxbuild commandline parameters
    qDebug() << "***** vcdxbuild parameters:";
    QString s = m_process->joinedArgs();
    qDebug() << s << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild command:", s );

    if ( !m_process->start( KProcess::MergedChannels ) ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) could not start vcdxbuild";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not start %1." , QString("vcdxbuild") ), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #15
void K3bGrowisofsWriter::start()

  d->lastWritingSpeed = 0;
  d->lastProgressed = 0;
  d->lastProgress = 0;
  d->firstSizeFromOutput = -1;
  d->lastSpeedCalculationTime = QTime::currentTime();
  d->lastSpeedCalculationBytes = 0;
  d->writingStarted = false;
  d->canceled = false;
  d->finished = false;

  if( !prepareProcess() ) {
    jobFinished( false );
  else {

    kdDebug() << "***** " << d->growisofsBin->name() << " parameters:\n";
    const QValueList<QCString>& args = d->process->args();
    QString s;
    for( QValueList<QCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
      s += *it + " ";
    kdDebug() << s << flush << endl;
    emit debuggingOutput( d->growisofsBin->name() + " command:", s);

    emit newSubTask( i18n("Preparing write process...") );

    // FIXME: check the return value
    if( K3b::isMounted( burnDevice() ) ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Unmounting medium"), INFO );
      K3b::unmount( burnDevice() );

    // block the device (including certain checks)
    k3bcore->blockDevice( burnDevice() );

    // lock the device for good in this process since it will
    // be opened in the growisofs process

    if( !d->process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All ) ) {
      // something went wrong when starting the program
      // it "should" be the executable
      kdDebug() << "(K3bGrowisofsWriter) could not start " << d->growisofsBin->path << endl;
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").arg(d->growisofsBin->name()), K3bJob::ERROR );
    else {
      if( simulate() ) {
	emit newTask( i18n("Simulating") );
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Starting simulation..."),
			  K3bJob::INFO );
      else {
	emit newTask( i18n("Writing") );
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Starting disc write..."), K3bJob::INFO );


      // create the ring buffer
      if( d->usingRingBuffer ) {
	if( !d->ringBuffer ) {
	  d->ringBuffer = new K3bPipeBuffer( this, this );
	  connect( d->ringBuffer, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SIGNAL(buffer(int)) );
	  connect( d->ringBuffer, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotRingBufferFinished(bool)) );

	d->ringBuffer->writeToFd( d->process->stdinFd() );
	bool manualBufferSize = k3bcore->globalSettings()->useManualBufferSize();
	int bufSize = ( manualBufferSize ? k3bcore->globalSettings()->bufferSize() : 20 );
	d->ringBuffer->setBufferSize( bufSize );

	if( !d->image.isEmpty() )
	  d->ringBuffer->readFromFd( d->inputFile.handle() );

Beispiel #16
void K3bIsoImager::slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(KProcess*, char* data , int len)
  emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", QString::fromLocal8Bit( data, len ) );
  m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.append( QString::fromLocal8Bit( data, len ) );
Beispiel #17
void K3bIsoImager::startSizeCalculation()
  d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
  if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
    jobFinished( false );


  delete m_process;
  m_process = new K3bProcess();

  emit debuggingOutput( "Used versions", "mkisofs: " + d->mkisofsBin->version );

  *m_process << d->mkisofsBin;

  if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
      !addMkisofsParameters(true) ) {
    jobFinished( false );

  // add empty dummy dir since one path-spec is needed
  // ??? Seems it is not needed after all. At least mkisofs 1.14 and above don't need it. ???
  //  *m_process << dummyDir();

  kdDebug() << "***** mkisofs calculate size parameters:\n";
  const QValueList<QCString>& args = m_process->args();
  QString s;
  for( QValueList<QCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
    s += *it + " ";
  kdDebug() << s << endl << flush;
  emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs calculate size command:", s);

  // since output changed during mkisofs version changes we grab both
  // stdout and stderr

  // mkisofs version >= 1.15 (don't know about 1.14!)
  // the extends on stdout (as lonely number)
  // and error and warning messages on stderr

  // mkisofs >= 1.13
  // everything is written to stderr
  // last line is: "Total extents scheduled to be written = XXXXX"

  // TODO: use K3bProcess::OutputCollector instead iof our own two slots.

  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)),
	   this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)) );
  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(const QString&)),
	   this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout(const QString&)) );
  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
	   this, SLOT(slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()) );

  // we also want error messages
  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine( const QString& )),
	   this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr( const QString& )) );

  m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = QString::null;
  m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr = QString::null;
  m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;

  if( !m_process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput ) ) {
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").arg("mkisofs"), K3bJob::ERROR );

    jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #18
void K3bIsoImager::slotProcessExited( KProcess* p )
  kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;

  m_processExited = true;


  emit debuggingOutput( "K3bIsoImager",
			QString("Pipe throughput: %1 bytes read, %2 bytes written.")
			.arg(d->pipe->bytesRead()).arg(d->pipe->bytesWritten()) );

  if( d->imageFile.isOpen() ) {

    if( m_canceled || p->exitStatus() != 0 ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Removed incomplete image file %1.").arg(d->, WARNING );

  if( m_canceled ) {
    emit canceled();
  else {
    if( p->normalExit() ) {
      if( p->exitStatus() == 0 ) {
	jobFinished( !mkisofsReadError() );
      else {
	switch( p->exitStatus() ) {
	case 104:
	  // connection reset by peer
	  // This only happens if cdrecord does not finish successfully
	  // so we may leave the error handling to it meaning we handle this
	  // as a known error

	case 2:
	  // mkisofs seems to have a bug that prevents to use filenames
	  // that contain one or more backslashes
	  // mkisofs 1.14 has the bug, 1.15a40 not
	  // TODO: find out the version that fixed the bug
	  if( m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes &&
	      !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->hasFeature( "backslashed_filenames" ) ) {
	    emit infoMessage( i18n("Due to a bug in mkisofs <= 1.15a40, K3b is unable to handle "
				   "filenames that contain more than one backslash:"), ERROR );

	  // otherwise just fall through

	  if( !d->knownError && !mkisofsReadError() ) {
	    emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 returned an unknown error (code %2).").arg("mkisofs").arg(p->exitStatus()),
			      K3bJob::ERROR );
	    emit infoMessage( i18n("Please send me an email with the last output."), K3bJob::ERROR );

	jobFinished( false );
    else {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 did not exit cleanly.").arg("mkisofs"), ERROR );
      jobFinished( false );

Beispiel #19
void K3bIsoImager::slotReceivedStderr( const QString& line )
  parseMkisofsOutput( line );
  emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", line );
Beispiel #20
void K3b::DvdFormattingJob::startFormatting( const Device::DiskInfo& diskInfo )
    // Now check the media type:
    // if DVD-RW: use d->mode
    //            emit warning if formatting is full and stuff
    // in overwrite mode: emit info that progress might stop before 100% since formatting will continue
    //                    in the background once the media gets rewritten (only DVD+RW/BD-RE?)

    // emit info about what kind of media has been found
    if( diskInfo.mediaType() & (Device::MEDIA_REWRITABLE_DVD | Device::MEDIA_BD_RE) ) {
        emit infoMessage( i18n("Found %1 medium.", Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.mediaType())),
                        MessageInfo );
    else {
        emit infoMessage( i18n("No rewritable DVD or BD medium found. Unable to format."), MessageError );
        d->running = false;

    bool format = true;  // do we need to format
    bool blank = false;  // blank is for DVD-RW sequential incremental
    // DVD-RW restricted overwrite and DVD+RW uses the force option (or no option at all)

    // DVD+RW/BD-RE is quite easy to handle. There is only one possible mode and it is always recommended to not
    // format it more than once but to overwrite it once it is formatted
    // Once the initial formatting has been done it's always "appendable" (or "complete"???)

    if( diskInfo.mediaType() & (Device::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_ALL | Device::MEDIA_BD_RE) ) {

        if( diskInfo.empty() ) {
            // The DVD+RW/BD is blank and needs to be initially formatted
            blank = false;
        else {
            emit infoMessage( i18n("No need to format %1 media more than once.",
                                   Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.mediaType())), MessageInfo );
            emit infoMessage( i18n("It may simply be overwritten."), MessageInfo );

            if( d->force ) {
                emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), MessageInfo );
                emit infoMessage( i18n("It is not recommended to force formatting of %1 media.",
                                       Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.mediaType())), MessageInfo );
                emit infoMessage( i18n("After 10-20 reformats the media might become unusable."), MessageInfo );
                blank = false;
            else {
                format = false;

        if( format )
            emit newSubTask( i18n("Formatting %1 medium", Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.mediaType())) );

    // DVD-RW has two modes: incremental sequential (the default which is also needed for DAO writing)
    // and restricted overwrite which compares to the DVD+RW mode.

    else {  // MEDIA_DVD_RW

        if( diskInfo.currentProfile() != Device::MEDIA_UNKNOWN ) {
            emit infoMessage( i18n("Formatted in %1 mode.",Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.currentProfile())), MessageInfo );

            // Is it possible to have an empty DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode???? I don't think so.

            if( diskInfo.empty() &&
                (d->mode == WritingModeAuto ||
                 (d->mode == WritingModeIncrementalSequential &&
                  diskInfo.currentProfile() == Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ) ||
                 (d->mode == WritingModeRestrictedOverwrite &&
                  diskInfo.currentProfile() == Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR) )
                ) {
                emit infoMessage( i18n("Media is already empty."), MessageInfo );
                if( d->force )
                    emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), MessageInfo );
                    format = false;
            else if( diskInfo.currentProfile() == Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR &&
                     d->mode != WritingModeIncrementalSequential ) {
                emit infoMessage( i18n("No need to format %1 media more than once.",
                                  Device::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.currentProfile())), MessageInfo );
                emit infoMessage( i18n("It may simply be overwritten."), MessageInfo );

                if( d->force )
                    emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), MessageInfo );
                    format = false;

            if( format ) {
                if( d->mode == WritingModeAuto ) {
                    // just format in the same mode as the media is currently formatted
                    blank = (diskInfo.currentProfile() == Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ);
                else {
                    blank = (d->mode == WritingModeIncrementalSequential);

                emit newSubTask( i18n("Formatting"
                                      " DVD-RW in %1 mode.",Device::mediaTypeString( blank ?
                                                                                     Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ :
                                                                                     Device::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR )) );
        else {
            emit infoMessage( i18n("Unable to determine the current formatting state of the DVD-RW medium."), MessageError );
            d->running = false;

    if( format ) {
        delete d->process;
        d->process = new Process();
        connect( d->process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)), this, SLOT(slotStderrLine(QString)) );
        connect( d->process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(slotProcessFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) );

        d->dvdFormatBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "dvd+rw-format" );
        if( !d->dvdFormatBin ) {
            emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find %1 executable.",QString("dvd+rw-format")), MessageError );
            d->running = false;

        if( !d->dvdFormatBin->copyright().isEmpty() )
            emit infoMessage( i18n("Using %1 %2 – Copyright © %3",d->dvdFormatBin->name(),d->dvdFormatBin->version(),d->dvdFormatBin->copyright()), MessageInfo );

        *d->process << d->dvdFormatBin;

        if( d->dvdFormatBin->version() >= Version( 4, 6 ) )
            *d->process << "-gui";

        QString p;
        if( blank )
            p = "-blank";
            p = "-force";
        if( d->formattingMode == FormattingComplete )
            p += "=full";

        *d->process << p;

        *d->process << d->device->blockDeviceName();

        // additional user parameters from config
        const QStringList& params = d->dvdFormatBin->userParameters();
        for( QStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
            *d->process << *it;

        qDebug() << "***** dvd+rw-format parameters:\n";
        QString s = d->process->joinedArgs();
        qDebug() << s << endl << flush;
        emit debuggingOutput( "dvd+rw-format command:", s );

        if( !d->process->start( KProcess::OnlyStderrChannel ) ) {
            // something went wrong when starting the program
            // it "should" be the executable
            qDebug() << "(K3b::DvdFormattingJob) could not start " << d->dvdFormatBin->path();
            emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.",d->dvdFormatBin->name()), Job::MessageError );
            d->running = false;
        else {
            emit newTask( i18n("Formatting") );
    else {
Beispiel #21
void K3bDvdFormattingJob::startFormatting( const K3bDevice::DiskInfo& diskInfo )
  // Now check the media type:
  // if DVD-RW: use d->mode
  //            emit warning if formatting is full and stuff
  // in overwrite mode: emit info that progress might stop before 100% since formatting will continue
  //                    in the background once the media gets rewritten (only DVD+RW?)

  // emit info about what kind of media has been found

  if( !(diskInfo.mediaType() & (K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW|
				K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW)) ) {
    emit infoMessage( i18n("No rewritable DVD media found. Unable to format."), ERROR );
    d->running = false;

  bool format = true;  // do we need to format
  bool blank = false;  // blank is for DVD-RW sequential incremental
  // DVD-RW restricted overwrite and DVD+RW uses the force option (or no option at all)

  // DVD+RW is quite easy to handle. There is only one possible mode and it is always recommended to not
  // format it more than once but to overwrite it once it is formatted
  // Once the initial formatting has been done it's always "appendable" (or "complete"???)

  if( diskInfo.mediaType() == K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW ) {
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Found %1 media.").arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW)),
		      INFO );

    // mode is ignored

    if( diskInfo.empty() ) {
      // The DVD+RW is blank and needs to be initially formatted
      blank = false;
    else {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("No need to format %1 media more than once.")
			.arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW)), INFO );
      emit infoMessage( i18n("It may simply be overwritten."), INFO );

      if( d->force ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), INFO );
	emit infoMessage( i18n("It is not recommended to force formatting of DVD+RW media."), INFO );
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Already after 10-20 reformats the media might be unusable."), INFO );
	blank = false;
      else {
	format = false;

    if( format )
      emit newSubTask( i18n("Formatting DVD+RW") );

  // DVD-RW has two modes: incremental sequential (the default which is also needed for DAO writing)
  // and restricted overwrite which compares to the DVD+RW mode.

  else {  // MEDIA_DVD_RW
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Found %1 media.").arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW)),
		      INFO );

    if( diskInfo.currentProfile() != K3bDevice::MEDIA_UNKNOWN ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Formatted in %1 mode.").arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.currentProfile())), INFO );

      // Is it possible to have an empty DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode???? I don't think so.

      if( diskInfo.empty() &&
	  (d->mode == K3b::WRITING_MODE_AUTO ||
	   (d->mode == K3b::WRITING_MODE_INCR_SEQ &&
	    diskInfo.currentProfile() == K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ) ||
	   (d->mode == K3b::WRITING_MODE_RES_OVWR &&
	    diskInfo.currentProfile() == K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR) )
	  ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Media is already empty."), INFO );
	if( d->force )
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), INFO );
	  format = false;
      else if( diskInfo.currentProfile() == K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR &&
	       d->mode != K3b::WRITING_MODE_INCR_SEQ ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("No need to format %1 media more than once.")
			  .arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(diskInfo.currentProfile())), INFO );
	emit infoMessage( i18n("It may simply be overwritten."), INFO );

	if( d->force )
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Forcing formatting anyway."), INFO );
	  format = false;

      if( format ) {
	if( d->mode == K3b::WRITING_MODE_AUTO ) {
	  // just format in the same mode as the media is currently formatted
	  blank = (diskInfo.currentProfile() == K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ);
	else {
	  blank = (d->mode == K3b::WRITING_MODE_INCR_SEQ);

	emit newSubTask( i18n("Formatting"
			      " DVD-RW in %1 mode.").arg(K3bDevice::mediaTypeString( blank ?
										     K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_SEQ :
										     K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR )) );
    else {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Unable to determine the current formatting state of the DVD-RW media."), ERROR );
      d->running = false;

  if( format ) {
    delete d->process;
    d->process = new K3bProcess();
    //      d->process->setSuppressEmptyLines(false);
    connect( d->process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotStderrLine(const QString&)) );
    connect( d->process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotProcessFinished(KProcess*)) );

    d->dvdFormatBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "dvd+rw-format" );
    if( !d->dvdFormatBin ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find %1 executable.").arg("dvd+rw-format"), ERROR );
      d->running = false;

    if( !d->dvdFormatBin->copyright.isEmpty() )
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Using %1 %2 - Copyright (C) %3").arg(d->dvdFormatBin->name()).arg(d->dvdFormatBin->version).arg(d->dvdFormatBin->copyright), INFO );

    *d->process << d->dvdFormatBin;

    if( d->dvdFormatBin->version >= K3bVersion( 4, 6 ) )
      *d->process << "-gui";

    QString p;
    if( blank )
      p = "-blank";
      p = "-force";
    if( !d->quick )
      p += "=full";

    *d->process << p;

    *d->process << d->device->blockDeviceName();

    // additional user parameters from config
    const QStringList& params = d->dvdFormatBin->userParameters();
    for( QStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
      *d->process << *it;

    kdDebug() << "***** dvd+rw-format parameters:\n";
    const QValueList<QCString>& args = d->process->args();
    QString s;
    for( QValueList<QCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
      s += *it + " ";
    kdDebug() << s << endl << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput( "dvd+rw-format command:", s );

    if( !d->process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All ) ) {
      // something went wrong when starting the program
      // it "should" be the executable
      kdDebug() << "(K3bDvdFormattingJob) could not start " << d->dvdFormatBin->path << endl;
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").arg(d->dvdFormatBin->name()), K3bJob::ERROR );
      d->running = false;
    else {
      emit newTask( i18n("Formatting") );
  else {
Beispiel #22
void K3bIsoImager::start()


  d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
  if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
    jobFinished( false );


  m_process = new K3bProcess();

  *m_process << d->mkisofsBin;

  // prepare the filenames as written to the image

  if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
      !addMkisofsParameters() ) {
    jobFinished( false );

  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
	   this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)) );

  connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine( const QString& )),
	   this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr( const QString& )) );

  // Check the image file
  if( m_fdToWriteTo == -1 ) {
    d->imageFile.setName( d->imagePath );
    if( !d-> IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not open %1 for writing").arg(d->imagePath), ERROR );

  // Open the active pipe which does the streaming
  delete d->pipe;
  if( m_doc->verifyData() )
    d->pipe = new K3bChecksumPipe();
    d->pipe = new K3bActivePipe();

  if( m_fdToWriteTo == -1 )
    d->pipe->writeToIODevice( &d->imageFile );
    d->pipe->writeToFd( m_fdToWriteTo );
  m_process->writeToFd( d->pipe->in() );

  kdDebug() << "***** mkisofs parameters:\n";
  const QValueList<QCString>& args = m_process->args();
  QString s;
  for( QValueList<QCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
    s += *it + " ";
  kdDebug() << s << endl << flush;
  emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs command:", s);

  if( !m_process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput) ) {
    // something went wrong when starting the program
    // it "should" be the executable
    kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) could not start mkisofs" << endl;
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").arg("mkisofs"), K3bJob::ERROR );
    jobFinished( false );
Beispiel #23
void K3b::Md5Job::stop()
    emit debuggingOutput( "K3b::Md5Job", QString("Stopped manually after %1 bytes.").arg(d->readData) );
    jobFinished( true );
Beispiel #24
bool K3bGrowisofsWriter::prepareProcess()
  d->growisofsBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" );
  if( !d->growisofsBin ) {
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find %1 executable.").arg("growisofs"), ERROR );
    return false;

  if( d->growisofsBin->version < K3bVersion( 5, 10 ) ) {
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Growisofs version %1 is too old. "
			   "K3b needs at least version 5.10.").arg(d->growisofsBin->version),
		      ERROR );
    return false;

  emit debuggingOutput( "Used versions", "growisofs: " + d->growisofsBin->version );

  if( !d->growisofsBin->copyright.isEmpty() )
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Using %1 %2 - Copyright (C) %3").arg("growisofs")
		      .arg(d->growisofsBin->version).arg(d->growisofsBin->copyright), INFO );

  // The growisofs bin is ready. Now we add the parameters
  delete d->process;
  d->process = new K3bProcess();
  //  d->process->setPriority( KProcess::PrioHighest );
  connect( d->process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(const QString&)) );
  connect( d->process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(const QString&)) );
  connect( d->process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)) );

  // growisofs < 5.20 wants the tracksize to be a multiple of 16 (1 ECC block: 16*2048 bytes)
  // we simply pad ourselves.
  // But since the writer itself properly pads or writes a longer lead-out we don't really need
  // to write zeros. We just tell growisofs to reserve a multiple of 16 blocks.
  // This is only releveant in DAO mode anyway.
  // FIXME: seems as we also need this for double layer writing. Better make it the default and
  //        actually write the pad bytes. The only possibility I see right now is to add a padding option
  //        to the pipebuffer.
  int trackSizePadding = 0;
  if( d->trackSize > 0 && d->growisofsBin->version < K3bVersion( 5, 20 ) ) {
    if( d->trackSize % 16 ) {
      trackSizePadding = (16 - d->trackSize%16);
      kdDebug() << "(K3bGrowisofsWriter) need to pad " << trackSizePadding << " blocks." << endl;

  *d->process << d->growisofsBin;

  // set this var to true to enable the ringbuffer
  d->usingRingBuffer = ( d->growisofsBin->version < K3bVersion( 6, 0 ) );

  QString s = burnDevice()->blockDeviceName() + "=";
  if( d->usingRingBuffer || d->image.isEmpty() ) {
    // we always read from stdin since the ringbuffer does the actual reading from the source
    s += "/dev/fd/0";
    s += d->image;

  if( d->multiSession && !d->multiSessionInfo.isEmpty() )
    *d->process << "-C" << d->multiSessionInfo;

  if( d->multiSession )
    *d->process << "-M";
    *d->process << "-Z";
  *d->process << s;

  if( !d->image.isEmpty() && d->usingRingBuffer ) {
    d->inputFile.setName( d->image );
    d->trackSize = (K3b::filesize( d->image ) + 1024) / 2048;
    if( !d-> IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
      emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not open file %1.").arg(d->image), ERROR );
      return false;

  // now we use the force (luke ;) do not reload the dvd, K3b does that.
  *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=notray";

  // we check for existing filesystems ourselves, so we always force the overwrite...
  *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=tty";

  bool dvdCompat = d->closeDvd;

  // DL writing with forced layer break
  if( d->layerBreak > 0 ) {
    *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=break:" + QString::number(d->layerBreak);
    dvdCompat = true;

  // the tracksize parameter takes priority over the dao:tracksize parameter since growisofs 5.18
  else if( d->growisofsBin->version > K3bVersion( 5, 17 ) && d->trackSize > 0 )
    *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=tracksize:" + QString::number(d->trackSize + trackSizePadding);

  if( simulate() )
    *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=dummy";

  if( d->writingMode == K3b::DAO ) {
    dvdCompat = true;
    if( d->growisofsBin->version >= K3bVersion( 5, 15 ) && d->trackSize > 0 )
      *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=dao:" + QString::number(d->trackSize + trackSizePadding);
      *d->process << "-use-the-force-luke=dao";
    d->gh->reset( burnDevice(), true );
    d->gh->reset( burnDevice(), false );

  // Never use the -dvd-compat parameter with DVD+RW media
  // because the only thing it does is creating problems.
  // Normally this should be done in growisofs
  int mediaType = burnDevice()->mediaType();
  if( dvdCompat &&
      mediaType != K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_PLUS_RW &&
      mediaType != K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_RW_OVWR )
    *d->process << "-dvd-compat";

  // Some DVD writers do not allow changing the writing speed so we allow
  // the user to ignore the speed setting
  int speed = burnSpeed();
  if( speed >= 0 ) {
    if( speed == 0 ) {
      // try to determine the writeSpeed
      // if it fails determineOptimalWriteSpeed() will return 0 and
      // the choice is left to growisofs which means that the choice is
      // really left to the drive since growisofs does not change the speed
      // if no option is given
      speed = burnDevice()->determineMaximalWriteSpeed();

    // speed may be a float number. example: DVD+R(W): 2.4x
    if( speed != 0 )
      *d->process << QString("-speed=%1").arg( speed%1385 > 0
					      ? QString::number( (float)speed/1385.0, 'f', 1 )
					      : QString::number( speed/1385 ) );

  if( k3bcore->globalSettings()->overburn() )
    *d->process << "-overburn";

  if( !d->usingRingBuffer && d->growisofsBin->version >= K3bVersion( 6, 0 ) ) {
    bool manualBufferSize = k3bcore->globalSettings()->useManualBufferSize();
    int bufSize = ( manualBufferSize ? k3bcore->globalSettings()->bufferSize() : 32 );
    *d->process << QString("-use-the-force-luke=bufsize:%1m").arg(bufSize);

  // additional user parameters from config
  const QStringList& params = d->growisofsBin->userParameters();
  for( QStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
    *d->process << *it;

  emit debuggingOutput( "Burned media", K3bDevice::mediaTypeString(mediaType) );

  return true;
Beispiel #25
void K3b::IsoImager::startSizeCalculation()
    d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
    if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
        jobFinished( false );


    delete m_process;
    m_process = new K3b::Process( this );

    emit debuggingOutput( QLatin1String( "Used versions" ), QString::fromLatin1( "mkisofs: %1").arg(d->mkisofsBin->version()) );

    *m_process << d->mkisofsBin;

    if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
        !addMkisofsParameters(true) ) {
        jobFinished( false );

    // add empty dummy dir since one path-spec is needed
    // ??? Seems it is not needed after all. At least mkisofs 1.14 and above don't need it. ???
    //  *m_process << dummyDir();

    qDebug() << "***** mkisofs calculate size parameters:";
    QString s = m_process->joinedArgs();
    qDebug() << s << endl << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs calculate size command:", s);

    // since output changed during mkisofs version changes we grab both
    // stdout and stderr

    // mkisofs version >= 1.15 (don't know about 1.14!)
    // the extends on stdout (as lonely number)
    // and error and warning messages on stderr

    // mkisofs >= 1.13
    // everything is written to stderr
    // last line is: "Total extents scheduled to be written = XXXXX"

    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
             this, SLOT(slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()) );

    // we also want error messages
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(QString)) );

    m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = QString();
    m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr = QString();
    m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;

    if( !m_process->start( KProcess::SeparateChannels ) ) {
        emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.",QString("mkisofs")), K3b::Job::MessageError );

        jobFinished( false );