  int i;
  Sequence * out;
  RandomModel * rm;
  RandomProteinDB * rdp;
  RandomDNADB * rddp;
  RandomModelDNA * rmd;

  rm = default_RandomModel();
  rmd = RandomModelDNA_std();

  rdp = new_flat_RandomProteinDB(rm,50);

  for(i=0;i<5;i++) {
    out = Sequence_from_RandomProteinDB(rdp);

  rddp = new_flat_RandomDNADB(rmd,50);

  for(i=0;i<5;i++) {
    out = Sequence_from_RandomDNADB(rddp);

ThreeStateDB * new_proteindb_ThreeStateDB(SequenceDB * sdb,CompMat * comp,int gap,int ext)
  ThreeStateDB * out;

  out = ThreeStateDB_alloc();
  out->sdb  =  hard_link_SequenceDB(sdb);
  out->comp =  hard_link_CompMat(comp);
  out->gap  = gap;
  out->ext  = ext;
  out->rm   = default_RandomModel();
  out->dbtype = TSMDB_PROTEIN;
  return out;

int main(int argc,char **argv)
  int i;
  AlignGeneModelParam * agmp;
  GeneStats * gs;
  GeneModelParam * gmp = NULL;
  CompProb * comp_prob;
  DnaProbMatrix * dm;
  CodonTable * ct;
  RandomModel * rm;

  Sequence * test;

  ct = read_CodonTable_file("codon.table");

  rm = default_RandomModel();

  comp_prob = read_Blast_file_CompProb("wag85");

  gmp = new_GeneModelParam_from_argv(&argc,argv);

  dm = DnaProbMatrix_from_match(0.8,NMaskType_VARIABLE);
  if((gs=GeneStats_from_GeneModelParam(gmp)) == NULL ) {
    fatal("Could not build gene stats");
  agmp = std_AlignGeneModelParam(comp_prob,dm,ct,gs);

  test = read_fasta_file_Sequence(argv[1]);
  for(i=0;i<test->len;i++) {
    fprintf(stdout,"%c ss5 %.6f ss3 %.6f\n",test->seq[i],prob_SpliceSiteProb(agmp->ss5,test,i),prob_SpliceSiteProb(agmp->ss3,test,i));

Beispiel #4
boolean build_objects(void)
  boolean ret = TRUE;
  Protein * pro_temp;
  Genomic * gen_temp;
  FILE * ifp;

  startend = threestatemodel_mode_from_string(startend_string);
  if( startend == TSM_unknown ) {
    warn("String %s was unable to converted into a start/end policy\n",startend_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( tstart_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(tstart_str,&tstart) == FALSE || tstart < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as target start",tstart);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( tend_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(tend_str,&tend) == FALSE || tend < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as target end",tend);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( is_integer_string(gap_str,&gap) == FALSE ) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as gap penalty (must be integer at the moment)",gap_str);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( is_integer_string(ext_str,&ext) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not make %s out as gap penalty (must be integer at the moment)",ext_str);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_embl == FALSE ) {
    if( (gen = read_fasta_file_Genomic(dna_seq_file,length_of_N)) == NULL ) {
      ret = FALSE;
      warn("Could not read genomic sequence in %s",dna_seq_file);
      gen = NULL;
  } else {
    embl = read_EMBL_GenomicRegion_file(dna_seq_file);
    if( embl == NULL ) {
      warn("Could not read genomic EMBL file in %s",dna_seq_file);
      gen = NULL;
      ret = FALSE;
    } else {
      gen = hard_link_Genomic(embl->genomic);

  if( gen != NULL ) {

    if( tstart != -1 || tend != -1 ) {
      if( tstart == -1 )
	tstart = 0;
      if( tend == -1 ) 
	tend = gen->baseseq->len;
      gen_temp = truncate_Genomic(gen,tstart-1,tend);
      if( gen_temp == NULL ){
	ret = FALSE;
      } else {
	gen = gen_temp;
    } else {
      /* no truncation required */

    if( reverse == TRUE ) {
      if( tstart > tend ) {
	warn("You have already reversed the DNA by using %d - %d truncation. Re-reversing",tstart,tend);
      gen_temp = reverse_complement_Genomic(gen); 
      gen = gen_temp;

   * Can't truncate on GenomicRegion (for good reasons!).
   * but we want only a section of the EMBL file to be used
   * So... swap genomic now. Positions in EMBL are still valid,
   * however - some genes will loose their sequence, which will be damaging. ;)

  if( is_embl ) {
    embl->genomic = hard_link_Genomic(gen); /* pointer could be dead anyway ;) */

  if( target_abs == TRUE ) {
    if( is_embl == TRUE ) {
      warn("Sorry you can't both use absolute positioning and EMBL files as I can't cope with all the coordinate remapping. You'll have to convert to fasta.");
      ret =  FALSE;

    gen->baseseq->offset = 1;
    gen->baseseq->end  = strlen(gen->baseseq->seq);

  if( alg_str != NULL ) {
    alg = gwrap_alg_type_from_string(alg_str);
  } else {
    if( use_tsm == TRUE ) {
      alg_str = "623L";
    } else {
      alg_str = "623";
    alg = gwrap_alg_type_from_string(alg_str);

  if( qstart_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(qstart_str,&qstart) == FALSE || qstart < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as query start",qstart);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( qend_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(qend_str,&qend) == FALSE || qend < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as query end",qend);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( use_tsm == FALSE ) {
    if( startend != TSM_default && startend != TSM_global && startend != TSM_local && startend != TSM_endbiased) {
      warn("Proteins can only have local/global/endbias startend policies set, not %s",startend_string);
      ret = FALSE;
    if( (pro = read_fasta_file_Protein(protein_file)) == NULL ) {
      ret = FALSE;
      warn("Could not read Protein sequence in %s",protein_file);
    } else {
      if( qstart != -1 || qend != -1 ) {
	if( qstart == -1 )
	  qstart = 0;
	if( qend == -1 ) 
	  qend = pro->baseseq->len;
	pro_temp = truncate_Protein(pro,qstart-1,qend);
	if( pro_temp == NULL ){
	  ret = FALSE;
	} else {
	  pro = pro_temp;
  } else {
    /** using a HMM **/
    /*tsm = read_HMMer_1_7_ascii_file(hmm_file);*/
    /*tsm = Wise2_read_ThreeStateModel_from_hmmer1_file(hmm_file);*/
    tsm = HMMer2_read_ThreeStateModel(hmm_file);
      if( tsm == NULL ) {
	warn("Could not read hmm from %s\n",hmm_file);
	ret = FALSE;
      }  else {
	if( hmm_name != NULL ) {
	  if( tsm->name != NULL ) 
	  tsm->name = stringalloc(hmm_name);
	if( tsm == NULL ) {
	  warn("Could not read %s as a hmm",hmm_file);
	/** have to set start/end **/
  } /* end of else tsm != NULL */

  if( main_block_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(main_block_str,&main_block) == FALSE ) {
      warn("Could not get maximum main_block number %s",main_block_str);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(subs_string,&subs_error) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",subs_error);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(indel_string,&indel_error) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",indel_error);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(allN_string,&allN) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",allN_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( strcmp(cfreq_string,"model") == 0 ) {
    model_codon = TRUE;
  } else if ( strcmp(cfreq_string,"flat") == 0 ) {
    model_codon = FALSE;
  } else {
    warn("Cannot interpret [%s] as a codon modelling parameter\n",cfreq_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( strcmp(splice_string,"model") == 0 ) {
    model_splice = TRUE;
  } else if ( strcmp(splice_string,"flat") == 0 ) {
    model_splice = FALSE;
    gmp->use_gtag_splice = TRUE;
  } else {
    warn("Cannot interpret [%s] as a splice modelling parameter\n",splice_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( strcmp(null_string,"syn") == 0 ) {
    use_syn = TRUE;
  } else if ( strcmp(null_string,"flat") == 0 ) {
    use_syn = FALSE;
  } else {
    warn("Cannot interpret [%s] as a null model string\n",null_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( strcmp(intron_string,"model") == 0 ) {
    use_tied_model = FALSE;
  } else if ( strcmp(intron_string,"tied") == 0 ) {
    use_tied_model = TRUE;
  } else {
    warn("Cannot interpret [%s] as a intron tieing switch\n",intron_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( (rm = default_RandomModel()) == NULL) {
    warn("Could not make default random model\n");
    ret = FALSE;

  if( use_new_stats == 0 ) {
    if( (gf = read_GeneFrequency21_file(gene_file)) == NULL) {
      ret = FALSE;
      warn("Could not read a GeneFrequency file in %s",gene_file);
  } else {
    if( (gs = GeneStats_from_GeneModelParam(gmp)) == NULL ){
      warn("Could not read gene statistics in %s",new_gene_file);
  } /* end of else using new gene stats */

  if( (mat = read_Blast_file_CompMat(matrix_file)) == NULL) {
    if( use_tsm == TRUE ) {
      info("I could not read the Comparison matrix file in %s; however, you are using a HMM so it is not needed. Please set the WISECONFIGDIR or WISEPERSONALDIR variable correctly to prevent this message.",matrix_file);
    } else {
      warn("Could not read Comparison matrix file in %s",matrix_file);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( (ct = read_CodonTable_file(codon_file)) == NULL) {
    ret = FALSE;
    warn("Could not read codon table file in %s",codon_file);

  if( (ofp = openfile(output_file,"W")) ==  NULL) {
    warn("Could not open %s as an output file",output_file);
    ret = FALSE;

  rmd = RandomModelDNA_std();
  return ret;

PfamHmmer1DB * PfamHmmer1DB_from_dirname(char * dirname)
  char buffer[512];
  PfamHmmer1DB * out;
  FILE * ifp;
  char * runner;
  PfamHmmer1Entry * en;

  if( dirname == NULL ) {
    warn("passed through a NULL dirname into PfamHmmer1DB!");
    return NULL;
  if( (ifp= openfile(buffer,"r")) == NULL ) {
    warn("Could not open %s as PfamHmmer1DB file list",buffer);
    return NULL;

  out = PfamHmmer1DB_alloc_std();
  out->def = default_RandomModel();
  out->dirname = stringalloc(dirname);

  while( fgets(buffer,512,ifp) != NULL ) {
    if( (runner=strtok(buffer,spacestr)) == NULL) {
      continue; /* silently */
    en  = PfamHmmer1Entry_alloc();
    en->entryname = stringalloc(runner);
    if( (runner=strtok(NULL,spacestr)) == NULL) {
      warn("Got a bad HMM.s line for a Pfam db. Skipping");
    if( strstr(runner,"hmmls") != NULL ) {
      en->is_hmmls = TRUE;
    } else {
      en->is_hmmls = FALSE;

    if( strstr(runner,"-r") != NULL ) {
      en->is_random = TRUE;
    } else {
      en->is_random = FALSE;

    if( (runner=strtok(NULL,spacestr)) == NULL) {
      warn("Got a bad HMM.s line for a Pfam db. Skipping");

    if( is_double_string(runner,&en->bits_cutoff) == FALSE ) {
      warn("%s does not look like a bits cutoff to me. Calling it 25",en->entryname,runner);
      en->bits_cutoff = 25;

  return out;
Beispiel #6
boolean build_objects(void)
  boolean ret = TRUE;
  Protein * pro_temp;
  SequenceDB * psdb;

  startend = threestatemodel_mode_from_string(startend_string);
  if( startend == TSM_unknown ) {
    warn("String %s was unable to converted into a start/end policy\n",startend_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( use_single_dna == TRUE ) {
    cdna = read_fasta_file_cDNA(dna_seq_file);
    if( cdna == NULL ) {
      warn("Could not open single dna sequence in %s",dna_seq_file);
      ret = FALSE;
  } else {
    sdb = single_fasta_SequenceDB(dna_seq_file);
    if( sdb == NULL ) {
      warn("Could not build a sequence database on %s",dna_seq_file);
      ret = FALSE;

  rm = default_RandomModel();

  if( (mat = read_Blast_file_CompMat(matrix_file)) == NULL) {
    if( use_tsm == TRUE ) {
      info("I could not read the Comparison matrix file in %s; however, you are using a HMM so it is not needed. Please set the WISECONFIGDIR or WISEPERSONALDIR variable correctly to prevent this message.",matrix_file);
    } else {
      warn("Could not read Comparison matrix file in %s",matrix_file);
      ret = FALSE;
  if( is_integer_string(gap_str,&gap) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not get gap string number %s",gap_str);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_integer_string(ext_str,&ext) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not get ext string number %s",ext_str);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( qstart_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(qstart_str,&qstart) == FALSE || qstart < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as query start",qstart);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( qend_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(qend_str,&qend) == FALSE || qend < 0) {
      warn("Could not make %s out as query end",qend);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( aln_number_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(aln_number_str,&aln_number) == FALSE || aln_number < 0) {
      warn("Weird aln number string %s...\n",aln_number_str);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( report_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(report_str,&report_stagger) == FALSE ) {
      warn("Weird report stagger asked for %s",report_str);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( use_pfam1 == TRUE ) {
    tsmdb = new_PfamHmmer1DB_ThreeStateDB(protein_file);
    if( set_search_type_ThreeStateDB(tsmdb,startend_string) == FALSE) {
      warn("Unable to set global/local switch on threestatedb");
      ret = FALSE;

  } else if ( use_pfam2 == TRUE ) {
    tsmdb = HMMer2_ThreeStateDB(protein_file);
    if( set_search_type_ThreeStateDB(tsmdb,startend_string) == FALSE) {
      warn("Unable to set global/local switch on threestatedb");
      ret = FALSE;

  } else if ( use_tsm == TRUE) {
    /** using a HMM **/

    tsm = HMMer2_read_ThreeStateModel(protein_file);

    if( tsm == NULL ) {
      warn("Could not read hmm from %s\n",protein_file);
      ret = FALSE;
    }  else {

      if( hmm_name != NULL ) {
	if( tsm->name != NULL ) 
	tsm->name = stringalloc(hmm_name);
      } else {
	if( tsm->name == NULL ) {
	  tsm->name = stringalloc(protein_file);

      /** have to set start/end **/

      tsmdb = new_single_ThreeStateDB(tsm,rm);
      if( tsmdb == NULL ) {
	warn("Could not build a threestatemodel database from a single tsm. Weird!");
	ret = FALSE;
    } /* end of else tsm != NULL */
  } /* end of else is tsm */
  else if( use_single_pro ) {

    if( startend != TSM_default && startend != TSM_global && startend != TSM_local ) {
      warn("Proteins can only have local/global startend policies set, not %s",startend_string);
      ret = FALSE;

    if( (pro = read_fasta_file_Protein(protein_file)) == NULL ) {
      ret = FALSE;
      warn("Could not read Protein sequence in %s",protein_file);
    } else {
      if( qstart != -1 || qend != -1 ) {
	if( qstart == -1 )
	  qstart = 0;
	if( qend == -1 ) 
	  qend = pro->baseseq->len;

	pro_temp = truncate_Protein(pro,qstart-1,qend);
	if( pro_temp == NULL ){
	  ret = FALSE;
	} else {
	  pro = pro_temp;

      if( startend == TSM_global) 
	tsm = global_ThreeStateModel_from_half_bit_Sequence(pro,mat,rm,-gap,-ext);
	tsm = ThreeStateModel_from_half_bit_Sequence(pro,mat,rm,-gap,-ext);

      if( tsm == NULL ) {
	warn("Could not build ThreeStateModel from a single protein sequence...");
	ret = FALSE; 
      } else {
	tsmdb = new_single_ThreeStateDB(tsm,rm);
	if( tsmdb == NULL ) {
	  warn("Could not build a threestatemodel database from a single tsm. Weird!");
	  ret = FALSE;
      } /* end of could build a TSM */
    } /* else is a real protein */  

  } /* end of else is single protein */
  else if (use_db_pro == TRUE ) {
    psdb = single_fasta_SequenceDB(protein_file);
    tsmdb = new_proteindb_ThreeStateDB(psdb,mat,-gap,-ext);
  else {
    warn("No protein input file! Yikes!");

  if( use_tsm == FALSE ) {
  } else {

  if( main_block_str != NULL ) {
    if( is_integer_string(main_block_str,&main_block) == FALSE ) {
      warn("Could not get maximum main_block number %s",main_block_str);
      ret = FALSE;

  if( evalue_search_str != NULL && is_double_string(evalue_search_str,&evalue_search_cutoff) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",evalue_search_str);
    ret = FALSE;
  if( is_double_string(search_cutoff_str,&search_cutoff) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",search_cutoff_str);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(subs_string,&subs_error) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",subs_error);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(indel_string,&indel_error) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",indel_error);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( is_double_string(allN_string,&allN) == FALSE ) {
    warn("Could not convert %s to a double",allN_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( strcmp(null_string,"syn") == 0 ) {
    use_syn = TRUE;
  } else if ( strcmp(null_string,"flat") == 0 ) {
    use_syn = FALSE;
  } else {
    warn("Cannot interpret [%s] as a null model string\n",null_string);
    ret = FALSE;

  if( alg_str != NULL ) {
    alg = alg_estwrap_from_string(alg_str);
  } else {
    alg_str = "312";
    alg = alg_estwrap_from_string(alg_str);

  if( aln_alg_str != NULL ) {
    aln_alg = alg_estwrap_from_string(aln_alg_str);
  } else {
    /* if it is a protein, don't loop */
    if( use_single_pro == TRUE || use_db_pro == TRUE ) 
      aln_alg_str = "333";
      aln_alg_str = "333L";
    aln_alg = alg_estwrap_from_string(aln_alg_str);

  if( (rm = default_RandomModel()) == NULL) {
    warn("Could not make default random model\n");
    ret = FALSE;

  if( (ct = read_CodonTable_file(codon_file)) == NULL) {
    ret = FALSE;
    warn("Could not read codon table file in %s",codon_file);

  if( (ofp = openfile(output_file,"W")) ==  NULL) {
    warn("Could not open %s as an output file",output_file);
    ret = FALSE;

  rmd = RandomModelDNA_std();

  cps = flat_cDNAParser(indel_error);
  cm = flat_CodonMapper(ct);

  return ret;

int main(int argc,char **argv)
  FiveStateFrameSet * frame;
  FiveStateModel * fsm;
  FiveStateScore * fss;

  RandomModel * rm;

  ProteinDB * proteindb;
  DBSearchImpl * dbsi;
  Hscore * hs;

  double gathering_cutoff = 0.0;
  double bits;
  int i;

  dbsi = new_DBSearchImpl_from_argv(&argc,argv);


  if( argc != 3 ) {

  rm = default_RandomModel();

  frame = read_FiveStateFrameSet_file(argv[1],"block.str");
  if( frame == NULL ) 
    fatal("Unable to make FiveStateModel from context %s, block.str file",argv[1]);
  fsm   = FiveStateModel_from_FiveStateFrameSet(frame);
  /*    dump_FiveStateModel(fsm,stdout); */
  fsm->name = stringalloc(argv[1]);

  /* converts probabilities to integers for calculation */
  fss = FiveStateScore_from_FiveStateModel(fsm);

  proteindb = single_fasta_ProteinDB(argv[2]);

  if( proteindb== NULL )
    fatal("Unable to make proteindb from %s",argv[2]);

  hs = std_score_Hscore(Probability2Score(gathering_cutoff)-10,-1);


  fprintf(stdout,"\n\n#High Score list\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"#Protein ID                 DNA Str  ID                        Bits Evalue\n");  

  for(i=0;i<hs->len;i++) {
    bits = Score2Bits(hs->ds[i]->score);
    if( bits < gathering_cutoff ) {

    fprintf(stdout,"Protein %-20sDNA [%c] %-24s %.2f\n",hs->ds[i]->query->name,hs->ds[i]->target->is_reversed == TRUE ? '-' : '+',hs->ds[i]->target->name,bits);

Beispiel #8
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
    int i;

    DPRunImpl * dpri = NULL;
    GeneModelParam * gmp = NULL;
    GeneModel * gm = NULL;

    FILE * ifp;
    SeqAlign   * al;
    PairBaseSeq * pbs;

    ComplexSequenceEval * splice5;
    ComplexSequenceEval * splice3;
    ComplexSequence * cseq;

    CompMat * score_mat;
    CompProb * comp_prob;
    RandomModel * rm;

    PairBaseCodonModelScore * codon_score;
    PairBaseModelScore* nonc_score;

    PairBaseCodonModelScore * start;
    PairBaseCodonModelScore * stop;

    SyExonScore * exonscore;

    PackAln * pal;
    AlnBlock * alb;

    Genomic * genomic;
    GenomicRegion * gr;
    GenomicRegion * gr2;
    Protein * trans;

    StandardOutputOptions * std_opt;
    ShowGenomicRegionOptions * sgro;

    char * dump_packaln = NULL;
    char * read_packaln = NULL;
    FILE * packifp = NULL;

    boolean show_trans    = 1;
    boolean show_gene_raw = 0;

    ct = read_CodonTable_file(codon_table);
      score_mat = read_Blast_file_CompMat("blosum62.bla");
      comp_prob = CompProb_from_halfbit(score_mat);
    rm = default_RandomModel();

    comp_prob = read_Blast_file_CompProb("wag85");


    dpri = new_DPRunImpl_from_argv(&argc,argv);
    if( dpri == NULL ) {
        fatal("Unable to build DPRun implementation. Bad arguments");

    gmp = new_GeneModelParam_from_argv(&argc,argv);

    std_opt = new_StandardOutputOptions_from_argv(&argc,argv);
    sgro = new_ShowGenomicRegionOptions_from_argv(&argc,argv);

    dump_packaln = strip_out_assigned_argument(&argc,argv,"dump");
    read_packaln = strip_out_assigned_argument(&argc,argv,"recover");

    if( argc != 2 ) {

    if((gm=GeneModel_from_GeneModelParam(gmp)) == NULL ) {
        fatal("Could not build gene model");

    codon_score = make_PairBaseCodonModelScore(comp_prob);
    nonc_score  = make_PairBaseModelScore();

    splice5 = ComplexSequenceEval_from_pwmDNAScore_splice(gm->splice5score);
    splice3 = ComplexSequenceEval_from_pwmDNAScore_splice(gm->splice3score);

    if((ifp = openfile(argv[1],"r")) == NULL ) {
        fatal("Could not open file %s",argv[1]);

    al = read_fasta_SeqAlign(ifp);

    assert(al->len == 2);
    assert(al->seq[0]->len > 0);
    assert(al->seq[1]->len > 0);

    /*  write_fasta_SeqAlign(al,stdout);*/

    pbs = new_PairBaseSeq_SeqAlign(al);

    if( read_packaln == NULL ) {
        cseq = ComplexSequence_from_PairBaseSeq(pbs,splice5,splice3);

    start = make_start_PairBaseCodonModelScore(ct);
    stop  = make_stop_PairBaseCodonModelScore(ct);

    /*  show_PairBaseCodonModelScore(stop,ct,stdout); */

      for(i=0;i<pbs->anchor->len;i++) {
        printf("%3d  %c For %-6d %-6d %c Rev %-6d %-6d\n",i,pbs->anchor->seq[i],

    /*  show_ComplexSequence(cseq,stdout);


    exonscore = SyExonScore_flat_model(100,150,0.1,1.0);
    for(i=0;i<cseq->length;i++) {
      fprintf(stdout,"%d PairSeq is %d score %d\n",i,CSEQ_PAIR_PAIRBASE(cseq,i),nonc_score->base[CSEQ_PAIR_PAIRBASE(cseq,i)]);

    if( read_packaln != NULL ) {
        packifp = openfile(read_packaln,"r");
        if( packifp == NULL ) {
            fatal("File %s is unopenable - ignoring dump command",dump_packaln);
        } else {
            pal = read_simple_PackAln(packifp);
    } else {
        pal = PackAln_bestmemory_SyWise20(exonscore,cseq,codon_score,nonc_score,start,stop,Probability2Score(1.0/100.0),Probability2Score(1.0/10000.0),Probability2Score(1.0/10.0),NULL,dpri);

    alb = convert_PackAln_to_AlnBlock_SyWise20(pal);

    if( dump_packaln != NULL ) {
        packifp = openfile(dump_packaln,"w");
        if( packifp == NULL ) {
            warn("File %s is unopenable - ignoring dump command",dump_packaln);
        } else {

    genomic = Genomic_from_Sequence(al->seq[0]);
    gr = new_GenomicRegion(genomic);
    gr2 = new_GenomicRegion(genomic);



    return 0;